HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-08 Canton City Council Meeting Minutes CANTON CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, June 17, 2008 th Historic Depot 50 North 4 Avenue The Canton City Council met Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council th Chambers, 50 North 4 Avenue, Canton, Illinois for their regular meeting. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed with prayer given by City Clerk Nancy Whites. OATH OF OFFICE TO PAM IHNES FOR ALDERMAN OF WARD THREE. Pam was given the oath by Nancy Whites, City Clerk. (Pam is taken the position of former Alderman Kevin Meade before he became mayor.) Present – Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Kathy Luker, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Public Works Director Clif O’Brien, Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Supt Streets George Spahn, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, Video Services of Joe Ginger. In the audience was William Whiteman, Billy Whiteman, Gerald Martin, Pete Livers, Mike & John Luker, Chet Phillips, Brenda & Mark Rothert, news media from Daily Ledger – John Froehling, WBYS – Randy Weaver, The Democrat – Wendy Martin. Mayor Kevin R. Meade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Aldermen answering roll call – Eric Schenck, Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff, Craig West, David Nidiffer, Pam Ihnes, Jason Strandberg. Alderman absent was Sonya Lewis. Mayor Kevin Meade said he wants to appoint an Alderman to fill the vacancy in Ward Three due to him becoming the mayor. I submit the name of Pamela Ihnes to you for your approval. Her back ground – Pam is reasonably recent resident of Canton. Lives on Avenue D. Originally from Renton, Washington. Has her Master’s Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb in 2007. She is currently working toward a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Northern. Most recently Pam was employed as an Instructor of Psychology by Bradley University. 1 She is young, with different eyes to look at things. Alderman Strandberg made the motion the appointment of Pamela Ihnes as Alderman for Ward Three be confirmed. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA 1.Minutes of Council meeting June 3, 2008 2.Minutes of Clerical Committee June 10, 2008 3.Treasurer’s Report 4.Budget Report City Treasurer Kathy Luker mentioned that in the Treasurer’s Report the City had 5 payrolls in May and the payment to SRPED was paid also in May. Alderman Sarff made the motion to approve the Minutes of Council meeting June 3 and Clerical Committee June 10, and the Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report. Was duly seconded by Alderman West. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. BILLS Alderman Sarff made the motion all bills properly presented be paid. Was duly seconded by Alderman West. Discussion. Alderman Berardi said he wanted the Finance Chairman to explain the role in paying Vandewalle & Associates $180,000. I have only seen them once here at our meetings. Who audits what they give us? Bell Boyd & Lloyd I have seen once. EOI spend $100,000 never seen the date they have been here, or person performing. I want to know, the citizens have a right to know. We’re looking at million dollars and am satisfied what the Economic Director Mark Rothert as he comes to our meetings, and we see him often and were only paying him a measly $85,000. Want to know what is going on in my ward with EPA? Alderman Strandberg said, it has been a year since closed out ITT, time to invite Bell Boyd & Lloyd and Vandewalle & Associates, back but not to be grilled. Mayor Meade commented that he and City Attorney Chrissie Peterson have detail monthly reports. Not pleased with the speed they are progressing. EOI does all the testing at the IH site. Almost all their money is grant funds. Not reasonable for them to be at council. 2 Alderman Berardi said he disagrees as this is his money. I also want to grill these guys. Paying Vandewalle & Associates same as Economic Director, and I’d rather have Mark Rothert do the work. Everything is a hidden agenda. Mayor Meade called for an executive session next week for Law Suits. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Schenck. NAYS – Alderman Berardi. 7 AYES, 1 NAY, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance. Council Action Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association for payment #2 in the amount of $212,151.60. Alderman Sarff made the motion to approve payment #2 in the amount of $212,151.60 to the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Ihnes, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Hotel/Motel Tax request from Community Concert Association of $2,000 for advertising. Alderman Sarff made the motion to allow $2,000 for advertising to the Community Concert Association. