HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-08 Mechanical Committee Meeting Minutes The Canton City Council Mechanical Committee meeting was held on June 24, th 2008 in Council Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4 Avenue, Canton, Illinois. ALDERMEN IN ATTENDANCE –Craig West, David Nidiffer, Pam Ihnes, Jason Strandberg, Sonya Lewis. Absent - Eric Schenck, Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE – Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief W. D. Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Public Works Director Clif O’Brien, City Engineer/Zoning Officer Keith Plavec, Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, Video Services by Joe Ginger. In the audience – David Pickel, Leslie Postin and 3 others with her, news media of Daily Ledger – John Froehling, WBYS – Mark Bixler, The Democrat – Wendy Martin. PUBLIC SAFETY & TRAFFIC COMMITTEE – ALDERMAN JOE BERARDI, CHAIRMAN. Alderman Craig West chaired the committee in the absence of the chairman Alderman Joe Berardi. Not listed on the agenda the following conversation. Leslie Postin the spoke person for the residents on Avenue C and West Pine brought a petition to have a stop sign placed at the top of the hill on Avenue C. She mentioned the reason as kids stand along the sidewalk waiting for the school bus. If one kid gets shoved off of the sidewalk in front of a car, it’s an accident waiting to happen. And, the kids cannot been seen when a car crest the hill. Police Chief W. Dan Taylor mentioned that a study had been done before he became chief in this area, and a stop sign was not warranted at that time. Alderman Strandberg had contacted me about doing a survey out there recently. A traffic study was done and mostly the cars were driving at 31miles per hour. The hill does create a blind spot. I don’t have any recommendation and I am leaning towards not doing anything, as could cause more problems. Alderman Lewis ask if a sign could be used, listing “children at play” area. Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien mentioned of putting up a sign “slow- bus stop”, and placing a sign on each side of the road. Mayor Kevin Meade ask this be listed on the agenda for the council meeting on July 1 under his communication. Police Report. Police Chief W.D. Taylor highlighted his report with the following: Made a Drug Arrest for possession of Cannabis in the city where the police seized the equivalent of $500 worth equal to cash. Fire Report. Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer highlighted her report with the following: Mayor Rod Heinze signed a Proclamation for 2008 Arson Awareness Week which th was May 4-10. Investigator Clark Evans prepared an article about the dangers associated with novelty lighters which is the emphasis of this year’s Arson Awareness Week. Protecting children from the potential dangers of novelty lighters by being proactive is strongly encouraged. Fire hydrant annual flushing and inspection was completed during May. As the hydrants were tested and flowed during this annual event the coordinated of each hydrant was obtained using a Global Positioning System for documentation of the City’s water supply. A list of the hydrant that need repair will be compiled and forwarded to Public Works. There are approximately 640 fire hydrants within the City Limits. Inspector Dan Neptun and FireFighter Mark Hanlin attended Fire Apparatus th Engineer class at Illinois Central College the week of May 5. The 40-hour class is seldom offered in the one week format as opposed to the semester long call. The th state test for the class is scheduled June 19. SCUBA Dive Training is progressing very nicely. Big Creek Pool allowed the divers to use the pool prior to the summer opening of the pool. Additional training sessions are scheduled throughout the summer. Motorola Pagers. Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer reported ESDA needs to replace six Motorola, Minitor 5 VHF pagers. The price of the one frequency pagers used by ESDA is $375.00 each, plus $25.00 shipping. We can take advantage of a $75 after purchase rebate per pager with a trade-in of old pagers. The initial cost will be $2,293, minus the $75.00 rebate would equal a total cost of $1,918.00. Not having a quorum, was referred to council. Avenue C pay request #5 from Laverdiere Construction In. in the amount of $94,734.17. City Engineer/Zoning Officer Keith Plavec said this is to be paid from the bonding/grant project for the Avenue C Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvements. They are at the present time putting in a new intersection at Avenue C & Avenue D at Spruce Street. Not having a quorum, was referred to council. WTP Improvements pay request #5 from Leander Construction in the amount of $91,991.92. City Engineer and Zoning Officer Keith Plavec mentioned that this is the ClearWell project using bonding funds to pay for the project. Starting next week under construction will be the water tank. Public Works Director Clif O’Brien said we are comfortable with the site. Keith recommend the pay request be paid. Not having a quorum, was referred to council. Bradley Corner Sewage Pumping Station Improvements $138,000. No need for further discussion Alderman Strandberg commented. STREETS & GARBAGE COMMITTEE – ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST, CHAIRMAN. 