HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #0688 `'�. - -
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BE IT RESOLVED BY City Council OF City of Canton, Illinois
(Govesning BodyJ (Public EntityJ '
THAT Robert F. Jennings, Mayor of the City of Canton, Illinois
(Name of Incumbent) ' (Official PositionJ '
is heteby authorized to execute far and in behalf of the Citv of Canton. Illinois
,a public entity established nnder the laws of the State of � Illinois
this application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance �
under the Disaster Relief Act(Public Law 288,93rd Congress)or otherwise available from the President's Disaster Relief
T�ATCity of Canton, Illinois ,a public entity established un�r the laws of the State of Illinois
,hereby suthorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Federal Disaster As�stance
Administration(FDAA),Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)for all matters pertaining to such Federal
disaster as�stance the assurances and agreements printed on the reverse side hereof.
Passed and approved this 12th day of A ust 1975.,
Ma or of City of Canton, I11.
(Ro rt F. Jen 11 QandTitleJ
ATTEST: X � Cit Clerk of the City of
(Nel i Crawford) (Nameand7trl Canton, Illinois
(Name and TitleJ
I, Hellie Crawford ,duly�ppointedand Citv Clerk of_
City of Canton, Illinois ,do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution
passed and approved by the City Council of City of Canton, Illinois
(Governing Bodyl (Public EntityJ
on the 12th �y of August �19 75
Date:- ��� - 7 J"
City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois x � r �
(�ff►cial Position) _ (Signature�
(Nellie Crawford)
HUD-490 (9-74) Replaces Previous Edition and OEP Form 231 Which Is Obsolete
A. The State agrees to take necessary action within State capabilities to require compliance with these assurances by the applicant
' or to assume responsibility to the Federal government for any deficiencies not resolved to the satisfaction of the Regional
The Applicant Certifies:
B. That(to the best of his knowledge and beliet)the disaster relief work descnbed on each Federal Disaster Assistance Admin-
istration(FDAA)Project Application for which Federal financial assistance is requested is efigible in accordance with the criteria
contained in 24 Code of Federal Regulations,and FDAA(HUD)Handbooks.
C. That it is the legal entity responsible under law for the performance of the work detailed or accepts such responsibility.
D. That the emergency or disaster relief work therein described for which Federal assistance is requested hereunder does not or will
not duplicate benefits received for the same loss from another source.
E. That all information given by it herein is,to the best of its knowledge and belief,true and correct.
F. That all financial assistance received under this application will be,or has been,expended in accordance with applicable law and
regulations thereunder.
The ApplicaM Agrees:
G. To(1)provide without cost to the United States all lands,easements,and rights-of-way necessazy for accomplishment of the ap-
proved work; (2)holil and save the United States free from damages due tb the approved work or Federal funding.
H. To comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(PL 88-352)and all requirements imposed by the Federal Disaster As-
9stance Administration pursuant to that Tifle to the end that,in accordance with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation,no
person in the United States shall,on the ground of race,color,reGgion,nationality,sex,age,or economic status,be excluded
from participation in,be denied the benefits of,or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for
which the Applicant received Federal financial assistance from the Agency and HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT it will
immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement.
I. T'hat if any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to
the Applicant by the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration,this assurance shall obligate the Applicant,or in the case of
any transfer of such property,any transferee,for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose
for which the Federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similaz services or
benefits. If any personal property is so provided,this assurance shall obligate the Applicant for the period during which it retains
ownership or possession of the property. In all other cases,this assurance shall obligate the Applicant for the period during
which the Fedeial financial assstance is extended to it by FDAA.
J. That the assurance is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal grants,loans,reimburse-
ments,advances,contracts,property,discounts or other Federal financial assistance extended after the date hereof to the Ap-
plicant by FDAA,that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made
in this assurance and that the United States shaD have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. T'his assurance is
binding on the Applicant,its successors,transferees,and assigness,and the person or persons whose signatures appeaz on the
reverse aze authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of the Applicant.
K. To obtain and maintain any flood insurance as may be required for the life of the project(s)fer which Federal financial assistance
for acquisition or construction purposes for buildings or mobile homes was provided herein;and,to obtain and maintain any
other insurance as may be reasonable,adequate and necessary to protect against further loss to any property which was replaced,
restored,repaired or constructed with this assistance.
L. That,as a condition for the grant,any repairs or construction flnanced herewith,shall be in accordance with applicable standards
of safety,decency and sanitation and in conformity with applicable codes,specifications and standards;and,to evaluate the
natural hazards in areas in which the proceeds of the grant or loan are to be used and take appropriate action to mitigate such
standazds,including safe land use and construction practices.
M. To defer funding of any projects involving flexible funding under Section 402 or Section 419 until FDAA makes a favorable
environmental clearance determination,if this is required.
