HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-08-08 Clerical Committee Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2008 – 6:30 P.M.
The Clerical Committee meeting began at 6:46 p.m.
In attendance – Aldermen Eric Schenck, Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff, Craig West, David
Nidiffer, Pam Ihnes, Jason Strandberg, Sonya Lewis.
City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, City Treasurer Julie
Smick, Police Chief W.D. Taylor, Acting Fire Chief Tom Shubert, Public Works
Director Clif O’Brien, Wastewater Treatment Supt. City Engineer/Zoning Officer
Keith Plavec, Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Street Supt.
George Spahn, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, Joe Ginger Video Services.
In the audience – Jane Williams, Sam Puelo, Jim Hartford, Firefighter Keith
Depperman, news media of John Froehling from the Daily Ledger and Mark Bixler
from WBYS.
Chairman – Alderman Jason Strandberg
Alderman Berardi ask for Alderman Strandberg to find out the interest that is
charged on the city’s credit cards, an how many cards the city has, and if there are
balances each month.
Alderman Sarff made the motion refer to council. Was duly seconded by
Alderman Nidiffer. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report from City Clerk Nancy Whites
City Clerk Nancy Whites reported that she has been depositing the funds coming
in to city hall, and has only written one check and that was to the Fire Department
in the amount of $50.00 for renewal of EMT license.
Alderman Strandberg thanked Nancy for taking on that responsibility.
Alderman Sarff made the motion to refer to council. Was duly seconded by
Alderman Nidiffer. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Financial Officer.
Alderman Strandberg mentioned that Alderman Ihnes last week ask for the job
descriptions and we just received the job descriptions tonight.
Alderman Sarff thought that the Illinois Municipal League submitted job
descriptions a couple of months ago.
Alderman Berardi said we received some on Human Resource and Administrator
position. Most positions pay $55,000 to $60,000.
City Clerk Nancy Whites said she talked with former City Treasurer Kathy Luker
and she said, never was budgeted any position for $60,000.
Alderman Berardi said, that doesn’t need to be said as the money is there.
Alderman Schenck commented that the budget officer position, don’t know how
much longer can go without one. Splitting out with staff person we talked about
before. Asking a lot for not having a full time mayor.
Alderman Sarff ask City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, will the appointment be
longer than the mayor’s term of office? Chrissie Peterson said she would check,
but for now will say no. Alderman Sarff remarked, getting someone to take this
job will be tough. Might have to relocate and have to give severance pay.
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said you have to have by state statute the Budget
before the fiscal year. Jim Hocker would like monthly reports to be made.
Alderman Berardi said, Julie Smick can prepare the Budget for us, with different
reimbursement offered. As this is above and beyond.
Julie Smick said she discussed this position with Kevin. You need continuity from
one year to the next. You need someone that is accounting wise, and they can’t
learn in two weeks time.
Alderman Strandberg remarked, when the mayor leaves the treasurer leaves. We
need someone who can step in. Can we fill the shoes of a Budget Officer?
Alderman Nidiffer ask if we can do like Keith Plavec does for the city, outsource?
Alderman Sarff said sure, we’re doing it now! There are people locally. We
changed the system in accounting. All employees before had many functions and
were full time. This is not a new position.
Alderman Schneck said having a part time mayor and part-time treasurer is not
good business practice.
Purchase of Ballistic Vests.
Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the request for 8 Armor Express Halo
Level 111A vests from the Ray O’Herron Company in the amount of $775.00 per
vest with the grand total of $6,200.00, and refer to council. Was duly seconded
by Alderman Nidiffer. Discussion. Police Chief W.D. Taylor reported that the
grant funding will pay for the vest. The City of Canton will owe nothing. Voice
vote, motion carried.
Purchase of Stalker Radar Unit.
Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the request for a Stalker Radar Unit for
Squad #4 from Stalker Radar Applied Concepts, Inc in the amount of $1,995.00
and using funds in the DUI account that was budgeted of $1,750.00, and refer to
council. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Discussion. Police Chief W.D.
Taylor commented that the difference in the amount still owed is $245, and will
be paid from the Unknown or Unanticipated expenditures. The motion carried
by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Mobile Crash Report Printers.
Alderman Nidiffer made the motion to accept the request for installing in-car
printers in eight of the Canton Police Department squad cars to upgrade the
Mobile Crash Report System from Advanced Public Safety in the amount of
$6,625.06, and refer to council. Was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff.
Discussion. Police Chief W. D. Taylor reported that this is in accordance with the
reimbursement grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation, which
expires 9/30/08. The reimbursement grant is in the amount of $7,431.03. The
motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Fire Hose Replacement.
Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the request from Fire Chief Bonnie
Cremer to purchase 5-inch supply line hose and adapters from Municipal
Emergency Services in the amount of $8,600.00, refer to council. Was duly
seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Discussion. Alderman Sarff said he would like
to know the cost of the adapters before next week council meeting. Voice vote,
motion carried.
International Association of Fire Chief’s Conference.
Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept allowing only one person to be
allowed to attend the International Fire and Rescue Conference to be held in
Denver Colorado in August at a cost of $1,875 for registration, plane fare, hotel,
and meals. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Discussion. Tom Shubert
acting chief said the request was to allow two to attend the conference, and that
was to be the Fire Chief and one other assistant Chief. Alderman Berardi said
the real training is hands on. Committee members said they would support only
one going, not two. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
Legal & Ordinance
Chairman – Alderman David Nidiffer
Lot #13 Industrial Park.
Alderman Nidiffer had ask the city attorney Chrissie Peterson if she had any new
information. Chrissie remarked, she is waiting on the Aldermen’s information.
Alderman Sarff said he would like to buy back the property up to a limit. We need
to know what has to be done with the lot. The city should not have to pay him
for what he does to his lot.
