HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-25-08 Mechanical Committee Meeting Minutes
A regular meeting of the Mechanical Committee was held on November 25, 2008,
in Council Chambers, 50 North 4 Avenue, Canton, Illinois.
Mayor Kevin Meade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Aldermen in attendance – Eric Schenck, Joe Berardi, Craig West, Pamela Ihnes,
Sonya Lewis. Absent – Aldermen Larry Sarff, David Nidiffer, Jason Strandberg.
Others – Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, Police Chief W. Dan
Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien, City
Engineer Keith Plavec, Wastewater Supt, Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Plant
Supt. Greg Pollitt, Video Services by Joe Ginger.
In the audience – News media John Froheling from the Daily Ledger, Mark Bixler
from WBYS Radio, Wendy Martin from The Democrat, and Jodie Lewis candidate
for City Treasurer. Interim City Treasurer Julie Smick was absent.
Police Report.
Chief’s comments - Special Ops made arrests of two persons for unlawful
Delivery of Controlled Substances (Crack Cocaine/Fentanyl), and one person for
Unlawful Delivery of Cannabis.
The Department assisted the Canton High School SWAT students (Sophmores) in
putting on a program entitled “(Project Ignition”. Other agencies involved
included” Health Department, Fulton Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention
(Co-Sap), Fulton County Sheriff’s Dept., and the Canton Park District Police.
Detective Spahn and our Intern from Western Illinois University participated in
the Western Illinois Career Fair by representing our Police Department. Our
display unit was used along with handouts to prospective applicants.
The Police Chief W. Dan Taylor gave a presentation at the Spoon River College
Leadership Academy about the Canton Police Department.
School Resource Officer Don Taylor along with Detectives Spahn and Grant put on
a PRISM program for the Canton High School.
Overtime Savings
881 less hours of overtime in first 6 months of 2008 for a savings of $32,332.00
Overtime cut 42%
Grant monies (towards OT)
2007 = $7,634.00
2008 = $6,254.00
Sick Time Savings
80 less sick hours used in first 6 monts of 2008.
Alderman Berardi stated he did not consider as overtime savings, more of a
reduction, which is a better statement.
Alderman West told the chief he was very appreciative of the reductions.
Fire Report.
Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer gave the following report –
The structure fire was reported at 901 East Sycamore was found to be caused by
burning yard waste blowing onto a window sill. The loss was set at $5,000.00.
The second structure fire, located at 1115 West Locust was a barn on fire. Fire
crews assisted in the extinguishment following the determination that the
structure was located in the Copperas Creek Fire Protection District
As you recall, NFPA 1710 requires that we arrive at the scene of an emergency
alarm within five (5) minutes of being dispatched 90% of the time. Of the 128
responses requiring compliance, we were in compliance on 99 or 77.3% the
The activity analysis shows that Fire Department personnel spent a total of 24
hours or 17.23% of their time at fire scenes, 28.63 hours or 20.56% on service
calls and 77.1 hours or 55.38% of their time on medical calls.
October was Fire Prevention time. We joined the Halloween Downtown on the
Square as the Canton Main Street presented the Munchkin Masquerade. Children
enjoyed photos in the Fire Truck and interaction with the firefighters as they
collected candy from the merchants. Fire Inspector Dan Neptun attended the
event to assure the safety of the planned entertainment.
The StarCom Radios of the Canton Fire Department and the Canton ESDA were
rebanded on October 13 at Peoria Heights-Supreme Radio Communication. The
Federal Communication Commission ordered the reconfiguration of the 800 MHz
band so they will be compatible. The re-programming had to be completed prior
to June 26, 2009.
I attended the Office of the State Fire Marshal’s senior officer development
program in Peoria October 17 and 18.
Also attended the annual Illinois Fire Chiefs 58 Annual Conference October 20
and 21 at the Peoria Civic Center.
Attended the Illinois Fire Service Institute Female Firefighter Training weekend,
October 4 and 5 in Champaign. Fifty women attended this training. Isabel
Kutcher a German firefighter who is visiting Canton, four ladies from Canada, one
from Missouri, and four from Minnesota were among those attending.
