HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-28-09 Mechanical Committee Meeting MinutesA regular meeting of the Canton City Council Mechanical Committee was held on
July 28, 2009 at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4t" Avenue, Canton, Illinois.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. He announced
we are trying to get the video working to be able for the citizens of Canton to
view the meetings.
Aldermen in attendance -Rick Reed, Eric Schenck, Craig West, Jorge Rivero, Jim
Hartford. Absent -Aldermen Larry Sarff, Gerald Ellis, Jason Strandberg.
Also attending -Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer
Aaron Anderson, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor, Fire
Chief Bonnie Cremer, Maurer Stutz representative Keith Plavec (Zoning Officer
and city engineer), Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment
Supt. Greg Pollitt, Joe Ginger Video Services.
In the audience -Stacey Creasy from The Democrat, John Froehling from the
Daily Ledger, Mark Bixler from WBYS Radio, Pete Livers, ESDA Director Phil
Public Safety & Traffic
Chairman, Jim Hartford
Police Report.
Police Chief W. Dan Taylor highlighted his report with the following -
Two suspects arrested for armed robbery.
Two suspects arrested for the Canton Park District Concession Stand
Burglaries/Car burglaries.
A Peoria woman was arrested for Illegal dumping at the City waste yard.
Received $2,600.00 from Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Grant that officer Greg
Lingenfelter firearm instructor was able to obtain. Chief commended officer
Lingenfelter for his work on obtaining the eagle gun safety grant, and he teaches
this to the third graders.
Executed narcotics search warrant.
Sgt. Eveland and Sgt. Spahn attended Street Leadership Training in Springfield.
Telecommunicator Update -there were 13 applicants and we gave them a typing
test, written test, spelling test. And had invited in any telecommunicator that
wanted to set in on the interviews. After the first meeting the applications went
down to 7 applicants as of last Saturday, and the mayor will interview tomorrow.
K-9 Upgrade -Officer Ryan Demott is the handler, supplies have been ordered.
The officer will have the dog before they both go for training in Springfield to get
use to one another.
Alderman Hartford said he rode around with the officers from 2:30 p.m. to 11:30
p.m. The police officers were very courteous to everyone.
Fire Report.
Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer highlighted her monthly report -During the month of
June, fire personnel responded to three structure fires, one camper fire and one
vehicle fire. The first structure fire, located at 736 Anderson Place was found to
have heavy smoke coming from the eaves when fire personnel arrived on the
scene. The fire remains under investigation and the estimated damage was set at
The second structure fire reported was at 40 Douglas Court where fire personnel
found moderate smoke coming from the front door. A chair and a blanket were
found to be smoldering in the living are which had been extinguished by a police
officer prior to fire personnel's arrival. The residence was checked for extension,
and finding none. The estimated loss was set at $22,000.00 and is under
The third structure fire was a mobile home at 435 East Walnut Street. Fire
personnel found flames coming from the front window and a hole in the side of
the mobile home. The fire was completely extinguished; overhaul completed and
turned over to the fire investigator. Estimated damage was set at $10,000.00.
A camper fire was reported at 7t" and Grant Place. The camper was in an open lot
with moderate smoking coming from the windows and back right corner.
Following extinguishment, the fire was turned over to the investigator. The
estimated loss was set at $1,000.00.
The vehicle fire was located at 125 North 5t" Avenue and was found to be caused
by a shorted wire to the stereo amplifier. No estimated loss was listed on the
Fire alarms decreased by 27.4% while EMS alarms increased by 4.3% compared to
our responses in June 2008.
There were 8 simultaneous alarms during the month of June.
A check from the State for the zero interest loan for $100,000 has been received
and the Special Response Apparatus committee is working to locate a used or
demonstration vehicle that will fulfill the department's needs.
Canton Fire Department has received notification we have been selected as a
recipient of a grant from the State Fire Marshall's Small Equipment Grant Fund in
the amount of $6,500.00. Personal protective gear will be purchased with the
grant money.
A grant for an automatic defibrillator was submitted to Illinois Rural Health
Association. We currently have two Life Pac 1000's the third unit would replace a
Phillips unit.
