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Ordinance #0635
s .. ~ ~. .- - Ordinance ivo. (p~.~ U~,DINaP~CE (An Ordinance ~lnne~~ing and ~3ezoning certain territory, consisting of about eleven and one-half (11?) acres, generally located contiguous to the City of C=3nton, Illinois easterly of :South Alain Street and Southview ~_cres in said City.) 1T'~:AJr~S, a Petition has heretofore been filed braying annexation and rezoning of the territory hereinafter described; and, riH~Iw~~S, the i~lann_?.ng and ':coning Commission of this City, after public notice and hearing, has recommended the annexation and rezoning of said territory as in said etition prayed; and, JT?tl~aS, it has been further made to al,pear that said ~'etition is legally sufficient and that all conditions j~recedent to action thereof have been fully satisfied, IC:a', ~ .~ ,L1~ -~~~, ~.; Ii C~.'i .~I•~:~~ll Y, `_ 'i'?:~. CI`i'Y COUT?CIL C~~~ ~i=; C=I'Y C~ C.-'~T~O?~?, 1. That the following described realty or territory, to-wit: H hart of the ,Southeast ;;carter of ;section 34, '1'. 7 :~.; . , ~d. 4 ~s. , 4th ~'.? . , :i~ulton County, Illinois, r.~iore i>articularly described as follo~frs: Leginning ~_it the existin; coreorate line corner, being the Northeast corner of Lot 5 of Southview acres addition; thence bearing T`. 89° 45' l~?" ~;., a distance of 171.64 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing S. 0° 46' 00" .d., a distance of 767.08 ft to a point; thence bearing N. 89° 57' 11" F., a distance of 136.x;5 ft to a point; thence bearint; S. 0° 47' 23" '~d., a distance of 528.?0 ft to the e:~cisting corporation line; thence along the existing corporation line bearing S. 89° 36' 31" J., a distance of 577.0? ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing North, a distance of 501.65 ft along the e}:fisting cor_~oration line to a point; thence bearint; Fast, a distance of 171.00 ft. along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing north, a distance of 620.00 ft. along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing ast, a distance of 121.00 ft. along the existin; corporation line to a point; thence bearing T?orth, a distance of 176.92 ft along the existing corporation line to the ~?oint of 1:'•eginning containing 11.58 acres, more or less, situated in the County of r'ulton and St:~.te of Illinois, be, and the same hereby is, annexed to the City of Canton, in the County of rulton and State of Illinois. 2. That said realty or territory be, and the same hereby is, zoned and rezoned to the P-~ zoning configuration provided by the Zoning Ordinance of this City. 3. 'ihat the aj-prolriate official or officials of thin City shall mark the Official Zoning Tiap of this City to reflect the zoning configuration of said realty or territory as herein provided. 4. That a certified copy of t~~is Ordinance, together vrith an accurate male of said realty or territory, shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of the County of Fulton, State of Illinois. . ,+ .t '. . .. 5,. That this Ordinance shall a majority vote of the City Counc approval by the r~".ayor thereof. PASSED by a majority vote of and approved by the P~Zayor thereof Ai-'I'P,OVED ,' , ~ . be in full force and effect from and after it of the City of Canton, Illinois, and the City Council fo the City of Canton, Illinois, this ~ day of ~ A R L' N , 1978 . .r' -°G''~S'Gt Harlan %. Crouch), Mayor. ATTEST: ~, (I'?ancy; S. ;dhites) , City Clerk. -2- ` ~ ~ ~ .;„v 1 . a~ t ~q . ~ .~., , t_. ~. 1 tea, , ~.i.~ •.7f . . ,_s # ~ ~', .. ,. ",x :,' ?~ ., k"d E3 .~.;~ '~~''. :iG:;~ i~ .~ti€~ t;,.M"~ ~7~ ~.'~`;'~t7 a~~: w' S ~,x 1r .* qq t` L, L : i- 6 3 aC>U 1` ., ,. .'t ~J..: .i.: 2.»i~kf•S5,7 t1"~'13 ~,~r'..,2. L?~ ;Q• 1.. iS 4+"`b: iVU° 1'f vat ~ 7 v ~, ~ ,. r2C~. .. ~~; ~ 4.s.. _~£?'~t ~. Ctik~fi ~., r"A,;:.It~7 '~:.€ / ~. ~+':~ ~ ~'fi1,:'tifl }tt~fa ~~.. `~ "-rh . 