HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-29-2010 Council meetingA regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on June 29`h, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4`h Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. Alderman in attendance: Alderman Craig West, Larry Sarff, Rick Reed, Eric Schenck, Jim Hartford, Dave Pickel, Jorge Rivero and Gerald Ellis Staff in attendance: City Treasurer Aaron Anderson, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Mayor Kevin Meade, City Administrator Jim Snider, City Clerk Diana Tucker, Police Chief Dan Taylor, Public Safety Director Mike Elam, Public Works Director Clif O'Brien, WWTP Supervisor Joe Carruthers, City Engineer Keith Plavec, Mark Rothert, ESDA Director Phil Fleming. Media in attendance: Daily Ledger- John Froehling, Democrat Stacey Creasy, and Mark Bixler from WBYS Radio, Peoria Journal Star Kevin Sampler Video Services by Joe Ginger Others in the audience: Attorney Ron Weber, Canton Main Street members, Attorney Nathan Ihens, Mike Hitchcock PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY JIM SNIDER, CITY ADMINISTRATOR ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of Council meeting held June 15th, 2010 Minutes of Mechanical Committee meeting held June 22"d, 2010 1 Motion and second was made by Alderman West/Reed to accept the minutes as presented and be placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traffic -Alderman Jim Hartford, Chairman 1. None Streets and Garbage-Alderman Craig West, Chairman 1. None Lake, Buildings & Grounds -Alderman Rick Reed, Chairman 1. Purchase of Picnic Tables for Campground Motion and second was made by Alderman Reed / Ellis to approve the purchase of 25 picnic tables for a price of $5063.17 from Alexander Lumber. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Alderman Eric Schenck reported that an email was distributed regarding the lease at Canton Lake and would like to bring this item up for discussion at the next legal and ordinance committee meeting. Public Works Water & Sewer -Alderman Gerald Ellis Chairman 1. Analytical Balance Purchase Request Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Pickel to approve the purchase of the Analytical Balance. 2 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried 2. Utility Box Purchase Request Clif O'Brien explained the price is $ 5,790.00. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Hartford to approve the purchase of the Utility box. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x 3. Big Creek Sanitary Sewer Repair- Laverdiere Construction City Engineer Keith Plavec explained the low bidder was Laverdiere Construction with the amount of $ 12,950.00. Leman Precast provided a quote of $2,137.00 for a concrete manhole. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Sarff to approve the Big Creek Sanitary Sewer Repair. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x 3 Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 4. Radial Collector Well Application for Payment # 18 from Reynolds Inc. $32,159.72 Keith Plavec reported the project at 96.4 % complete and would be paid from Bond funds. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Hartford to approve the Radial Collector Well Application for Payment # 18 from Reynolds Inc, in the amount of $32,159.72. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 5. Lime Slaker &Accelator Rehab Application for Payment from Leander Construction $106,345.30 Keith Plavec reported the project at 75.3% complete and would be paid from the bond funds. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/West to approve the Lime Slaker &Accelator Rehab Application for Payment from Leander Construction in the amount of $106,345.30. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 6. 61 East Side Square Pay Request $30,892.40 Keith reported that a retainage remains on this items. 4 Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Sarff to approve the pay request in the amount of $30,892.40. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West X Alderman Sarff X Alderman Reed X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Picket X Alderman Rivero X Alderman Ellis X The motion carried. 7. Change order # 6 in the amount of $5,040.90 Keith Plavec reported this item is for concrete in front of the building, and was not included in the original cost. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Hartford to approve change order # 6 in the amount of $5,040.90. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Picket x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 8. Decrease in change order # 7 in the amount of $16,287.50 Keith explained this is for items not previously completed. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Rivero to approve a decrease in change order # 7 in the amount of $16,287.50. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x 5 Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 9. 3`d Avenue Extension Application for Payment No 1 from Otto Baum Company $92,240.34 Keith explained that the project is going well. The funding for this will be split between various areas. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Hartford for the 3`d avenue extension application for payment 1 from Otto Baum Company in the amount of $92,240.34. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 10. 3`d Avenue Extension Sanitary Sewer Application for Payment No 3 & Final from Laverdiere Construction $6,756.75 Keith explained this is the final payout and will be from TIF funds. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Rivero for the 3`d Avenue Extension Sanitary Sewer Application for Payment No 3 & Final from Laverdiere Construction in the amount of $6,756.75. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff xx Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x 6 Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 11. 3'd Avenue Extension Main Work Application for Payment No 3 & Final from Laverdiere Construction $104,880.34 Keith explained there is no retainage---and is the final pay. This will be split between various funds. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Pickel for the 3`d Avenue Extension Main Work Application for payment no 3 & final from Laverdiere Construction in the amount of $104,880.34. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 12. Knox County Highway Department Intergovernmental Agreement for Banner Dyke Road Keith explained that 12, 13, 14 and 15 all go together. The items together will be $360,000.00 Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Hartford to approve the Knox County Highway Department Intergovernmental Agreement for the Banner Dyke Road. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 7 13. Banner Dyke Road- R.A. Cullinan in the amount of $77,630.00 Keith Plavec reported this would be paid from the bond funds. Motion and second was made by Ellis/Pickel to approve the Banner Dyke Road- R.A. Cullinan in the amount of $77,630.00. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 14. Asphalt Sales Company bid price $136,935.39 Keith explained: They will be supplying the oil for the project. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Rivero to approve the Asphalt Sales Company bid price in the amount of $136,935.39. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 15. IRC. Incorporated bid at $131,989.46 Keith explained they will do the oil and chip surface for the project Motion and second was made by Ellis/Rivero to approve IRC Incorporated bid at $131,989.46. 8 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. 16. TESKA Downtown Streetscape Proposal Teska-Jodi Mariano discussed the proposal with the Council. The proposal is Phase I. The Elm Street corridor was also presented and identified. The improved areas are between the cub and guttering and the buildings. TESKA would like to discuss this with the Main Street committee and anyone else interested in discussing the improvements. Discussion: Alderman Sarff asked what amount would be received by grants. Jodi explained they could not guarantee the total amount received from grant funds. Alderman Schenck further discussed the prior grant application process, and future grant funding, and is in favor of moving forward with construction plan. Alderman Sarff explained he is opposed to giving the work to the first person that comes in. He would prefer a bid process to assure property funding/costs. Further discussion took place regarding funding between grant funds and City paid funds. City Engineer Keith Plavec explained that unfortunately there is no guarantee on what would be received from grants. City Administrator Jim Snider explained we have TIF funds available, but the decision would remain with the Council on approval. Discussion took place regarding Western Illinois Regional Council preparing the grant requests. City Administrator Jim Snider suggested a time and material analysis of each phase of the project. This would provide more control and management. Mayor Meade discussed the possibility of breaking up the project in various phases, and coordinating the phases with grant funds. Keith Plavec stated that it would be a good idea for the construction, but the design should be completed rather than piecing together. Grants must be submitted by August 31, 2010. 9 Motion and second was made by Alderman Schenck/ Hartford to approve the TESKA downtown streetscape proposal and to provide services on a time and material basis. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR KEVIN R. MEADE - Recycling Program- Mayor Meade stated that individuals can sign up on the web site for the recycling program. Individuals will receive information in their water bills, and would like to see the program start soon. Meeting Dates No meeting will be held July 6`h, 2010 (next week). July 13`h will be the next meeting. All American City Awards Mayor Meade reported that the All American City Award event was a good experience and came back with good ideas. Bright Spot Award Dennis and Mary Thompson-awarded for the flowers planted in front of their home located on West Chestnut Street Call the Mayor's office if you would like to nominate someone/place for bright spot Appointment to police and fire commission Melony Sepich Motion and Second by Alderman Sarff//Reed to accept the appointment. