HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-28-2005 Mechanical CommitteeMECHANICAL COMMITTEE
June 28, 2005 @ 6:30 p.m.
Historic Depot 50 N. 4t6 Avenue
mittee Members: Joe Berazdi, Jim Hartford, Rick Reed, Eric Schenck. Absent -
r Aldermen in attendance: Les Carl, Kevin Meade, Larry Sarff, Craig West.
rs in attendance: Mayor Rodney W. Heinze, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City
arer Kathleen Luker, City Attorney Jim Elson Sr., Acting Police Chief Dean
Sri, Acting Fire Chief Dick Groves, Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien, Keith
c -Maurer Stutz Inc., Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Zoning Officer Clazk
.n, Video Services of Joe Ginger. Others in audience news media of Daily Ledger
Froehling, Journal Star Brenda Bowen, & Maloof Real Estate representative Ed
Public Safety & Traffic Committee
Alderman Schenck, Chairman
Police Report. Dean Putman the acting chief highlighted the report giving thanks to the
Auxiliary Police for their donation of patrolling the "Cruise In." They donated their
services to the community and its citizens. The Police Department located a used vehicle
for their replacement vehicle at Davison Auto Stop for $12,800. The vehicle has 22,400
mileage with warranty until 2006/32,000 miles.
Fire Report. Alderman Schenck ask if the person has been caught who intentionally set
the fire at an apartment at 336 Howazd Place? Acting Chief Dick Grove said no one has
been apprehended on that fire that has been determined was intentionally set.
Cell Phone. Three quotes were given. They are from Nextel $594.43 per month; U.S.
Cellular $$622.44 per month; Verizon $757.18 per month. Mayor Heinze mentioned that
U.S. Cellular has the cell phone services at the present time, and will have to buy out the
current contract of $750. The phone numbers will remain the same. Alderman Berazdi
will do reseazch of how many minutes are used and will give the information to the
mayor when completed.
The Public Safety & Traffic Committee adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Streets & Garbage Committee
Alderman Jim Hartford, Chairman
Maple Street from 2°a to 4t6 Avenue. Cliff O'Brien gave a memorandum report to the
mayor and council members. Keith Plavec from Mauer Stutz Inc, Clark Wilson zoning
officer and Cliff met at the IH site to determine the effects of opening Maple Street from
2"a Avenue to 4~" Avenue.
Mechanical Committee June 28, 2005
From this the review of the site identified several issues/concerns with the opening of
Maple Street across the IH property:
A high pressure gas valve is currently exposed east of the intersection of 2nd
Avenue and Maple Street.
The roadway width is currently 30 feet wide and actually less where the existing
fence surrounds the high pressure gas valve and at the fence to gain access to the
site (20 feet).
A sight distance concern exists for traffic turning off of Maple Street at the
intersection with 2°d Avenue.
The existing roadway leading into the site and the concrete foundation on the site
is uneven and rides rough.
A fence is needed along the north and south sides of the proposed roadway to
keep vehicles and pedestrians from accessing the site.
The railroad crossing along 4`h Avenue is in poor condition.
The proposed roadway extension would result in an offset intersection on 4`h
The following recommendations were offered:
Ameren will remove the exposed high pressure gas valve at no cost to the City.
Once the high pressure gas valve is removed, the fence surrounding the gas valve
could be removed allowing for a fu1130 foot width roadway at the entrance off of
2°d Avenue.
The horizontal alignment of the roadway may need to be shifted to the south at
the fenced entrance to the site to get around the concrete ramp and still provide a
minimum of 30 feet in width.
Install afour-way stop at the intersection of 2°d Avenue and Maple Street. Police
Chief Don Edwards was also contacted and expressed similar concerns.
Complete a 1-1/2" bituminous overlay from 2"d Avenue to 4`~ avenue fora 30 foot
width to allow for a smoother ride across Maple Street. The estimated cost to
complete this is $25,000.
Mechanical Committee June 28, 2005
Install a fence along the north side of the proposed roadway extension at a
minimum. Using the unit bid price obtained from Hohulin ($24.80 per lineal
foot) for 2`~ Avenue, the total estimated cost to install a fence along the north side
would be $14,000. As for the south side, we would also recommend the
installation of a fence at an estimated cost of $14,000, but this azea could be left
open if the City would fill in any holes/voids in the concrete.
Contact the railroad concerning any requirements they may have with
creating/upgrading and additiona.Uexisting crossing.
Install atwo-way stop at the offset intersection stopping Maple Street traffic along
4"' Avenue.
Alderman Berazdi felt the city should have a new Comprehensive Plan first before
opening up Maple Street.
Committee decided to hold off for now on opening up the street.
