HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-2005 Mechanical Committee~- MECHANICAL COMMITTEE July 26, 2005 @ 6:30 p.m. Historic Depot 50 North 4t6 Avenue --- ldermen in attendance: Eric Schenck, Jim Hartford, Rick Reed, Joe Berazdi. they Aldermen in attendance: Larry Sarff, Craig West, Les Cazl, Kevin Meade. there in attendance: Mayor Rodney W. Heinze, City Clerk Nancy Whites, Cit reasurer Kathy Luker, Acting Police Chief Dean Putman, Fire Chief John Stanko astewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Publi orks Director Cliff O'Brien, Video Services Joe Ginger. Those in the audienc andewalle & Associates representative Joy Stiglish, Bell, Boyd & Lloyd representative ichael Ohm & Jay Truty, Fireman of Jay Smith and Clark Evans, Don Inmon, Sall ussbum, and newsmedia Daily Ledger John Froehling, & Journal Star Brenda Bowen. Motion and second by Aldermen Berazdi/Hartford, to go into executive session with Bell, Boyd & Lloyd environmental lawyers. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. A one minute recess was declazed as Mayor Heinze announced who was to attend the executive session, and they were all elected ofI•icials, Vandewalle & Associates representative Joy Stiglish, & City Attorney Jim Elson, & Environmental Lawyers of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd. The Mechanical Committee convened into executive session at 6:33 p.m. The executive session minutes of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd, environmental lawyers are on file in the office of the city clerk. The Mechanical Committee meeting reconvened into open session at 7:17 p.m. Alderman Eric Schenck arrived at the Mechanical Committee meeting during the executive session at 7:04 p.m. Public Works, Water & Sewer Alderman Joe Berardi, Chairman Vandewalle & Associates. Alderman Meade had asked for Joy to attend this meeting as the council voted to keep Vandewalle & Associates involved. Joy Stiglish mentioned that Vandewalle & Associates have been working with the City of Canton for 6 %Z yeazs. Joy also mentioned Eric Ginger also has worked on the projects. Joy said she oversees the monitoring of activities. She was liaison person for USEPA and ILEPA and procured 5 million dollars in federal funds in forms of grants. Alderman Meade asked, if no more funding comes from grants what will the cost be if we continue in this vein? Joy said it would depend on activities you want me involved in. The cost in recovery is the next step. Alderman Meade asked if there were more grants to pay for these services? Joy said she knows there aze more that can be sought, some would be tough to receive. .• Alderman Schenck asked, what is the most important milestone in the future of where we are headed? Joy said there are several critical milestones, bringing the necessary parties to the table is the main one, and probably the key milestone. Alderman Berardi asked what amount of dollars has the city paid Vandewalle & Associates? Joe said, $394,000 existing in grants that are in place and Vandewalle & Associates are paid 15%. Joy said she had a list but did not bring with her, but does come to around $75 per hour. City Treasurer Kathy Luker said she had some problems with the figures as some $90,000 was paid from the General Fund. Joy apologized for stating that all funds are paid from grant funding. Alderman Carl cautioned, what is to be taken from the TIF funds. Alderman Carl remarked that $206,000 is obligated to a loan at Mid America National Bank. Alderman Meade reported that previous payments to Vandewalle & Associates from the General Fund was authorized by the former city council. Leachate -sludge agreement with Waste Mana~e_,ment. Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien said, the City of Canton has been in contact with Waste Management, and we would like for the Mayor and Council members to consider the concept of a Leachate Agreement between WMI and the City of Canton. This agreement entails an acceptance of their Leachate from the Macomb landfill for treatment at our facility. In turn they will remove sludge from the Water Treatment Plant and the Wastewater Treatment Plant at no cost to the city. As we are only in the initial stages at this time we are seeking Councils guidance and blessing to further study this proposal. Cliff further added that WMI will construct at either Canton's Industrial Park Pumping Facility or Eastside Wastewater Treatment Plant aholding/storage tank of minimum volume of 25 gallons. They also will construct an additional 25,000 gallon holding/storagetank if excess volume is determined to be needed by City of Canton. Cliff O'Brien reported the benefits per year Leachate Treatment Income $ 15,600 Lime Expense $ 7,521 Admin. Expense $ 6,000 Power Expense $ 1,565 Operation Expense $ 24,000 Maint. Expense $ 24,000 Lab Testing Expense $ 2,400 Repair & Upgrade Expense $ 35,827 Sludge Loading Expense $ 8,749 Sludge Transportation Expense $ 47,357 Sludge Spreading Expense $ 87,264 Grit, Screenings, Misc. $ 17,576 WTP Lime Sludge Disposal Expense 100 000 $376,194 Revenue currently Received from Land application program - $ 1,665 Cost to treat WMI's Leachate - $ 14,600 2 Total Estimated Net Benefit per Yeaz to City of Canton $362.000 Cliff mentioned that WMI needs this project from the City of Canton as the Peoria landfill is closing. Cliff mentioned that Keith Plavec and Larry Hughes has looked at it and so has Jim Elson the City Attorney. Cliff O'Brien wants to bring this to the Legal & Ordinance committee. Cliff also said they are looking at using the Eastside Plant. City Attorney Jim Elson said he looked at this from the standpoint of economics and then legal, and found it very favorable both ways. Alderman Berardi wants Alderman Cazl to sit in on the meetings with WMI. Cliff O'Brien said he would inform Alderman Cazl when they fine tune the agreement. Motion and second by Aldermen HartfordlReed, to approve of the concept between the City of Canton and WMI, and to work with the city attorney. Discussion. Alderman Schenck asked if the City is their only competitor? Cliff said they don't want to cross the Illinois river as it will cost more. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Disaster Plan. Cliff O'Brien has also a proposed Disaster Management Plan for the City of Canton and as in previous proposals we aze seeking Council's guidance. This is in the beginning stages of planning and initial introduction to the Council. Waste Management Disaster management offers a list of services that includes waste removal and disposal, site security, subcontracting of clearing and clean up services, specialized equipment and personnel trained in FEMA procedures and practices, including overall project management. Cliff O'Brien said any form of hazardous waste WMI would clean up for free. Motion and second by Aldermen HartfordlReed, to refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Mayor asked about Police and Fire being involved. Cliff said this will be a team effort. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Alderman Berazdi asked for a report on lake levels from Greg Pollitt. Greg mentioned that the lake is holding at 30 inches below the dam. We have the necessary ordinances in place when proper rules for mandatory practices aze needed. The Public Works, Water & Sewer Committee adjourned at 7:58 p.m. Public Safety & Traffic Aldermen Eric Schenck, Chairman Police Reuort. Acting Chief Dean Putman mentioned the handler Mike Eveland and Roko aze back in service. Mike Eveland and Roko had to be certified. School starts August 17 still need crossing guards. 3 a Fire Report. Fire Chief John Stanko reported that on June l5t and 2°a, they conducted live fire training for all fire fighters at the Peoria Fire Academy training tower. Half of the fire fighters were taken each day for the training. This year our focus was on Rapid Intervention team drills utilizing new RIT equipment received as part of the 2004 Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant. It is difficult for us to have an opportunity to do live fire training. The Peoria Fire Department has allowed us to use their facility for the past several yeazs. On June 21~` the Office of the State Fire Marshall conducted an audit of our training records. Lt. Tom Shubert, the training officer worked with the auditor during the review of the records. All files were found to be in order with no deficiencies. Alderman Meade mentioned that the city's yard waste facility is open on Cedaz Street. The azea was formerly known as the city's landfill. Disposal of Used Personal Protective Equipment. Fire Chief John Stanko reported that they have accumulated a vaziety of miss-matched personal protective equipment. This equipment was kept as new PPE was purchased and placed in service. Some equipment is 15-20 yeazs old. The office of the State Fire Marshall has set up an equipment exchange program so that used equipment can be donated to needy departments without liability to the city. John said they had 11 coats and 12 pants of various sizes and colors that need to be disposed of. John wants to be allowed to offer the used personal protective equipment to a needy department through the Office of the State Farm Marshall's Equipment Exchange Program. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Haztford, the request be referred to council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The Public Safety & Traffic committee adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Streets & Garbage Aldermen Jim Hartford, Chairman Resolution Municipal Estimate of Maintenane cost of $209.825.29. Alderman Cazl said this resolution was not properly done by procedure. Alderman Cazl said he ask Maurer Stutz Inc. for break down three times and still never received the information. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Berazdi, to refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Alderman Meade asked about the sidewalk project listed on the resolution for some $5,000. Cliff O'Brien said we can't do sidewalk program with the funds so we get reimbursed for doing the street sweeping of state routes. Alderman Schenck wanted to know about how the retainer funds aze used from Maurer Stutz Inc.? Alderman Carl answered they bring everything to council of their activities. Alderman Meade said that before the city had a City Engineer and they did not have the need for retainer. Alderman Hartford mentioned that the statement of not following procedure by Maurer Stutz Inc. was for the agreement of maintenance by consulting engineer. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. 4 .,: A¢reement Maintenance Eneineerine to be performed by consulting ensineer. Motion and second by Aldermen ReedJSchenck, to refer to council for their consideration. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Eastview School Traffic Study. Cliff O'Brien spoke on the issue as Keith Plavec from Maurer Stutz Inc. was in Astoria tonight. The following is the recommend alternative measurers to improve traffic flow and safety. MSI Scope of Traffic Study (Budget of $5,000) 1. Begin work August 17, 2005 with City Approval. Gather and assemble traffic existing conditions. Site traffic to include entrances to school as well as the intersection of Myrtle Lane and Fifteenth Avenue. 2. Gather and assemble existing site plans. 