HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-2003 MechanicalMINUTES MECHANICAL COMMITTEE City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot May 27, 2003 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Aldermen Jim Hartford, Robert Molleck, Elny Harn, Rick Reed. Other Aldermen present were Craig West, Larry Sarff, Les Carl,& Mary Fillingham. Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Patty Franzoni, City Attorney Ron Weber, Fire Chief John Stanko, Police Chief Don Edwards, Public Works Director Clif O'Brien, WWT Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Zoning Officer Clark Wilson, Street Supt. George Spahn. Joe Ginger Video Services, News media - Daily Ledger John Froehling, WBYS Seth Tempco. Also in the audience were some of the members of the Police Force, Pamela Smith, Mayor's Secretary, Dash Wilson, Vic Kovachevich Sr., Alderman Harn's uncle, and 2 unidentified Public Safety & Traffic Committee Robert Molleck, Chairman Mayor Bohler invited the citizens and employees of the City to come this Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and again 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. to celebrate the retirement party for Bill Moore as a meter reader for the Water Department. Fire Report -John Stanko, Chief. John gave a few brief comments about his report. Fire alarms increased, while EMS alarms decreased. Service calls are 25% of the alarms, mostly service calls our burning complaints. Bradley University donated a computer to ESDA and State Farm Insurance donated office equipment to ESDA. Mayor Bohler thanked each for their generous donations. Police Report -Don Edwards, Chief. Don said the department received a new Dell computer, HP printer and scanner through a grant from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children to become part of the Locator Program. This system is also compatible with the national AMBER Alert Notification Program. Danny Barnes of Havana completed a 15-week law enforcement internship from Western Illinois University with our Department. Justin Nelson of Canton has just begun his 12-week internship also through WIU. Mayor Bohler expressed that it is not realized by the public all the work the Police/Fire do behind the scenes, and I very much appreciate all that they do. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget. Will discuss the Budgets after the Executive Session is adjourned and the committee comes back into open session. Temporary Firefighter appointment. To postpone a decision until after the Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 has been discussed. 1 Mechanical meeting 5-27-03 The meeting of Public Safety & Traffic adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Streets & Garbage Committee Jim Hartford, Chairman Fuel Bids. Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Reed, to open the bids. Voice vote n carried unanimously. Bidders: Gas Plus B Diesel Plus B Riverland FS, Inc $1.173 4 $1.101 4 Quick Oil $1.1457 5 $10958 5 Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Reed, to send the bids to staff for review. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Gabby Days. Clif O'Brien recommended June 21 and 22 with pickup the following week during garbage route pickup. Tipping fees last year cost the City $3,000. Items will not pick up are tires, car parts, batteries, appliances, or yard waste. There are 2 guys who will pick up TV's and refrigerators if leave out after Gabby Days. The Streets & Garbage Committee adjourned at 6:51 p.m. Parking on South side of Square on Elm Street. Mayor Bohler mentioned that when the safety study was completed, was decided on not having trucks, SW or vans parked along the South side of Elm Street. Mayor Bohler said a turn lane will be added so those leaving the parking space will have more room, so parking has to be removed to allow this. Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Harn, the city attorney instructed to draft an ordinance allowing for no parking on the south side of square on Elm Street. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The Streets & Garbage Committee adjourned at 6:37 p.m. Lake Buildings & Grounds Committee Rick Reed, Chairman Bid Openings -Old City Building at 210 East Chestnut. Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Hartford, to open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Bidders: Suzanne Ginger On behalf of the Turret Investors Group of Farmington, Il bid $12,000. Their plan is to have art events, and retail shops. Charles A. Fitz-Hugh of Mundelein, Il bid $15,050. His plan is to run an upscale shop, as well as have space for a downstate studio/living quarters. Edward Lowe of Canton, Il bid is $17,100. His plan is to seek out professional level and retail business tenants, and keeping the basic architectural integrity. 2 Mechanical meeting 5-27-03 Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Hartford, to send the bids to staff. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Alderman Reed mentioned the Public Restrooms at the Lake slab has been poured, and the restrooms should be completed next week. Mayor Bohler asked Greg Pollitt if weeds could be sprayed? Greg said they could! The Lake, Building & Grounds Committee adjourned at 6:47 p.m. Public Works, Water & Sewer Committee Elny Harn, Chairman Community Water Suauly Testing -WTP. Greg Pollitt Superintendent of the Water Treatment Plant explained, it is time to renew the Lab Fee program with the Illinois EPA. this will be the last year of a three-year agreement to provide this service at this price. Motion and second Aldermen Harn/Molleck, to allow the expenditure of $17,100 for the renewal of the Lab Fee program with the Illinois EPA. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Seek Bids for Sludge Removal -WTP. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Hartford, to accept Maurer Stutz Inc. bid proposal to prepare bidding and contract documents for removal and disposal of sludge from the Water Treatment Plant lagoons at a cost of $4,100. (The advertisement for bids by the week of June 9, 2003.) Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Bohler stated that the funds of the Water Department can not be used to help the General Fund. This is a different fund and cannot be used in any other department. Motion and second by Aldermen Harn/Hartford, to adjourn the Public Works, Water & Sewer committee, and to reconvene the committee meeting of Public Safety & Traffic after the Executive Session. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION -PURPOSE OF NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL - POLICE CONTRACT. AND A RESOLUTION FOR APPOINTED EMPLOYEES SALARIES. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Hartford, to go into executive session for the purpose of negotiations with regard Police contract, and discussion of Resolution for Appointed Personnel. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Hartford, Molleck, Harn Reed. NAYS -None. Motion carried. The Mechanical Committee meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. Mechanical meeting 5-27-03 The Executive Session for Negotiations of Police Contract and, Resolution for Appointed Employees Salaries adjourned at 8:33 p.m. The committee meeting of Public Safety & Traffic reconvene at 8:33 p.m. Mayor Bohler thanked everyone for waiting while the committee was in executive session. RESOLUTION -APPOINTED EMPLOYEES SALARIES. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Reed, the resolution be sent to next City Council meeting. Discussion. Alderman Sarff asked at what rates? Mayor Bohler said leave as was presented first time until Budgets are approved. Any raise given will be retroactive from May 1, 2003. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Fiscal Year 2003 - 2004 Budget. Mayor Bohler said the administration has handed out a balance budget. And commends the Public Works Department, as they came offering consentaneous. Any water line breaks will now be charged to the Water Department. The Fire Department consentaneous they will be using comp time for over time. At the end of the year this will be looked at, if at that time the city cannot afford over time, the agreement between us will be carried over until the comp time can be used up. Since in contract talk with Police, they cannot say anything nor make any consentaneous. Alderman Molleck commented that the budget of the police department personnel is lower when he left as Police Chief 12 years ago. Alderman Molleck said he was more concerned about police officers and public safety than anything else. Because the fact is, the police cannot fmd money any where else. But they have to cut their budget 15% is unfair. Because all they can do is cut people, and I don't believe we can afford that. This is my argument. Alderman Molleck stated on of letting the public make the choice if they want cuts in services in November when'/2 % sales tax increase will be on the ballot. Mayor Bohler said we went through the budgets today of administration, and he feels administration is willing to make cuts if council will approve. Clark Wilson, I'm sure would be willing to take comp time instead of over time, this will save $2,000. We're paying one person's insurance coverage that should not be in the budget, that is another savings of $4,100. Budgeted $1,700 for phone upgrade, don't need to upgrade further. All training too cease, will save us $6,200. Cost $4,500 for physicals, with the hiring freeze now in affect, we can take that out of the Budget. When the old city building is sold will save $1,000 on insurance. Mayor Bohler said that what he would like to do with the former city building, take out of bidding and lets try the real estate market. And put the money where it will save these jobs. I do not want to accept the bids that just came in, as they are too low. Total savings on all of the cuts is close to $100,000, which is not enough money. 4 Mechanical meeting 5-27-03 Alderman Sarff said, we can cut Rotary payments from administration of 1, fire of 1 and police of 1. The Police department keeping all employees, and wait until November. Alderman Sazff questioned the administration budget of Long Term Debt Retirement of $20,000. Mayor Bohler said this was caught by Alderman West, and was just a typo, the amount should be $5,000. Alderman Molleck asked Police Chief Don Edwazds what are the cost to keep two employees of the three proposed cuts down the road? Don said he would figure that cost and give him a copy. Alderman Molleck ask the chief if he could put the Resource Officer back on the street? Don said yes, we talked about doing that! The school can only give the City $26,000 towazds his pay this yeaz, which is $10,0001ess. Alderman Les Carl ask Don Edwards, could the Resource Officer work part time for the school and the City? Don commented that Denny Brown is also the Daze Officer. Do you want to give up the Daze program or the Resource Officer? Alderman Fillingham said that a lot of schools have given up their Daze Program, but want the Resource Officer. Don Edwards ask, do we have to determine if we want him there in the morning or afternoon, and the calls come in all day? Alderman Sazff stated, what we aze saying is, can you do it? Mayor Bohler said the Dare officer is there for good information, and ask Don Edwazds if weapons have been found in the school? Don answered yes, a few, and also drugs, and also aggravated battery cases against teachers. Don said this entire budget is focused on the police department, and we don't have anything but service. We can't donate back, other departments can and don't have to lose employees. If your priority is safety, and we aze service oriented, how can we make cuts? Our department has the biggest budget and 91 % aze personnel, so we don't have much leeway. Mayor Bohler said he wanted to keep all of the employees, our budget will have a $40,000 short fall. We will take a good look at this Budget again in November and after the police contract is signed. We will not balance the budget on the backs of property owners. The Telecommunication Tax will only keep us afloat. Later on someone will be making harder consentaneous and there will be lay offs from every department. Mayor Bohler said he did not have any problems with the changes made, but will take a closer look in November. Alderman Sazff said he had calls from his constituents suggesting going for a volunteer fire department. Mayor Bohler, this could be a referendum in November. Alderman Molleck said let the taxpayers decide if they want services. 5 Mechanical meeting 5-27-03 Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Reed, to go with the direction of changes made by staff, and send the Budget to the City Council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The committee meeting of Public Safety & Traffic adjourned at 9:14 p.m. The Executive Session minutes are on file in the office of the City Clerk for review. Recording Secretary, ~~~'-~ZL ~~~~ Nancy Whites, City Clerk 6