HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-09 Canton City Council Meeting MinutesThe Canton City Council meeting was held on January 6, 2009 in Council
Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4t" Avenue, Canton, Illinois.
The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed with prayer given by
City Clerk Nancy Whites.
Mayor Kevin R. Meade was absent from the meeting.
City Clerk Nancy Whites called for nominations of a Mayor Pro-Tem for tonight's
Council meeting.
Alderman Berardi made the motion for Alderman Larry Sarff be nominated as
Mayor Pro-Tem. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Motion was by
unanimous voice vote.
Mayor Pro-tem Alderman Larry Sarff asked for Roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present -
Aldermen Eric Schenck, Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff, Pamela Ihnes, Jason Strandberg,
Sonya Lewis. Absent -Alderman Craig West, and David Nidiffer.
Alderman David Nidiffer sent in his resignation that was effective January 1, 2009.
David served as Alderman in Ward 3 and has moved out of the city to St. David.
Others attending - City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Aaron Anderson, City
Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer,
City Engineer Keith Plavec, Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water
Treatment Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, System Maintenance Supt Bill Terry, Video
Services by Joe Ginger. Absent was Mayor Kevin R. Meade, Public Works Director
Cliff O'Brien.
In the audience -News Media of John Froehling from Daily Ledger, Mark Bixler
from WBYS Radio, Wendy Martin and Jessica Nickerson from The Democrat, and
one unidentified gentleman.
Minutes of Council meeting held December 16, 2008
Minutes of Mechanical Committee meeting held December 23,
Alderman Schenck made the motion to approve of the Consent Agenda. Was
duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
Public Safety & Traffic -Alderman Joe Berardi, Chairman
Fire Gear from Towers Fire Apparatus Company for $7,998.16.
Alderman Berardi made the motion to accept Towers Fire Apparatus Company to
provide four sets of fire gear that includes each set (1) coat and (1) pair of
trousers, in the amount of $1,999.54 per set, with total dollar amount being
$7,998.16. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES -
Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS -None. 6
AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Engine 1-Tires 4 at $1,2969.76 from KC Sales.
Alderman Berardi made the motion to approve of the purchase for Engine 1 rear
drive tires from KC Sales of four tires at state bid price of $1,269.76. Was duly
seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Schenck,
Berardi, Sarff, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, O NAYS, 2
ABSENT. Motion carried.
Acceptance of Fleet Plan and Purchase of Squad Car.
Alderman Berardi made the motion to accept the Five Year Fleet Plan, and to
purchase a 2009 Ford Crown Victoria from state bid of Morrow Brothers
$20,515.00 and decline the trade-in of the 2005 Ford Crown Victoria with 112,000
miles. Was duly seconded by Alderman Ihnes. Discussion. Alderman Schenck
mentioned that he supports the motion but we are spending again out of the
Depreciation Account and we have to budget money back in to that special fund.
Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Lewis ,Strandberg Ihnes, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. 6
AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Hiring of one Police Officer from Fire/Police Commission.
Alderman Berardi made the motion to accept the hiring of one police officer from
the Fire/Police Commission. Discussion. Alderman Berardi said he does not
want to move up a Lt or Sargeant when Dean Putman retires. Police Chief Dan
Taylor said the city ordinance calls for 4 of each Lt's and Sargeants. Also, if this is
just for several weeks I can make it work, but if longer won't be able to.
Alderman Berardi changed his motion as the first one died for lack of second.
Alderman Berardi made the motion to have the Police & Fire Commission to
appoint a police officer and, to make the related promotions. Was duly seconded
by Alderman Strandberg. Alderman Strandberg mentioned that he appreciated
Lt. Dean Putman's tenor of 30 years. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Schenck,
Berardi, Sarff, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2
ABSENT. Motion carried.
Alderman Berardi stated he wanted to discuss Outskirts Bar & Grille on West
Locust Street their Supper Club license, due to a fight that took place last week-
Mayor Pro-Tem Alderman Sarff reported that the incident is under police
Alderman Berardi said he did not care, the mayor lets the place stay open. I don't
know of any other business has a bouncer at the door. We should be looking at
that night club. Someone involved was working as the bartender and bouncer
that night. I was offended when this person was here talking to the council
members previously and has nine tickets against him. I recommend this council
tell the Liquor Commissioners to deny Outskirts license before someone gets
Mayor Pro-Tem Larry Sarff said the Liquor Commission will be discussing the
incident on January 20t", 2009. And, I understand your concerns.
Alderman Berardi also said he talked with the Illinois Municipal League Risk
Management about the liability that a independent contractor does not have who
works for the City. I have asked time, and time again for this from Tony
Fahrenbruch. The Insurance Company told me the City is liable. What I am
hearing is the good ole boy does not need it.
Mayor Pro-Tem Larry Sarff stated to Alderman Berardi, you talk about everyone is
in conspiracy. I have ask City Attorney Chrissie Peterson if we have a copy of the
liability insurance, and she said no! This will be on next week's Clerical Agenda.
Alderman Schenck said that Alderman Berardi brings up issues of how to handle
permits on short term. We need a system. The second issue, we don't have a
Planning & Zoning person on staff to ask for this. We need to add this to our
agenda as we talk about our budgets. What committee this goes under, I don't
know, we need to be diligent of getting this on the agenda of hiring professionals,
and this administration needs to be doing this.