3. Gather and evaluate traffic crash data for this section. Obtain crash data from City. Review needs from a traffic safety viewpoint. 4. Meet with Stakeholders to better define problem Stakeholders could include: Elected Officials, Police Chief, Fire Chief, School Officials, Public Works Director, Adjacent Property Owners and Effected Residents. 5. Compile and submit preliminary report of Traffic Study, including the findings, conclusions and recommendations to the City for review by September 30, 2005. 6. Review City comments by October 15, 2005 and revise based on any comments. 7. Submit final report by October 30, 2005. This ends the Project Scope. Cliff said that Keith Plavec from the firm of Maurer Stutz Inc. has someone that can do this work. Cliff said the $5,000 comes from Maurer Stutz Inc. retainer. Motion and second by Aldermen Berazdi/Schenck, to refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Alderman Meade thought the school boazd should help with the funding. Mayor Heinze wanted to know if other traffic issues are out there? Alderman Berazdi said that Lincoln and Westview school aze the other traffic issues but Eastview was the worse. Mayor Heinze wanted to know if a survey was done on any injurys and if there were any hazardous conditions. We should look at all of them and then move forward. Alderman Berazdi mentioned that we are always talking about more than one issue when one issue comes up. Lets just do one at a time. Acting Police Chief Dean Putman said of the 3 schools, Eastview 1 maybe 2 accidents, Westview and Lincoln schools not to his knowledge. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. 5 Landfill Fees. Cliff O"Brien mentioned as the 3 yeaz contract with Knox County Landfill has expired and after cazeful research we have determined that it would be in the City's best interest financially to return to Peoria County Landfill. Three yeazs ago the price of fuel ranged from $1.00 to $1.09 and at that time it was more cost efficient to go with Knox County. Today's fuel prices are projected to double from 3 years ago putting fuel prices at $2.25. We have received an agreement from Waste Management and will forwazd to City Attorney Jim Elson. Cliff said the City of Canton hauls 5.544 tons per year. Peoria County cost $29.50 per ton = $163,548.00 Knox County cost $23.70 per ton = $131,392.00 Difference in tonnage tip fees to return to Peoria is $32156.00 per yeaz. Motion and second by Aldermen Berazdi/Reed, to refer to council for their consideration. Discussion. Mayor Heinze asked how long take to get started? Cliff mentioned it would be one day. This is just a draft we aze looking at right now. Alderman Berazdi asked about the Depreciation Account, what happened to it? City Treasurer Kathy Luker mentioned that only one deposit this yeaz and last year was made. Kathy said it needs to be corrected if it is wrong. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Don Inmon & Sally Nussbum. Alderman Meade said that Don had called him a couple of weeks ago when he was to appeaz at the council meeting to make his presentation and told Alderman Meade that he could not make the meeting. Alderman Meade knew he was not going to be there, but Alderman Meade was also not there. So the message was not referred. City Attorney Jim Elson said that it was his understanding that Don Inmon's lawyer Mr. Stegall has withdrawn. Don said he was not aware of that. Jim Elson said that the City was involved in a law suit with you Don, and I cannot listen to anything you have to say, it has to be with your lawyer. Alderman Berazdi agreed we should not listen to anything at this time from Don Inmon. Motion and second by Aldermen Berazdi/Reed, to take Don Inmon and Sally Nussbum name off of the agenda. Discussion. Alderman Meade asked if the lawsuit covers everything? Jim Elson said not the trailers at the IH site. Don Inmon remazked he was not notified of this. Jim Elson told Don Inmon to have your attorney talk with you. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The Streets & Gazbage Committee adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Lakes, Buildings & Grounds Alderman Rick Reed, Chairman Pavilion for Lake Development. Alderman Meade had this added to the agenda as he does believe it should be built, but not with Hotel/Motel Funds. Alderman Berardi said he agreed with the plans but using different funding source. Alderman Reed said he will bring plans to his committee and has some funding ideas he will share. 6 .:. The Lakes, Buildings & Grounds committee adjourned at 8:42 p.m. XECUTIVE SESSION - NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - TO HAVE DISCUSSION OF A GRIEVANCE IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT; THE SELLING OF THE FORMER CITY BUILDING AT 210 EAST CHESTNUT STREET; BELL, BOYD & LLOYD ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYERS. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Hartford, to go into executive session for discussion of a grievance with fire department; selling of former city building at 210 E. Chestnut Street; Environmental Lawyers of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd. Mayor Heinze said there could be action coming from the executive session. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Heinze invited the following to attend the executive session -Elected officials, City Attorney, Fire Chief John Stanko. This portion of the Mechanical Committee meeting adjourned for executive session at 8:44 p.m. The executive session minutes are on file with the city clerk's office. The Mechanical Committee's executive session came into open session at 10:07 p.m and adjourned. Recording Secretary, f ~ ~~OG~i ~u~ Nancy Whites, City Clerk 7