HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-11-09 Clerical Committee,, The Canton City Council Clerical Committee met on August 11, 2009 in Council Chambers located at 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois. Mayor Kevin R. Meade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Aldermen in attendance -Rick Reed, Craig West, Larry Sarff, Jorge Rivero, Gerald Ellis, Jim Hartford, Jason Strandberg. Absent- Eric Schenck. Others in attendance -Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Aaron Anderson, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Public Works Director Clif O'Brien, Maurer Stutz Inc Keith Plavec(city engineer & zoning officer), City Administrator Jim Snider, Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers was absent and Randy Weaver attended for him, Video Services of toe Ginger. In the audience -News media of Daily Ledger of John Froehling, WBYS Radio of Mark Bixler; also in the audience was Jenny Sepich, Craig Reed, Nikita Shields. Finance. Council Action Bills. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to have the bills forward on to the council meeting, and added on the bills the annual membership bill from Western Illinois Regional Council in the amount of $8,408.40, and was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. Treasurer's Report. City Treasurer Aaron Anderson said before we have discussion my point I want to make, out of the numbers that I'm presenting tonight are adjustments necessary to balance out so the auditors can get started. So now we're caught up on that process. At the end of July were showing surplus of $95,197. The reason behind those revenues is the State of Illinois is catching up on the Income Tax payment by a couple months. With this payment now we're within 2% of where we were last year at this time. I received a total of $59,275.00 in Property Taxes that goes across 116. Our total extension including pensions will be about % million. On 1 M sales tax were about 5% below where we were at this time last year. I spoke to the State Comptroller office a couple of months ago on that, and it's just a result of slow down on consumer spending. Alderman Sarff asked how much have we received in dollars. Aaron answered, this year $568,000 and last year $600,000.00. And the total revenue was out paced a little bit by 8% compared to last year. Funded expenditures in the General Government at 28% and should be 2S%. A lot of that expense is cost incurred for negotiations with the Fire Department contract, and is about 61% of legal fees for the budgets so far. Other things which will iron out as this individual is not here anymore, being other professional services already at 58% of total budget. 18% of total expense line was items John Favorita billed us for budget services. The other item is the general government is over, and will iron out. We made a big payment to SRPED of $45,000 back in June. Available cash is weaker by $103,000. That includes basically paying all the water & sewer expenses out of the general fund. I did reimburse back from the Water & Sewer fund about $400,000. This will be reflected next month depending on how revenues and expenditures come out. On Water & Sewer alternate bond money we did have two separate accounts we keep in the Illinois Funds. Effective in July they closed out the Prime Fund and combined the Prime Fund into a money market, so basically all our money is in one account which is $8.9 million earning $.174%. I like to revisit this at some point to see if maybe we can get a plan to get the money out of there. The TIF recap -the IH TIF is actually receiving some increment in that account. Last Monday I received $69,000. So that kind of lessens our burden on the general fund total expenses for the month which was $77,298.00. A $62,000 loan out of the general fund will cover those expenses and it will push our general fund loan up to $1,124,000.00. Aaron stated he will now ask for any questions. Alderman Strandberg asked how much is in our IH Sinking Fund? Aaron Anderson answered he believes $518,000.00. Alderman Strandberg said he liked to put the Sinking Fund back into the General Fund as were going to need those funds. 2 Mayor Kevin R. Meade stated that of the $69,000 can we put back in the General Fund? Aaron Anderson answered he would have to look at that. Mayor Kevin R. Meade said the ending balance for June versus 1uly, there is quite a significant difference and we actually took in more money than we spent. The balance went down versus going up. Aaron Anderson answered part of that was paid out of water & sewer expense and we paid all of the health premiums. And that reimbursement was not make until the beginning of August. And some adjustments that were made was to get the books in good order for the audit. Alderman Strandberg stated the $1.8 million in the Illinois Funds and the lowest percentage in CD's is 3.35! City Administrator Jim Snider said he will be looking at providing a report of all the investments. Keith Plavec city engineer said we need $4 million bond money from now until March, so you might be able to do short term CD's. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to forward the Treasurer's Report on to council, and was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. Budeet Report. City Administrator Jim Snider said it would take him a few months and he will talk with the treasurer and department heads by October. Will have to modify some numbers, and this will be a positive change as t have a template made. I will work to make the Budget more productive for our use and adding more flow to the budget. Maurer Stutz lulu Invoices. Keith Plavec city engineer separated the bills he has to present for payment from the bill list. The bills are - 1. General Engineering $ 1,419.29 2. IH Site 3rd Avenue Extension (USEPA Grant) $ 1,824.50 3. IH Site Roadway & Utility Development Preliminary Eng - IDOT Eligible $32, 212.50 4. IH Site Roadway 8c Utility Development 3 Preliminary Eng - IDOT &CDAP Eligible $ 6,342.00 5. IH Site Roadway & Utility Development Preliminary Eng-Storm Water Retention CDAP Eligible $ 2,618.00 6. IH Site Roadway & Utility Development Preliminary Eng/Water Main CDAP Eligible $ 468.00 7. IH Site Roadway & Utility Development Preliminary Eng/Sanitary Sewer CDAP Eligible $ 2,793.75 8. White Court & Pine Street Streetscape $ 1,256.75 9. Planning & Zoning $ 3,180.25 10.Grant Management $ 107.10 11.2008 MFT $ 1,263.23 12.Radial Collector Well Const. Admin $ 8,209.00 13.Kilroy L.S. Force Main Replacement $ 5,793.00 14.WWTP Improvements $95,651.85 15.Water Treatment Plant Improvement $14,020.92 TIF Debt Certificate. City Treasurer Aaron Anderson remarked that he had spoke with Scott Stephenson the underwriter, and Scott is working with the local banks. I will have more information next week. Downtown TIF Capital Develoament Plan. Mayor Kevin R. Meade mentioned that Mark Rothert was to speak about this and is out of town. This will be added on to the Mechanical Committee meeting in two weeks. Gree Fovse Construction of .Invoice for X19,631.50 & X840.00 far Fire Department Parkins Lot. Alderman Rivero made the motion to forward the request for payment on to the council meeting, and was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Discussion. Keith Plavec said the extra $840.00 is for the neighbor's driveway that was damaged. The funding for the parking lot was all on last year's budget. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. 4 Bids - TV Mounted Aries Pathfinder Televised Pipeline Inspection System. Alderman Rivero made the motion to open the bids, and was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. Bidders are - 1. Coe Equipment Inc. from Rochester, IL, $131,700.00 with option of new 2009 Ford Chassis in lieu of 2010 Ford Chassis; deduct $1,717.00 with delivery in 120 days. 2. Burnup Equipment Co, Inc. from Independence, Mo., $138,544.00 with option 2009 Chassis Deduct $1,717.00 with delivery 60-90 days. 3. Envirotech Equipment Co, from Pewaukee, WI., $135,789.00 with deduction for 2009 Chassis in lieu of 2010 and deduct $1,500. 4. EJ Equipment, from Manteno, IL. of $129,000.00 with delivery 60-75 days. Alderman Sarff made the motion to forward the bids to staff for their report at the council meeting, and was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. TIF Infrastructure Spreadsheet. Mayor Kevin R. Meade mentioned that Mark Rothert was in the Quad Cities and could not get here in time to make his report. EDA Grant Update. Mayor Kevin R. Meade said they anticipate of hearing about the grant shortly. This grant if received will be used for the downtown area. Added to the Agenda the next two items. Alderman Strandberg made the motion forward on to council for the City Administrator to attend the Illinois Municipal League during September 24-26 in Chicago, and pay for registration, conference and one night hotel, was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. Discussion. Jim Snider mentioned that the City Attorney Chrissie Peterson wants to attend also for one day. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. Alderman Ellis mentioned that he had met with Leander Construction and also attending was Keith Plavec and Clif O'Brien. Keith Plavec said the project was to be completed on December 20, 2008 and was not completed until January 6, 2009. The contract does not talk about liquidated 5 damages if not completed by a certain date. We need to strengthen our language of how we can curb this is in the future. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson remarked she is not sure we would have to show this in the contracts. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to forward on to the council meeting, and was seconded by Alderman Rivero. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. The Finance Committee adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Legal & Ordinance. Council Action Feaster's Building. Alderman Ellis asked if there has been any response or progress from either parties. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson commented that there has been response but no progress. On July 20th, 2009 sent the notice that we had discussed to Tom Herbst who had owned the Feaster's Building before the fire, to abate the weeds and grass, grade for the water, take down the fence and told him he had 10 days to correct those problems. We received an immediate phone call from him. Unfortunately Tom Herbst did not feel he could correct the main problem which was the grade and the fence, because he was unable to get any type of response from the Odd Fellows. I stressed the council's opinion was when you understood the situation they were in, were going on almost two year's been in this condition, and we need to see some movement on it, and we haven't. Tom seems equally frustrated as all of us are. He even asked for suggestion of how we can perhaps move the negotiations on with the Odd Fellows. Keith Plavec said he had a call from Jim Herbst. Keith said he contacted me about seeing us (Maurer Stutz) as a structural review. I talked with the city attorney as this would be a conflict, and we recommended another structural engineer. We're looking at concern of why spend the dollars to hire another engineer just because one report had been provided already. Which is essentially, put in a drain tile, seal the bottom part, seal it in and move on. Especially if you're going to keep as a grassy lot and I have not heard anymore. Alderman Ellis said we can direct Tom Herbst to back fill it and level off. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said that is a liability issue between two property owners. Alderman Ellis recommended placing on the Public Safety agenda in two weeks. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said will invite both parties here for that night. Effective date for Roofins license ordinance. Alderman Reed said he had been contacted by several roofers and they would remember January 1 to renew their license than October. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to have the ordinance amended to add the date, and was seconded by Alderman Rivero. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. Special Events License - Willet's Winery to benefit FMCS fundraiser. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said this has been withdrawn. Recvcline Survev Results. Nikita Shields 1 have been doing a summer youth program through Career Link, and 1 have been working at City Hall for the past two months. While working at the city hall, I have been compiling the recycling surveys. We have brought in 2,333 surveys. Out of the 2,333 surveys, 851 answered yes, 1,442 answered no, and 41 answered maybe. As you can see from what you have in front of you I have broken down the surveys into three different categories. If you flip your paper over, I have given you the most common reasons why the individuals said no. Also, you can see that there were some statements and comments that were made too. The following is Nikita report - Total number of recycling surveys received as of August 10, 2009. Yes: 851 No: 1, 442 Maybe: 43 Total number of recycling surveys excluding businesses: Yes: 844 No: 1,421 Maybe: 43 Total number of recycling surveys excluding businesses and individuals who did not give their name or address: Yes: 821 N0: 1,217 Maybe: 43 For individuals that said No to the recycling survey the most common reasons were: 1. No comment (416) 2. The cost is too much (37S) 3. They just don't want to (149) 4. They already recycle (101) 5. Senior citizens or disabled (80) Questions raised: 1. Will you be taking the additional $4.70 off our regular garbage bill? 2. Can you guarantee that there will not be any future charges? 3. Will there be smaller containers available? 4. What is done with the cost savings to the City for tipping fees, once people recycle a percentage of what they use to throw away? 5. If the container is already or gets damaged by pick up, do the customers pay? 6. What does the City of Canton and Waste Management gain from the curbside recycling? 7. Can you guarantee that Waste Management will recycle our recyclables instead of just dumping them in the landfill? 8. Can this be done more economically? Statements or Comments made: 1. There should be more dropoff bins like the one on Elm Street. 2. The $4.70 should be taken off our garbage bill, because with recycling there will be less garbage to be picked up. s 3. The recycling should be picked up each week. With it sitting around for 2 weeks it can cause a smell and ants. 4. The customers feel that regardless of what the survey votes are, they feel that they will be forced into doing the recycling and pay the additional $4.70. 5. The recycling should be our choice if we want to do it or not. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said that the company of Eagle Enterprise offers a prescription services. They will offer the same similar curb side. Their containers are size 48 gallons up to 96 gallons and have to have minimum of 500 participants and cost will be monthly if city does billing of $7.00 to $8.00. If more participant the cost goes as low as $4.50 month. Public Works Director Clif O'Brien said Waste Management will charge $4.70 far 5 years, and you need to know that up front. You need to deal with only one company by bid or quote. Alderman Sarff said the survey gave good information. We need to put our bid sheet of what we want. Mayor Kevin R. Meade said we have about % of the surveys back, and was talked down. Alderman Strandberg said I don't want to faze it in on the water bills. City Administrator Jim Snider commented that his experience with recycling the market changes, and Eagle Enterprise is in Kewanee. They collected recycleables free. Recycling was very strong years ago and if you go forward you do not go beyond a year or two. Do not be tied into cost or you will lose money. Would be more dependable if the pickup being once a week and on the same day as the regular garbage pickup. Mayor Kevin R. Meade commented that we can put together a bid sheet of our proposal, and will bring back for approval. Alderman Strandberg thanked Nikita for her presentation. 9 The Legal & Ordinance committee adjourned at Community & Industrial Development. Council Action Uadate SRPED Mark Rothert. Mark Rothert was unavailable for tonight's meeting. Mayor Kevin R. Meade reminded the community about IDOT having the last of their meetings for 336 comments and ideas, input and suggestions for August 13, 2009 to review the plans. This is to be held at Ingersoll Middle School from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 7:59 p.m. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel. Council Action None. Informational. Mayor Kevin R. Meade stated that the members of the City Council will be meeting Tuesday August 18th at 5:30 p.m. in the office of Attorney Bruce Beal for Fire Negotiations. Mayor Kevin R. Meade mentioned that the City Council members will meet in executive session Thursday August 13, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the applications received for the Zoning Officer position at City Hall Director's Room. Alderman Strandberg made the motion to go in to executive session to discuss Personnel; & Pending Litigation, and was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. The motion was by unanimous voice vote. 10 Y The regular scheduled Clerical Committee convened for executive session at 7:49 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION - TO DISCUSS -PERSONNEL; & PENDING LITIGATION. ADJOURN Being no further business the Clerical Committee reconvened from executive session at 8:12 p.m. to adjourn. Recording Secretary, 91 a.-~~ ~-f~c,:~u Nancy Whites, City Clerk 11