'ct a,~t i.t;::,~a "~,~~~*wt;'~ ~it?t iii. G`1 ...j'Ul^~?'~.:"~1:5- '«i;? E?.21#'2~''?; ?3.~G~ ~°BIETi:)~Ue3 ~.r.'X'~#d«2.1:2 ."a'f3itia. 3 -:y'.s';•-. ;~ '+,`l..,f~i. f3i~*~Y':~~,7 Gas ~iw`t~?'~'~'2 ~i'.r~:i.Ii, +~~:*•~E•~'a ?~.l~d ~"0:3~1'~t~':~.F'W ,~1Gt.[`~t~ ."j ''kia'^.~ 4 ;<+;~ c`'A:F'.',~%.ta ur ~,.,:.;ii..~ ~~t:~a•~~'~r:d,6"s24" ~%'~ Ta°~K,a";y ~`2:~~*1;~? ~$.251.:~ ~.h.. Z`. r 1. t3 .*.1r,r, }} (( y L+ ~ y t7 P 11`x.. l.a h:'.. Y. ~~.; .. L~~. .. ~.t+S, kl. Ci ~; .. .e. r.4 'I '"z 4.L ...~i.a ~~.)~.L'i.1 ~{i~~.~ k ~ar'~} :,~' the g~~~eeast ~a.-:i~^tex° o.f .~+?.;~:.:ict: 3~2, ~'• 'l N., ~'. 4 ~., L~• ~~~7. , Fu:s.tan Court.•~;~r, Z~;~ixtnis, be~aa~ tnore~ ,;r~~•tictzlarly daacr.~ad ~_~ alt.. ~ {11y 's ~.t~.el "ba~ar~:a~a ~.pQ for de °.~ca._~.,pt~.ve p+arpr~s~rs: ;avy~~,.d"Y21~''d~ Wit'. t~~e ex~.s~tf.ug ~t1X"•;~iCt.rt~t8 ~.a aaa~t~er, teeing the S~<.~ th~*r~.e~t varn~r..~ ct' ant ~' c}f ~c3utb~r3.aat Acres Arldit~,.oxi; tb:enee - 'sae:~rzt~; N. ~~~ +u,~t 12?~ 1;., a di+st+e-ac+~ of 17~..E4 ft a7.ong the e:~f.~sti:~.g corprtre.tiir~tt ll~:e tca a po3.rat; thax~a bearing 3. Q" 46r OC~~+ 'w~-. , a di~ta~tcu of `j5'~.t~~ tt to a pa~,nt; tl~ernce bearing N. $~° dry' x.1'2 E. , ~a d.iatenc~e of l~b.~3,~ ft to ~. paint; thence beariz~R S. *~°" ~C` ~~'~ ~. a digt~tzsre of 52$.20 ft to the axi~sti.ng coa:°~r..,x•~,~ri oxt 13.ne a than~ca along the existing aorpnratian lira eaw~«~r.txg ,5. $~°3fa~ 512, fit., a diatanere~ ax' S',~~.p2 ft :xl az2g the existing csarpnrat.l~rn I~.xt~r $Q a po3axt; thas~ca ~se~ri.Rg No»•Eh, a dietax~ce of SQ1.65 ft a~l.~m$ the ex~.sting corpbratz.r~n line to st paint# theaice ttsari~,~ Wit, a Q~.st;~nee at I?I.QU ft al.an.g the existing carpor~xtia~l li.t~t 9:o a paint;.. the~ve beariztg Forth, a distance+ at ~2Q•UO ft alb the exietiz~ atrrparatiaa line to a, point; thenaa Itgariiag fit, a di~tanae of 12~..t}Q .~~°t a.ang the ex3.sting +~arpatat3.az~ xine to ~x paint; thence beaxiag 3~©rth, st distance of 1.76.92 ~'t altang ~t&a exiecting carparatian 13.~.a to the. Paint; of 33e~gi.xtni.ng contr>lining 11.5$ acres, atara ar le;~s, situated i.n the Cnunty of F'ultaa, and Stat~a of 2111noia. t 2ctzald $arithx Cheixas~ax~ ~1a txzta ng & ~fla~ing Ca~issa nn x A F F I D A 'V I T F 0 _; E C 0 Fl D A T I O N STATE 0r' ILi:.II~lOIS, ) SS. COUIdTY OF FULTON. ) Sonja Lee Roudebush, being first duly sworn, on her oath deposes and says as follows: That her name is Sonja Lee Roudebush; that she is an adult person; that she resides in the City of Canton, Illinois; that her occupation is that of legal secretary; and, that she makes this affidavit for the purpose of estab- lishing proof of service of notice, contemplated by Law, having to do with annexation of territory to municipalities. That, on date of January 25, 1978, she served a written notice that certain territory was proposed to be annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois on each of Don Roberts, Mark V. Rowley and Kenneth Owens as Trustees of Canton Community Fire District and, also, on George P. Proctor, as Attorney for said Fire District. A true copy of this notice, served as aforesaid, together with a true copy of the Exhibit and Petition therein mentioned is hereto attached and hereby herein incorporated by reference. That, in each instance, said notice was served on each of them by mailing the same to each directed to each his indicated address by depositing the same on said date in the United States mails at Canton, Illinois, enclosed in a sealed envelope (directed as aforesaid). In each instance, said mailing was by registered mail with return receipt requested. That she is informed and believes that the territory proposed to be annexed is generally described as: A part of the Southeast ::;uarter of Section 34, T 7 N, R 4 E, 4th Pr1, Fulton County, Illinois, and that the same is as particularly described in said Exhibit and ?etition, hereto attached as aforesaid. Tiat, further, she understands that this ,affidavit will or may be used for the purpose of recordation pursuant to intendments of the Law relating to the annexation of territory to municipalities. That further affiant with not. ~~~ ( onja Lee Roudebush) SUi;SCPI~ED AIyD S'.0i-tTd TC before ire this 26th day of January, 197E. C.