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Put Illinois to Work- 10 CLif O'Brien explained that interested people can come to the City building to apply for the program. Public Works is looking for 9 additional employees. The program pays $10.00 per hour and is paid by the State. Requirements of age and income are set by the state. Dan Taylor FBI Training Dan Taylor reported: 17 semester hours of training-including a police media class. Dan will introduce a policy to the City. Dan explained the number of contacts he made all over the country. "This is truly a one in a life time opportunity." OLD BUSINESS: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 (CITY CLERK) OF TITLE 1 (ADMINISTRATION) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE (2nd READING) Ordinance #2003 Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Hartford to approve the ordinance amending chapter 9 (City Clerk) of title 1 (administration) of the Canton Municipal Code. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West x Alderman Sarff x Alderman Reed x Alderman Schenck x Alderman Hartford x Alderman Pickel x Alderman Rivero x Alderman Ellis x The motion carried. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ONE HANDICAP PARKING SPACE IN THE ALLEY RUNNING EAST-WEST FROM MAIN STREET TO WHITE COURT, SOUTH OF 2 EAST ELM STREET (LEGACY CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE) AND NORTH OF 23 SOUTH MAIN STREET (COUNTRY FINANCIAL), IN THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. (2nd READING) Ordinance #2004 Motion and second was made by Alderman Hartford/Ellis to approve AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ONE HANDICAP PARKING SPACE IN THE ALLEY RUNNING EAST-WEST FROM MAIN STREET TO WHITE COURT, SOUTH OF 2 EAST ELM STREET (LEGACY CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE) AND NORTH OF 23 SOUTH MAIN STREET (COUNTRY FINANCIAL), IN THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS ROLL CALL Yes No Absent 11 Alderman West X Alderman Sarff X Alderman Reed X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Pickel X Alderman Rivero X Alderman Ellis X The motion carried. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICY FOR THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. (2nd READING) Ordinance #2005 Motion and second was made by Alderman Sarff/Reed to approve an ordinance amending the personnel policy for the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West X Alderman Sarff X Alderman Reed X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Pickel X Alderman Rivero X Alderman Ellis X i i is i nuuvi i t,a~ i ieu. NEW BUSINESS 1. Bid Results for WWTP Secondary Clarifier Keith Plavec explained the bid opening was yesterday. Leander Construction received the bid at $594,000.00. The second bid received from Trotter Construction was not complete. The engineer estimate was between $ 500,000.00 and $ 700,000.00. Motion and second by Alderman Ellis/Hartford to accept the bid from Leander Construction in the amount of $594,000.00 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West X 12 Alderman Sarff X Alderman Reed X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Picket X Alderman Rivero X Alderman Ellis TI__ .Y .a..._ ___ __ _ _~ X 2. Installation offence at IH Site Keith Plavec explained the bids were received from Huhulin and Security Fence Co. Keith recommends using Huhulin Motion and second was made by AldermanSarff/West to approve the bid from Huhulin and be paid from TIF funds. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West X Alderman Sarff X Alderman Reed X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Picket X Alderman Rivero X Alderman Ellis X The motion carried. 3. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Number 959 (As Amended) Entitled "An Ordinance Initiating and Cooperatively Designating an Enterprise Zone. (15` reading) Motion and second was made by Alderman Schenck/Reed to suspend the rules of having the ordinance presented twice and pass upon its first passage. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West X Alderman Sarff X Alderman Reed X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Picket X 13 Alderman Rivero X Alderman Ellis X The motion carried. Motion and second was made by Alderman West/Reed to approve the ordinance and place upon it upon its passage. Ordinance #2006 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman West X Alderman Sarff X Alderman Reed X Alderman Schenck X Alderman Hartford X Alderman Pickel X Alderman Rivero X Alderman Ellis X The motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Hartford to adjourn into executive session. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. EXECUTIVE SESSION - TO DISCUSS POLICE AND PUBLIC WORKS NEGOTIATIONS AND PERSONNEL The meeting reconveyened into open session at 8:20 p.m. Motion and second was made by Alderman Hartford/Reed to adjourn. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. APPROVED: -~.~ Kevin R. Meade, Mayor Dina Tucker City Clerk 14