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City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot
July 9, 2002 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Jim Hartford, Mazy Fillingham, Larry Sazff, Craig West
Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, Ron Weber, Les Carl, Chief Stanko, Chief
Edwards, Gary Orwig, Greg Pollitt, Tom Reid, Clazk Wilson, Linda Caudle, Joe Ginger,
John Froehlin ,Ton Lee, Dave Maurer
Mayor Bohler called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with introduction of committees.
Finance Committee
Jim Hartford, Chairman
Bills were discussed. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by
Alderman Fillingham to send the bills to council for action. Voice vote, motion
There was no Budget Report available for this meeting.
Alderman Cazl, in keeping with the Lake Development Committee's plan to improve the
lake area, presented a memo regazding 4 lights in the boat dock azea. The cost of the
lighting would be $35.29 monthly and would be paid from the camping fees and boat
license fees. A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman
Fillingham to have the City Attorney draft a resolution for the nett council meeting
to install 4 lights at the boat dock at a cost of $35.29 per month.. Voice vote, motion
Mayor Bohler told the committee that the floor mats in City Hall are leased and cleaned
at a cost of approximately $2700 a year. Mats could be purchased by the City for about
$1200 and cleaned by the janitorial service at no extra charge. He added that quotes will
be brought before council or committee when available.
Greg Pollitt discussed the Water Department's request to purchase a new Van to replace
the two older vehicles in the meter reading department. One is a 1989 model and the
other a 1991. A cargo van would provide the necessary space required for the new meter
reading equipment. Through the State of Illinois' Bidding Program the City could
purchase the van for $17,660. Mayor Bohler said that the new vehicle was proposed to
the council when the original plan was discussed for the new water meter installation
program. A Motion was made by Alderman Fillingham, seconded by Alderman
West to approve the purchase of a new cargo van for the water department through
the State Bidding Program in the amount of $17,660. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send
to council for approval the pay request from Leander Construction for $35,107.20.
Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to approve the
final pay request to Laverdiere for the water transmission line in the amount of
$97,791.27, contingent upon receiving all final lien wavers or receiving an
indemnification agreement. Voice vote, motion carried.
No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned
Legal & Ordinance Committee
Mary Fillingham, Chairman
City Attorney Ron Weber updated the committee on the new Telecommunications Tax
Act that went into affect July 1 ~. Notice will be published at the end of this month
showing the rate the City will receive. If we want to increase the rate to the maximum of
6% we can pass an Ordinance to change whatever we are currently receiving. There are
other options such as including in the ordinance waiving the tax to other local
governmental units and offering a rebate of a portion of the tax to those residents over
age 65. Attorney Weber added that this year we will see a loss of $25,000 in photo
processing taxes that we will not receive due to the Governor's cuts. This is for
information only. No action can be taken until the notice is published at the end of this
Dave Maurer of Maurer Stutz Engineers presented a work order confirmation to prepare
specs and plans for the demolition of the Drow Building. The engineering fee will be
approximately $4,000 to come from their retainer fee. If they do additional engineering
to prepare specs for the retention of the front wall their fee will increase by an additional
$3500. Plans for the standing shared wall include its repair and sealing to provide a
finished look. Mayor Bohler told the committee that when we try to recoup the
demolition charges from the owner we cannot include any additional work on saving the
front wall and the engineering fees cannot be recaptured from the owner. A Motion was
made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to approve the work order
from Maurer Stutz Engineers in the amount of $4,000 for the basic fee for
demolition of the Drow Building plus $3500 to develop specs for retaining the front
wall in order to receive two bid options. Voice vote, motion carried.
Alderman Fillingham added to the agenda a request to change parking on Avenue B
between Pine and Elm Streets to the west side of the street instead of the east side.
Alderman Hartford made a Motion, seconded by Alderman West to have the City
Attorney prepare an ordinance for council changing the parking on Ave. B from
Pine and Ehn to the west side of the street. Voice vote, motion carried.
No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Community & Industrial Development Committee
Craig West, Chairman
Alderman West congratulated the fireworks committee on a great celebration on July 4`~'.
He updated the committee on community development. The Wastewater Improvement
Project was awarded a $25,000 planning grant from DCCA. It was a very competitive
grant prepared and submitted by Western Illinois Regional Council assisted by Colin
Edwazds of Maurer Stutz Engineers, Gary Orwig and Linda Caudle. Last month a
Community Block Grant Rehab Loan from 1982 was paid in full in the amount of
$6,434. Linda reported that things are moving forwazd on the expansion of the Enterprise
Zone. The public hearing was being held this evening at the Fulton County Board
Meeting. When the application is approved she will begin preparing the application to
extend the Enterprise Zone another 10 years after it expires December 31, 2003. An
Ordinance and Resolution will be coming to council when all of the documentation is
received from the public heazing. She added that another Canton business has expanded
and moved to a new location. Shandi's Music has renovated the building at 35 East Side
Square and increased their inventory.
Clark Wilson provided a written update on the IH Brownsfield Site. No other business
was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
Attorney Weber announced that there will be an executive session immediately following
the City Council Meeting July 16~' for the purpose of negotiations on the fire union
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Recorded by Linda Caudle