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Appendix 9
A. �Stby i6C��'�lic��ur u aswrne rcspu�i�b�lity,to hccFcJeral gvrcmmcnt for any defici nc'i s na resoh'cJ w the saut'� •
(action o(tlm Rc�iw�a!Duectut. '
'(he/►pplicant Certifiet
� B. '�hat(lo thc best of his kw�w•Icdgc and belkQ the dic�s�er relie(wixk dexril.ed un ead�FrJcral Disaster Assis�ance Admia-
n eriteria conl'v�cJ in 24 CoJe o,(F`cJcnlrRcgulaU ns,Part'_'OS�t�nd applicablc FDM(UUO)Ilandbool•s nate wilh d�t
C. '[)�at it is the k�entity responsiblc under law for�he porformance of du Work detaikd or acccpts sud�rcsl'°^ub�7��Y'
D. 77�at thc cmcrgcncy or Jisasur relief Wurk there�n dcxribcd fur which Fcdenl assivance is rcQuated hcrcundcr daes nol ot w'�71
""�k not duplicate bcncfits�ettived fot the same loss from ano�het source.
E• '[hat all infonna�ion gjrcn by it hncin i;to the bcst of its knowkdgc and bdieC,tnu and wrreel-
�,�,; F. 'That�ll fir�:,ncial assistance received under this appliation will be.or has been,ezpended in�ecordance with apptiable law and
rc=ulations thcrcunder.
The AppGant Agrees:
G. To(�)Pwor1:�'1hold and sa��i���3�1 a st�n�°°��°"'a�g Juec o t�he appro��ed o k w Fede�ral fund�ent o!the a�
proved .(-)
To comply Nith 7i�k VI of ilm Crvd R�ghts Act of 1964(PL 8&352)and all requircments imposed bY the Federal Disuter As-
H• sisunce Ad�ninistraiiai pu�suant to Out Title to the end that,in accordana with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation,nu
person in thc l�niud Su�es shall.pa the�round of ntt.cdur.ieligion.nationality.sex.age,or economic sutus,be excluded
(rom participa�ion in,t+e d.nicd�he b�^�fits of,or be othervase subjected to discrimination under any pr anm or activity for
p.h�����.,�pplicant rrceived Federil tuuncial auisuna from FDAA and HERL•BY Gf��U��CE THAT it vill immed�
' ately take any mcasures ncccssyry to e(fectwte thls a�ccement.
erco�is rovided or impr�ved with Uie aid of Fedcral financial asystana�x«d�of an �,
j, '('hat j(any teal propeny or swtwre th p
`" ' the Applicant by the FeJeral Disaster Ass�stance Adminisuation,this assurance sfiall eb��eau the Applicant,ot in the csse Y
�n transfer of such pn+p�tty,any tnnsferee,for the period durin�w'hich the rnl proPerty or structure is uud for a putpose for
which the FeJeral Pmmicial usistance is extenJed ur fo�anothet purpose involving tLe provision of similar services a benefits.
�t �{��y�xrson:J prope�ty is so provided,this assunnce sl�a�l obligate the Applicant for the period dunn�which il rc�v���t-
shi�or posussion uf thc properry. In all oAKr nscs,t1�is assurance slnll obli&ue thc applicant fot thc period durin=wfiich the
Fedttal finincial aisisunce is extcndcd to i�by FDM.
�r J. Thal this assunnce is given in considerrtinn of and fur the purpose of obuinin�any and all Federal prants,loans.rcimbu�se-
{. menu,ad��nces,contractt,p�uperty,d�uounts or other Fedenl financial as�iswnce axtendeJ after the Jate hereof to the A�►
plicmt b� FDAA.d���sud�Peder�l financiyl assistana Will be eatend.d in rclima on the repreuntations and aereements made
in this usur�ncc and�hat the liniteJ Sw�es s���ll h•rve thc righl to xek juAicial enfwcement of this assunuce. ll�is assurance is
binJinF un tl�c App����^�•��s suttcssurs,ttansferccs,and assignccs,and thc person or perwns whvse s�o°��ura+pp�����he tb
ve�u are aulhur'vcJ tu siy�this assurancc on bclulf of thc App����^�•
_+� K• To obuin md maiutain any flood insunncc as may bc rcqui�cd for thc lik of Ihe projcc�(s)for which FcJcnl financial assisl•
�� � ' ance Wr acquici�iun ur In�rcas.mablc`adc.��cumd occcavry'lo'p�u�'ct1ngain�trfurt�ctllu�s'tu any•pruperly W Iith wu`rcplaccd. .
t othe�insuroncc as m iy
4 tciturcd,rcp�i�cJ ur caistrucicJ N•�d�tLis a»i�iauce.
,e L• That,as a tondiliun(or Ihe gi�nt,any rcp�in u�cuns�n�ction wid�ac��l�c.+�Ic`aKlcs'spccifk��iu t'anJ strnJa Jr a d,to
+ standarJa of s:�fr�y,da'rncy anJ�:�nitatiun���J in a�nl��nnity p{
" evatua�e Ilk n�iw�l 6�i�rds m�rr�s m wiud�ih.pn+c.eds ul thc g�mt ur luan arc lu bc used anJ lake approprule attiva
�i W milig�lc such Laia�Js,induJ�nb s�l.I�nJ��u���J cunslrucUun procliccL
��. r�.
;�;M1 , To defer funding of any pmj�c�s imnlving Ilrxiblc fuuJmg unJet Stt�iun 40?or ScUion 419 untU fOAA m�kcs a f+runl�
r� :
envina�mrnt�l ck���uce drl.�mu��ii.u�,i(Ihis is rrqui�ed.
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