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City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot
February 12, 2002 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Larry Sarff, Mary Fillingham, and Craig West
Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, Attorney Ron Weber, Dave White, Chief Stanko, Chief
Elam, Gary Orwig, Steve White, Clif O'Brien, George Spahn, Linda Caudle, Joe Ginger, John
Finance Committee
Jim Hartford, Chairman
The Committee Meetings were opened and introduced by Mayor Bohler.
Due to the absence of Alderman Hartford, Alderman Sarff presided. Bills were discussed. Chief
Elam asked to add two bills to the list: SRA Alarms for $314.73 and Computer Connections for
$89.75 to come out of the new building account. Both bills will be reimbursed to the City by the
contractor's insurance. A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman
Fillingham to send the list of bills to council as amended. Voice vote, motion carried.
Budget Administrator Dave White brought before the members a memo relating to the
expenditures and revenues of the garbage department. In past years revenues were more than
expenditures. The additional money was placed in reserve to purchase new garbage trucks. This
year the expenditures will exceed revenues by $47,222. The difference is covered by the general
fund. Mayor Bohler said the garbage department should not continue to operate with money
from the general fund. He suggested raising the garbage fees by one dollar a month to $6.00 to
cover the difference. The increase in expenditures is due mainly to increasing landfill fees, now
$28.50/ton. Dave suggested the committee address this issue on a more frequent basis so that
increases can be made a little at a time if needed. A Motion was made by Alderman Fillingham,
seconded by Alderman West to direct Attorney Weber to amend the current ordinance to $6.00 a
month garbage fees and bring the amended ordinance to the next council meeting. Voice vote,
motion carried.
As an informational item Clif O'Brien said that fuel bids will be brought before the next
Mechanical meeting and Linda will place the ad in the newspaper.
Steve White addressed the WIRC (Western Illinois Regional Council) final payment request for
contractual and administrative costs for work on the water project grants - CDAP 00 24216. A
Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send the bill from
WIRC for $5,625.00 to council for payment out of the grant funds. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council f,
a request from Chief Stanko for the annual ladder testing by American Test Center in the amount
of $1630 out of the operating budget. Under discussion, Chief Stanko noted that this testing is
required by the Illinois Department of Labor, ISO and NFPA1500. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to recommend to
council the renewal of the National Fire Code Subscription in CD Rom format for three years for
$1470. Under discussion Chief Stanko said that by subscribing for athree-year period the fire
department will save $225. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
the change order from Mauer Stutz Engineers for additional standpipe work done by Thomas
Industrial in the amount of $1492 to be paid out of the EPA Loan. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
the pay request from Mauer Stutz Engineers for Badger Meter in the amount of $145,842.25.
Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
the 4`" pay request from Mauer Stutz Engineers for Laverdiere in the amount of $59,755.00.
Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
the 4`" pay request from Crawford, Murphy and Tilly Engineers for Leander Construction in the
amount of $21,870.00. Voice vote, motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
change order #1 for the filter rehabilitation work in the amount of $20,817.21. Voice vote,
motion carried.
A Motion was made by Alderman West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to send to council
change order #2 from Crawford, Murphy and Tilly Engineers for work to be done by Leander in
the amount of $6,832.56. Under discussion Steve said this is for the placement of a seal and
gasket to keep water from going over the front wall. Voice vote, motion carried.
Clif O'Brien asked the committee for permission to work with the city attorney to draw up specs
and advertise for bids for professional janitorial work for the new city building/police
department, Historic Depot and the Public Safety Building. A Motion was made by Alderman
West, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to allow Clif O'Brien to go out for bids for professional
janitorial services as requested and to prepare bid specs with the assistance of the city attorney.
Voice vote, motion carried.
No other business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Legal & Ordinance Committee
Mary Fillingham, Chairman
Dave White addressed the only item on the agenda regarding bid requirements. He distributed a
copy of the city's ordinance along with a copy of the state statutes, noting the city's ordinance is
18 years old and needs to be fine tuned to coincide with the state statutes. Attorney Weber stated
that the city's ordinance is more restrictive than the state statutes. A Motion was made by
Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West to have Attorney Weber draft changes in the
current ordinance and bring it before the next council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried.
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Community & Industrial Development Committee
Craig West, Chairman
Under the update, Alderman West reminded the public of IDOT's (Illinois Department of
Transportation) informational meeting at Wallace Park at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night regarding
the 5` Avenue project. He also informed the committee that the Canton Heritage Committee
will present another free public program at the Historic Depot on March 10`" at 1:30 p.m. This
one will feature an extensive display of mounted butterflies and there will be discussion on
planting a butterfly garden. Linda continued the update with information on the proposed
Ethanol plant (Central Illinois Energy). The 280 acre site will be located 3 '/2 miles south of
Canton off Route 78. In order to assist this $40 million project the City has been asked, along
with the County, to give their support by applying for the expansion of the Canton Fulton County
Enterprise Zone. We serve as the lead agency in the application. It is easier and more expedient
to expand our enterprise zone than for the county to apply for another one. Attorney Weber,
Mike Smith, plant manager and Linda met with Tom Henderson, State of Illinois Enterprise
Zone Administrator, who provided Linda with information on applying for the expansion. Linda
added that in order for the ethanol plant to benefit from the enterprise zone designation the
council would need to be willing to approve the concept of extending the zone another ten years
when it expires December 31, 2003. The county board will hold a public hearing on March 12"',
therefore the city will not be required to hold a public hearing. A Motion was made by
Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman Fillingham to allow Linda to move forward with the
application process. Voice vote, motion carried.
Clark Wilson was not present but provided a written report on the IH Brownsfield Site.
Alderman West read the report. The Redevelopment Advisory Council ;will meet March 14`h
with representatives from the USEPA, IEPA and our consultants.
No further business was discussed and the committee adjourned.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee
Larry Sarff, Chairman
A Motion was made by Alderman Fillingham, seconded by Alderman West to enter into
executive session for the purpose pending or threatening litigation on the Drow Building and for
negotiations on the fire union contract. Roll call: Ayes -Aldermen Sarff, West and Fillingham.
Nays -none. Motion unanimous
The committee reconvened in open session for the purpose of adjournment and added that there
will be an executive session next Tuesday following the council meeting for the purpose of
negotiations with the fire union. Motion made by Alderman Sarff, seconded by Alderman West
to adjourn. Motion carried. Recorded by Linda Caudle