HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-09 Canton City Council Meeting MinutesThe City of Canton Council Meeting was held on June 2, 2009 in Council
Chambers located at 50 North 4t" Avenue, Canton, Illinois.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed with the Invocation
given by City Clerk Nancy Whites.
In the absence of Mayor Kevin R. Meade the city clerk ask for a mayor pro-tem for
tonight's meeting.
Alderman Standberg nominated Alderman Larry Sarff. No other nominations
were offered and nominations were closed.
Mayor Pro Tem Larry Sarff asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present -Aldermen
Rick Reed, Eric Schenck, Craig West, Larry Sarff, Jorge Rivero, Jerry Ellis, Jim
Hartford, Jason Strandberg. Absent -None.
Others attending -City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Aaron Anderson, City
Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer,
Keith Plavec from Maurer Stutz Inc., Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers,
Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Street Supt. George Spahn, System
Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, Video Services by Joe Ginger.
In the audience -News Media of John Froehling from the Daily Ledger, Mark
Bixler from WBYS Radio, Stacey Creasy from The Democrat, and Kevin Sampler
from the Journal Star; Fulton County Engineer Bill Kuhn, DCEO Senior Account
Manager Tony Rolando, SRPED Executive Director Mark Rothert, ESDA Director
Phil Fleming.
Minutes of May 19, 2009 Council meeting
Minutes of May 26, 2009 Mechanical Committee meeting
Alderman Strandberg made the motion to accept the minutes and place on file as
amended, and was duly seconded by Alderman Hartford. The motion was by
unanimous voice vote. The amendments are -May 19 Council meeting page 4
Liquor License to Canton Development Company, dba Canton Public Golf Course .
The sentences says Supper Club, and the correction is - Class D Club House/Golf
Course License.
The other amendment is for Mechanical Committee held on May 26, 2009 under
Dave Schaab with Waste Mangement. The sentences says the container pick-up
is $1.00 for every two weeks, and the correction is -$1.00 every week.
Public Safety.
Council Action
Deputy Chief of Police.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to allow having a Deputy Chief of Police, and
was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. Discussion. Alderman Strandberg said
he agrees this would be easier on the police chief. Be good also for all
department heads to help them out if they had someone. At the last Budget
meeting we turned down Wastewater Treatment Plant and Water Treatment
Plant Supts of having additional help for fiscal reasons. Our cost is $1,600 for a
Deputy Chief and would be more with added expense of a car. What is important
is what's best for the department and the citizens. I don't see the need. Police
Chief Dan Taylor said he disagrees a little bit with Alderman Strandberg as this is a
trade-off and several key jobs will be transferred over to this position. Roll call.
AYES -Aldermen Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West, Reed. NAYS -Aldermen
Strandberg, Schenck. 6 AYES, 2 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
City of Canton Sirens.
ESDA Director Phil Fleming presented information on the Recorded Digital Voices
message from Ragan Communications. It is as follows: All Whelen WPS 2900
series sirens currently shipping have the RDVM960 digital audio board already
installed and included in the base price. You only pay a recording fee for the
messages that you want to add. If you select messages from the preprogrammed
Whelen library, you only pay $25.00 per message. If you choose to add custom
messages of your choice, there is a one-time recording fee per message of
$175.00 each. Unfortunately your existing sirens do not have the board installed
and would be optional expense to add the board. Ragan Communications will
provide a quote from Whelen to add this board to the existing sirens. The stored
voice messages must be installed in each siren.
The quotes from Whelen are:
RDVM240 = $651.00
RDVM480 = $1,236.00
RDVM960 = $1,821.00
The prices do not include installation. Installation would be time and material and
is estimated to be 1 hr per siren plus travel time. The hourly rate is $80 per hour.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to waive the bidding, and was duly seconded
by Alderman Rivero. Discussion. Alderman Strandberg asked if this is the only
company that can supply the sirens? Phil Fleming answered the dealer is
compatible, and is a reliable company. Mayor Kevin R. Meade has asked last
week at the committee meeting the cost for Recorded Digital Voices Messages
option for the outdoor warning systems. Phil said all Whelen WPS 2900 series
sirens currently shipping have the RDVM960 digital audio board already installed
and included in the base price. You only pay a recording fee for the message that
you want to add. If you select messages from the pre-programmed Whelen
Library, you only pay $25.00 per message. If you choose to add custom messages
of your choice, there is a onetime recording fee per message of $175.00 each.
Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, Schenck, West, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis, Hartford,
Strandberg. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to allow the purchase of the WPS 2910 Siren
from Whelen for the amount of $30,738.00, and the additional cost of $651.00 for
a total of $31,389.00. (Phil said the total amount was $31,714.00.) Roll call. AYES
-Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS
- None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Televising Committee meetings.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to televise the committee meetings, and
was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed,
Schenck, West, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis, Hartford, Strandberg. Motion carried.
Lee Rose request for outdoor fencing.
Alderman Hartford made the motion to allow Lee Rose request for outdoor
fencing, and was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. City Attorney Chrissie
Peterson mentioned that restrictions are on the other business having fencing.
