HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #0687.' p... 4 . . ti .. { . 4 • ~ •~ ... R E S_0 L U_T I.0 N~ ~~'. r. ' j'~ ~ . ., ... A :.. .~ WHEREAS ~ a~ Petition, has been filedrequesting the' rezoning of the . realty hereinafter described and recommendations touching thereon have ~ . been made to the pity Council of the City of Cantons Illinois after notice. ... and hearing; and ~ ~: _ ~_ _.: _ _ n. - ..~ ; . ~. ~- . 5 _ WHEREAS ,it appears-to the City Council that a special use permit would authorize and enable utilization of said realty ~s in said Petition prayed without the necessity of reaoning thereof NOW THERF,F'ORE ~ BE IT AND IT HEREBY IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTONS ILLINOIS AS .FOLLOWS: 1. That the realty described as follows: N 150 of w 100 of even width off the following described realty., to-wit: Pt NE 1;4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 26, T 7 N, R 4 E, 4PM, Fulton County, Illinois, as follow: Com 12 r V7 of NE corner of the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of said Sec 26, th S 660'; th W 280; th A' 660; th E to POB. 150C lock East Chestnut St. ~ which is located at the address of p temporary office Cantons Illinois may be utilized for the operation of and open house in new home on said realty FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED AND ENDING NIi;E N10NTHS FRONT THE DATE HEREOF A ` '? ' LAr~GER THAN Tr:N SQUARE FEET BE UTILIZED IN CONNECTION THEREVdITH j,y Kenneth R Voorhees and B so long as Y~'~'~'¢~~`/~/~~~~//9'r therr:selves operate and use said realty for these or this purposes or purpose. 2. That this Resol>>tion shall constitute a special use permit and not a re-zoning of said realty. 3• That the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the Ftiilton County ~ Illinois band Records . 4. That this Resol~•tion shall be in Bill force and effect upon and from its passage. .,s ~/ PASSED BY THE CITY COU?~:CIL OF THE CITY OF CANTONS ILLINOIS this _ __- /i{~. ~r ~ A. D. 197 5 day of / ., ArrROVED. _ ,~ ~ / - ~ ~-,,~ CITY CLEitK. ATTEST: ~~.~-I~~ti-~ ~c ~ ~ ~Z ~ ~~~ ~~~a l ~. _~' ~ Line L ~OG~ --- ------------ V~ ^ -- f `~ ~ "t0.~~_c~~- .,~NfE OF il[INOIS, COU111"T OF FUI.TdN, !~. 1Fi1S INST U"'.E".T FILE FOR RECORD~ON~ ~.s f'.~ ~~'~ ~.^, r^,~ d... t1. ~"D DULY vautr- auwc a t- - a.,2 ~~ ~193t) 0 yr ~D i`~, Corr_e~ of T'~4_ ~.r;~ . SLR S'~ ~ '~~ N \~ N U U t,~ t~ a ~f 2~J [.~ ~~ )J State of Il1i_nois Counter of Fulton I, Gordon P. Braun, a reC. Frof. Mnrin~~r of :_ll. do hereby certify that I 'slave prepar~;dVt',-'s rlat. -', ~ ~~l is e ar_~\~orrect +o t^e hest of ~- Leliei . Certificate I:o. 52-33355 CI G: C~ ~GN Sole 1"=20J~ Se;,t. 3,1975 S~~ ~~C' t Q V