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Resolution #0884
1 . RESOLUTION N0. ~~~ `~ A RESOLUTION REQUESTING PERMISSION OF THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO CLOSE ILLINOIS ROUTES 9 AND 78 ON SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE AT EAST OAK STREET IN THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1981 FROM NINE O'CLOCK A.M. TO TWELVE O'CLOCK P.M. (NOON). WHEREAS, the Canton Friendship Festival is sponsoring a parade the morning of September 12, 1981; and WHEREAS, this parade will require the temporary closure of Illinois Routes 9 and 78 on South Fifth Avenue at East Oak Street, a state highway in the City of Canton, Illinois, and WHEREAS, Section 4 - 408 of the Illinois Highway Code authorizes the Illinois Department of Transportation to issue permits to local authorities to temporarily close portions of state highways for such public purposes or needs as parades and local celebrations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That permission to close Illinois Routes 9 and 78 on South Fifth Avenue at East Oak Street in the City of Canton, Illinois, for the period from nine A.M. to twelve P.M.(noon) on September 12, 1981 be requested of the Illinois Department of Transportation. 2. That if such permission is granted by the Illinois Department of Transportation, all highway traffic during the periods of time specified above shall be detoured over the following routes: traffic will be permitted to pass during parade breaks. 3. That if such permission is granted by the Illinois Department of Transportation, the City of Canton assumes full responsibility for the direction, protection, and regulation of the traffic during the time the detour is in effect and all liabilities for damages of any kind occasioned by the closing of the state highway, and it is further agreed that efficient all-weather detours will be maintained to the satisfaction of the Illinois Department of Transportation and conspicuously marked for the benefit of traffic diverted from the state highway. . ,~ 4. That a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Illinois Department of Transportation to serve as a formal request for the permission sought in this Resolution. 5. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and APPROVED by the Mayor thereof this day of ~~l'~f~ / ,1981. APPROVED: ~ ~-.-.~e~ , OR DONALD E. EDWARDS a ATTEST: (,~ ,(~( ~ ITY CLERK .NANCY WHITES -2- ~. Department of Transportation 6035 North Knoxville Ave., Peoria, IL 61614 June I2, 198I ~hex~cc+d rilpin Adminiestrsstive Sarsreant Ca'sttam Police. ?dept. ~9 Romth '.~"txst Avr!nue Casnton., LL 61520 Dear "i=. t";i Ipin z 4eattr resolution dated Meq 19, 1!x$1 xpqueetin~; pereaiasion to r'~.oao a state hi~htraq has beets rec~ei~vezcl and is on tile. t:ontin~tnt arson voter aceeptRne~- of the t`r+3.ltiatr condit3enee z 3n addition th ttsoeaz 4tatec~ let yctrr resolution, ycsu 'mop coneidr~x thitr as your authority to close thr -state hi~ghwray and 8etaar traffic as d~!ncrihed bel~r, within the tirse limits s1sPr_ifie~ci. The ftalitrwin~ conc?itione3 hecc-me a part of this peraB.it: 1. AZl ~±aterial. and euppliPe, raauiratd for barric~selas, detour si~±ns, flays, etc., shall be pTe~+ider! ray the local gaeern.~nent~tl tz~rsncy and be erected by e~me. ?. Flnintexrespted Platt of. tt~ro..,~,ay traffic sha-1! Sae +~asir.tszit<ec1 an detour streets o~ich 'Weep r+an'aeirt temporr7ry ree+±cava.7.. 3. ~arricadQa shall. be erected at each. end of the c.loaQd section. Zf tlzia perasit iezzvolves aft+ar- dark closure, adeque.te electrical or flare lightixa~ shall Ire 1+ravided far tht- prcatee:tior~ of e:i~htti trrtffic. ~+. ~+. Fla~neen or pt~Iice shall be at tech end of the elvaed saectior, aezd other paieits srr rip be rteceea~axMq, to assist fez directing traffic aretned the detour. 5. 'x'!za officials, tlageaeei and police officers shall be alert fcar anp approaching t!mte'~eezcy vehicle so that it easy bt passed through the area a+s expe~titfoasly as safetq to all canctx~ezed trill permit. b. All debris eshall bas cleared atr~sy and disposed of by than local ant2a.a~ritiee pri.cr to rerspettirzg the state tai~!asrte!~. 7. As this latzmit is fez a short period closure, a~+~ch as tp allay a parade to pass, brew shall b® >taat3e i~n the procession et highway ieztazssectious at 1fl - XS >arlnstte ieztervall so trattic a-a~r pass threaagh " -. F ` City ~f Cantcm 1Tighnra~~- Clasur~+ June I.~, ~n~ai gage Permission is hereby granted to cicaa~e Tl].inota Route 9 and lllir~cs Route 7'6 on Sauth F~.ith Street to Bast oak ~treaat on Septe~a3aer 12, 19E1 during th+~ eppr~-xi~ate brae. period ©!° Have s safe end suneesstal eelebratian. 'fiery truly years, ~'. ~sxlar:c3 ttistrict 1Pn~in~aer /klb cc: Aia~trict ?~1~, Mate Felice Cite Cleric, nistrict '~aix~tenana~e ~ietrict Traf:~iE