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Squad Car Light Bar from State Bid in the amount of $1,485.00. Alderman Sarff made the motion to allow the expenditure of $1,485.00 to purchase Light Bar from the State Bid for the new police squad car. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Ihnes, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. 3 Radio Antenna Relocation from Supreme Radio Communications in the amount of $2,268.49. Alderman Sarff made the motion to allow the expenditure for the Radio Antenna to be placed at the Public Safety Building, 2 North Main in the amount of $2,268.49 from the General Fund. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Discussion. Police Chief W. Dan Taylor mentioned he had contacted Supreme Radio for the cost on a new Antenna. The cost would be $1,200 new and the additional cost. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Upgrade of Mobile Radios from Ragan Communications in the amount of $6,715.80. Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the Upgrade of Mobile Radios from Ragan Communications in the amount of $6,715.80. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Ihnes, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Legal & Ordinance. Council Action Ari’s Supper Club Liquor License. Alderman West made the motion to allow for ARI’s on the East Side Square to have a Supper Club Liquor License. Was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Bid results for Bradley Corner Sewage Pumping Station Improvement in the amount of $138,000. Alderman West made the motion to accept the bid from Leander Construction for Bradley Corner Sewage Pumping Station Improvements in the amount of $138,000. Was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Ihnes, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. 4 Community & Industrial Development. Council Action Lot 13 in the Industrial Park from Trac Equipment. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said she would be meeting with Tony Fahrenbruch owner of Trac Equipment to seek suggestions from him, and will bring to next week’s Lake, Buildings & Grounds committee. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR KEVIN R. MEADE. Appointments. Alderman Nidiffer made the motion the appointment of Committee chairs and members be confirmed. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. The Committees and their members are: Finance Jason Strandberg – Chair Larry Sarff Pam Ihnes David Nidiffer Legal & Ordinance David Nidiffer – Chair Larry Sarff Jason Strandberg Pam Ihnes Community Development Pam Ihnes – Chair Larry Sarff David Nidiffer Jason Strandberg Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel 5 Larry Sarff – Chair Pam Ihnes Jason Strandberg David Nidiffer Public Safety Joseph Berardi – Chair Sonya Lewis Craig West Eric Schenck Streets & Garbage Craig West – Chair Sonya Lewis Eric Schenck Joseph Berardi Lake, Buildings & Grounds Sonya Lewis – Chair Joseph Berardi Eric Schenck Craig West Public Works, Water & Sewer Eric Schenck – Chair Sonya Lewis Craig West Joseph Berardi Mayor Kevin R. Meade reported that Lt. Governor Pat Quinn would been in town on Wednesday at the Spoon River College. His purpose is for the Portrait of A Soldier exhibit. It is a series of hand drawn portraits of more than 180 Illinois men and women who have died in service to our country since September 11, 2001. The exhibition will be on display in the hallways on the main floor of the Centers building on the Canton campus. The unveiling will take place June 18 at 4:00 p.m. Alderman Schenck said one of the pictures is his friend Ted Fitzhenry. 6 Mayor Kevin R. Meade gave a update on the purchase of the Randolph Building. Contractor started work on the building today. GABBY Days will be Saturday and Sunday this week, June 21 & 22. Move your kids bikes from the curbs and terraces. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE – RE-ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY OF WILLIAM AND VIVIAN WHITEMAN FROM R-2 TO A B-2 ZONING CONFIGURATION. Second reading, read by title. Alderman Sarff made the motion to hold the ordinance over to next council meeting of July 1 . Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Discussion. Mayor Kevin R. Meade said Mr. Whiteman has retained legal counsel. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. ORDINANCE – AMENDING SECTION 7-1-6-5 (LIEN AND PERSONAL JUDGEMENT) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE. Second reading, read by title. Alderman Sarff made the motion the ordinance be placed on its passage. Was duly seconded by Alderman West. