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City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot
June 10, 2003 - 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Aldermen Les Carl, Mary Fillingham, Larry Sarff, Craig West. ~
Other Aldermen Present: Hartford, Molleck, Harn, & Reed.
Others Present: Mayor Jerry Bohler, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Patty
Beaird Franzoni, City Attorney Ron Weber, Fire Chief John Stanko, Police Chief Don
'Edwards, Wastewater Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Supt. Streets
George Spahn, Supt. System Maintenance Bill Terry, Zoning Officer Clark Wilson.
Video Services Joe Ginger. News Media - Daily Ledger -John Froehling. Others in
the audience- Canton Park District Director Gary Baker.
Finance Committee
Les Carl, Chairman
Mayor Bohler mentioned the 4"' of July parade, and council members will be riding in the
40&8 American Legion. Meet at the Alice Ingersoll Gym parking lot.
The Mid-America National Bank will be having a cook out on Friday June 13 to help
with expenses of the Fireworks fund.
Bills. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Fillingham, all bills properly approved be
referred to council for payment. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer's Report. Alderman Carl asked that the report be held over until the end of
the Agenda, to give time for the Aldermen to review the report as they just received it.
Final Pa Re uest of A.E.H. Construction for the Elm & Main Street Realinement.
Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, the approval of the A.E. H. Construction of
the Final Pay Request be referred to City Council for their consideration.. (The Final Pay
Estimate is $34,490.00, with retainage of 5% of $1,724.50, making the pay estimate a
total of $32,765.50. Maurer -Stutz Inc. have agreed with the final pay request.) Voice
vote, motion carried unanimously.
Request for Change in Plans for A.E.H. Construction. Motion and second by
Aldermen Fillingham/West, to refer the Change in Plans by A.E.H. Construction, to City
Council for their consideration. (The following is what the necessary adjustments are...
(a) fmal field measurements, (b) agreed unit price for P.C.C. sidewalk, 4", (c) and force
account for inlet adjustment. The connection on Main Street was shortened to save new
sidewalk at that location, and the width was reduced from 8' to 6' on Main Street.)
Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Request for Expenditure/Authorization of MFT Funds. Motion and second by
Aldermen West/Fillingham, to allow the request of $11,000.00, as is necessary to obtain
IDOT's permission to expend the Motor Fuel Tax Funds, and send to City Council for
their consideration. Discussion. Clif O'Brien said this would not affect this year's MFT
funds. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Final Pav Request River City Demolition for the Drow Building. Motion and
second by Aldermen Sazff/West, the approval of the retamage of $2,932.06, and current
work of $987.23 be paid, and send to City Council for their consideration. Voice vote,
motion carried unanimously.
Seek Bids for Backhoe. Motion and second by Aldermen Fillingham/West, the
approval to go out for bids, with the option of lease, and send to the City Council for their
consideration. Discussion. Clif O'Brien said Altorefer use to provide ayear-to-year
lease agreement. They will no longer offer this option to the City. Alderman Carl asked
if it would be cheaper to own the Backhoe? Clif said that option will also be asked for in
the bids. Alderman Sarff asked if anyone offers a 1 year lease? Clif said, no one offers
this anymore. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Hocker Audit Engagement Letter. Mayor Bohler said he did not have the letter, but
would present it at the next meeting. Motion and second by Aldermen Fillingham/Sarff,
to send Audit Engagement Letter to the City Council without recommendation. Voice
vote, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution for Lease Agreement on Fire Truck. (No resolution was available at this
meeting.) Fire Chief John Stanko commented from his memo...as part of the budget
process, one of the cost saving proposals was to refinance our newest fire apparatus. By
extending the term from the original four (4) years of seven (7) years, they reduced the
annual payments by just over 48%, or about $44,316. While investigating refinancing
options, they sought proposals from our local fmancial institutions. Wells Fargo
provided the lowest interest rate at 4.02% for the seven year term. There is no penalty for
early payoff in the event city fmances improve and payments are accelerated.
City Attorney Ron Weber, explained that this requires a resolution because of fmancial
institutions requirements. Mayor Bohler said, this is part of the budget process to not
have any lay offs from the department. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, the
city attorney be instructed to write a resolution for Lease Agreement of the Fire Truck,
and send to City Council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried
Vine Street Bridge Rehabilitation. Clif O'Brien said, this is the Vine Street Bridge
over Big Creek in the amount of $11,000 in MFT funds, and send to City Council for
their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution For Improvement Engineering Design. Clif O'Brien mentioned this is to
make the repairs of the superstructure, (Bridge over Big Creek) replace curb and gutter,
and fill in erosion areas at Vine Street for $11,000. Motion and second by Aldermen
Sarff/Fillingham, to approve of the expenditure and the resolution for engineering design,
and send to City Council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried.
Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement for MFT Funds. Clif O'Brien said,
this is for the use of Fiscal year 2004 FAU project, and using MFT funds, for the Vine
Street Bridge over Big Creek. They have allowed $72,000. Motion and second by
Aldermen Fillingham/West, to approve of the use of MFT funds for this project, and send
to City Council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer's Report. Alderman Carl ask for 5 minutes to study the report. The time
was 6:53 p.m. Reconvened at 6:57 p.m. Patty Franzoni said she had received $114,000
from property tax payments. Mayor Bohler asked, why the deficient in the Audit Fund?
Patty said this was carried over from last year. (Not enough was levied last year for those
figures in the () ). Patty then went over her report...Revenue YTD of the General Fund
$314,713.00, with expenditures YTD of $44,986.00, with revenue and expenditures
minus $127,273. (There was no beginning balance given.) The total available cash is
$254,496.29. Alderman Carl said he has received several calls of you not being
available. What regular hours can we use? Can we tell people when they call you will be
there from 10 to 5? Patty said she could.