2008 MFT Bid Results. City Engineer Keith Plavec mentioned the bids were opened this morning with two bids received. The bidders are: Advance Asphalt Co of Princeton, Illinois, bid $211,769.88. The second bid was from R. A. Culinan of Tremont, Illinois bid $230,268.86. the low bid of Advance Asphalt Co of Princeton, Illinois for the 2008 MFT street work is our recommendation, Keith Plavec reported. Not having a quorum, was referred to council. th Rumble Strips on 4 Avenue. Police Chief W. D. Taylor said there has been no accidents at the intersection on th 4 & Birch Street for a year. Officers watched that intersection the last few days an know one disobeyed the stop sign. Alderman Strandberg said no action is needed, as there have been no reports, and no complaints. The other Aldermen did not have any complaints either. The Public Safety & Traffic Committee adjourned at 6:59 p.m. LAKE, BUILDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE – ALDERMAN SONYA LEWIS, CHAIRMAN. Lot 13 in Industrial Park. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said she met with Tony Fahrenbruch who wants to buy the lot, which is next to his lot. A draft agreement was discussed and he made it clear that do to gas prices and the availability to expand the business in two years, may not be done. In that two years he will have spent $30,000 to provide for drainage of water on the lot. He will also put the lot into buildable statues. He is willing to convey back to the City of Canton, which is in the agreement in those two years, but, he would want to be paid back 50% of the expenses he has incurred Mayor Kevi Meade said Tony is making the lot saleable, and we can offer him $15,000. The city has spent nothing on the lot. I think his request is a reasonable compromise. Alderman Strandberg thought the city should make available in two years for re- discussion. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned the property is land locked. You would have to go through Tony’s property to get to lot #13. Not having a quorum, referred to council. Mayor Kevin Meade asked the question brought by Attorney Judy Toohill for the Marinich property, where stands at this time? City Engineer/Zoning Officer Keith Plavec mentioned that attorney John McCarthy was contacted and is in progress of getting something done on it. Should have done within a week or so. The Lake, Building & Grounds Committee adjourned at 7:04 p.m. PUBLIC WORKS, WATER & SEWER COMMITTEE – ALDERMAN ERIC SCHENCK, CHAIRMAN. Alderman Craig West chaired the meeting in the absence of Alderman Eric Schenck. th Ditch on 11 Avenue going down stream CSO #5. Alderman Strandberg mentioned that the City of Canton should not be doing anything about the drainages ditches. The owner who has been mowing the ditch says he can’t do it anymore. Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. Joe Carruthers said the city maintains the ground there. We don’t know who is responsible for the mowing of the ditch along the road, is the county, is it the Township? Cliff said the city should mow it and we will continue to do so. We want to be a good neighbor. Ordinance – Amending Title 4, and Addition of Title 5, Establishing Standards for the Construction of Facilities on the Rights-of-Way. Alderman Strandberg said there is no need to talk about the ordinance. Beer Garden for VFW. Mayor Kevin Meade mentioned that he has to sign a permit for this Beer Garden that will be the year around. City Engineer/Zoning Officer Keith Plavec reported they are proposing a fence and wants to put a car port over the Beer Garden to make it available for use the year around. Keith said they have to be 15 feet away from the door to smoke, and they will have an open fence for ventilation. Mayor Kevin Meade said just wanted you to know what is going on. th Encroachment of 5 And Birch. David Pickel the owner of Katy & Tory’s had built a closure for his dumpster. The enclosure is on the city’s terrace by just a small portion. Dave said Cliff O’Brien had told me the enclosure was okay. Cliff said he still feels that way. Alderman Strandberg said this does not block traffic. Police Chief W.D. Taylor said he checked and agrees. The Mechanical Committee convened the regular scheduled committee meeting to go into executive session at 7:23 p.m. The committee went into recess for 5 minutes before the executive session began. EXECUTIVE SESSION – NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS – PENDING, THREATENING LITIGATION; AND, PERSONNEL. Alderman Nidiffer made the motion to go in to the executive session for Pending, Threatening Litigation; and, Personnel. Was duly seconded by Alderman West. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. The Mechanical Committee convened in to executive session at 7:28 p.m. The Mechanical Committee reconvened into open session at 7:40 p.m. ADJOURN Alderman Nidiffer made the motion to adjourn. Was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Mayor Kevin Meade stated, there being no other business before the committee, declared the meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m. Recording Secretary, Nancy Whites, City Clerk