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City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot
September 10, 2002 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Jim Hartford, Mary Filliugham, Larry Sarff, Craig West
Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, Bob Molleck, Les Carl, Ron Weber, Chief Stanko,
Chief Edwards, Gary Orwig, Steve White, Clif O'Brien, Clark Wilson, Linda Caudle, Joe
Gin er, John Froehling, Colin Edwards, Dan Oaks
Mayor Bohler called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with introduction of committees.
Finance Committee
Jim Hartford, Chairman
Bills were discussed. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by
Alderman FiWngham to send the list of bills to council for approval. Voice vote,
motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Hartford, seconded by Alderman Sarff to hold
over the Ameritech Contract until the October meeting pending further
information. Voice vote, motion carried.
The audit memo from Jim Hocker, City of Canton's accountant, will be discussed in
executive session and action will be taken in open session immediately following the
executive session.
Mayor Bohler suggested that the purchase order limit for the City's Department Heads be
increased from $500 to $1,000, and anything over $500 must receive prior approval from
the mayor. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman
Fillingham to recommend to council that the purchase order limit be increased to
$1,000 with everything over $500 requiring prior approval of the mayor. Voice vote,
motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send
to council for approval, request from the fire department to purchase 5 bunker
coats and 4 bunker pants (personal protection equipment) at a cost of $5,980.00.
Under discussion, Chief Stanko noted that the life expectancy of the equipment is 5 years
and the equipment they are replacing is 7 years old. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to
recommend to council going out for bids for a new leaf vacuum and truck bed boxes
in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00. Under discussion, Clif O'Brien said that
because of the success of the leaf program the collection capacity needs to be increased,
and the purchase of another machine will cut down on overtime costs. Voice vote,
motion carried.
Clif informed the committee that the City's waste drop off area will be open to the public
for yard waste and leaf drop offfrom 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday
during October and November, depending on the weather.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to send to
council for approval the request from the Water Plant to repair the back-wash
lagoon pump at a cost of $1943.00 plus shipping for parts. Voice vote, motion
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to recommend
council approve the 1-year warranty inspection on the Standpipe for $2,230.00 and
the inspection on the Van Buren water tower at a cost of $2,360.00 for a total
expenditure of $4,590.00 to Dixon Engineering. Under discussion, Steve White said to
do both at the same time will save the city additional money. Voice vote, motion carried.
Chief Edwards requested permission to purchase two new in-car video camera systems to
replace two current systems that have failed. One was donated in 1992 and the other was
purchased in 1996 for the K-9 unit. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded
by Alderman Fillingham to recommend council approve the purchase of two new in-
carvideo camera systems by the police department for the state bid of $3,298.00
each with one unit paid for out of the drug forfeiture fund. Voice vote, motion
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Sarll<to recommend
council allow the police department to purchase replacement bends in the amount
of $1,872.20 from Drapery Designs in Canton. Voice vote, motion carried. The
committee adjourned.
Legal & Ordinance Committee
Mary Fillingham, Chairman
Attorney Ron Weber asked the committee if they had any additional comments regarding
the Open Burning Ordinance Revisions discussed at the last meeting. The revisions are
only for clarification on commercial burning and include the same restrictions on
recreational fires as on the burning of lawn materials. Currently recreational fires are not
addressed in the Ordinance. Alderman Sarff asked if we would look at revising the
amount of the fines imposed for violations. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff,
seconded by Alderman Hartford to bring the revised Ordinance to the next City
Council Meeting for action. Voice vote, motion carried.
Colin Edwards of Maurer Stutz Engineers recommended to the committee that the city
move forward with proper procedures on the water treatment plant sludge removal
project. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Hartford
to recommend that Council enter into an agreement with the low bidder on the
water treatment plant sludge removal project and give notice to the bidder to
proceed, contingent upon receiving the required bond and insurance document and
the acceptance of those documents by the City Attorney and the Engineer.
