HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-10-2005 Clerical CommitteeMINUTES
May 10, 2005, 6:30 p.m
Council Chambers @ 50 North 4te
Mayor Rod Heinze introduced each Aldermen at 6:30 p.m. as their respected chairman of
the Committees.
nbers Present: Aldermen Les Cazl, Kevin Meade, Craig West, Larry Sazff.
er Aldermen Present: Jim Hartford, Joe Berazdi, Rick Reed, Eric Schenck. No
rmen were absent.
ers Present: Mayor Rod Heinze, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Kathy
~r, Police Chief Donald Edwazds, Fire Chief John Stanko, WWT Supt. Joe
uthers, Water Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien, Zoning
cer Clark Wilson, Street Supt. George Spahn, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry,
Ginger Video Services. News Media -Daily Ledger John Froehling, Journal Staz
ida Bowen, WBYS Chris Franciscovich. Others in the audience -Gerald Martin,
Finance Committee
Chairman Les Carl
Bills. Alderman Berazdi ask several questions as he said he is new and needed some
answers. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Meade, to refer all bills to council for
their consideration and approval. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer's Report. City Treasurer Kathy Luker said she would have the report before
next Tuesday's meeting. She offered her apology of not having the report ready.
Squad Car Replacement. Police Chief Don Edwards stated that a 2002 Chevrolet
Im~ala with approximately 82,000 miles on it was damaged in a traffic accident April
30 . Don said he had spoken to the adjusters and anticipates a settlement in the azea of
about $10,000, which includes transferring all the radio/electronic equipment. Morrow
Brothers Ford has new police 2005 cars in stock. The cost is $20,595.00 based on the
State bid. Don wants to keep up the "Fleet Management" of buying every two yeazs, two
cazs. Don also asked for a second squad car, do to the mileage of the car. They will
have to change the light bars, directional signal and a stripe of school colors will be
added. Morrow Brothers has offered $2,900.00 as atrade-in for the above 2002 Impala.
Don wants to trade off the resource car with one on the front line as it has 105,000 miles
on it.
Alderman Berazdi asked if the local caz dealers can compete? Don Edwards said that in
the past they just can't match the state bid. Don likes the Crown Victoria as they hold up
better for them, as the cazs receive such hard use. Don then said he would ask for quotes
from the local dealers. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sazff, send the approval
to council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried.
Clerical Committee meeting 5-10-OS
Bid Opening IH site for fence removal & Installation. Motion and second by
Aldermen West/Sarff, permission granted for the city clerk to open the bids. Voice vote,
motion carried unanimously.
Bidders were Houhulin Brothers Fence Co of Goodfield, Il. Approximately 850 L.F. of
6'chain like Privacy Fence and removal of existing fence - $24.80 ($21,080.00).
Approximately 850 L.F. of 6" Solid Boazd Fence/Steel Post Privacy Fence, for removal
of existing and installation - $23.53 ($20,000.50). A cashier's check accompanied the
bid in the amount of $2,000.00. Second bidder was Security Fence Co of Peoria, I1.
Approximately 850 L.F. of 6' Chain Link Privacy Fence, for removal of existing fence
and installation - $24,275.00. Approximately 850 L.F. of 6" Solid Board Fence/Steel
Post Privacy Fence, for removal of existing fence and installation - $21,555.50. A
cashier's check accompanied the bid in the amount of $2,427.50. Motion and second by
Aldermen Sazff/Meade, to refer to staff with recommendation at the next Council
meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Pav Regust No. 1 & Final From N. E. Finch Inc. for IH site Creosoted Block
Removal. Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien said that N.E. Finch has paid all
waivers and tipage fees. The pay request has been reviewed by MSI and Public Works
Director Cliff O'Brien. The amount recommended for payment is $42,500.00. Motion
and second by Aldermen Sazff/Meade, to refer to council for their consideration. Voice
vote, motion carried unanimously.