Canton and Havana Aerials jointly displayed the U.S. Flag during a funeral for
Christopher Allen Bartkiewicz who died in Baghdad, Iraq. Christopher was a
Specialist E-4 in the Infantry Division.
Fire Inspector Daniel Neptun successfully completed Fire Inspector II testing
through the International Code Council.
I was invited to visit and tour the Anderson’s Grain Storage facility located south
of Canton. The facility stressed good working relations with possible responders.
A Fire Board of Appeals meeting was held regarding the Canton Country Club
LLC’s access road.
The department’s annual fire hose testing was completed during October.
I went to the City Range and participated in a 50 round qualification. Fire
Investigator Mark Hanlin who is currently enrolled in Arson Investigation Class
had the chance to become familiarized with the weapon he will be using during
the week of firearms training, which will be held in December.
Adding a Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera.
Police Chief Dan Taylor commented that the Public Square and Jones Park area
has supported a lot of activity in the past few years. The police department has
worked diligently to try and maintain order in Jones Park throughout all of these
various activities by conducting walk-through, extra patrol, and surveillance when
manpower exists. Even with these efforts, there have been nights when
vandalism has occurred in the park such as plants and property being damaged.
We have also made arrests for narcotics and Underage Drinking in the park.
The Canton Police Department/City Hall Building is currently set up on the inside
with security cameras and security electronic fob locks installed by COPS INC. of
Myself along with Public Works Director O’Brien met with Ron Riggins of COPS
INC> recently to inquire about a Pan/Tilt/Zoom camera being installed on the east
side of the building overlooking the Canton Square and Jones Park. Mr. Riggins
advised that this camera would be able to pan 180degrees looking south on Main
Street to North on Main Street. A dispatcher would be able to monitor the
camera and take control of it with a joystick if need be to pay, tilt, or zoom the
camera. The camera would also have the capability to stop and take snapshots
which can be stored and would also have the future capability of a web cam.
Following is the quote:
Installation of Outside PTZ
126x External PTZ camera
1Cable and connectors
1Two camera controller/joystick
1500 GB hard drive
1Installation and finals of above, complete training
Total Cost $3,714.00
The Police Department currently does not have funds budgeted for this
expense, although there may be other means available after discussion.
Police Chief W. Dan Taylor feels the department does a good job keeping order
in the park. This will be better security for that area.
The loitering ordinance was found unconstitutional. You can’t arrest if they are
just congregating.
Alderman Lewis ask if it might be possible for the Main Street committee have
funds for such a camera.
Alderman Berardi stated he thinks just the opposite, we want people down town.
No one can convince him you can see through the trees. That is not what the
square is for. My recommendation is to do nothing.
Alderman Ihnes said let’s put a positive spin on this. The University of Illinois put
up a camera and everyone applaud. Let’s put on the City of Canton’s website.
Alderman Schenck feels worth re-visiting, and we need to have strategy to deal
with the problems. Not totally discount it, especially if we continue to see
IMLRMA Insurance payment.
Alderman Schenck stated the Budget has the funds to pay for this. No one had
continuity to have these problems handled. The Budget has $450,000 for this
payment. Don’t know why was not brought up by the treasurer or the Finance
Chairman. I am disappointed. Did Julie or Jason have any recommendations?
Alderman Berardi stated this situation and others indicate we don’t know what
we are doing.
Mayor Meade said the money was under the line items of the department heads.
Alderman Schenck made the motion - forward to council and making two
payments. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. The motion was unanimous
by voice vote.
The Public Safety & Traffic Committee adjourned at 7:03 p.m.
Accept Elm Street Corridor.
Alderman Ihnes mentioned that SRPED Economic Director Mark Rothert brought
this up when he made his report two weeks ago. This extends from Elm Street at
the IH site to 5 Avenue. The cost is $9,500.00. Will be paid from Grant Funds.
Alderman Berardi said he is not against it, but he wants Mark to bring information
to the committee. I don’t want to pay out any funds if already done.