The Committee amended the motion that the fencing would be from April 15t until
the second week of the Spoon River Drive. The motion was by unanimous voice
Streets & Garbage.
Council Action
Canton 2009 ARRA Stimulus Projects.
Keith Plavec mentioned that FAU routes 6888 are Walnut Street from 5t" Avenue
to 11t" Avenue and Elm Street from 15t Avenue to 4t" Avenue, which will bemilling
overlay projects. FAU Route 6883 is Ash Street from 5t" Avenue to 11t" Avenue
for the sidewalk project. Today we are considering Preliminary/Construction
Engineering Agreement for MFT funds with $24,000 being for the design, and
$31,000 for construction, and this is for the three projects.
Alderman West made the motion to approve the Engineering Agreement for MFT
Funds with $24,000 being for the design and $31,000 for construction, and was
duly seconded by Alderman Hartford. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Strandberg,
Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0
NAYS, O ABSENT. Motion carried. Agreement being #3885.
Alderman West made the motion to approve the Resolution for Preliminary
Engineering (Phase 1 & 2) and Construction Engineering (Phase 3) for the 2009
ARRA (Stimulus) Projects in the amount of $55,000.00, and was duly seconded by
Alderman Schenck. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, Schenck, West, Sarff,
Rivero, Ellis, Hartford, Strandberg. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, NAYS, 0 ABSENT.
Motion carried. Resolution being #3886.
Alderman West made the motion for the Request of Authorized Expenditure
Agreement for the MFT funds in the amount of $55,000, and was duly seconded
by Alderman Rivero. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis,
Rivero, Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT.
Motion carried. Agreement being #3887.
EDP Agreement (3rd Avenue & Maple Street).
Alderman West made the motion to approve the Preliminary/Construction
Engineering Services Agreement for 3rd Avenue and Maple Streets with Maurer
Stutuz Inc. in the amount of $647,538.00, and was duly seconded by Alderman
Hartford. Discussion. Keith Plavec mentioned the improvements consist of new
roadway for 3rd Avenue from Elm Street to Maple Avenue, and Maple Street from
3rd to 5t" Avenue; water main; storm sewers; sanitary sewers; sidewalks; and
storm water detention system. Total estimated construction cost is $4,055,631.
Engineering costs were determined during IDOT grant submitted with IDOT
recommending 8% for design and 11% for construction phase services. Roll call.
AYES -Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed.
NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Agreement being
Brew-N-Cue Outdoor Supplemental License.
Alderman Strandberg made the motion to allow for Brew-N-Cue to have an
Outdoor Supplemental License, and was duly seconded by Alderman Ellis.
Discussion. Keith Plavec mentioned that in the best of their knowledge and
opinion you can either vacate the right-of-way, and dedicate property to owners,
or you can do the same as was done for Billy's Tap at Second & Elm. The city
clerk could not find any vacating of the alley for that area. The City Attorney
Chrissie Peterson could not find any records of an alley vacated at the court house
in Lewistown. Keith said we can work with them so this will be a temporary
fence. Alderman Strandberg said we need to work with them, and there is no
CIPS lines nor no water lines in this area. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said
that Marilyn Anderson is insisted she will not be on city property. The motion
was by unanimous voice vote.
Taylor Road -Participation w/Fulton County.
Fulton County Engineer Bill Kuhn mentioned the road is in the jurisdiction of
Buckheart Township and is a regional road, and the road is a mess. To be able
to be shovel ready and have a chance at construction dollars, you need to have
the engineering design completed. He estimated $50,000 for engineering design.
And he stated that St. David declined to participate. The county submitted a
$750,000 construction grant. Bill said that he would like to construct a better
road at a cost of around $1.4 million, but he feels $750,000 is the most they
would receive.
Alderman Sarff said the City's cost would be up to $15,000 for our one quarter of
a mile road in Canton. Bill Kuhn remarked subject to Buckheart doing the same.
Buckheart Township will meet next Monday.
Alderman Strandberg said he did not know where the money would come from to
Alderman Sarff answered it would be the General Fund.
Alderman Schenck said it would be nice to say yes.
Alderman Sarff made the motion to approve the concept as requested up to
$15,000 subject to Buckheart Township also saying yes. Roll call. AYES -
Aldermen West. NAYS -Aldermen Reed, Schenck, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis, Hartford,
Strandberg. 1 AYE, 7 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion defeated.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds.
Council Action
Informational. Alderman Schenck brought up information on the Illinois River By-
Way for a Gateway Community is just about ready to bring the Kiosk to Canton.
An IDOT grant is funding this project and Canton's one of nine receiving the Kiosk.
The Kiosk has four sides with a stone bottom. SRPED Executive Director Mark
Rothert and mayor's secretary Carol Kohler located for the Kiosk to be at city hall
building by the flag pole. Keith Plavec, Carol Kohler and Public Works Director Clif
O'Brien said they also looked to place it in the north end where the gazebo and
Goodwill Store is in Jones Park. We need a pad so the Kiosk can be seen from all
four sides. The size of the Kiosk is 5 x 5. To add to next week's agenda.
