HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-08-2001 Clerical MINUTES CLERICAL COMMITTEE City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot May 8, 2001 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Jim Hartford, Larry Sarff, Craig West, Mary Fillingham Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, Attorney Ron Weber, Bob Molleck, David Nidiffer, Kevin Meade, Steve White, Chief Stanko, Chief Elam, Gary Orwig, Clif O'Brien, Linda Caudle, Clark Wilson, George Spahn, John Froehling, Tony Lee, Michael Noyes, Pam Smith, Patty Franzoni, Joe Ginger Finance Committee Jim Hartford, Chairman Bills were reviewed and discussed. Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send the bills to council for action. Voice vote, motion carved. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to place a '/< page ad in the Spoon River Scenic Drive Program Booklet at a cost of $40.00. Under discussion, Alderman Sarff noted that we have done this several years to support the drive and Linda will create the ad as in the past. Voice vote, motion carried. Chief Elam suggested that the City look into taking fuel bids that are effective fora 3 to 6 month period. Currently each department accepts bids for its usage. Combining all users may enable a better price. Clif O'Brien will research this and prepare specifications on fuel grades, estimated amounts and will contact the 3 local suppliers. He hopes to have a bid opening at the Street Committee Meeting. Mayor Bohler asked committee to approve hiring a locksmith to change the locks in city hall because there are several keys that are outstanding. After the locks are changed he suggested that the City Clerk have accountability for issuing keys and for getting them returned. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to allow changing the locks at city hall. Voice vote, motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to approve the purchase of a dissolved oxygen meter and probe for the wastewater plant from Thomas Scientific for $1761 plus shipping. Voice vote, motion carried. Clif O'Brien presented a report on the demolition of 449 W. Locust, done in-house. Total cost - $7,232.88. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to direct city attorney Weber to proceed with the necessary action to place a lien on the property and to check the status of the liens on properties at 416 S. Ave. B and the Painter Building on Elm and Van Buren. Motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to allow Clif O'Brien to rent two mowing tractors for 3 to 4 months, as needed, at a cost of $500 each per month. Voice vote, motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to proceed with the completion of the new maintenance building which includes work by a licensed plumber at a cost of $1500 and insulation and wall coverings at a cost of $2,000. Under discussion it was noted that the old maintenance building was sold to the Salvation Army for $33,000 and the new building, unfinished, was $29,000. It was also noted that the Salvation Army would like to get into their building as soon as possible. Voice vote, motion carried. Clif reported that the new city hall has large fire proof cabinets, safes, carpeting and lights that need to be moved out of the building and stored for approximately 3 months to allow for the remodeling work. Because of the size of this equipment, city crews are unable to move it and the city has no place to store it. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarf~, seconded by Alderman West to contact Best Way to move the items at a cost of $700, one way, and to contract for open storage at Monterey for approximately 3 to 4 months at $50.00 per month. Voice vote, motion carried. Clif reported that Richard Moore of Bond Eye Associates, now leasing space in the new city hall, called to complain about the contractors in the building and the problems they are having in continuing to operate their office. Clif said that it's a problem between the architect -Phillips and Associates, and the contractor and he really should not intervene. He will contact Bill Phillips to have him take care of this situation as soon as possible. Mayor Bohler commented that he wants to make sure that the city doesn't hinder the business now in the building during our remodeling. No action was required at this time. Chief Stanko reported he has received grant funds in the amount of $1497 to purchase a new defibrillator. He requested permission to purchase the required instructional video and software at an additional cost of $169. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to allow this purchase. Voice vote, motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to authorize the yearly Dam Inspection and report to IDNR by Maurer Stutz at a cost of $850 out of the operating budget. Under discussion it was noted that this is required for the City's permit. Voice vote, motion carried. Alderman West asked if the committee would approve paying the cost for the newly elected officials to attend the Illinois Municipal League Conference in Springfield June 1~` and 2nd. This conference is designed for newly elected officials. Cost of registration is $100 per person and lodging is $75.00. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to approve the registration and lodging for all elected officials interested in attending the Illinois Municipal League Conference in Springfield June 1~` & 2nd. Voice vote, motion carried. The Finance Committee adjourned. 2 Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee Larry Sarff, Chairman Mayor Bohler reported that he spoke with Rick Tieken, President of the Public Works Union. They are requesting an initial meeting with the City. After discussion, the meeting was set for Tuesday, May 15, 2001, 5:30 p.m. at the City Building. This announcement serves as official notice to the press, all of which were present. The meeting will be in executive session. A Motion was made by Alderman Hartford, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to instruct the city attorney to draw up a contract between the City and former City Treasurer Pat Wright, to allow for one month's additional pay, without benefits, while she trains the new treasurer and completes the year end reports. The pay will be $2,080 or 1/12' of her total salary. Voice vote, motion carried. No other business was discussed. The committee adjourned. Community & Industrial Development Committee Craig West, Chairman Chairman West gave a brief report on the Canton Community Resources Group which will plan to meet with the committee at a future date. Having no other business the committee adjourned. Legal & Ordinance Committee Mary Fillingham, Chairman The committee discussed the temporary appointment ordinance which was sent back to committee from the Council. Alderman Sarff said the intent of the ordinance was to define temporary. Alderman Molleck said that there have not been any problems in the past and doesn't feel the new ordinance is necessary. Mayor Bohler said that the Illinois Municipal Code sets the guidelines that the municipalities are to follow in accordance with the law. He felt that the ordinance is changing temporary appointments when these appointments and how they are handled are already defined by the Municipal League. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Hartford to have copies of the code distributed to the aldermen for review and discussed at the next Legal and Ordinance Committee. Voice mote, motion carried. Zoning Officer Clark Wilson asked the committee to consider updating the City Codes. ISO informed him that the City could enhance their rating by adopting the 2000 codes. City Engineer Bob Anderson and Chief Stanko agree. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Hartford to recommend to Council that the City adopt the 2000 International Building Code and the supporting volumes at a total cost of $566, which includes 2 sets plus 3 Illinois State Plumbing Codes. Voice vote, motion carried. The proposed ordinance for a part time Budget Administrator and the job description were discussed. This position would be salaried with no benefits and the hours would vary with more hours during the budget planning period. A Motion was made by Alderman Hartford, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send the ordinance to council for action. Voice vote, motion carried. Alderman Sarff asked Attorney Weber about the current law suit by Mr. Howard. Mr. Weber said he will meet with Mr. Howard and is investigating the law suit and is working with the City's insurance carriers to see if there is any coverage. Mayor Bohler asked the committee to consider broadcasting the committee meetings to keep the public more informed of local government activities. He spoke with Joe Ginger about broadcasting the committee meetings live, taping them and replaying them on Monday evening and Tuesday prior to the council meeting. He is currently paid $200 for broadcasting the council meetings and would do the two additional meetings for $200 which would make his monthly fee $400. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Hartford to allow Joe Cringer to broadcast the committee meetings monthly and replay them prior to the council meetings, for an additional fee of $200 per month. Voice mote, motion carried. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarf~, seconded by Alderman Hartford to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel salaries. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes -Aldermen Molleck, Hartford, Sarff, West, and Fillingham. Nays -none. Motion unanimous. Minutes of the executive session are on file. The committees reconvened in open session. Alderman Hartford made a Motion to recommend to council that all non-union full time employees receive a 3% pay increase, with the exception of the Mayor's secretary whose salary has been set, and part time employees receive a 10 cent an hour increase. He also recommends that with the 3% increase the Deputy Chiefls salary be placed at $57,680. The motion includes all department heads to pay 1% of their salary towards their insurance plan. Motion seconded by Alderman Fillingham. Voice vote, motion carried. No other business was discussed, and the committee adjourned. Recorded by Linda Caudle 4