HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-2005 Clerical CommitteeCLERICAL COMMITTEE MEETING
FEBRUARY 8, 2005, 6:30 P.M.
Historic Depot 50 North 4t6 Avenue
present: Jim Hartford, Mary Fillingham, Craig West, Larry Sazfl: Other
present: Bob Molleck, Elny Hazn, Les Carl, Rick Reed. No alderman was
there present: Mayor Jerry M. Bohler, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Patty
Baird Franzoni, City Attorney Ron Weber, Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien, Police
hief Donald Edwards, Fire Chief John Stanko, Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. Joe
arruthers, Water Treatment Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Street Supt. George Spann, System
[aintenance Supt Bill Terry, Maurer Stutz Inc. Keith Plavec, Economic Development
irector David Byerly, Mazk Petersen from Petersen Health Care an assistant Doug,
ideo Service Joe Ginger. Others present - N.E. Finch Contractor, Daily Ledger
:presentative John Froehling, Journal Staz representative Brenda Bowen. Candidates for
EIā¢ice -Rod Heinze, Edward Ketcham, Harry Steck, Eric Schenck.
Mayor Bohler introduced each of the Aldermen and the committees they chair.
Bills. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Fillingham, all bills properly presented be
paid, and referred to council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried
Treasurer's Report. Patty Beaird Franzoni reported that she is beginning to receive
some of the funding from the 2003 and 2004 grants of the Fire Department. She also said
she has received $99,260.00 in Telecommunication Tax. Alderman Cazl ask Patty, if the
unions had voted on paying 3% on the Health Care beginning May 1, 2005? Patty said
she does not know about the union voting.
Bids -Creosoted Wooden Blocks removed from IH site. Motion and second by
Aldermen Sazff/Fillingham, to open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Bids received from L.B. Staley $63,500 and bid bond, Chuck Kinsel Trucking $51,960
and bid bond, N.E. Finch Co. $42,500 and bid bond, Seward Construction Inc. $81,125
and bid bond. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, referred to staff for review
and bring recommendations to council meeting of February 15. Voice vote, motion
carried unanimously.
Bids - Trash/Rubbish removal from IH site. Motion and second by Aldermen
Sarff/Fitlingham, to open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Bids received from L.B. Staley $42,700 and certified check, Chuck Kinsel Trucking
$47,375 and certified check, N.E. Finch Co. $35,000 and bid bond, Seward Construction
Inc. $50,288 and bid bond. Motion and second by Aldermen Sazff/West, referred to staff
for review and bring the recommendations to council meeting of February 15. Voice
vote, motion carried unanimously.
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Breathing Apparatus upsrades for Fire Department. Motion and second by
Aldermen Sazff/West to waive the bids on this purchase. Voice vote, motion carried
Motion and second by Aldermen WestlHartford, to allow the purchase of 12 Breathing
Appazatus from Global/1V1ES at a total cost of $11,640, and referred to council for their
consideration. (This is under the 2004 Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant to bring all of
their breathing appazatus into current NFPA compliance. Grant funds will cover 90%
$10,476 of the cost. The city shaze would be 10% $1,164.00.) Voice vote, motion
carried unanimously.
Rapid Intervention Team.. Equipment Request from Fire Department. Motion and
second by Aldermen West/Fillingham, to allow the purchase of 2 RIT-Pak from
G1obaUMES of $2,234.00, and referred to council for their consideration. (This is under
the 2004 Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant. The Department of Labor requires two
properly equipped and trained fire fighters to be positioned outside the hazard area at any
time fire fighters are operating inside of an atmosphere classified as immediately
dangerous to life and health. This is commonly known as the "two in/two-out" rule.
The outside fire fighters are referred to as the Rapid Intervention Team (RIT). Cost of
the RIT-Pak is $1,117.00 each for a total of $2,234.00. Grant funds will pay 90%
$2,011.00 of the cost. The city share is 10% $223.00.) Voice vote, motion carried
Digital Projector request from Fire Department. Motion and second by Aldermen
West/Sarff, to allow the purchase of one Optoma EzPro 745 digital projector from Dartek
at a total cost of $1,361.98, and referred to council for their consideration. (This is under
the 2004 Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant. Grant funds will pay 90% $1,226 of the cost.
The city share would be 10% $135.98. This projector would be used by both the
Training Division and Fire Prevention Division to project power point presentations and
videos.) Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Request to Establish Technical Rescue Team Fund from Fire Department. Motion
and second by Aldermen SazfflFillingham, to approve of establishing a special Region 9
Technical Rescue Team fund under the city treasurer, and referred to council for their
consideration. (Canton Fire Department is participating with Macomb, Monmouth and
Galesburg Fire Departments in establishing a Technical Rescue Team in Homeland
Security Region 9. One item this is not provided by the grant is a trailer to carry the
equipment. Region 9 TRT plans call for one trailer to be located in Canton and one
trailer to be located in Monmouth. Each trailer would cost about $4,000. John Stanko is
providing governance for the Region 9 TRT, John is asking that a special fund be
established under the city treasurer to handle any monies received.) Voice vote, motion
carried unanimously.