Alderman Strandberg said we don’t have Mercantile Court anymore, and this is a
positive business out there.
Alderman Berardi said if the property stays with the city as ownership, how do we
get access to the lot?
Alderman Strandberg asked, what do we do, let the property sit?
Alderman Sarff answered, yes, let it sit. We have not seen an agreement.
Alderman Strandberg ask, someone is interested in the lot, do we build
Mercantile Court?
City Engineer/Zoning Officer Keith Plavec reported, he was out in that area one
day looking for where the Inmon Property began. Tony Farenbruch ask us what
we were doing! There are two lots that are undesirable. There is no Mercantile
Court. Don’t know what the city had in mind for the lots to be platted this way.
Was asked, can you make more desirable. There is a road right-of-way that opens
up two lots.
Alderman Nidiffer ask the committee members of what is your pleasure.
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said she had 9 suggestions, so take your pick.
Alderman Berardi said not to accept the buy back.
City Engineer/Zoning Officer said the Executive Director of SRPED Mark Rothert
had talked to the businesses and they said it is a waste of money to build
Mercantile Court. Better options with grading, how can attract customers to their
business, and they want internet service.
Alderman Nidiffer ask the committee members for their suggestions. Alderman
Sarff said to have building built in two years, or city takes over. Alderman West
agreed. Alderman Lewis said she thought would be two year plan. Alderman
Nidiffer said to have a more specific plan. We have no interest in buying the
property back. We are nterested in having it developed.
Property line provided by homeowner.
City Engineer/Zoning Officer commented that how do we make people meet the
set back requirements? I handed out to each of you a Permit Application that I
use. Most property owners do not know if their area has a covenant. This is a
touchy subject. The city’s ordinance encourages that a fence may be placed on
the property line. They have to show burden of proof from the neighbor, where
the property line is.
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson further explained that the ordinance does require
a survey of the property to be done. They have to have permit from joining land
owner, then the city signs off. This puts everybody on the same page.
Alderman Schenck commented, that defending our own property is our business.
Alderman Berardi suggested leaving alone.
Avenue C & West Pine Street – Stop Sign.
Alderman Nidiffer commented that a letter was sent by way of third party, that a
stop sign would be the right answer. And they believe parents should control
children to not be in the road.
Alderman Strandberg said, some of these people are really concerned, let’s put a
stop sign there, and see if it helps.
Alderman Sarff made the motion for the city attorney to draft an ordinance. Was
duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. The motion carried by voice vote, and
was unanimous.
Stop Sign at Vine Street and Royal Court.
Alderman Sarff commented that residents had said a stop sign was there years
ago. Can’t find any ordinances there ever was one. Cars are not slowing down.
Alderman Strandberg made the motion for the city attorney to draft an ordinance
for a stop sign. Was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. The motion carried by
voice vote, and was unanimous.
Ordinance – Compensation for positions of part-time within the City’s fiscal year
Alderman Sarff made the motion to have the Ordinance sent back to the Council
meeting. Was duly seconded by Alderman Ihnes. The motion carried by voice
vote, and was unanimous.
Review of Property Nuisance Ordinance.
Alderman Nidiffer ask if anyone had input or ideas.
Alderman Berardi commented that a place needs to be removed from the City of
Canton. It is in a trailer in a trailer park. The place is just so bad you can’t believe
Alderman Nidiffer ask City Attorney Chrissie Peterson if this should be in
executive session? Alderman Berardi answered, absolutely not! Citizens need to
know. What is the sense of addressing issues if you can’t get anything done?
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson remarked, it is an ordinance violation.
Alderman Berardi, aren’t we going to write ordinances that were going to
enforce? Be aware of updating our laws.
Alderman Strandberg, we should not write tickets right away. I don’t disagree we
have these properties. I’m not big in writing first offense, let’s talk to them.
Police Chief W. D. Taylor said he sat down with some of the department heads
and city officials last week and there is something that he wants to enforce more
from the Police Department prospective. We can’t do justice of what needs to be
done, but the police department will help. Will issue citations and get back to
you. The Wheeler property is being addressed.
Occupancy Permit Ordinances and Business Licenses.
Alderman Nidiffer said this is just for information and comments. Want the
committee to start thinking about both issues. Discussion has come up for the
city to issuing occupancy permits and business licenses. I’m just asking for ideas
to see if there is any value, and we can bring it to next month’s meeting.
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson commented that several issues came before the
city council meetings, and what can the city do four or five months down the
road. The business license is a good clearing house, this will not generate money
for the city, it is for how we can make the process be more smoother for
The Legal & Ordinance committee adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
Community & Industrial Development
Chairman – Alderman Pam Ihnes
Whistle from IH to be blown throughout the City.
Alderman Ihnes mentioned that there is interest in digital recording by the City’s
siren on the water tower downtown. And will blow more frequently. Ragan will
make the one siren not digital for $1,900. Mayor Kevin R. Meade wants to allow
those who want, to donate the funds.
Alderman Strandberg said he would love to hear that whistle again.
Aderman Sarff asked about what the $1,900 will do?
Alderman Ihnes said this is the price for one siren. Two of the sirens are already
set up for digital. As of today $1,000 is already committed.
Alderman Sarff made the motion to allow for donations to be accepted to pay for
the siren being digital to blow the former IH Whistle. Was duly seconded by
Alderman Nidiffer. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel
Chairman – Alderman Larry Sarff
There were no items listed on the agenda and discussion was not held.
Alderman Sarff mentioned that the Fire Contract is now in arbitration. Will let
you know what is coming up when I know.
The Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee adjourned at 8:49.
A motion or second was not made to adjourn the Clerical Committee meeting.
Recording Secretary,
Nancy Whites, City Clerk