HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-11-2003 ClericalMINUTES CLERICAL COMMITTEE City Council Chambers @ Historic Depot February 11th, 2003 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Aldermen Jim Hartford, Mary Fillingham, Craig West, Larry Sarff. Others Present: Aldermen Les Carl, Bob Molleck, Kevin Meade. Mayor Jerry Bohler, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Patty Beaird Franzoni, City Attorney Ron' Weber, Fire Chief John Stanko, Police Chief Don Edwards, Wastewater Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Public Works Director. Clif O'Brien, Street Supt. George Spahn, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry. Video Services Joe Ginger. News Media - Daily Led er -John Froehling. Also Gary Leese and his contractor. Finance Committee Jim Hartford, Chairman Bills. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, all bills properly approved be paid. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Treasurer's Report. City Treasurer Patty Beaird Franzoni gave out her December report of the General Fund with a fund balance of $712,181 after year-to-date expenditures and revenues. Alderman Sarff asked Patty what month was she reconciling? Patty said December. Patty stated the budgets are at 74.70% for 9 months, and overall 75.9%. Pipe Locator. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Fillingham, to allow the purchase of a pipe locator in the amount of $3,200 from National Water Works. Discussion. Clif O'Brien mentioned that he borrows one from Ameren Cips to help locate water mains and water service about everyday. Alderman Sarff asked if any grants were available? Clif said, no! Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Mosquito Abatement. Motion and second by Alderman SarfflFillingham, to approve purchasing a Dyna-Fog Typhoon 1 Ultra Low Volume Applicator for $8,000; and pesticides of Pyrethrin for $10,000 and Larvicides for $4,000. Discussion. Clif O'Brien gave a brief history of what he has planned to rid the city of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are classified into the order Diptera (true flies) and have four distinct life stages (egg, larva, pupa, and adult). Female mosquitoes lay their eggs on water or moist substrates such as soil and the interior walls of tree holes, cans, and old tires that are likely to be flooded by water. Most larvae hatch within 48 hours and the larvae and pupae live in water. The adult mosquito emerges from the pupal case and rests on the water's surface until its body dries and its exoskeleton hardens. Female mosquitoes require a blood meal before they can lay eggs, so only female mosquitoes bite. They bite every few days during their entire adult lives, which may last several weeks. WNV is transmitted by infected mosquitoes, the northern mosquito, is a common household mosquito and the primary vector of WNV. Mosquitoes become infected after biting infected wild birds that serve as the primary host of the virus. The most effective method is to inform the public about 1 personal protection and eliminating production sites around the home. They must drain standing water pools and removal of accumulations of old tires. Larvicide will be used for treatment of catch basins, roadside ditches, and similar water impoundments. Clif mentioned that 4 of the city employees have been chosen for training to be licensed for the mosquito pest control, 2 have their license and 2 more are in school. Clif said he is working with the Fulton County Health Department and the Illinois Department of Public Health, as public awareness can be achieved. The spraying will be done from 8 to 12 midnight throughout the city for 5 days and let off for 5 days. The pesticide will not be harmful to humans, only if they have breathing problems, could be harmful, as this is an irritant. The smell is like pepper. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Final Payment Leander Construction -Filter Project WTP. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Fillingham, to approve of the final pay application # 13 in the amount of $5,000 from Leander Construction. Discussion. Ron Weber explained that the outstanding issues, is because of a dispute between the contractor and sub contractors. This should not be a problem for the City. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The Finance Committee adjourned at 6:56 p.m. Legal & Ordinance Committee Mary Fillingham, Chairman Discuss chan~in~ Council meetings/Committee meetings dates. Mayor Bohler mentioned that this was a concern that had been brought to him. Mayor Bohler wanted to know if the council members had any suggestions. Mayor Bohler gave an example of what could be done, the Council meeting is held on the 1st and 2°a Tuesdays, you could also have a committee meeting the same night, and leave the other two Tuesdays for negotiations that take longer. Alderman Sarff, said he felt it did not make sense to change. Aldermen Hartford & West said our meetings are now short, but will probably not always be that way, so leave the meetings this way. Gary Leese. Gary mentioned that he wants to obtained the 4 parking spaces the city owns, behind his business at 101 East Elm. Gary plans to add to his building an elevator that will take 2 of those spaces and a second stairway for an additional egress. Gary mentioned that the third floor will have abed/breakfast, the second floor professional offices and the first floor retail business, and the restaurant there now. Gary is requesting the following... a.) City sell us the property for $1.00, based on its plan use and capitol investment. b.) the transfer of deed occur only after proof of financing, as provided in a form of a letter by my bank, stating that financing for the project is in place. c.) if fmancing is not provided in the 90 days of council's fmal approval of sale, then the agreement is nullified. d.) if the elevator is not installed within one year, the conveyance of the deed of the property will revert back to the City and the agreement will be nullified. Alderman Meade asked the City Attorney Ron Weber, what process could we do this by? Ron commented, enter into a long term lease; sell him the property pursuant to placing the property for advertised sale of soliciting bids. With the requirement of a plan being 2 associated with it. And based upon a vote of three quarters of the members of the council, they could approve a sale to who ever they would choose. Based not only on the price that's offered ,but based upon the plan submitted. But we would be required to advertise it and go out for bids for that property. But once we've secured bids, along with a plan, the city council is allowed to sell to what they believe is the best interest of Canton. The time frame, publish the notice in the paper, thirty days after council will seek bids. Alderman Sarff said we asked Gary some weeks ago to come back with a solid plan, as we were interested, and he has done that! Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, council to authorize the city attorney to proceed with the proposal on that property for purpose of entering into an agreement with Gary Leese and his corporation. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The Leal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:13 n.m. Community & Industrial Development Committee Craig West, Chairman Update of Activities. Jim Morgan will be presenting a program on February 16~' at the Historic Depot. Jim will present "Glass of the Past" at 1:30 p.m. Most of the City's grants are obtained through the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, (DCCA). Governor Blagojevich has appointed a new head of that department -Jack Lavin. Along with the new director comes a name change. The new name is Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, (DCEO). The Community & Industrial Committee adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Larry Sarff, Chairman No agenda items. The Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee adjourned at 7:14 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION -PURPOSE OF NEGOTIATION, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL. Motion and second by Hartford/West, to go into executive session to discuss Personnel, and Negotiations. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Hartford, Fillingham, West, Sarff. NAYS -None. 4 AYES, 0 NAYS, motion carried. The executive session minutes for discussion of Personnel, is in the office of the City Clerk for review. The executive session for Negotiations was not taped and no minutes were taken, as this is not required by law. The Clerical Committees adjourned at 7:15 p.m. 3 Recording Secretary, ~'1 ~~'~ Nancy Whites, City Clerk