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Resolution #0707
~~-- 4'7~.~~ SAGE t ~ 4 1 .~i~fF OF II.LINal3, GOUNIY aF FUt.T0i1. t,L C _ ~ ' T'r1S)N,S~UtAENT flu 0 ~ .~. RECORQ QI! THE4~ ..DAY !~~!`~~...AO~.~ AT_~!av__.0'CLOC ..l~...M. AWD JJ'' x RfCOFi!~^ iia VOL.. .. PAGE.~!~~ °~ • . ~~~ / ~~~.P~ RESOLUT ION «wrrrr a.~ac a Kooeoa~ . !~iEREAS~ a Petition has been filed requesting the rezoning of the realty hereinafter described and recommendations touching thereon have been rflaa~ to the ~~.ty Council' ©f the pity of Cartons Illinois after notice and hearing; ands - ~ , 'v1HERr,AS ~ it appears to the City Council that a special use permit would authorize and enable utilization of said realty as in said Petition prayed without the necessity of rezoning thereof NOW~~THEREFORE~ BE IT AND IT HEREBY IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL-.OF THE CITY OF CANTON'S ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the realty described as follows:. __ Lot #12 in Lawndale Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County,Illinois which is located at the address of 743 E. Olive St., Cantons Illinois may be utilized for the operation of a beauty shop within the residence house located on said premises by Hazel E. White so long as8he ~~~~~ operates and usessaid .realty for ~ this ~e~a p»rpose . 2. That this Resolution shall constitute a special use permit and not a re-zoning of said realty. . 3. That the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the Fulton County Illinois Land Records. 4. That this Resol~•tion shall be in full force and effect upon and from its passage. Pr,SSED BY THE CITY COUi~CIL 0~'. THE CITY OF CAfiTON~ ILLIPiOIS this 4th cay of Mal ~ A. D. 1976 APPROVLD:~ AT~F.ST: ~~ a ~~ ~-• ~ CITY CLERK. ~~ ~ l'AYOR ~- ~ ~ 7 R E S O L U T I O N '.~JHEREAS ~ a Petition has been filed requesting the rezoning of the realty hereinafter described and recommendations touching thereon have bean ~nad0 to th© pity Council of the City of Canton; Illinois after notice and hearing; ands 'vJHEREAS~ it appears to the City Council that a special use permit would authorize and enable utilization of said realty d:s in said Petition prayed without the necessity of rezoning thereof NO'rJ~ THEREFORE BE IT AND IT HEREBY IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTONS ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the realty described as follows: Lot X12 in Lawndale Addition to the City of Canton, Fulton County,Illinois which is located at the address of ?43 E. Olive St., ~ Cantons Illinois may be utilized for the operation of a beauty shop within the residence house located on said premises by Hazal E. White so long as she ~aadc~mmcsc operates and usessaid realty for #i~ecae~amt this p~~ p» r p o s e. 2. That this Resolution shall constit~zte a special use permit and not a re-zoning of said realty. 3. That the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be recorded in the Fulton County Illinois Land Records. ~. That this Resohution shall be in full force and effect upon and from its passage. P~,SSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THL CITY OF CAI~;TON~ ILLINOIS this 4~ day of Mal ~ A. D. 1976 _- APPROVED : ~~. ~ I'AYOR %~ ATTEST: ~~~~ ~ ~ CITY CLERK.