The department participated in training at Macomb's training center. The can
facility is an excellent location for use to work in conditions that depict actual fire
conditions. Live fires are built and the facility is smoky and hot. Drills were
completed in searching and removing victims in the unit. Macomb Fire
Department allows us to use their facility free of charge. Each shift had a day of
training under the guidance of Assistant Chief Tom Shubert, who is the
department training coordinator.
The Hazmat Team was requested to assist the Macomb Fire Department on June
17t" for a spill of sulfuric acid that occurred at the Macomb water plant. Our
hazmat team and trailer responded to their request for assistance. Lime was
used to neutralize the acid. Macomb expressed their appreciation for our prompt
assistance with this incident.
Tower 1 was used to assist with documenting the Cook Medical construction site.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade, Joe Ginger and Kevin Stephenson were at the site
photographing and making a video of the construction site on June 17, 2009. The
progress of the construction will be recorded as construction progresses.
Bonnie attended the Bill Buxton and August Nazzone Fire Investigation Training
Conference in Fairview Heights on June 25t" and 26t". This conference is held
annually by the Southern Illinois Arson Investigators Association in conjunction
with the Illinois Association of Arson Investigators. Topics included
documentation of fire scenes, gas appliance failure and electrical fires. The two
day conference was attended by seventy-fire investigators from across the state.
The Fire and Police Commission is in the process of completing the fire
lieutenants, testing process. The written test was held on June 25t". Nine
firefighters are participating in the testing process. The promotional list will be
completed and posted.
I attended an Overview of the Workers' Compensation in Illinois presentation at
the Historic Depot on June 16tH
Josh Russell completed his sixty day temporary appointment on June 13t". He has
been assigned to work shift two during his appointment.
Motorola Payers.
Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer needs to replace six Motorola, Minitor 5 VHF pagers.
The cost of each pager is $414.00. Motorola is offering a $60.000 per pager after
purchase rebate with the purchase of six units. The full amount of cost is $2,484
plus $25 shipping, for a total of $2,509.00.
Alderman Reed made the motion to forward the request on to the council
meeting, and was duly seconded by Alderman West. The motion was by
unanimous voice vote.
Dental Insurance oxen enrollment of 13 months to coincide with medical clan.
Diana Tucker the Deputy Clerk/HR had sent an a-mail to let the committee know
that Health Alliance has the city's dental insurance. Due to the fact that the City
went out for bids with the medical plan, and began the medical plan with Blue
Cross/Blue Shield effective June 1; our open enrollment period for the medical
plan will now be 30 days prior to the effective date. She wants to coordinate our
dental plan open enrollment period with Blue Cross/Blue Shield medical plan.
Diana called Health Alliance and they indicated they would extend the contract
with our dental plan to 13 months if the city desires. This would allow the open
enrollment for our dental plan to coincide with our medical plan.
Alderman Hartford asked who wants to talk about this. Mayor Kevin R. Meade
said Diana Tucker wants to coordinate with Health Alliance of having the dental
insurance come due when the health insurance does which is for 13 months, not
twelve months. Sent to council meeting next week without recommendation.
Ordinance -Amending Ordinance #1966 Providing for a No Parking Sign at the
200 Block of W. Pine, Prohibiting Parking on the South Side of the Street for 75
feet East with Avenue C, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on School Days.
Alderman Rivero said he had discussed this with the Police Chief Dan Taylor and
polled several of the neighbors. The resident have stated the other side of the
street is the only place they can park. Some of the residents don't have garages.
Alderman West made the motion for the ordinance to be withdrawn, and was
duly seconded by Alderman Reed. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
The Public Safety Committee adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
Streets & Garbage
Chairman -Craig West
Opening of Chestnut Street on the Square.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade said that this has been looked at before, but he wants
Keith Plavec to look at two lanes and for the cost and feasibility, and bring back
the information.
The Streets & Garbage Committee adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds
Chairman -Rick Reed
No items listed on the agenda and discussion was not held.
The Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Public Works, Water & Sewer
Chairman -Gerald Ellis
Radial Collector Well for Payment #7, from Reynolds Inc. $209.002.50.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to forward on to council meeting, and was
duly seconded by Alderman Reed, and paid from the Bonding fund. The motion
was by unanimous voice vote.
WWTP Improvements Secondary Clarifier for Payment #10, from Leander
Construction for $57,166.98.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to forward on to council meeting, and was
duly seconded by Alderman Reed. Discussion. Keith Plavec mentioned that the
final completion date is July 31St. Walker is the company that manufactured the
equipment. And training is still going on. The motion was by unanimous voice
Long Term Control Plan Wastewater Flow Metering Equipment Installation of
Payment #1, from Leander Construction for $162,659.47.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to forward on to council meeting, and was
duly seconded by Alderman Reed, and paid from Bonding funds. The motion was
by unanimous voice vote.
WTP Improvements Finished Water Storage Facility or Payment #12, from
Leander Construction for $29,900.00.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to forward on to council meeting with no
recommendation, and was duly seconded by Alderman Reed. Discussion. Keith
Plavec gave an update. Completion date was last year, but the weather has been
an issue. They need to clean up the area of the dam because of the rock. Now
they are trying to grade the area. They are requesting all of their retainage in the
amount of $29,900.00 be paid. They are 31 days past due, and the city can file
liquidated damages of $200 each day. Leander Construction argues that the
Clear Well was done in time. Keith asked does the City want to pursue liquidated
damages? Alderman Hartford, Alderman Ellis and Water Treatment Supt. Greg
Pollitt need to talk about this. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
IH Site Invoice 5685 from Iron Hustler for $70,378.06.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to forward on to council meeting, and was
duly seconded by Alderman Reed. Discussion. Keith Plavec mentioned that the
work was for the Cook Medical area to be built in Canton. Alderman Schenck
mentioned that my issue is we can't keep using the TIF funds and borrowing from
the General Fund and spending our reserve funds. Over the last couple of years
we've used $1,014,103.52 out of our general fund. We can't keep spending
$100,000 a month out of the TIF Funds for work that was never budgeted for.
We are irresponsible if we do not get our financial house in order. The motion
was by unanimous voice vote.
IH Site Invoice 5692 from Iron Hustler for $14,103.52.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to forward on to council meeting, and was
duly seconded by Alderman Reed. Discussion. Keith Plavec said this also is for
the Cook Medical area to be built in Canton. The motion was by unanimous voice
Main Street Water Main Relocation for Payment #2, from Hoerr $166,816.38.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to forward on to council meeting, and was
duly seconded by Alderman Reed. Discussion. Keith Plavec said this is on North
Main Street the work being done from IDOT and the City has to use Hoerr to
relocate the water main. This is from Bonding funds. The motion was by
unanimous voice vote.
Storm Sewer Haffner Blvd.
Keith Plavec mentioned there are no grant options, and there has not been any
public health issues in that area.
Alderman Schenck said this is another example of the street program for an
opportunity to upgrade, not just maintenance.
Pay Request from Kemper Construction for White Court along with extra brick
work necessary for Phillips & Associations building.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to forward the request on to council
meeting, and was duly seconded by Alderman Reed. Discussion. Keith Plavec
stated this is to be paid from the downtown TIF funds. Originally when
remodeling was done the front work that was done sat on the sidewalk. Portions
were cut off for the new sidewalk. Otto Baum Company looked at the area and
put in some concrete and bricked over it for a brick ledge. It will need to be
painted. Alderman Ellis had recommended that both sides should be painted.
The total cost for Otto Baum is $477.40. The motion was by unanimous voice
Alderman West made the motion to go into executive session for the purpose of
discussing Personnel; Pending Litigation, and was duly seconded by Alderman
Hartford. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
The Mechanical Committee convened for executive session at 7:14 p.m.
The Executive Session for Personnel and Pending Litigation reconvened in open
session at 7:28 p.m.
No other business to be conducted the Mechanical Committee adjourned.
Recording Secretary,
Nancy Whites, City Clerk