~~'Y'r`~ , P?otary 1'ubl c . . --~ fr" - , P E T I T I O N F O R A N N E X A T I O N A N D R E Z O N I N G (A Petition praying the annexation and rezoning of certain territory, consisting of about 11 1/2 acres, generally located contiguous to the City of Canton, Illinois easterly of South P4ain Street and Southview Acres Addition in said City.) T0: THE CORPORATE AIITHORITIES OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS. Petitioners, the undersigned, respectfully represent as follows: 1. That the subject matter hereof is the following described realty or territory, to-wit: A part of the Southeast quarter of Section 34, T. 7 N., R. 4 E., 4th P.M., Fulton County, Illinois, being more particularly described as follows and bearings are for descriptive purposes: Beginning at the existing corporate line corner, being the Northeast corner of Lot 5 of Southview Acres Addition; thence bearing N. 89° 45' 12" E., a distance of 171.64 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing S. 0° 46' 00" ~^J., a distance of 767.08 ft to a point; thence bearing N. 89° 57' ll" E., a distance of 136.85 ft to a point; thence bearing S. 0° 47' 23" :d., a distance of 528.20 ft to the existing corporation line; thence along the existing corporation line bearing S. 89°36' 31" W., a distance of 577.02 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing North, a distance of 501.65 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing East, a distance of 171.00 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing North, a distance of 620.00 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing East, a distance of 121.00 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing North, a distance of 176.92 ft along the existing corporation line to the Point of Beginning containing 11.58 acres, more or less, situated in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois. 2. That said territory is not within the corporate limits of any municipality but is contiguous to a municipality, to-wit: The City of Canton, Illinois. 3. That there are no electors residing in said territory and that Petitioners together constitute and are all of the owners of record and the contract purchasers of said territory. 4. That said territory is not a part of any Library District but is a part of a Fire Protection District. 5. That Petitioners desire and hereby request that annexation of said territory to the City of Canton, Illinois. 6. That Petitioners desire and hereby request that said territory be zoned as an R-2 zoning configuration under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Canton, Illinois contemporaneous to and upon its annexation to said City. 7. That Petitioners either have or will give appropriate and timely statutory notice to the Trustees of the applicable Fire Protection District (as provided by Statute) and make timely proof thereof. • "'%4• WHEREFORE, PETITIONES PRAY AS FOLLObJS: a. That public hearing hereon be held after notice by the appropriate authorities of the City of Canton, Illinois for the purpose of determining and rezoning said territory (upon annexation) to the R-2 zoning configuration provided by the Zoning Ordinance of said City; b. That said territory thereafter be annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois impressed with said R-Z zoning configuration by appropriate Ordinance expressive thereof. Respectfully prayed by:' ~ r ~ ~- ifs,+,Gc~'r-~l~ ~~~ l~ a m nd "Bud'i~arn) (Petitioner and Owner) New Era Development Co. (a corporation), Benja •'n L. Beaird), ~ Its President. ATTEST: X ~~ (Ste en Beaird), Tts Secretary (Petitioner & Contract Purcha;~er) STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) SS . COUNTY Or' ~~~c..: ~ -• ~ ) Raymond "Bud" Harn, being first duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says as follows: That he has signed the foregoing Petition, knows the contents thereof, and that the same are t~ in ubstance and in fact. / r . ~,' (Raymond "Bud" Harn) SUBSCRIBED AI:D S'•:JORN TO before me by Raymond "Bud" Harn, to me personally known, this ~ ~ ~`rt day of January, 1978. 