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City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot
December 9, 2003 - 6:30 p.m
Members Present: Aldermen Les Carl, Mary Fillingham, Craig West, Larry Sarff.
Other Aldermen Present: Jim Hartford, Elny Harn, Rick Reed. Alderman Bob Molleck
is out of the City until February 1, 2004. Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, City Clerk
Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Patty Beaird Franzoni, City Attorney Ron Weber, Fire
Chief John Stanko, Police Chief Don Edwards, Public Works Director Clif O'Brien,
Wastewater Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Zoning Officer Clark
Wilson, Street Supt. George Spahn, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, Video
Services Joe Ginger, News Media -John Froehling of Daily Ledger, WBYS sent a
Finance Committee
Les Carl, Chairman
Bills for November. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, all bills properly
approved be referred to council for payment, and the added bill from Vandewall in the
amount of $5,529.50. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer's Report. Patty Beaird Franzoni wants to present the report next week at the
Council meeting because she just got the canceled checks back and she has not had time
to reconcile the accounts. Motion and second by Aldermen Fillingham/West, to allow
the Treasurer to make her report at the December 16 Council meeting. Voice vote,
motion carried unanimously.
Computer upgrades -Billing Department (Greg Pollitt). Greg Pollitt Supt. Water
Department mentioned the cost break down is a comparison of equipment and
components that are required to meet our needs in the Billing office, Clerk's office, and
Treasurer's office. The equipment change is needed due to equipment failure, required
software upgrades that has made some of the key components outdated and ineffective,
and due to the age of the equipment that is showing signs of immediate failure. Quotes
were received from Lincor in the amount of $1,434.88, plus $89.98; PSO $1,470.00, plus
$198.00; Locis $1,560.00, plus $110.00; Brooks Tech $1,659.11, plus $86.04. Greg is
asking permission to move forward with the purchasing of the upgrades for the billing
department computers and other computers on the LOCIS System. Greg is
recommending to go with the lowest quote, which came from Lincor Computer Solutions
of Canton. Alderman Sarff asked Greg how many computers does this represent? Greg
answered 3 from the Water/Administration Billing Department for $4,394.62, 1 for
Wastewater Treatment at a cost of $1,524.86, and 1 from the General Fund for the
Clerk/Treasurer office at a cost of $2,869.76. Supt. Joe Carruthers of the Wastewater
Treatment Plant said he has needed a computer to help in the lab because of changes from
the State level since Mazch. Alderman Sazff suggested upgrading one of the old
computers for Joe. Alderman Cazl wants to approve the purchases if Joe Carruthers
cannot get the upgrades to one of the old computers. Greg Pollitt mentioned that the
price might change since we asked for bids on 6 computers. Motion and second by
Aldermen Sazff/West, to recommend to city council to accept the low bid from Lincor
Computer Solutions in the amount of $4,394.62 from Water/Billing Administration,
$1,524.86 from Wastewater Treatment Plant, and $2,869.76 from General Fund, and to
ask for quotes from Del and Gateway. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
The Finance Committee meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.
Legal & Ordinance Committee
Mary Fillingham, Chairman
Tax Lew Ordinance. Budget Director Julie Smick said this on the agenda in case you
have any questions or want further discussion. The Aldermen did not make any
Resolution for Cooperation Agreement with Fulton County. Kathy Lockenvitz,
Business Development Executive with Ameren is requesting the City expend their
Enterprise Zone to include the Duck Creek Facility. Kathy mentioned they aze wanting
the plant in the Enterprise Zone and some azeas around the plant. Alderman Sazff asked
Kathy what are the benefits for the City of Canton? Kathy said the people will use your
city for hotels, restaurants, movies, and additional construction. Alderman Sazff asked
how much money has Ameren put into this? Kathy said she had no information to shaze.
Motion and second by Aldermen CarUWest, the Resolution for Cooperation Agreement
with Fulton County be sent to the January 20~' Council meeting. Voice vote, motion
carried unanimously.
Ordinance Initiating and Cooperatively Designating & Enterprise Zone. Motion
and second by Aldermen CarUWest, the Ordinance be sent to the January 20`", 2004
Council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution for Pre-Annexation Agreement -Ronald & Ardith Geier. Motion and
second by Aldermen CazUSazff, to send the Resolution to the January 20`h Council
meeting. Discussion. The area will be on the old West Maple line, according to Clif
O'Brien Public Works Director.
Fulton County Humane Society Pro'e~ Ct• Alderman Fillingham mentioned that the
Humane Society was left some land at the edge of the City of Canton. The Humane
Society wants the Fulton County and the City of Canton to have a joint venture of animal
control pound. Police Chief Don Edwards gave the following background on the
project...The city's facility is sometimes over capacity. The water meter in the building
is ran through the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Fulton County would provide the
clerical staff. Alderman Harn said it would be a shame not to take advantage of this
opportunity. Alderman Sarff ask Don Edwards to check on what the cost are to the city
for the office running back and forth from the Police Station to the Wastewater Treatment
Plant area. Alderman Reed asked if the county would be taking their animals to this new
facility? Don Edwards said I'm sure they will, but does not know for sure. Don said that
this is still in the discussion stage.
Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to approve of the concept. Voice vote,
motion carried unanimously.
Community & Industrial Development
Craig West, Chairman
Update of Activities. Christmas Walk was held last week and was very successful.
Alderman West thanked all of the business establishment for staying open as this was a
very special event.
Fulton County Tourism will be meeting January 16, 2004 for a Summit to be held at
Dixon Mounds. Alderman West plans on attending the Summit.
Economic Development Report. David Byerly gave a summary report of how he is
working with those involved in the infrastructure of the City of Canton, which he uses as
a wonderful advantage of this community. The Comprehensive Planning -taking
preliminary steps in advance of a comprehensive plan to hire someone. Will hold off on
this until the 04 Budget. The Business Survey is completed and the Business Retention
team is still meeting. They will be presenting their ideas to the Revitalization Committee.
The Canton Revitalization Committee has hired Ross Marketing from Peoria, to build a
marketing strategy. Will use community development funds and Hotel/Motel Tax funds
for the revenue.
The IH property, the Environmental offices have been taking samples of the ground area
just recently of where 4 buildings were demolished. There are grants already awarded for
this area for clean up and there are more we want to go after. By the first of the year the
City could have 7 grants for clean up of IH.
The Burlington Northern Railroad personnel are very receptive to bringing a short line
operator to use that rail at the old Caterpillar Plant at Mapleton. Dave said he hoped the
Council would also be receptive.
The Clerical Committee meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Recording Secretary,
~ ~G~~~
Nancy Whites, City Clerk