HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-23-2005 Mechanical Committee-~`" "-
AUGUST 23, 2005 @ 6:30 P.M.
Historic Depot 50 North 4th Avenue
Aldermen in attendance: Eric Schenck, Jim Hartford, Rick Reed, Joe Berardi.
Other Aldermen in attendance: Larry Sarff, Les Carl, Kevin Meade. Absent -
Alderman Craig West.
Others in attendance: Mayor Rodney W. Heinze, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City
Treasurer Kathy Luker, City Attorney Jim Elson, Economic Development Director Mark
Rothert, Police Chief Donald Edwards, Fire Chief John Stanko, Wastewater Treatment
Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Public Works Director Cliff
O'Brien, Zoning Officer Clark Wilson, Street Supt. George Spahn, System Maintenance
Supt. Bill Terry, and Video Services Joe Ginger. Others -Daily Ledger John Froehling,
Journal Star Brenda Bowen.
Mayor Heinze opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and introduced the committee chairman.
Public Safety & Traffic
Alderman Eric Schenck, Chairman
Police Resort. Police Chief Donald Edwards mentioned there was more activity this
month than last year. There was about the same in activity two years ago.
This Labor Day week end the Police Department will participate in "You Drink, You
Drive, You Lose" safety campaign. We do this safety campaign every year. Officers
will be taking extra enforcement for safety.
Alderman Hartford noted in the report of the Police Department they were audited on
LEADS. The department was in compliance 30 out of 30. Good job! Alderman Hartford
said. Police Chief Donald Edwards mentioned that LEADS stands for Law Enforcement
Data Systems and it `s handled by the State Police.
Fire Resort. Fire Chief John Stanko mentioned that on July 13 they received a new
Porta Count Fit Test Machine, through MAVIS and a grant through Illinois Terrorist
Task Force. The machine is used to test all respirators, gas masks, etc. The value of the
machine is at $9,000 and is being supplied to run at no cost to us. We will serve as host
The Technical Rescue Team held the first class on July 11 through 1 S. In the month of
July the department received a lot of overtime pay. That will be reimbursed to us
sometime hopefully next month.
Bids. Motion and second by Aldermen Schenck/Hartford, to allow the City Clerk to
open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
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Mechanical Committee August 23, 2005
Overlander Alarm Systems, Inc $34,674.00
COPS Inc. Security Solutions, Peoria $22,836.00 with added addendums
totaling $8,573.00 for grand total = $31,409.00
SRA Enterprise 145 S. 5~', Canton, Il $31,428.10
Allied Lock & Safe Technician, Peoria $51,035.25
Motion and second by Aldermen SchencklBerardi, to refer the bids to Police Chief
Donald Edwards and have a recommendation at the council meeting September 6, 2005.
Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
The Public Safety & Traffic committee adjourned at 6:45 p.m
Streets & Garbage Committee
Alderman Jim Hartford, Chairman
Nothing listed on the agenda.
The Streets & Garbage Committee adjourned at 6:46 p.m.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds
Alderman Rick Reed, Chairman
Nothing listed on the agenda.
Alderman Reed asked for a report from Greg Pollitt the Supt at the Water Plant how far
the lake is down? Greg said 41 inches, and the pumps are turned on at 52-53 inches.
Alderman Reed encouraged conserving water now.
The Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee adjourned at 6:47 p.m.
Public Works, Water & Sewer
Alderman Joe Berardi, Chairman
Resolution Approving APre-Annexation Agreement between the City & James
Engle Jr. City Attorney Jim Elson said he has read the resolution and the area for t}us is
in the Del Bar Section. Motion and second by Aldermen Berardi/Reed, to refer the
resolution to the next Council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
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Mechanical Committee August 23, 2005
Preliminary Pre-Annexation. Alderman Berardi mentioned that the City has a lot of
them and he would like to start taking a look at them beginning with subdivisions.
Alderman Berardi wants to move towards doing something in the near future.
Alderman Schenck asked, where are we on the Bond Issue? City Attorney Jim Elson
mentioned that originally the form was sent to him to comply and he could not. So a new
form came and he will have this completed within a week to 10 days. As for the pre-
easements working with Keith Plavec of Maurer Stutz Inc. and Fulton County Abstract
and they should have a figure for us probably Monday.
Alderman Meade mentioned coming up after the town hall meeting about the local
people purchasing those bonds. Alderman Sarff commented that when David Pistorius
was here he asked and every bond issue is handled as individual one and you pay the full
Alderman Schenck ask Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien where is the status on
pumping water from the Illinois River. How are we doing on that schedule, and what is
the next thing on the docket? Cliff O'Brien mentioned right of ways plus, still in design.
Alderman Berardi mentioned the water rate schedule needs to be made available to
people who can understand how the increases come about. Water Treatment Supt Greg
Pollitt mentioned that they can give each person who request a print out of the old rate
and all raises up to 2008. Come into the water department and ask for one.
The Public Works, Water & Sewer committee adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Recording Secretary,
Nancy Whites, City Clerk
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