Public Works, Water & Sewer.
Council Action
Application for Pay Request #6, for Proposed Radial Collector Well from
Reynolds Inc. in the amount of $21,352.50.
Alderman Ellis made the motion to pay Reynolds Inc. in the amount of $21,352.50
for Pay Request # 6, of Proposed Radial Collector Well, and paid from Bond
funding, and was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES -
Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS -
None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Application for Payment #8, for Secondary Clarifier #1, of Rehab from Leander
Construction Inc. in the amount of $6,300.00.
Alderman Ellis made the motion to pay Leander Construction Inc. in the amount
of $6,300.00 for payment #8, of Proposed Radial Collector Well, and paid from
Bond funding, and was duly seconded by Alderman Hartford. Roll call. AYES -
Aldermen Reed, Schenck, West, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis, Hartford, Strandberg. NAYS -
None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Invoice #5625 IH Site/Crushing from Iron Hustler Excavating Inc. in the amount
of $9,185.85.
Alderman Ellis made the motion to pay Iron Hustler Excavating Inc. for Invoice
#5625 of the IH Site/Crushing in the amount of $9,185.00, and paid from TIF
funds, and was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen
Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS -None. 8
AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Invoice #6869 WWTP Digester Cover from Environetics Inc. in the amount of
Alderman Ellis made the motion to pay Environetics Inc. for Invoice #6869 WWTP
Digester Cover in the amount of $52,440.00, and was duly seconded by Alderman
Hartford. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, Schenck, West, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis,
Hartford, Strandberg. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion
Invoice #5638 for IH Site/Crushing from Iron Hustler Inc. $30,751.10.
Alderman Ellis made the motion to pay Iron Hustler for Invoice #5638 for the IH
Site/Crushing in the amount of $30,751.10, and was duly seconded by Alderman
Rivero. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff,
West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion
Alderman Sarff mentioned that Mayor Kevin R. Meade has announced that due to
the crushing at the former IH Site, and the City was able to sell rebar metal at
scrape value for $8,000.
In the Daily Ledger it was reported that Cook Companies bought Fulton Square
and will be fixing the roofs, parking lot and JC Penney has agreed to stay for
another 5 years.
STREET OF RACHELLE (WORKMAN) YATES. Second reading, read by title.
Alderman Hartford made the motion the ordinance be placed up on its passage,
and was duly seconded by Alderman West. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed,
Schenck West, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis, Hartford, Strandberg. NAYS -None. 8 AYES,
0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1978.
Second reading, read by title. Alderman Strandberg made the motion that the
ordinance be placed on its passage, and was duly seconded by Alderman
Hartford. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff,
West, Schenck, Reed. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance
being #1979.
COMPANY. First reading, read by title. Alderman West made the motion the
resolution be adopted, and was duly seconded by Alderman Hartford.
Discussion. Keith Plavec from Maurer Stutz Inc. said this is the water main down
Third Avenue to Maple Street. The fee is $2,500.00. Roll call. AYES -
Aldermen Reed, Schenck, West, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis, Hartford, Strandberg. NAYS -
None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #3889.
THE PROJECT. First reading, read by title. Alderman Strandberg made the
motion the resolution be adopted, and was duly seconded by Alderman Hartford.
Discussion. SRPED Executive Director said this is the former Drow Hardware
Building on the east side of the square and using federal stimulus funds of
$200,000.00. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero,
Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion
carried. Resolution being #3890.
AMOUNT OF $230,000.00. First reading, read by title. Alderman West made
the motion the resolution be adopted, and was duly seconded by Alderman
Hartford. Discussion. Keith Plavec mentioned that the Resolution was actually
$12,000 for Maintenance Engineering and $218,000.00 for the 2009 Maintenance
Program. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, Schenck, West, Sarff, Rivero, Ellis,
Hartford, Strandberg. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion
carried. Resolution being #3891.
by title. Alderman West made the motion to approve of the Consulting Engineer
estimate from Maurer Stutz Inc. of $11,547.03 for the 2009 MFT Maintenance
Program, and was duly seconded by Alderman Ellis. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen
Strandberg, Hartford, Ellis, Rivero, Sarff, West, Schenck, Reed. NAYS -None. 8
AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Agreement being 3892.
OF MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $230,000.00. First reading,
read by title. Alderman West made the motion to approve the request for the
expenditure of $230,000 for the 2009 MFT Maintenance Program, and was duly
seconded by Alderman Ellis. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Reed, Schenck, West,
Sarff, Rivero, Ellis, Hartford, Strandberg. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0
ABSENT. Motion carried. Agreement being #3893.
Being no further business to conduct -
Alderman Hartford made the motion to adjourn, and was duly seconded by
Alderman Reed.
The regular scheduled Council meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.
Nancy Whites, City Clerk
Kevin R. Meade, Mayor