HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-03 Canton City Council (2)285
A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on May 6, 2003 (second meeting)
in the Council Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois.
OATH OF OFFICE - 5 ALDERMEN. City Clerk Nancy Whites gave the oath to
Ward 1 Alderman Jim Hartford, Ward 2 Alderman Larry Sarff, Ward 3 Alderman Les
Carl, Ward 3 Alderman Elny Scott Harn for 2 year term, Ward 4 Alderman Rick Reed.
(Welcome to the Canton City Council.)
Mayor Bohler asked for roll call at 6:43 p.m. Present -Aldermen Jim Hartford, Robert
Molleck, Craig West, Larry Sarff, Elny Harn, Les Carl, Mary Fillingham, & Rick Reed.
Absent -None.
ADOPTION OF ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER. Motion and second by Aldermen
Sarff/Molleck to adopt Roberts Rules of Order to do City business. Roll call. AYES -
Aldermen Reed, Fillingham, Carl, Harn, Sarff, West, Molleck, Hartford. NAYS -None.
8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Mayor Bohler gave plaques to outgoing Aldermen Jo Anne Shores and Kevin Meade. Jo
Anne was elected for the first time in 1995 - 2003. Kevin Meade was elected for the first
time 1987 - 2003. Jo Anne remarked -she thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve
and all of us should have great expectations and work together as one. Kevin remarked -
thanked the citizens for the pleasure of serving. Thanked Alderman Sarff for his
knowledge, very happy to see him still here, as he has a lot of wisdom. Thanked former
Mayor Don Edwards for his honesty and integrity. Kevin said he decided not to run this
time, will step away for a while.
COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR BOHLER. Mayor Bohler appointed the Ad-
Hoc Committee. All appointments are intended to be for a one year period except as
` otherwise noted:
Planning & Zoning Commission
Aldermen Rick Reed, Mary Fillingham, and Craig West
Planning & Zoning Commission (serve 5 years)
Merl Pettet
Lewis Whitman
Jo Anne Shores
Planning & Advisory Committee (serve 1 year)
Lynda Krulac
Ad Hoc Committee- Handicapped persons (serve l year)
Kelly Smith
Marty White
Police Pension Board (serve 2 years)
Pam Smith
Fulton County Safety Committee (serve 1 year)
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City Council meeting 5-06-03 (Second meeting)
Robert Lewis 1 year
Jeremy Pasley 1 year
Dale Brooks 2 year
Janet Hartford 2 year
This committee needs one more person to serve a one year term
Board of Appeals -Fire Code (serve 1 year)
C.A. "Whitey" Luft
Bill Phillips
Howard Dye
Bob Anderson
Rodney Heinze
Board of Appeals -Zoning (serve 5 years)
John Robbins
Denise Colglazier
Jim Owens
Library Board (serve 3 years)
Kenneth Etcheson
Cathy Ludlum
Keeley Long
Fire and Police Commission (serve 3 years)
Ed Patches
Motion and second by Aldermen CarUFillingham, the appointment of the Ad-Hoc
Committee's of the City of Canton, be confirmed. Discussion. Alderman Sarff said he
had discussed with the mayor and city attorney earlier about the appointments and was
surprised there was an open position on the Fire/Police Commission held by Ed Ketchum.
Alderman Sarff commented further that apparently there is some cloudiness on that as he
has served since 1987, and received a letter from the mayor last year that he was
appointed to 2004. Mayor Bohler said he wanted to see the letter as his office has no
record of any such letter being sent.
Alderman Sarff still insist there is some cloudiness in the records. Wants to have
withdrawn the particular nomination as he questions whether the position is open.
Mayor Bohler said any one removed from a position by the City has the right to appeal
for a hearing.
Alderman Sarff wanted Ed Ketchum to speak now, as he was in the audience.
Mayor Bohler said Ed will have his time to speak at the hearing if he so chooses to
Alderman Sarff made a motion to withdraw the person named to replace Ed Ketchum on
the Fire/Police Commission. Alderman Sarff also said he had nothing against the person
named to replace Ed. Mayor Bohler said we already have a motion on the floor.
The mayor asked Aldermen CarUFillingham, if they wanted to withdraw their motion,
nothing was heard from either aldermen.
Again Alderman Sarff asked about the letter that appointed Ed Ketchum to the year 2004.
Mayor Bohler said that letter could be falsified. That would make 2 of the members
expiring terms in 2004. My office does not know about this letter. Roll call. AYES -
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City Council meeting 5-06-03
Legal & Ordinance
Mary Fillingham
Larry Sarff
Craig West
Les Carl
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel
~,,,,~,, Larry Sarff, Chairman
Craig West
Les Carl
Mary Fillingham
Community & Industrial Development
Craig West, Chairman
Les Carl
Mary Fillingham
Larry Sarff
Public Safety & Traffic
Robert Molleck, Chairman
Elny Harn
Jim Hartford
Rick Reed
Public Works, Water & Sewer
Elny Harn, Chairman
Jim Hartford
Rick Reed
Robert Molleck
Streets & Garbage
Jim Hartford, Chairman
Rick Reed
Robert Molleck
Elny Harn
Lake, Buildings & Grounds
Rick Reed, Chairman
Elny Harn
Robert Molleck
Jim Hartford
Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Reed, the appointments of the committee
structure of the City Council be confirmed. Voice vote, motion carried unanimously.
Support the Troops event - Sharlynn Babcock. Sharlynn spoke for Chrissy Scalf and Sue
Allard. They are planning a fund raiser for when the troops come home. They want to
offer them a home cooked meal. Letters of 468 were sent to business asking for
donations. The event will be held at the city's airport. They need a million dollar bond
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City Council meeting 5-06-03
Hiring of a new Economic Development Director.
Completed Water Transmission Projects, Water Tower, Meter Repair.
Soon to be a new swimming pool.
Did a study of the downtown square. The repairs will make the downtown safer with
new sidewalks, and new businesses.
Lake Committee doing great things at the Lake.
Removed tanks from IH site.
Fifth Avenue road work be completed within 30 days.
Expansion of the Industrial Park and Enterprise Zone to help the new Ethanol Plant on
Very active on ordinance violations. Clark Wilson done good job.
Celebrated troops ofinen/women. Appreciate the work of our soldiers.
6 million in new construction.
The City Council will be very busy this year to fmd ways for new revenue, without
raising taxes.
Be asking the council to make cuts.
Addressing water supply, talked with Banner mayor Ken Fuller. Residents will not have
to worry about enough water.
Addressed wastewater treatment -fmd solution of odor problem.
Continue to seek new businesses and support the Economic Development Director. It
takes 18 months before see any development.
Finding ways to build up infrastructure.
Hopefully new development at IH site. Still have two businesses ready to build their.
Working with both Illinois EPA and Federal EPA. Will soon be taking asbestos out of
IH site. Movement should begin to develop fast.
Must make sure Canton and the citizens safety is not taken away. The decisions council
will be making will be tough.
City Council meeting 5-06-03
Motion and second by Aldermen Fillingham/Reed, the ordinance be placed on its
passage. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Hartford, Molleck, West, Sarff, Harn, Carl,
Fillingham, Reed. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Ordinance being #1753.
ADJOURNMENT. Motion and second by Aldermen Molleck/Fillingham, to adjourn.
j~,,,, Voice vote, motion carried unanimously. The regular meeting of the Canton City
Council adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
~ ~ ~~ ~
ancy W tes, City Clerk
Jerry M. Bohler, Mayor