HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1986ORDINANCE NO. ~ q A ti
WHEREAS, via Ordinance No. 972, adopted on April 19, 1981, the City Council created
the position of "Director of Budget and Administration" as an office established to serve the City
and was to be appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 972 defined the duties of the Director of Budget and
Administration; and
WHEREAS, after review of the Ordinance, the terms need revised and updated to more
accurately reflect the needs of the City and the employment of a professional administrator; and
WHEREAS, the Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee has reviewed the
proposed changes and concur that they are necessary and in the best interests of the
administration of the City of Canton, its employees and citizens; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has made a similar determination.
CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows:
1. That Chapter 16 (Director of Budget and Administration) of Title 1 (Administration)
of the Canton Municipal Code be amended to read as follows:
Chapter 16
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A) There is hereby created the Uftice of C'ty Administrator. 'hhe City Administrator shall
be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The City
Administrator shall be chosen on the basis of executive administrative and educational
qualifications with special emphasis on the actual experience in or knowledge of accepted
practice with. respect to the office hereinafter set forth.
(B) The City Administrator shall have the minimum. of a four-year collet degree with
maior course work or experience in political science public administra ion financial and
personnel management and related fields Work experience shall include a minimum of three.
ears of progressively responsible experience in local government
(C) To create a feeling of greater personal responsibility and to exhibit to the citiLenr~
sense of concern for the welfare of the city the City Administrator shall reside in the city during
his/her tenure as the Ctt Administrator. Neither the Ma or nor an member of the Cit Council
shall receive such appointment during their term of office
1-16-2: OATH; BOND:
Any person filling and discharging the duties of the office hereby created shall, before entering
upon the duties of such office, take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law for city officers and
shall execute a bond to the city in the penal sum of ~e-i%f~ty thousand dollars ($-1-5,000.00) with
surety to be approved by the council, conditioned for faithful performance of the duties of his
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1'he City Administrator shall be responsible to the Mayor for the primer administration of all
affairs of the city. In dischar _~~ this responsibility the City Administrator shall as directed by
the Mayor:
(A) Supervise and coordinate the administrative functions of all departments offices and
agencies of the city. The administrator will not supervise the city clerk city attorney or city
treasurer, except in those areas as defined in state and local statue
(B) Recommend appointments and when necessary for the good of the city recommend
suspension ar removal of an~cit employee
(C) Attend all City Council and committee meetin Ys~,"and participate as required in all
(D) Provide for the enforcement of such laws and ordinances within the city Subject to the
authority and direction of the Police Chief.
(E) Assist the Mayor as the Chief Administrati~re off cer of the citesperform such duties
as may be directed by the Mayor.
(F) Coordinate activities between the departments to ensure efficient utilisation of
resources and maximize interdepartmental coordination.
(G) Cause the preparation of the city's annual budget and monthl budget reports
(H) Make such reports to the Mayor and City Council as may be required from time to time
concernin tg he operations of the city departments and offices.
(I) Propose and recommend to the Mavor such. personnel :rules and re ~u€L lations as may be
usefi~ for management of pol icier, handbooks manuals and collective bargaining agreements
(,f) Prepare such. administrative reports and other reports of fhe activities of the cit, aY 5 may
be required. at the conclusion of the fiscal year and. periodically thrc~itghout theme
~K) Research and. collect information and prepare applications far all grants and loans from
ltovenlmental or private entities for city programs, operations and services.
(L~) Participate to the extent requested in the collective bargaining_processes of the city and
recommend. to the Mayor collective bar a~ fining agreements for consideration and possible final
approval by the City Council.
(M) Oversee the operations of the City .Administration department providing assistance
when needed.
(N) Investigate and respond to resident inquiries and complaints related to the operations of
the CItY•
(O) To participate in the development and i~~lementation of economic development
programs for the city, including business retention expansion and recruitment Serve as a liaison
to Canton Main. Street Spoon River Partnersh_p for Economic Development Chamber of
Commerce and all allied or~7aniLations
1-16-4: ~,rT.~~no~r n~ A7T~'~n~T~REMOVAL AND RESIGNATION•
The City Administrator may be suspended or dischar~,ed by the Mayor in consultation with the
Council according to the terms of the employment contract "I'he City Administrator maX also
resin from the position upon giving 30 days prior notice to the Mayor
1-I6-5: ,St~A-li`~-r'n~z-'~:r~"~~n,~--;~,~:~r°i r~s'",.T',.rmCUM::PENSATION•
The City Administrator shall receive such compensation as the Mavor and Cryity Council shall fix
from time to time. The Mavor may with. subsequent ratification by the City Council enter into an
employment contract which specifies in writing the level of compensation of the City
Administrator, fringe benefits, including the level of support for the City Administrator's
continuing professional education, agreements for separation pay upon. termination of
employment, other appropriate agreements describing the working relationship between the City
Administrator and the elected officials and the Mayor and Council's performance expectations
for the City Administrator. This a~reement_mav be reviewed and revised by mutual agreement of
the parties at periodic intervals.