MFT Capitol Improvement. Cliff O'Brien mentioned that Jim Davis who had worked
for the State of Illinois Department of Transportation. Then he was employed with
Maurer Stutz Inc. he introduced modified hot sand seal for the streets. The City used to
have oil & chip. Cliff mentioned that Keith Plavec and Cliff O'Brien went to Local
Roads committee and presented their case of why the City doesn't want to build sidewalk
on East Ash past 15 Avenue when curb and guttering work is being done. Local Roads
has agreed for now the City won't have to build those sidewalks in that area.
Alderman Hartford asked about the Eastview School area of what it would take to answer
the traffic problem as pickup vehicles park and block two streets waiting to pick up the
kids. Dean Putman mentioned that Police Chief Mike Elam, at that time, went to the
school board about the problem and the problem is enforcement.
Cliff said that he and Keith Plavec reviewed the azea and suggested a pick up lane and it
will have to have enforcement. Alderman Hartford added no pazking on the other side of
the street.
Alderman Berardi mentioned about Jr. High and their traffic problem and needing a turn
Dean Putman mentioned the biggest problem is the volume of traffic and the police have
only 3 people on a shift, and the school district has to buy into it.
The issue was turned over to the Police Department to give a report.
Mechanical Committee June 28, 2005
Keith Plavec mentioned that he will bring the 2005 MFT work program to the finance
committee next meeting. Alderman Sarff asked if the City has the funds for a turn lane?
Cliff O'Brien mentioned that the project would cost around $32,000 for a turn lane and
thought he could do it.
Main Street from Chestnut Street to Locust Street needine to be striped. Alderman
Cazl asked Cliff O'Brien about getting it done as cars pazk everywhere. Cliff mentioned
that the road width is the problem. Also the street length as it is 233 feet in length. Cliff
said he could stripe the street a week from Sunday and is open for suggestions.
Alderman Hartford suggested removing pazking on the East side of the street.
4 way stop sisn at Maple Street and Avenue B. Alderman Cazl had asked Police Chief
Don Edwards to investigate this area. Acting Chief Dean Putman said that Don stands by
the study done a year ago. Because of the grade there Don felt it was not in the best
interest of putting in a stop sign. Alderman Carl feels it is a dangerous intersection.
Dean Putman agreed with him. The police department did a clock check of cars and out
of 714 only 4 were going over 30 miles an hour. Dean said a flashing yellow light
warning sign would have to be placed higher up the hill.
Mayor Heinze ask Dean what is the safest way. Dean said the study beazs it out and
since the change in the design of the roadway, no accidents have occurred. Alderman
Cazl asked in lieu of stop sign, changing the speed limit. Alderman Reed suggested all
azound the hospital should have speed changed to slow down the traffic. Alderman Cazl
wants the police chief to report back on this.
The Streets & Garbage Committee adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Alderman Rick Reed, Chairman
Nothing listed on the agenda.
Alderman Carl asked Greg Pollitt the Water Supt. how far the water is down below the
spill way? Greg answered, 13 inches.
Alderman-Reed asked that $5,000 be used from the HoteUMotel Tax to use at the old
boat dock to build a pavilion. They would have a concrete slab, the roof would be
appealing, handicapped accessible, electricity, and picnic tables. Alderman Berazdi
brought up that we're always doing something that is not a budgeted item. Aldermen
Meade ask for a comment from the city attorney as to the appropriateness to act on when
not listed on the agenda. City Attorney Jim Elson Sr. said that it was not appropriate!
Alderman Schenck said he supports the idea of making improvements at the lake and
mazketing our community, and appreciates the improvements that has been going on.
Mechanical Committee June 28, 2005
Alderman Schenck mentioned applying for matching grant funds. We also have a great
watershed, and should think of forestry program.
Alderman Berardi mentioned that a report had been filed by David Byerly that the City
had been awazded $60,000 for a Comprehensive Plan. No one knew anything about it.
Alderman Hartford told Alderman Reed to bring the $5,000 request to the Finance
Committee meeting.
The Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee ended at 7:30 p.m.
Public Works, Water & Sewer Committee
Alderman Joe Berardi, Chairman
Appreciation Award to Bill_y's Tap/Basement DeWatering. Alderman Berazdi said
the updates made on their buildings really is nice. Motion and second by Aldermen
Berazdi/Reed the city to send a plaque to show appreciation for their efforts by fixing up
the downtown. Alderman Berazdi also included in the motion of OTO, second agreed.
Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Three_year contract Maurer Stutz Inc. at $36,000 a year. Motion and second by
Aldermen Hartford/Reed, agree to the mayor appointment of Maurer Stutz Inc. for 3
yeazs at $36,000 a year. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Zonins Violation Reports. Alderman Berardi mentioned that when calls of problems
aze reported on, one heazs about it, and then should come to council floor. Alderman
Sazff said the council does not need to heaz of zoning reports as this body is not here for
that. Alderman Meade mentioned the reports are already on the monthly police report
from beginning to end. Alderman Berardi mentioned the house at 449 Sycamore. City
Attorney Jim Elson told Alderman Berazdi not to bring up specific azeas. Alderman
Berardi fmished that people sitting in their yazd and across street were using it for race
track. Police have been called and said the noise is no louder than a lawn mower.
Alderman Sazff said to Alderman Berardi, this is not the proper place and there aze many
things you don't know. I don't know if violations have been cited. You should talk to
the police chief. You aze sitting here telling the police chief to write tickets. Alderman
Berazdi said he disagreed with Alderman Sarff as this is the place to bring them.
Alderman Meade said there are no ordinances that deal with this, and this body does not
have authority to write tickets to take specific action. City Attorney Jim Elson stated
there are two sides to every matter, and there are always good reasons why.
Alderman Berazdi mentioned that burnt trailers aze still sitting on the property where they
were burned and they have not been issued a ticket. Zoning Officer Clark Wilson said he
contacted the mayor and brought the situation to his attention and the mayor is
negotiating in good faith with them. Alderman Meade mentioned that in the last 4 years
nothing was done on the Inmon case, even though the city had a case. Mayor Heinze
Mechanical Committee June 28, 2005
said he has met with them and they will be attending the Clerical Committee meeting in
July of a plan of how to do this fmancially, and how to get the problem solved. If the
man comes with a time table to negotiate, Rod said he is willing to give the man with a
problem to wait 6 months. City Attorney Jim Elson Sr. said that he was in court today for
the City on the Inmon case.
Village Square Covenants. Alderman Berazdi said he had a conflict on Zoning Officer
Clark Wilson's decisions on set backs of where to build sheds, and if can built or not
build. Clazk said he is empowered by city council to a list of rules for persons buying the
land. Village Square is the only subdivision which enforces their covenants. Clark said
he has no enforcement powers on covenants.
Water Contract Ethanol Plant. Alderman Berazdi said he needs clarification on this
contract as he said the Plant does not begin payment until they draw water. Then the cost
is $.87 cent for 100 cubic feet of water and we aze already paying $2.60 and $2.70.
Alderman Beradi wants the city attorney to look at the contract to possibly renegotiate.
Jim Elson Sr. said he would.
Vandewalle & Associates future proiects. Alderman Beradi said he wants to keep
them on with the IH project. Alderman West will have it on his agenda in two weeks.
Water Plant at Matton and, Proposed water and sewer proiect analysis. Alderman
Berazdi showed a slide presentation of the new building for water treatment. Their plant
built in 1998 - 2000 and construction cost was $7.8 million. They built a 7 million
gallon capacity dual system Can shut '/z down to work on the other half. Canton will
be doing 5 million gallon pumping a day and serving 20+.
Alderman Schenck said that Canton has a more conservative process.
Alderman Berazdi mentioned to Keith Plavec to give him answers if do nothing else
where will we be? Keith said even if Ethanol Plant not here the improvements aze still
needed. The lake capacity is limited due to siltation and the lake cannot be raised
anymore. Alderman Berazdi wants to work with Banner and do good for them.
Keith Plavec said that we need to do anything we can do to get support for EPA loans.
Motion and second by Aldermen Schenck/Reed to adjourn the Public Works, Water &
Sewer Committee. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
PERSONNEL - JOB INTERVIEWS. Motion and second by Aldermen
Hartford/R.eed, to go into executive session for discussion of selling the former city
building at 210 E. Chestnut Street and; Personnel Job Interviews. Roll call. AYES -
Mechanical Committee June 28, 2005
Aldermen Hartford, Berazdi, Reed, Schenck. NAYS -None. 4 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0
ABSENT. Motion carried.
Mayor Heinze stated who would attend the executive session, they aze: All elected
officials, City Attorney Jim Elson Sr., and Maloof Realtor representative Edwazd
The Mechanical Committee convened at 8:39 p.m. to go into executive session.
The Mechanical Committee reconvened into open session at 10:29 p.m.
Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Cazl, to continue the Mechanical Committee
meeting in executive session on Saturday July 2 at 9:00 a.m. at the Historic Depot to
continue with Job Interviews. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Recording Secretary,
Nancy Whites, City Clerk
` 2 North Main Street, Canton, II. 61520
Telephone • 309/647-0065 • Fax 3091647-1310
Rodney W. Heinze -Mayor ~ ~
Nancy S. Whites -City Clerk
Kathleen Luker -Treasurer
James Elson -City Attorney
Fax Cover Sheet
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