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1935. NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE – AMENDING CHAPTER 14 (OFF STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS) OF TITLE 10 (ZONING) OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE. First reading, read by title. Discussion. Alderman Berardi asked what is the present ordinance on apartments in the Randolph Building? And how many parking spaces are allowed? Has it been addressed? And behind Palm Café the parking lot, has it been addressed for the Randolph Building? Mayor Kevin R. Meade said discussion has taken place on parking for the Randolph Building and the owner plans to put parking behind the building. I don’t have the ordinance in front of me, but we can discuss those issues. Alderman Schenck suggested placing the issue on the Legal & Ordinance committee agenda and follow up with a draft ordinance. 7 Alderman Berardi remarked, we don’t have a choice, need due diligence and having zoning officer Keith Plavec working with SRPED. And for them to come up with alternatives. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned this follows up Multiple Family Housing, which provides 1.5 parking spaces per each residential unit. They can ask for a variance from zoning Board of Appeals. And they do ask that agreement be reduced to writing with council. The ordinance will address parking situations. Alderman Schenck ask does it address the downtown? City Attorney Chrissie Peterson answered. The ordinance provides and applies to R-3 and R-4; B-1, B-2 and B-3 for downtown. Alderman Berardi said when the residents have visitors, be prepared to have answers. Mayor Kevin R. Meade stated, the fact we have problems with parking is exciting. Will send to the Legal & Ordinance Committee. ORDINANCE – AMENDING TITLE 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 5, ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES ON THE RIGHTS-OF-WAY. First reading, read by title. Discussion. th Alderman Berardi said at 5 and Birch by Katy & Tory’s the encroachment needs to be resolved. Wants on the agenda of Public Works, Water & Sewer. RESOLUTION – ASCERTAINING THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES FOR LABORERS, MECHANICS AND OTHER WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN ANY PUBLIC WORKS BY THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS. First reading, read by title. Alderman West made the motion the resolution be adopted. Was duly seconded by Alderman Berardi. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Resolution being #3865. Mayor Kevin R. Meade said, like to recognize that tonight is Kathy Luker’s final meeting with us. Don’t smile, Kathy! Kathy has served in a exemplary way as our treasurer. We are very sad to lose her. She has done fundamental things for us. We are in very good financial shape, and we owe in large part to her guidance through these last three years. She will be sorely missed is an understatement. We’re still looking for her replacement, please call my office. th A reception for her will be held June 20 from 1:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. in the office of the City Clerk Nancy Whites. I want to express council’s appreciation to Kathy for her time and commitment and the job she has done. 8 Alderman Jason Strandberg said he would like to also thank Kathy for her service. And just this year that I have served as alderman she has made my job easier. And I think it is a major understatement to say you are a very highly value employee to the City. And I don’t think many people realize this until your gone. I really hope you get to a place where you are appreciated, and get the credit you deserve. And now that I’m Finance Chairman I’m going to cry. Good luck! Kathy Luker said she is going to miss everyone. Really enjoyed working with all city workers and everyone I see here and all other ones you don’t see here that works in all departments. I’ll miss all of them. I really appreciate all the citizens that voted for me and definitely encouraged me when I seen them on the street, or anywhere else. I appreciate their thoughts and appreciate everyone. Thank you! The council members and all those present gave Kathy a round of applause and standing ovation. The regular scheduled council meeting convened for executive session at 7:12 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION – NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL – DISCUSS FIRE DEPARTMENT NEGOTIATIONS: EVIDENCE COMPUTER UPGRADE: AND, PERSONNEL. Alderman Sarff made the motion to go in to executive session for Fire Department Negotiations, Evidence Computer Upgrade, and Personnel. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. The regular scheduled council meeting convened into open session at 7:28 p.m. Alderman West made the motion to allow the approval of expenditure $3,400 for the Police Department making upgrades to evidence computer. Was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Ihnes, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. ADJOURN 9 There being no further business Alderman Sarff made the motion to adjourn. Was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Mayor Kevin R. Meade adjourned the meeting at 7:29 p.m. ____________________________, Nancy Whites, City Clerk APPROVED: ___________________________, Kevin R. Meade, Mayor 10