No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Colin Edwards informed the committee that 3 bids were opened September 6~' on the
demolition of the Drow Building. Two were non-responsive. The apparent low bidder is
River City of Peoria with a base bid of $79,391.00 and the alternate bid to maintain the
front wall of $94,982.00. River City feels saving the front would be a liability issue and
additional costs could be incurred. Alderman Molleck said he feels we need to go with
the base bid because of the liability issue. Brad Smith from the audience asked
permission to address the committee. He said he felt a lot of the Drow Building is
structurally sound and could be saved. He said Rick Lillie was willing to turn the
building over to him if City would allow it. He proposes tearing down the back portion
and putting a new roof on the front portion and then remodel the front portion for
occupancy. Mr. Smith said he is a licensed roofer. He also said that Bud Grieves in
Peoria has offered him some assistance. Mayor Bohler invited Mr. Smith to stop by his
office to pick up a packet of information. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff,
seconded by Alderman Hartford to hold over the notice of the demolition award
until the Council Meeting and to have Attorney Jim Elson present for discussion at
that meeting. Voice vote, motion carried.
Steve White presented a "Final Notice Before Disconnection" for committee's review.
There are approximately 100 residents that have not allowed the water department to
change their water meters in accordance with the new meter project. Steve mentioned a
few minor wording changes that he will make at the suggestion of the Mayor. A Motion
was made by Alderman Hartford, seconded by Alderman Sarffto allow the water
department to proceed with sending out the "Final Notice Before Disconnection" to
persons who have not allowed the department to change their meters. Under discussion
Steve White noted that there would not be a re-connection fee charged. Voice vote,
motion carried.
For information only the Mayor reminded everyone that there is a sign ordinance
regarding political signs and that they can not be put up until 31 days prior to the election
date. No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Community & Industrial Development Committee
Craig West, Chairman
Chairman West noted that there was a written report from Linda Caudle on an update of
activities. He invited everyone to attend the City's Memorial to the victims of 91 1,
tomorrow beginning at noon in Jones Park. Linda added that Monday she received
notification from the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs in Springfield
that the application for the expansion of the Enterprise Zone to assist in the Ethanol Plant
Project had been approved and certification was given to the Department of Revenue and
the Secretary of State. She is now working on the application to extend the Enterprise
Zone an additiona110 years. She added that Todd Fletcher's new building at the corner
of E. Elm and 1 ~` Avenue is now occupied and it is a great addition to the area.
Clark Wilson said there was nothing new to report on the IH Brownsfield Update.
Mayor Bohler reminded the Aldermen that they are invited to ride in the Friendship
Festival Pazade this Saturday. No other business was discussed and the committee
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
Steve White informed the committee that he has been in contact with several Temp
Employment Service Providers regarding part-time employees. Manpower is no longer
providing this service to the City. There are 8 part-time employees in the City, which aze
included in this group. After discussions with several services he recommends STS
Temps at a rate of $8.89 per hour. Manpower's rate was $9.20 an hour. A Motion was
made by Alderman Hartford, seconded by Alderman West to recommend Council
approve the transfer of the City's part time accounts to STS Temps at a rate of $8.89 per
hour. Voice vote, motion carried.
Dan Oaks, representing the City's Insurance Committee presented an amendment to the
Health Benefit Plan. Existing language: "Short-term physical therapy, occupational
or speech therapies. (Limited to 20visits/calendar yr. For physical therapy.)"
Recommended change: "Short-term physical therapy, occupational or speech
therapies. (Limited to 20-visits/calendar year per occurrence/procedure, with up to
an additiona110 visits upon review and consent of the Insurance Committee.)" After
discussion regazding limits, a Motion was made by Alderman Hartford, seconded by
Alderman Fillingham to bring to the next Council Meeting a Resolution to Amend
the Health Benefit Plan to read as follows: "Short-term physical therapy,
occupational or speech therapies. (Limited to 20-visits/calendar year per
occurrence/procedure, with a maximum number of 40 visits.)"
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Hartford to enter
into executive session for the purpose of negotiations on the fire union contract,
grievance, and personnel Roll call vote as follows: Ayes -Aldermen Hartford,
Fillingham, West, Sazff, Molleck and Carl. Motion unanimous.
The committee reconvened in open session. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff,
seconded by Alderman Hartford to send to council for approval the request from
Jim Hockey, C.P.A., for an increase in audit fees for the year ended Apri130, 2002 in
the amount of $4,640 for the General Fund and $640 for the Water & Sewer Fund
and allow the additional audit time of approximately 16 hours to reconcile bank
accounts for May, June and July 2002. Voice vote, motion carried. Executive Session
Minutes aze on file. No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Recorded by Lando Caudle