HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #0691~ws cLU~r I onT h c . ~O 9 ~ l~TliE^ ~S, the City of Canton, Illinois leas heretofore mace its api lication for Federal t:ssi stance unc,er a project cortrTOnl~' I~no[,Tn as "'Convnunity ~ evelo rusnt Blocl: Cra.nt Program" ; anc', . ,, rte,-,-, • X11 *~ c '` ' pi `~ , , ,•,,1,J_; ~,~, I ~ ,.uan~ to suc_2 a _ ~licatio,_ saiG City I2cs veer. granted Fec:eral i~Tnc ing at:u as a result t'2ereof in the a:T~ount o; M,300,000.aO; any:, ' rT~--. :li ti [ 1 ?i". CiC'~.ruG Lc? c.0'Ci V a ;•,s ;~:~5 s~~id Cit3- ~ st hserl[er_ ply .. et ~` tOrI:C1C'O [:'h1CII ;i0[:' I1?c i':2S 1t hC CSS~ 1'y Oi' CieS1rC.'c^.i~lC t0 r CV' C`C: unC' real loC~~te ~t1i,dS ~rc t2ted as aforeSaiCi, , T r-~~--~~,,,~ Cam`' be zt anc i t I~ereU~' iS resol~Tec' `oy file COriCl':;i.C c:t[tI?Orit3C'S Of till,' Clty C f C~.:1tOi2, Illit2oiS, a S f01' O[:'S . Tllat a re~riseU application l~~ rude tc. Federal _.uthoritics ~ funds, ;ranted as afores~:i_c, (iUl)) to realloc~~te the experuittlre o~ f Or uSC in tlC', plaT_ ~I2~ <<nG CC.T:ll.ristration of the Corunur2ity Deveiopmctt T'rO~;r~ nT. . ~h~,t the 1•:~yor of file City o;° Cur:tot~, i llincic 'oe «nd he Iierel~y is autl2orize~. to file such ~,pplicution, together [:~itli all 1TndCI'StanCiln~ ~ rid uSSUra nCeS h'IilCh 1':'la y be tilCY'C? n COT?tc`[1neCi anC': til;2t 12e [JC OI2C~ ~2e iiei'ef)~,' 1S C+eSl~;nc fed aS SuiCt City ~ s C121.ei i~`:CCtitiVe G.Cficcr to ~;c tl~e autl~orizec? rej~resentr'titre o" tl2e zlrlicart "City" to act ir. connection [:~itll the a;~; lication a nci to ;~~'ovicle such ,'lc?c'itional in~ormation as T:la3' he required at2C3, further, to sign all ena~.~lin~; na;~crs ~:s may ire for ~~nd on Uehalf of said City in the premises 3iereof. j'1'.SSL7 1' the City Council of tllc City of. Canton, I1]_inois and approved ley tl2e l>ayor thereof a t r~ ~pcci~ll l~:eeiing of the Corpor to ~,utllorities of the City o~: Cantor, I' Iir.ois held on the c~~~y of Se~~tern.?~er, 1~r~=~. . ~---; :~~1_.