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Reimbursement Resolution for Water & Sewer Proi~ect. City Attorney Ron Weber
said the resolution is needed when we move forward on this project for funding, and
looking at bonds. Ron said he has been working with First MidState Inc. to act as
Underwriters with respect to the issuance of General Obligation Bonds (GO) (Alternate
Revenue Source). Motion and second by Aldermen Fillingham/Sazff, to have the City
Attorney Ron Weber draft a Resolution for GO Bonds for the Water 8c Sewer Project
Upgrading. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
In-car Video Camera from Police Department. Motion and second by Aldermen
Sarff/Fillingham, to allow two new in-car video camera system from the state bid price of
$4,145 per unit, and to use the DUI and Drug Forfeiture funds, and referred to council for
their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
TASER proposal from Police Department. Motion and second by Aldermen
Sarff/Fillingham, to purchase 5 TASERs model X26 from Ray O'Herron Company for
55,539.93, and referred to council for their consideration. Discussion. Police Chief Don
Edwards mentioned the TASER is an electronic control weapon (ECW) which uses
compressed nitrogen to propel two darts connected to the weapon by thin insulated wires.
When both probes contact the target the device automatically delivers several seconds of
electrical current. This current overrides the central nervous system causing physical
incapacitation which will allow the officer time to apply restraints and gain control over
the suspect. Recovery from being "tried" is almost instantaneous. The end result is
fewer officer injuries and increased suspect compliance. Each officer who carries a
TASER will be trained and certified as to the use, implementation and the effects of the
TASER. Don also recommended paying for the TASER from the Bell Jaz (gambling
fund) be utilized. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
The Finance Committee adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Legal & Ordinance Committee
Alderman Mary Fillingham, Chairman
Redevebpment Project for Petersen Group for 2°d Avenue. Economic Development
Director David Byerly gave each Aldermen an agreement to review by next Tuesday.
Call Dave starting tomorrow with your questions and concerns. The ordinance will be
on the agenda for next week council meeting. This land sits in a TIF District and the
planned development conforms with that procedure.
Mark Petersen of Petersen Health Caze gave his presentation for Assisted Living Center
in Canton on Second Avenue which is behind Sunset Nursing Home. He is planning to
build Canton Courtyazd Estates. The Economic Impact for Canton -Approximately 80-
90 new jobs. Fifty percent will be existing homeowners that may have moved away for
Clerical Committee meeting 2-08-OS
senior Housing. Fifty percent of tenants will be from azeas outside of Canton. Relatives
will visit and use the local restaurants, etc.
Motion and second by Aldermen Sazff/Hartford, to draft an ordinance and have
presented at Februazy 15 council meeting. Discussion. Mayor Bohler expressed his
pleasure in working with Mark Petersen. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Request for IEPA Assistance with 2°d Avenue testing. David Byerly said the IEPA
will come in and do some assessment work at no cost to the city in the next two or three
weeks. A resolution is needed for this work. Motion and second by Aldermen
West/Hartford, the City Attorney be instructed to draft an resolution for next week's
council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance -Canton Citizens Band Radio Control Act. City Attorney Ron Weber
mentioned that the City has had problems in the area of CB's that are very powerful ones.
Can not find a state law that controls this. Police Chief Don Edwazds mentioned there is
one individual who utilize CB radio where the signal goes into resident homes and affects
the TV's, radio and phones. There aze no rules that come under the CCB. Ron Weber
said they have been to see Congressman Lane Evans, and again no action. A federal bill
was passed when President Clinton was in office that allows municipalities to pass an
ordinance, but there are no state law that is good for giving out fines.
Motion and second by Aldermen Fillingham/Sazff, to have the city attorney to draft an
ordinance and bring to the council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Community & Industrial Development Committee
Alderman Craig West, Chairman
Update of Activities. Alderman Craig West congratulated the Chamber of Commerce
and recipients for there awards last night to "Citizen of the Year" Rick Klinedinst,
"Business Person of the Year" John Davis, "Teacher of the Yeaz" Bill Lingle. Alderman
West stated they're very deserving individuals
Alderman West ask David Byerly for an update on activities. Dave mentioned that the
City thought 2 weeks ago the TPW Railroad was going to sell, and there would be a new
owner that would resume rail traffic up and down that east/west line. A court ordered
delay pushed the sale date to February 22. But we do feel at the end of this month a court
order real estate transaction will take place between Rural America and Pioneer Rail
Corporation. Also, Ameren has announced they aze doing a five (5) mile rail spur for rail
crossing. The new crossing will be on Route 9.
Mayor Bohler announced this Saturday February 12 the City will have an informational
meeting at the Sr. High School in the auditorium from 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. on the
Clerical Committee meeting 2-08-OS
city's infrastructure for the new proposal of the water & sewer project. Keith Plavec
from Maurer Stutz Inc. will give a power point presentation of the updates and cost for
the water plant and sewer plant project. At 11:30 a.m. the meeting will cease and a bus
will be made available for those wanting to tour each of the facilities. Mayor Bohler
invited the citizens of Canton, and elected officials to the meeting.
The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee
Alderman Larry Sarf~' Chairman
There was nothing listed on the agenda and discussion was not held.
The Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Recording Secretary,
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Nancy Whites, City Clerk