1 X ~, ~E' ~ ~-~.-c~.• ~ c , Notary Publi STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) SS. I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the County and State aforesaid, hereby certify that Benjamin L. Beaird and Stephen Beaird, each to me personally known and by me known to be, respectively, the President and Secretary of New Era Development Co. (a corporation), appeared before me and each for himself acknowledged that he signed and delivered the foregoing instrument in his said capacity with said New Era Development Co. and pursuant to the authority of the Board of Directors thereof. GIVEN under my hand and notarial seal this ~ Z~~~day of January, 1978. X /~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c',ti.-=-.~. ~ , Notary Public -~ , .. ' I r ~_ « I~' O T I C E 1'0: Mr. Don Roberts Rt. 5 Canton, Illinois 61520 (Secretary - Canton Community Fire District) Mr. Mark V. Rowley 152 N. Third Canton, Illinois 61520 (President - Canton Comteunity Fire District) N1r. Kenneth Owens Rt. 4 Canton, Illinois 61520 (Trustee - Canton Community Fire District) P1r. George P. Proctor, Attorney 190 Pdorth Adams Lewistown, Illinois 61542 (Attorney for Canton Community Fire District) 1\OTICE TS I~ERESY GIVII~VV TO YOU kND E.ACI-I OF YOU AS FOLLO~~S 1. A ;petition to annex real property to the City of Canton, Illinois h:?s been or will Ue .filed with the Clerk of said City .for presentment to and action thereon by the 1`Iayor and City Council of said City. 2. This realty is legally described as shown by an Exhibit, hereto attached, and is understood t.o be ~~~ithit? and a p~irf. of the CATdTON C02~~IUIQITY i~'T1~E x'~it~l~Y~~j>`~'J ll-CS'1'i2.1C~1' 3. It is anticipated that the I`I~?yor ar.d City Co~incil ~f the Ci~i.y of_ Cantor, Illinois w3_li take fiction on said petitio-_? ~ a <<ttnex said realty to saki City at the regular meet i_rg of s~iid City Council t~ be I~eld in the CounciJ_ Chambers of the Canton, IJ_1_.ineis City IJuilci.i.t~g, located at tI?e address of 210 E. Chestnut Street, Canton, Ill~.nnic, r,orimencing at the hour of G:vO P.I~i. on the dzte of: F.e1,~„ a~~_.1.~..8~__~..,_____ 4. This notice to 3-ou and each ~f ~-ou i.s c1ate~I its ~~ncl Tor: 5. The Exhibit, mentioned above, is also a true copy of the mentioned petition. Raymond "Bud" Harn and New Era Development Co. Signed by: (a corporation) ~ Petitierer for annexation y _~ IIi~ attorney. yr ~' L T I T I O Id F O R A TI T1 E Y A T I O N A T~' I3 _< E Z O N I tTv G (A Petition praying the annexation and rezonincr of certain territory, consisting of about 11 1/2 acres, generally located contiguous to the City of Canton, Illinois easterly of South Plain Street and Southview Acres Addition in said City.) TU: THE CGI3PORATE AUTHOI,ITIES 0~' THE CITY OF CATdTON, ILLITOTS. etitioners, the undersigned, re s>ectfully represent as follows: 1. That the subject matter hereof is the following described realty or territory, to-wit: A part of the Southeast :auzrter of Section 34, T. 7 N., R. 4 E., 4th 1'.M., Fulton County, Illinois, being more particularly described as follows and bearings are for descriptive purposes: Beginning at the existing corporate line corner, being the Northeast corner of Lot 5 of Southview Acres Addition; thence bearing N. 89° 45' 12" E., a distance of 171.64 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing S. 0° 46' 00" W., a distance of 767.08 ft to a point; thence bearing N. 89° 57' 11" E., a distance of 136.85 ft to a point; thence bearing S. 0° 47' 23" ;'I., a distance of 528.20 ft to the existing corporation line; thence along the existing corporation line bearing S. 89°36' 31" W., a distance of 577.02 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing North, a distance of 501.65 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing East, a distance of 171.00 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing North, a distance of 620.00 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing East, a distance of 121.00 ft along the existing corporation line to a point; thence bearing North, a distance of 176.92 ft along the existing corporation line to the Point of Beginning containing 11.58 acres, more or less, situated in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois. 2. That said territory is not within the corporate limits of any municipality but is contiguous to a municipality, to-wit: The City of Canton, Illinois. 3. That there are no electors residing in said territory and that Petitioners together constitute and are all of the owners of record and the contract purchasers of said territory. 4. That said territory is not a part of any Library District but is a part of a Fire Protection District. 5. That Petitioners desire and hereby request that annexation of said territory to the City of Canton, Illinois. 6. That Petitioners desire and hereby request that said territory be zoned as an R-2 zoning configuration under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Canton, Illinois contemporaneous to and upon its annexation to said City. 7. That Petitioners either have or will dive alvpropriate and tirnely statutory notice to the Trustees of the applicable sire Protection District (as provided by Statute) and make timely proof thereof. ~,' ,~ "_ ~ 6JHE~',ErO?.E, PETITIOYdL:tS PRAY AS FOLLO~JS: a. That public hearing hereon be held after notice by the appropriate authorities of the City of Canton, Illinois for the purpose of determining and rezoning said territory (upon annexation) to the R-2 zoning configuration provided by the Zoning Ordinance of said City; b. That said territory thereafter be annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois impressed with said R-2 zoning configuration by appropriate Ordinance expressive thereof. Respectfully prayed by: New ~;ra Development Co. (a corporation), r 11 b y ~ X ~: ~ ---r ~ , .a d "Bu arn) Benja 'n L. Beair , (--!'etitioner and Owner) Its President. ATThST: X ` . ~ ~~- (Ste en Beaird), Tts Secretary (Petitioner & Contract- .~urcha.~er) STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) SS . COUNTY Or' ~i ~,u.-'`: <~_.:. ) Raymond "Bud" Harn, being first duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says as follows: That he has signed the foregoing Petition, knows the contents thereof, and that the same are t i ubstance and in fact. r ,. ~/ f l ~°/'~ ,~~,,,~ SUBSCa-;IBED AND S~JO.RN TO before me by z~aymond "Bud" Harn, to me personally known, this ~~`',i.tday of January, 1978. r X ' ~- ~ Cave e , Notary Public . STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) v ,1 ) S S . COUNTY OF :1.Ji,ti~--- . ) I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for the County and State aforesaid, hereby certify that Benjamin L. Beaird and Stephen Beaird, each to me personally known and by me known to be, respectively, the President and Secretary of New Era Development Co. (a corporation), appeared before me and each for himself acknowledged that he signed and delivered the foregoing instrument in his said capacity with said New Era Development Co. and pursuant to the authority of the Board of Directors thereof. GIVEN under my hand and notarial seal this ,;~ ~~~day of January, 1978. X ..----. ~,.,~~ c,u~--~x~.~_ , Notary Publio .