HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-2010 Council meeting minutesA regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on June 15`h, 2010 in the Council Chambers at the Donald E. Edwards Way, 50 North 4`h Avenue, Canton, Illinois. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY ESDA DIRECTOR PHIL FLEMING. Mayor Kevin Meade asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present -Aldermen Craig West, Larry Sarff, Rick Reed, Eric Schenck, Jim Hartford, Dave Pickel, Jorge Rivero, Gerald Ellis. Also present: Mayor Kevin Meade, City Treasurer Aaron Anderson, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, City Clerk Diana Tucker, Deputy Police Chief Rick Nichols, ESDA Director Phil Fleming, Firefighter Tom Shubert, Video Services by Joe Ginger, Peoria Journal Star Kevin Sampler, Democrat Stacey Cresey, Daily Ledger John Froehling, Jeff Fritz and Penny Fram MINUTES OF JUNE 1ST. 2010 COUNCIL MEETING. MINUTES OF JUNE 8T". 2010 CLERICAL COMMITTEE MINUTES Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Hartford that the minutes be accepted as amended and placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. BILLS Motion and second by Aldermen Schenck/Reed that all bills properly presented be paid. Roll call. AYES-Aldermen Ellis, Rivero, Pickel, Hartford, Schenck, Reed, Sarff, West NAYS -None 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT City Treasurer Aaron Anderson reported that YTD the general fund loss is $141,592.00. The Water/Sewer fund has a profit of $232,667.00. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Rivero to approve the Treasurer's report and place the report on file. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE- Alderman Eric Schenck, Chairman PURCHASE OF 2009 CROWN VICTORIA FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Motion and second was made by Alderman Schenck/Hartford to approve the purchase of the 2009 Crown Victoria for the police department in the amount of $19,945.00. Roll Call. AYES- Aldermen West, Sarff, Reed, Schenck, Hartford, Pickel, Rivero, Ellis NAYS- None 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried MECHANICAL REPORT FOR 2001 FORD TAURUS Alderman Eric Schenck stated that a mechanic's report of the 2001 Ford Taurus in the police department was distributed to the Council members for review. This item can be discussed at the next finance committee meeting. MFT-STREET/SIDEWALK REPAIR No action required at this time. A resolution will later be presented for action LEGAL & ORDINANCE- Alderman Dave Pickel, Chairman Council Action None COMMUNITY & INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT- Alderman Jorge Rivero, Chairman Council Action None NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL- Alderman Larry Sarff, Chairman Council Action None 2 COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR KEVIN MEADE SEATO SHINING SEA BIKE RIDE Penny Frame reported the following: The Sea to Shining Sea Bike Ride is a group of 25 battle scared veterans that are riding across America. They started at the Pacific Ocean on May 22, 2010, traveled across the Golden Gate Bridge to start their ride. The ride will end on Saturday, July 24th, 2010 with the group riding to Virginia Beach and stopping as their front wheels dip into the Atlantic Ocean. Early in the morning on Friday, July 2, 2010 the group will leave Fort Madison, Iowa crossing the Mississippi River and head this way on Illinois Route 9. The group will arrive in Canton in the evening of July 2, 2010, but an exact time is not yet known. This ride is being sponsored by State Farm Insurance Co. Penny asked permission to let the participants use Jones Park as a stopping point in Canton, and have citizens come out to support and greet the group. Alderman Larry Sarff stated it's a good idea and happy to have the group coming into to Canton, and would further support the use of Jones Park. PARLIN INGERSOLL LIBRARY Mayor Kevin Meade recognized the library, Randy Wilson, and the staff, as it was recently named one of the top libraries in the country. Parlin Ingersoll Library is 1 of only 2 privately funded libraries in Illinois. CRUISE-IN Mayor Kevin Meade reminded the public that the Cruise-in will be held this Friday, June 18, 2010. RECYLCING UPDATE Mayor Kevin Meade reported that a second meeting will be held this Monday, June 21, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Donaldson Center. Eagle Recycling will be available to answer any questions, and sign individuals up for the program. COMPUTER PURCHASE Mayor Kevin Meade reported that Nancy Mackey's computer needs to be replaced at the cost of $1,000.00. CANTON LAKE Mayor Kevin Meade congratulated Alderman Schenck and Alderman Reed for their work on the lake improvements. 3 GABBY DAY'S Public Works Director Clif O'Brien reported that the garbage department employees are continuing to pick up items during residents regular garbage days. MOSQUITO SPRAYING Public Works Director Clif O'Brien reported that mosquito spraying will begin next week (June 21-June 25`h) Additional spraying will be done around the high school on July 3~d to help protect the citizens during the annual fireworks display STORM UPDATE ESDA director Phil Fleming reported the City did not have any major damage from recent storms that came through the area. The agency is currently in good shape. FORMER CANTON COUNTRY CLUB MOWING Mayor Kevin Meade reported that the owner's began mowing the property, and the City would continue to monitor the progress. OLD BUSINESS: NONE NEW BUSINESS: A RESOLUTION ASCERTAINING THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES FOR LABORERS. MECHANICS AND OTHER WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN ANY PUBLIC WORKS BY THE CITY OF CANTON, tLLIN015. Motion and second was made by Alderman Schenck/Ellis to approve the resolution. Roll Call AYES- Aldermen Ellis, Rivero, Pickel, Hartford, Schenck, Reed, Sarff, West NAYS- None 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT- Motion carried A RESOLUTION APPROVING APRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND BOB CLAUSON. Motion and second was made by Alderman Ellis/Rivero to approve the resolution. 4 Roll Call AYES- Aldermen West, Sarff, Reed, Schenck, Hartford, Pickel, Rivero, Ellis NAYS- None 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT- Motion carried. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9 (CITY CLERK) OF TITLE 1 (ADMINISTRATION) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE (1ST READING) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ONE HANDICAP PARKING SPACE IN THE ALLEY RUNNING EAST-WEST FROM MAIN STREET TO WHITE COURT. SOUTH OF 2 EAST ELM STREET (LEGACY CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE) AND NORTH OF 23 SOUTH MAIN STREET (COUNTRY FINANCIALI. IN THE CITY OF CANTON. FULTON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. (1St READING) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7-1-6-5 (LIEN AND PERSONAL JUDGEMENT) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE. (1ST READING) Motion and second was made by Alderman Sarff/West to approve the ordinance on the first reading. Discussion: Mayor Meade reported that this ordinance changes the amount for mowing services from $150.00/hour to $200.00/hour per person. Roll Call AYES- Aldermen Ellis, Rivero, Pickel, Hartford, Schenck, Reed, Sarff, West NAYS- None 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT . Motion carried. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7-1-6-5 (LIEN AND PERSONAL JUDGEMENT) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE. Motion and second was made by Alderman Sarff/Reed to approve the ordinance and place it upon its passage. Roll Call 5 AYES- Aldermen West, Sarff, Reed, Schenck, Hartford, Pickel, Rivero, Ellis. NAYS- None 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICY FOR THE CITY OF CANTON FULTON COUNTY ILLINOIS (1sr READING EXECUTIVE SESSION No executive session was necessary. ADJOURNMENT Motion and second was made by Alderman Hartford/Ellis to adjourn. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. The regular scheduled Council meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Diana Tucker, City Clerk APPROVED: Kevin R. Meade, Mayor 6