Replacement tires (8) for Tower 1 from K.C. Sales cost of $3,251.12. Fire Chief John
Stanko commented that Tower 1 is neazly 8 yeazs old, and the current tires aze original
equipment. John wants to purchase under the state bid from K.C. Sales in Canton. The
tires would be Firestone brand. The cost for eight (8) tires, mounted, balancing and
disposal of the old tires aze $3,251.12. Motion and second by Aldermen Sazff/West, to
send to council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Free meals -City PersonneVRevitalization Committee. Alderman Berazdi did not
want the city continuing to buy breakfast for the staff every month, as he did not feel they
were entitled. Mayor Heinze said he does not have a problem about it, it's the cost of
doing business. Alderman Meade mentions that in his employment we go out to eat but
we do not buy each other lunch.
Alderman Berazdi said the city also buys lunch for the Revitalization Committee each
month. Motion and second by Aldermen Sazff/Meade, to recommend both practices not
be paid for, and referred to council for consideration. Voice vote, motion carried
Prevailing Wage Responsible bidder in compliance. Alderman Berardi had questions
if this is done. Alderman Sazff said this is part of MSI to make sure that each company is
responsible bidder and that they aze paying prevailing wage. Cliff O'Brien and Alderman
Clerical Committee meeting 5-10-OS
Sazff assured Alderman Berardi that the city has never had a problem with this. Cliff
O'Brien will bring information on this for next week's meeting.
The Finance Committee adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
Legal & Ordinance
Alderman Kevin Meade, Chairman
The committee came to order after the executive session at 9:42 p.m.
Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/West, to have City Attorney Jim Elson to
research the records to seek recovery fees from Jerry Bohler for his lawsuit while mayor,
and for Jim Elson to check with EEOC and the Civil Rights, and report to the Council on
his fmdings if it is feasible for the city to move forward in this matter; and the City
Treasurer to find a summary of the cost incurred for legal fees. Voice vote, motion
carried unanimously.
Motion and second by Aldermen CarUWest, to direct the city attorney to file an
injunction for the removal of trailers from Don Inmons on West Locust Street from the
recent fire. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 9:44 p.m.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnnel
Alderman Larry Sarff, Chairman
All City Personnel Job Description. Aldermen Berardi heard that we use to have them,
now we don't. Each department head was asked if they have one. Police Chief Don
Edwazds said he has one on each employee and recommendations for raises. Alderman
Berazdi said he was very impressed with Don's job descriptions.
Fire Chief John Stanko said he has one on everyone since he has been chief. He also
mentioned that evaluations are done every year.
Alderman Sarff thought the city building and Public Works had one. Cliff O"Brien said
the ordinance book is what he goes by and he never got to that point of job descriptions.
Alderman Sazff suggested to ID those who do not have one and get them done. Cliff said
they have used Occupational Services help and he will have them look over what he
comes up with. Alderman Berazdi asked Cliff if he gave evaluations? Cliff said, no!
Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. Joe Carruthers said he has job descriptions and has
meetings monthly as the jobs they will be doing that next month.
Water Supt. Greg Pollitt said, no! Has monthly meetings but not as formal as Joe.
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Alderman Berazdi asked if we aze trained to handle sexual hazashment? Cliff O'Brien
said the city's policy is up to date and each employee when hired received a copy of the
city's ordinance on sexual hazashment that will not be tolerated.
Review Resolution #1326 Salaries Non Union Employees. Will be discussed in
executive session with recommendations in open session.
Lloyd Klindworth of 236 Ingersoll Blvd spoke about the city giving out big raises when
his taxes keep going up. Mentioned the Bohler/Smith fiasco, as Bohler should pay his
mistress, don't Gaze if looses prison job. When you dance you pay the piper. What ever
happened to the computer? Smith/Bohler tax is not in the budget. This cost is
tremendous for older people.
Mary Kay of 557 North 11~' said she is very distributed about the big raises and her raise
in the water bill. This town has over 50% of senior citizens, not easy living on a budget.
Alderman Sazff thanked Mazy Kay and Lloyd Klindworth for their comments.
Alderman Berazdi said he is not for going into executive session to discuss the salaries,
unless it is for a specific person. Alderman Berazdi said he wants to go on record against
the executive session.
Dress Code -City Buildin8. Alderman Berardi asked if the city had a dress code?
Alderman Sazff brought one that that city can use for a model.
This part of the Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
The Legal & Ordinance committee came to order from the executive session which ended
at 9:42 p.m.
Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Cazl, to rescind Resolution #1326 for Salazies to
non-union employees and, to instruct the city attorney to draft and ordinance for
appointments and salazies for the 2005-2006 fiscal yeaz. Voice vote, motion carried
Motion and second by Aldermen Sazff/Cazl, for salary recommendation for fiscal yeaz
2005-2006 Police Chief, Fire Chief, Public Works Director $66,565.00; Zoning officer
$45,000.00; Supt Wastewater, Supt Water, Supt Street, Supt System Maintenance
$48,054.00; Water Clerk Connie Glad $22,270; Secretary Police Chief Denise Colglazier
$22,270.00; Secretary in Police Dept Shelley Courtney $21,400.00; Fire Department
Secretary Kayma Duncan $25,875.00, and to receive a one time bonus of $2500 as part
time secretary to the mayor for 10 months; Mayor's Secretary $21,000.00; Deputy Clerk
Clerical Committee meeting 5-10-OS
position $21,000.00; General Secretary for dept heads no increase $19,050.00; and no
increase to Pamela Smith water clerk $20,567.00. Voice vote, motion carried
The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 9:44 p.m.
Community & Industrial Development
Alderman Craig West, Chairman
MoteVHotel Funds request for Revitalization Committee for Tourism. Alderman
Meade serves on the Canton Resource Group. They want to provide the loop as to the
Illinois River Nature Trails with a printing of 10,000 of a colored map and the cost is
$4,000. They would be placed in a packet and given out in the Peoria Convention
Alderman Hartford thought it was an excellent idea to get our town's name out in the
Mayor Heinze said he has talked with Kevin McGuire who is the Community
Development Director for Fulton County, and Rod said he is for promoting Canton.
Alderman Berazdi suggested to use local printer, could be cheaper in cost.
Motion and second by Aldermen Sazff/Cazl, to refer to council for their consideration.
Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Hiring of Interim Economic Development Director. Alderman Carl said we need to
decide if we aze going to hire someone, or decide if we don't want to continue.
Alderman Carl feels the city needs a professional person. Alderman Berazdi suggested
Rod Ahitow, just look at his record and travel experience. He is now the interim director
for the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Heinze suggested talking with him, and Clark
Wilson and Vandewalle can handle the grants. There is a dire need for administrative
needs in this town.
Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sazff, to advertise the position to keep the
project on the move. Discussion. Mayor Heinze asked, where would we advertise?
Alderman Meade suggested the local area, Peoria, and Internet. Alderman Sarff
suggested `monster net.' Suggested to leave with staff and to be discussed next week at
council meeting. Alderman Schenck talked about a stop gap measure as we don't want
to see us distracted to much. We need to see the big issues, goals, and best person. Lets
not loose site of this position. Alderman Meade said there aze a lot of people very
capable in this position. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Team Cat. Alderman Berazdi said that Dick Lynch would do anything that Canton
would let him do. There is a CAT group that meets every 2 months. There is some really
tremendous talent in this town for a working economic development director.
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Revitalization Committee list of officers. Alderman Berazdi said he wants the list of
who's who. He wants them to come to a meeting with the council. Alderman Sazff said
the mayor appoints 5 of the 9 members of the Revitalization Committee. Alderman
Meade said he would be glad to give list of members of the Resource Group, would be a
good thing. Mayor Heinze said he has 4 names, and himself, and one member will be an
Motion and second by Aldermen CarUSazff, to waive the building permits for Habitat for
Humanity house at 412 French Court and 422 French Court. Discussion. Alderman
Berazdi wanted to help them further. Alderman Sarff said you can not use tax payers
money. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
and second by Aldermen Sazff/Meade, to go into executive session for the purpose of
discussing Personnel and Threatened, Pending Litigation. Roll call. AYES -
Aldermen Cazl, Meade, Sazff, West. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT.
Motion carried.
Mayor Heinze announced those staying for the executive session will be all the elected
officials, and there will be action in open session.
The Clerical Committee convened for executive session at 8:05 p.m.
The Clerical Committee convened into executive session at 8:10 p.m.
The Clerical Committee convened into open session at 9:42 p.m. and adjourned at 9:44
p.m. The report from the executive session is written under the Legal & Ordinance
Committee, and the Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee.
Recording Secretary,
~ I ~~` ~~~~~~
Nancy Whites, City Clerk