HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-03 Canton City Council335 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on December 2, 2003 in the Council Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY NANCY WHITES, CITY CLERK. Mayor Bohler asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present -Aldermen Jim Hartford, Bob Molleck, Craig West, Larry Sarff, Elny Harn, Les Carl, Rick Reed. Absent -Alderman Mary Fillingham. ~, MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 18, 2003. Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Hartford, the minutes of November 18, 2003 to be placed on file as presented. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action None. Streets & Garbage. Council Action Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Reed, to accept the low bid of Riverland FS. Inc. of Knoxville, Il in the amount of $1.09 for gas, plus B 3 cents, Diesel $1.11, and plus B 3 cents. Discussion. Public Works Director Clif O'Brien recommended accepting the bid from Riverland FS Inc. as the other bid from Don Quick was biding using winterizing diesel for the winter months, and still Riverland FS Inc. was lower. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Reed, Carl, Harn, Sarff, West, Molleck, Hartford. NAYS -None. 7AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Lake, Buildings, & Grounds. Council Action Motion and second by Aldermen ReedlHarn, the approval of payment to Environmental Operations Inc. for the IH Northeast Corner Demolition of $100,500.00 as recommended by Maurer & Stutz Inc, (contingent on City Attorney Weber's review and acceptance). Discussion. City Attorney Ron Weber reported that all information requested from Roland Equipment and Waste Management is completed and is satisfactory. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Hartford, Molleck, West, Sarff, Carl, Reed. NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, I ABSENT. Motion carried. Public Works, Water & Sewer. Council Action None. 336 Council meeting 12-02-03 away. Mayor Bohler mentioned that Whitey will be honored in a few weeks as he was a member of this committee since 1977. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE -AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 11, OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE CITY OF CANTON, REGARDING THE CITY TREASURER. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Harn, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, Carl, Harn, Sarff, West, Molleck, Hartford. NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1784. ORDINANCE - PLACING A NON-HOME RULE MUNICIPAL RETAILERS AND SERVICE OCCUPATIONAL TAX OF '/Z OF 1% ON THE SALE OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY OTHER THAN FOOD AND MEDICINE PURCHASED AT RETAIL, AND SALE OF SERVICE FROM A RETAILER AS DEFINED IN 65 ILLS 5/8-11-1.3 AND 11-1.4 WITHIN THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS FOR EXPENDITURE ON PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND PROPERTY TAX RELIEF, PROPOSITION TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE ELECTION TO BE HELD MARCH 16, 2004. Second reading, read by title. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Carl, the ordinance be placed upon its passage. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Hartford, Molleck, West, Sarff, Harn, Carl, Reed. NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1785. ORDINANCE - CREATING THE POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, MODIFYING CHAPTER 9 OF THE CITY CODE TO PRESCRIBE THE DUTIES OF THE CITY CLERK. Second reading, read by title. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Reed, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Discussion. Alderman Sarff commented, when this first came up, I thing we all heard of some of the problems and situations that exist, and my first inclinations was well, maybe this will take care of that. But I have talked to several elected officials, several city employees, and it's not the system that's broken. The reason we have a democracy is because we have the three branches of government, the Executive, Judicial and Legislative, and everybody plays a role in that. And the problem I don't think here is the system doesn't work, but it's the players in the system which we all are, we are not making it work they way it should. And my problem with the ordinance in many ways is taking a lot of the counter balance of power, or authority as it were, from one entity in our government, and giving it to another entity. There is no personalities involved in this, it's the position. And I think it helps the balance of what it should be between the entity within city government. We're all elected by our constituents, the council does not report to anyone but constituents, the mayor doesn't report to anyone but the constituents, and it's the same with the city treasurer and the city clerk. I think the system should work if the players within that system will let it work. I think it's up to the tax payers and the voters to decide if the people that are here know how to (suppose to) be doing their jobs. And if they aren't, then they are the ones to make the changes of the players, not the system we're using to get the job done. I've supported it up to this point, but upon reflection will not be able to vote for it. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, West, Molleck, Hartford. NAYS - Aldermen Carl, Harn, Sarff. 4 AYES, 3 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. ,• ,,,.,,,. i 337 Council meeting 12-02-03 ORDINANCE -ABATING ALL OF THE BOND LEVY FOR THE 2003-2004 FISCAL YEAR ($1,150,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ALTERNATE REVENUE BONDS SERIES 2003). First reading, read by title. ORDINANCE - FOR EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY WITH GRAHAM HOSPITAL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT ON WEST MAPLE STREET. First ~,,,,, reading, read by title. RESOLUTION -APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR FIRE FIGHTING AND EMS ASSISTANCE BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND SPOON RIVER COLLEGE. First reading, read by title. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Molleck, the resolution be adopted. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Hartford, Molleck, West, Sarff, Harn, Carl, Reed. NAYS -None. Motion carried. Resolution being #3670. ADJOURNMENT: Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Hartford, to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The regular scheduled council meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. .~ W~ ~~,1 d ~ J cy ~ ite City C er z APPROVED; ,,, rry :. o er, yor 338 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on December 16, 2003 in the Council Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4`~ Avenue, Canton, Illinois. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY NANCY WHITES, CITY CLERK. Mayor Bohler asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present -Aldermen Hartford, West, Sarff, Harn, Carl, Fillingham, Reed. Absent -Alderman Molleck. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 2ND, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING. Mayor Bohler said the minutes of December 2"d, 2003 meeting hold over as will be discussed in executive session, and will come out and have some action on them. BILLS FOR NOVEMBER. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Fillingham, all bills properly approved be paid. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, Fillingham, Carl, Harn, Sarff, West, Hartford. NAYS -None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Finance. Council Action Treasurer's Report. Alderman Carl stated, before I ask Patty to give her report this evening, I would like to ask Patty if there is any reason we cannot have the report earlier? Patty said she has had an unusal work load, and so I did not get it totally done. Patty felt you could look the report over and discuss next week. Alderman Carl said it is unfair to act on the report tonight. Motion and second by Aldermen CarUSarff, to send the Treasurer's Report to the next council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. Computer Upgrades. Water Superintendent Greg Pollitt gave a new price list and totals for the systems as per the committee's request. Greg reported at the meeting the service would be immediate with a local vendor, and Greg recommended Lincor for a total of $8,789.24. Motion and second by Aldermen Carl/Harn, to purchase the computers from Lincor at a total cost of $8,789.24. Discussion. Greg Pollitt mentioned the amount of $484.22 is the difference between the local company in town and the out of state vendor. Mayor Bohler recommends buying in town as the cost is not that much different. Alderman Sarff asked Greg about the size of the monitor? Greg said they area 17" flat screen monitor which is easier on the face. Alderman Sarff said there could be significant savings here on the size of the monitors. Motion and second agreed to amend the motion to add purchasing 17" standard CRT monitors. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Hartford, West, Harn, Carl, Fillingham, Reed. NAYS -Alderman Sarff. 7 AYES, 1 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Legal & Ordinance. Council Action Motion and second by Aldermen Fillingham/Carl, the Fulton County Humane Society Project be referred to the next Clerical Committee meeting. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.