HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-2022 Canton City Council Meeting Minutes DON 182 r CANTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2022 at 6:30pm Historic Depot-Donald E Edwards Way 50 North 4t" Avenue Canton 11 61520 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on June 7, 2022 (6:30pm) at the Historic Depot located at 50 North 4t"Avenue Canton Illinois with zoom attendance available. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Kent McDowell, City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock, Attorney Chris Jump, Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson, Fire Chief Scott Roos, Police Chief Michael Eveland, Superintendent Ron Robinson, Utility Director Joe Carruthers, Comptroller Beka Schultz MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Fulton Democrat PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING INVOCATION— Mayor Kent McDowell PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz Attended Remotely Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Mayor McDowell asked to move item #6 under the legal and ordinance committee to the beginning of the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD MAY 17, 2022 BILL LIST DISBURSEMENT REPORT TREASURER'S REPORT POLICE REPORT FIRE REPORT Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Gossett/Lingenfelter to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE ALDERPERSON ANDRA CHAMBERLIN, CHAIR LEGAL& ORDINANCE ALDERPERSON CRAIG WEST, CHAIR DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON APPOINTMENT OF FIRE CHIEF AND RESOLUTION APPROVING AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND SCOTT ROOS---OATH OF OFFICE Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Hale to approve the appointment. .ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried DISCUSS,CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND SCOTT ROOS RESOLUTION #5378 Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Hale to approve the resolution. .ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. OATH OF OFFICE City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock gave the oath of office to Fire Chief Scott Roos. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT WITH TROY PUTMAN AT 1585 EAST WALNUT CANTON IL 61520 Attorney Jump explained that a public hearing is being held as is required in the municipal code. A notice was published in the newspaper at least 15 days, but not more than 30 days from the public hearing. The pre-annexation agreement and hearing is to bring a sewer system to Troy Putman's home located at 1585 East Walnut in Canton IL in exchange of an annexation agreement for the city. Utility Director Joe Carruthers stated that there has been an out-of town sewer rate established for Mr. Putman. This item is strictly for sewer and does not include water. Attorney Jump explained that the city will need to proceed with the public hearing. Mayor McDowell called the public hearing to order and asked if there was any public comment regarding the pre-annexation agreement with Troy Putman located at 1585 East Walnut Street in Canton Illinois. No comments were made. Motion and second were made by Alderperson West/Lingenfelter to adjourn the public hearing. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SEWER PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT WITH TROY PUTMAN AT 1585 EAST WALNUT CANTON IL RESOLUTION #5379 Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Lingenfelter to approve the consent agenda.. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON APPROVAL AND/OR AMENDMENTS TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS TO EAST LAKE DEVELOPMENT(OLD BEACH ADDITION) Attorney Jump explained that this item goes back to a prior document between the City of Canton and John Davis. John Davis was present at the meeting with his attorney Ron Weber. Attorney John McCarthy has been assisting the city with this item as well. Attorney Jump stated that he felt it was important to bring this item to council for final approval with any amendments made, prior to the closing. Attorney Jump explained that he does not need the approval on the covenants at tonight's meeting, if the members of the council would like to have more time to review them. This item would need to be approved by the next council meeting. The closing will take place in late June or early July 2022. This item is tied to a lease agreement. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Gossett to table this item until the next council meeting. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin X Mayor McDowell The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE TO LEASE REAL PROPERTY FOR A TERM IN EXCESS OF TWENTY (20) YEARS FOR REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF CANTON CONTAINING 3.944 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED ON LAKE CANTON AND EAST OF N DAL BAR ROAD CANTON IL 61520 AND SOUTH OF E OLD BEACH ROAD, CANTON IL 61520 ORDINANCE#4291 The lease is for approximately 3.944 acres that is located between the lake and the parcels from old beach subdivision that is being sold to John Davis. The lease is contingent upon closing. The mayor would not be authorized to execute the lease unless the transaction closes. The proposed lease is for $1000.00 per year and then would be increased over each term by $500.00. The initial term of the lease is for 5 years with 4 renewal terms after. The total lease time is for 25 years. Because the lease is over 20 years the formal notice is required. The lease states that it would be used for fishing, boating and other recreational activities for the association members and their guests. The intention is that Mr. Davis would be establishing a home owners association for the lots that are located in the area that he is buying. This is how he will control how the homes are built and occupied. The lease is just to benefit those parcels. Mr. Davis will assign (prior to the first home being constructed or within a year- whichever is shorter) to the homeowner association. The city is only responsible to obtain the rent payment from the homeowner association, rather than worrying about each individual member. Mr. Davis will be responsible to collect any homeowner fees from the members. There can not be any structures built on the property unless approved by the city. The first step will be to clean the shrubbery and growth of trees. Approval will be required by the city for anything over 3 inches would need approved by the city. This will help preserve the tree line. Only one dock or boat slip would be allowed and approved by the mayor after the plans are presented. They would not be allowed to put any utilities on the leased area, except to run electricity to the boat dock for lighting. The lease does not include lot 11. The city will retain ownership of lot 11 for future use. The covenants not only control how the lots are used and how they are built on, but there is a requirement that a minimum of four homes be constructed. This would likely be done by the merger of lots that are currently there. The existing 9 lots will be merged to create bigger lots so they will be more marketable to build larger homes. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Hale to waive the first reading of the ordinance. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Hale to approve the ordinance and to allow the Mayor and Attorney John McCarthy to make any revisions needed. The ordinance is contingent upon the closing. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin X Mayor McDowell The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE TO LEASE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON NORTH DAL BAR ROAD, CANTON IL 61520 OR OTHERWISE ALLOWING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A LEASE NOT EXCEEDING TWO (2) YEARS TO LEASE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON NORTH DAL BAR ROAD, CANTON IL ORDINANCE#4292 The proposed lease is a short-term lease to John Davis. There is a piece of property next to lot 20 that was annexed into the city but is not included within the subdivision. The city would be comfortable to allow Mr. Davis to use this property for access to the other parcels for now. This area was not part of the original bid. Eventually Mr. Davis would like to acquire this area. The city does not have any use for this area. The city would have to sell the property as surplus or through a bidding process. For now, this is being separate since it was not part of the original transaction. Mr. Davis would like to secure/control the area from people using four wheelers on this lot. It was determined that the lease would be for$100.00. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Gossett to waive the first reading of the ordinance. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/to approve the ordinance with the agreed upon price of$100.00. Mayor McDowell and Attorney John McCarthy would be allowed to make any necessary revisions. The item is contingent upon the closing. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin X Mayor McDowell The motion carried DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SUPPLEMENTAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE (LAKELAND PARK DRIVE PHASE 1 AND PHASE II ENGINEERING) RESOLUTION #5380 Engineer Keith Plavec explained that the original engineering agreements were submitted.A right of way was obtained for this project. Signatures are received from the park district and Kevin Williams. The culvert will be extended on Lakeland Park Drive. Additional funds are being requested for this project and will come from the MFT account. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Lingenfelter to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SUPPLEMENTAL ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR THE CASS PLACE PHASE II ENGINEERING PROJECT. RESOLUTION #5381 Engineer Plavec explained that a right of way will be obtained along with easements for the work. Keith met with properties owners on the north and south side. Additional funds are being requested for the additional items. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons West/Gossett to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERPERSON JUSTIN NELSON, CHAIR COMMUNITY& INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERPERSON JOHN LOVELL, CHAIR-ABSENT DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST AND ROAD CLOSURE FOR THE CANTON TRAVELING BASKETBALL FUNDRAISER TO BE HELD OCTOBER 15, 2022. The application and appropriate paperwork was submitted forthe special event and road closure for the Canton traveling basketball fundraiser to be held October 15, 2022. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Nelson/Lingenfelter to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A SPECIAL EVENT AND ROAD CLOSURE FOR THE RED DOG CF EVENT TO BE HELD JULY 8, 2022 The city received the appropriate paperwork for the special event and road closure for the Red Dog CF event to be held July 8, 2022. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Nelson/Hale to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A SPECIAL EVENT FOR THE ANNUALS KIDS FEST TO BE HELD JULY 9, 2022 The city received the appropriate paperwork for the special event for the annual kids fest to be held July 9, 2022. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Nelson/Hale to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. UPDATE FROM SRPED COLE MCDANIEL Mayor McDowell asked Cole McDaniel to bring this item back to the next council meeting when everyone was in attendance so it could be reviewed and discussed. This will also allow Cole additional time to gather more information on a few of the items. PUBLIC WORKS, WATER& SEWER ALDERPERSON ANGIE LINGENFELTER, CHAIR PUBLIC SAFETY&TRAFFIC ALDERPERSON ANGELA HALE, CHAIR Alderperson Angela Hale reminded everyone that children are now out of school for the summer, so everyone should be mindful and watch for children as they are driving. STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERPERSON JEFF FRITZ, CHAIR DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE VACATING PORTIONS OF LIBERTY PLACE (2"d Reading) ORDINANCE#4293 Attorney Jump stated that when this item was discussed at the last meeting discussion took place about asking the land owners to contribute toward any of the expenses for the land that they would be acquiring. It was agreed at that time that the city would not be charging them. The proposed ordinance would allow those included in the ordinance to acquire the small area in front of their property. Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Fritz/Gossett to approve the ordinance vacating portions of Liberty Place with the added legal description for the Church of the Brethren. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. LAKE, BUILDINGS & GROUNDS ALDERPERSON GREG GOSSETT, CHAIR MAYOR COMMUNICATION RECENT RETIREMENTS FROM THE WTP Larry Ford Randy Romine Nelson Bugos Utility Director Joe Carruthers stated that the above three individuals worked a total of 91 years for the city. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Mayor McDowell said he talked with Attorney Jump, Chief Mike Eveland and ordinance officer Drake Wilson. The City has received numerous complaints about abandoned vehicles and homes in poor condition. The city is beginning a project called Operation Clean Sweep. The city will be starting the program to help clean up these issues within the community. There will be immediate action taken for those in violation. The ultimate goal is to make the city look better. The city will be proceeding and taking violations very seriously and appropriate action will be taken for those in violation Mayor McDowell congratulated those involved in the Art on Main event that recently took place. It was another successful year for the event. ADJOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Alderpersons Nelson/Lingenfelter to adjourn without the need for executive session. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderperson Gossett X Alderperson X Lingenfelter Alderperson Fritz X Alderperson Hale X Alderperson West X Alderperson Lovell X Alderperson Nelson X Alderperson X Chamberlin The motion carried. Diana Pavley Rock, City Clerk Kent McDowell, Mayor