"hhe City Administrator shall not derive andpersonal benefit, directly or indirectly from any
contractual work or business of the city or from the sale of any article from. the city or from the
purchase of property therefrom.
The office hereby created shall be allowed such assistants and other clerks and subordinate help
as the necessities of the office may require, and the council by ordinance or resolution shall from
time to time authorize employment by such office.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting
this 4th day of A„g„ G , 2009 upon a roll call vote as follows:
AYES: Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West,
Schenck, Reed.
NAYS: None .
ABSENT: None .
' evin R. Meade, Mayor
/ 1.
Nancy WhiY~ s, City Clerk
(A) There is hereby created the Office of City Administrator. The City Administrator
shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The
City Administrator shall be chosen on the basis of executive, administrative, and
educational qualifications with special emphasis on the actual experience in, or
knowledge of, accepted practice with respect to the office hereinafter set forth.
(B) The City Administrator shall have the minimum of a four-year college degree,
with major course work or experience in political science, public administration, financial
and personnel management and related fields. Work experience shall include a
minimum of three years of progressively responsible experience in local government.
(C) To create a feeling of greater personal responsibility and to exhibit to the
citizenry a sense of concern for the welfare of the city, the City Administrator shall
reside in the city during his/her tenure as the City Administrator. Neither the Mayor nor
any member of the City Council shall receive such appointment during their term of
The City Administrator shall receive such compensation as the Mayor and City
Council shall fix from time to time. The Mayor may with subsequent ratification by the
City Council, enter into an employment contract which specifies in writing the level of
compensation of the City Administrator, fringe benefits, including the level of support for
the City Administrator's continuing professional education, agreements for separation
pay upon termination of employment, other appropriate agreements describing the
working relationship between the City Administrator and the elected officials and the
Mayor and Council's performance expectations for the City Administrator. This
agreement may be reviewed and revised by mutual agreement of the parties at periodic
The City Administrator shall be responsible to the Mayor for the proper
administration of all affairs of the city. In discharging this responsibility the City
Administrator shall, as directed by the Mayor:
(A) Supervise and coordinate the administrative functions of all departments,
offices and agencies of the city.
(B) Recommend appointments, and when necessary for the good of the city,
recommend suspension or removal of any city employee.
(C) Attend all City Council meetings and participate, as required in all discussions.
(D) Provide for the enforcement of such laws and ordinances within the city
subject to the authority and direction of the Police Chief.
(E) Assist the Mayoras the Chief Administrative officer of the city and perform such
duties as may be directed by the Mayor.
(F) Coordinate activities between the departments to ensure efficient utilization of
resources and maximize interdepartmental coordination.
(G) Cause the preparation of the city's annual budget.
(H) Make such reports to the Mayor and City Council as may be required from
time to time concerning the operations of the city departments and offices.
(I) Propose and recommend to the Mayor such personnel rules and regulations as
may be useful for management of policies, handbooks, manuals and collective
bargaining agreements.
(J) Prepare such administrative reports and other reports of the activities of the
city as may be required at the conclusion of the fiscal year and periodically throughout
the year.
(K) Research and collect information and prepare applications for all grants and
loans from governmental or private entities for city programs, operations and services.
(L) Participate to the extent requested in the collective bargaining processes of the
city and recommend to the Mayor collective bargaining agreements for consideration
and possible final approval by the City Council.
(M) Oversee the operations of the City Administration department providing
assistance when needed.
(N) Investigate and respond to resident inquiries and complaints related to the
operations of the city.
(O) To participate in the development and implementation of economic
development programs for the city, including business retention, expansion and
recruitment. Serve as a liaison to Canton Main Street, Spoon River Partnership for
Economic Development, Chamber of Commerce and all allied organizations.
The City Administrator may be suspended or discharged by the Mayor in
consultation with the Council according to the terms of the employment contract. The
City Administrator may also resign from the position upon giving 30 days prior notice to
the Mayor.
The City Administrator shall not derive any personal benefit, directly or indirectly from
any contractual work or business of the city or from the sale of any article from the city
or from the purchase of property therefrom.