Alderman Schenck thought this would be a very helpful and can share with
streetscape plan for this corridor. A good idea to turn into implementation idea
would be for developers on city projects. Have SRPED Economic Director to come
back to the Community & Industrial Committee meeting next month.
Alderman Berardi said, and leave nothing out.
The Streets & Garbage Committee adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Nothing to report.
Information. Alderman Schenck mentioned that he and the mayor met with two
gentlemen at the Lake front property. One was a planner and the other one was
in real estate. They had contacted Eric about new listings and was impressed by
the Lake and had some ideas. They will be sending us some things to generate
more interest in.
The Lake, Buildings & Grounds Committee adjourned at 7:16 p.m.
Public Works & Street Report.
Old Boat Dock, Keith Plavec mentioned that he received information yesterday
for long term control plan. This will focus on the west side plant. Keith said he
would make copies of the letter for the aldermen.
Bradley Corner Sewage Pumping Station Improvements.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to pay the bill from Leander Construction of
payment #1 in the amount of $20,383.20 for the Sewage Pumping Station
Improvements, and from the Water & Sewer Bond issue, and refer to council.
Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. The motion was unanimous by voice
WWTP Improvements for Secondary Clarifier & Change Order.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to pay the bill from Leander Construction for
the Secondary Clarifier & Change Order of payment #3 in the amount of
$16,749.43, paid from the Water & Sewer Bond issue, and refer to council. Was
duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. The motion was unanimous voice vote.
WTP Improvements of Finished Water Storage Facility.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to pay for the WTP Improvements of
Finished Water Storage Facility of payment #10 from Leander Construction for
$144,454.09, this is a modification for the retainage the city holds on the project,
which allows 10%, and can be changed to 5%. Was duly seconded by Alderman
Lewis. The motion by voice vote was unanimous.
24’ Raw Water Transmission Main.
Alderman Schenck made the motion to pay Reynolds Inc. of payment #5 for the
24’ Raw Water Transmission Main in the amount of $709,567.13, and refer to
council. Was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. Alderman Schenck mentioned
that over 70% of the lying of the pipe is finished. The motion by voice vote, was
Also Keith Plavec talked about the Illinois Route 78 Water Main Replacement.
Stark Excavator had some sidewalks that was not completed by them. Back then
the sidewalk cost $150,000 and now $180,000. If we spend $200,000 to
$250,000 we will sacrifice one year of street projects. Keith said the sidewalks for
the most part are in good shape. The bids did come in lower that IDOT estimated.
The sidewalk would be south of Linden all the way past Alder Street.
Keith said he would e-mail the aldermen of where it ends and begins.
Alderman Schenck mentioned that the motor fuel tax funds are not enough
funding for big road improvements.
Independent Contractors/RFQ for city building inspections.
The work we have contracted out with Maurer Stutz Inc. does not cover basics for
fire, mechanical, electrical, and etc. Looking into insurance requirement that is
needed. Maybe sub-contractor can do the work for us. Need to pull together
some qualifications.
Keith Plavec said he could check with other small communities, and the county
needs one, and might talk about sharing cost.
Mayor Meade said he talked with County Board Chairman Ed Ketcham and about
sharing services. They are interested in doing that.
Alderman Schenck said we can revisit that next month, or later on.
Alderman Berardi wanted to have the recommendation tonight.
Alderman Schenck recommended discussing the proposal for next Public Works,
Water & Sewer Committee meeting In 30 days.
The Public Works, Water & Sewer Committee adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Alderman West made the motion to go into executive session. Was duly
seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Eric Schenck, Joe
Berardi, Craig West, Pam Ihnes, Sonya Lewis. NAYS – None. 5 AYES, 0 NAYS, 3
ABSENT. Motion carried.
The regular scheduled Mechanical Committee convened into executive session at
7:44 p.m. to discuss Personnel. Mayor Meade mentioned that Pending Litigation
was not needed.
The Mechanical Committee reconvened into open session at 7:51 p.m.
There being no further business to discuss the Mechanical Committee adjourned
at 7:51 p.m.
Recording Secretary,
Nancy Whites, City Clerk