The Finance Committee adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
Legal & Ordinance Committee
Mary Fillingham, Chairman
Liquor Ordinance. Ron Weber explained about this ordinance for all restaurants and
supper club license holders. This ordinance states 60% of gross sales for food and non-
alcoholic beverages. The ordinance now in affect states 51% of gross sales for food and
non-alcoholic beverages. Ron mentioned that this has been discussed at the liquor
commission meetings.
Alderman Carl asked if each Class B & C license holders give quarterly reports? Ron
said the state statutes says you can request this.
Mayor Bohler said, the commission had a business over a year ago that all the
information was questionable. The system we have does work.
Motion and second by Aldermen CarUWest, to send to the City Council for their
consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
The next Liquor Ordinance...Replacing Title 3, Chapter 8, Section 3, of the Municipal
Code for the City of Canton Application Provisions and Powers of Duties. Ron Weber
explained that the local Liquor Commissioner is the mayor, and he issues licenses,
appoints commission members, etc. The council states the number of licenses the City
can have. This ordinance also adds a requirement...all license holders to comply with the
Fire Codes of the City of Canton. This section was added by the Fire Chief ,and is a
needed addition. Ron said this ordinance was modeled after the City of Macomb.
Alderman Sarff said he wants a copy of the current ordinance. He said he had a problem
in changing the method. He would like to know about those changes. Mayor Bohler said
he appreciates where Alderman Sarff is coming from, but you can't get any higher then
the chairman of the Illinois Liquor Commission. The City of Canton's Liquor
Commission has a background check done on each applicant, the applicant attends the
Liquor Commission meeting, and the Liquor Commission can not deny a license,
according to state law.
Alderman Sarff read from some information he had, that this ordinance would be taking
the City Council out of the decision making. Alderman Sarff stated he does not like
reading in the paper that the license was granted, and the alderman know nothing about
it. Mayor Bohler said he would give them the information when an applicant has applied
for a license.
Alderman Carl said he shared some of the same concerns.
Motion and second by Aldermen CarUSarff, to send to the City Council meeting without
any recommendation. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
"No Parking" on North 2°d Avenue and East Spruce Street. Alderman Sarff said he
had gotten a call about this even though it is not in his ward, so he ask the Police Chief to
look at the parking on both sides of the street. The two concerns were...is there enough
width or tight? And the second question...is there enough room for a fire apparatus?
Police Chief Don Edwards said they have looked at, and I have an issue, can this be
continued on until later, as we are working with moving the City Court. City Attorney
Ron Weber said that maybe the City Court can be moved to the Depot in August. There
will be problems in the South end of that building of the acoustics, and there is no copy
machine or phone. Alderman Fillingham said since this was in her ward, she was
displeased that she was not informed before tonight.
Mayor Bohler ask the chief if the residents are talked to? Don Edwards said they are, we
go to every door.
Alderman Sarff said that city council at one time talked about if when a street had no
room for parking, we would make it consistent without the City by having no parking on
the West side if the streets ran North and South, an no parking on the North side if the
streets ran East and West. Police Chief Don Edwards said he had an issue with this as it
would cause some areas having to switch because of businesses, and conditions on
particular streets. This will be brought back for discussion at some future time.
Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, the No Parking request be tabled. Voice
vote, motion carried, unanimously.
Resolution for Annexation for Bobby Murphy. City Attorney Ron Weber, said this
is just for information as this will have to go to Planning & Zoning. The area is across
from Wal Mart and Bobby wants city water. The acreage is to be left outside of the city
limits so he can continue to have horses. The house is contagious to the city limits.
Changes in Fees and Pemits. Alderman Fillingham went through each license and the
current rate, and the new rate recommended. Mayor Bohler & Alderman West thanked
the two Aldermen Carl and Fillingham, for a very good job on the research, and the rates
are way past due on upgrading. Mayor Bohler wants to revisit this at next months
Clerical Committee meeting. This is being done mainly to receive more revenue and to
keep property tax down. Alderman Carl ask the council to give their input and
recommendation before then.
Waivin of Permit Fee for the Park District. Zoning officer Clark Wilson mentioned,
if we charged them, this would be one taxing body placing a fee on another taxing body.
Alderman Sarff ask Clark how much is the permit? Clark said $9,183.00. Motion and
second by Aldermen Sarff/Carl, to waive the Building Permit fee to the Canton Park
District for the swimming pool and senior/teen center. Voice vote, motion carried
The Le al & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:57 y.m.
Community & Industrial Development Committee
Craig West, Chairman
Update of Activities. Alderman West commented that volunteer training is being
The Depot was rented out for two different times last month.
The Heritage Committee is working on future programs.
The West Nile Virus pamphlets have been given out. Clif O'Brien had reported that they
have not found any dead birds with West Nile.
June 13 will be the annual Cruise-Inn.
The Revitalization Committee has new officers, President John Davis, Vice President Jim
Fassino, and Secretary Craig West.
Economic Development Director David Byerly will be giving an update of IH.
The Community & Industrial Committee adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel
Larry Sarff, Chairman
Temporary Firefighter Appointment. Fire Chief John Stanko reported that one of the
Firefighter's is on a medical leave due to non work related illness for a period of time.
John said he gave out a cost analysis to the aldermen of hiring a temporary firefighter.
The city will not have to supply turn out gear, as he has his own. Alderman Sarff, what is
the starting salary? John answered, beginning wage. Alderman Molleck commented
that the call load has increase drastically, yet manpower remains the same. Motion and
second by Aldermen CarUWest, to recommend to the City Council for their
consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
The Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Recording Secretary,
Nancy Whites, City Clerk