Streets & Garbage -Alderman Craig West, Chairman.
White Oak Sign.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to approve the signage as presented by
White Oak on his new building with 4 variances at White Court and Pine Street.
Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Lewis,
Strandberg, Ihnes, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2
ABSENT. Motion carried.
Lake, Buildings & Grounds -Alderman Sonya Lewis, Chairman.
Public Works, Water & Sewer -Alderman Eric Schenck, Chairman.
Fecal Bath Incubator from Fisher Scientific .
Alderman Schenck made the motion to allow the purchase of Fecal Bath
Incubator from Fisher Scientific with a price of $2,040.00 and the lowest quote.
Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen
Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, 0
NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Bradley Corner Sewage Pumping Station Application Number 2.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to approve Bradley Corner Sewage Pumping
Station Application #2 for Leander Construction Inc. in the amount of $67,029.30
and extension of time of 35 days, from December 25, 2008, to January 29t", 2009,
and paid from Bonding fund. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call.
AYES -Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS -
None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
WWTP Secondary Clarifier #1,
Alderman Schenck made the motion to approve of payment for the Secondary
Clarifier #1, Rehabilitation for the Wastewater Treatment Facility from Leander
Construction Inc. in the amount of $1,405.31 of Payment #4 and the Lien Waiver.
Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Schenck,
Berardi, Sarff, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2
ABSENT. Motion carried.
24' Raw Water Transmission Main Application.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to accept the request from Reynolds Inc. for
Payment #6 along with Lien Waiver in the amount of $578,671.09, and paid from
Bonding fund. Was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. Roll call. AYES -
Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS -None. 6
AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Radial Collector Well payment #1, from Reynolds Inc.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to accept the request of Proposed Radial
Collector Well for Payment #1, to Reynolds, Inc in the amount of $126,112.50,
and paid from Bonding fund. Was duly seconded by Alderman Ihnes. Roll call.
AYES -Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None.
6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Hoerr Construction Inc. Televising of 1600' Sewer Pipe Camera Truck.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to accept the request from Hoerr
Construction Inc. to provide televising of approximately 1,600' of 8"-15" diameter
sanitary sewer pipe Camera Truck with two man crew in the amount of $4,000.00.
Was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. Discussion. Alderman Berardi wants to
have on Public Works Agenda of Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien to have a
report of cost for equipment to televise our sewers, since we have the truck, not
the equipment. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Sarff,
Berardi, Schenck. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Iron Hustler Excavating crushing on-site Concrete at IH site.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to accept Iron Hustler Excavating to furnish
labor and equipment, time & material to do the following: Crush onsite concrete
to a CA-6 graduation to be used for future development at Third Avenue, Elm
Street down to Maple, over to East Elm Street and crushed for roadway projects
or used on Canton Cook project. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg.
Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Ihnes, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck.
NAYS - None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
Alderman Schenck brought up that Maurer Stutz Inc. will bring cost estimates on
White Court at the next committee meeting.
Also should update our roadway improvement program, for sidewalks on Main
Street the City has to pay for, and funding is less for MFT monies. This needs to
be brought to the attention of the Finance Committee.
Mayor Pro-Tem Larry Sarff reported that the mayor is in Washington DC wanting
to talk about Economic Recovery Funds.
Mayor Pro-Tem Larry Sarff read the letter from Alderman Nidiffer.
The letter reads:
Dear Kevin,
Sadly, 1 must inform you that 1 can no longer represent the citizens of Ward
3. For this reason 1 am submitting my resignation as alderman effective as of
January 1, 2009. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve with you, the other
aldermen and the city staff this last year. As 1 look to the future it seems many
exciting things are in store for the City of Canton. Having been a longtime resident
of Canton it gives me great pleasure to see these things progressing. 1 want to
wish you and the other city servants the very best as you work to guide Canton
towards better times.
David Nidiffer
Alderman Ward 3
Alderman Berardi made the motion to accept the resignation letter from
Alderman David Nidiffer. Was duly seconded by Alderman Ihnes. The motion
was by unanimous voice vote.
Mayor Pro-Tem Larry Sarff stated it was a honor to serve with him. Mayor
Meade is asking if anyone is interested in serving for Ward Three to send a letter
to the mayor's office.
Mayor Pro-Tem Larry Sarff reported that when trees fell from the ice storm in
December, there is a plan being put together of how to proceed, and this will be
published on the city's website to each media outlet. And we hope to have this
by the end of the week.
Mayor Pro-Tem Larry Sarff mentioned to have a 5 minute recess before going into
executive session.
The regular scheduled council meeting convened for executive session at 7:22
Alderman Ihnes made the motion to go into executive session to discuss Fire
Negotiations and Personnel. Was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. Roll call.
Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, Ihnes, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS,
2 ABSENT. Motion carried.
The regular scheduled Council meeting reconvened in open session at 7:45 p.m.
Being no further business Alderman Lewis made the motion to adjourn. Was duly
seconded by Alderman Ihnes. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.
The Council meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.
Nancy Whites, City Clerk
Kevin R. Meade, Mayor