HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-18-08 City Council Meeting MinutesThe Canton City Council met Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois for their regular meeting. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed with prayer given by City Clerk Nancy Whites. Present -Mayor Rodney W. Heinze, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Kathy Luker, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief Jeffrey Fritz, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Public Works Director Cliff O'Brien, Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Street Supt. George Spahn, System Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, Video Services Joe Ginger. In the audience Mark & Brenda Rothert, several streetscape committee members of business owners, Attorney Nancy Shell, Dick VanRossem, Jim Hartford, also news media from Daily Ledger -John Froehling, WBYS -Mark Bixler, The Democrat - Denise Bankes Mayor Rodney W. Heinze called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Alderman answering roll call -Eric Schenck, Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff, Craig West, David Nidiffer, Kevin Meade, Jason Strandberg, Sonya Lewis. Absent -None. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD MARCH 4, 2008. Alderman West made the motion the minutes of March 4, 2008 council meeting be accepted and placed on file. It was duly seconded by Alderman Lewis. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. MINUTES OF CLERICAL COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MARCH 11, 2008. Alderman Sarff made the motion the minutes be approved as amended and placed on file. It was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. (The amendment is on page 3, the amendment is the discussion under HoteUMotel Tax. Alderman Nidffer last comment was to include the total package of the summary requests.) The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. BILLS. Alderman Meade made the motion to accept all bills that were presented for payment. It was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, Sarff, Berardi, 1 Council meeting 3-18-08 Schenck. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. TREASURER' S REPORT. Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the Treasurer's Report. It was duly seconded by Alderman Meade. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. BUDGET REPORT. Alderman West made the motion to accept the Budget Report. It was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance. Council Action Payment # 1 Lavediere Construction Sanitary and Storm Sewer Improvements for Avenue C. Alderman Meade made the motion to accept pay #1 from Laverdiere Construction for Avenue C Sanitary and Storm Sewer Improvements. It was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Meade, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None. 0 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Legal & Ordinance. Council Action None. Community & Industrial Development. Council Action Hotel/Motel Tax request. 2 Council meeting 3-18-08 Alderman Nidiffer made the motion to accept the summary of requests as presented. It was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. Discussion. Alderman Berardi said he had concerns with the Partnership being involved in Canton Main Street Events? How do these events make people stay overnight? City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said tourism, conventions, or the alternative attracts over night visitors. Mark Rothert said he was the person someone comes to when they want to have an event and want to use Hotel/Motel Tax funds. His committee reviews the request to see if it qualifies for the funds. Then Mark brings the request to council for the approval of those funds. Discussion. Alderman Berardi ask what account the legal fees for the violations by EPA for the Wastewater Treatment Plant will be paid from? City Treasurer Kathy Luker said she will check on this. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel. Council Action 2008/2009 Health Insurance Rates. Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the hiring of Rick Semonis at a cost of $1,500 to negotiate the premium for 2008/2009 with Health Alliance. It was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Meade, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Alderman Sarff mentioned that an executive session will be held on March 31, 5:30 p.m. at city hall, 2 North Main Street to discuss with federal mediation of Public Works. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR HEINZE - Mayor Heinze mentioned that the City Council has adopted the Wellness Program for the city employees and Diana Tucker the Deputy Clerk is the coordinator. This month is colon cancer awareness month. Nine out of 10 diagnoses will occur in men and women aged 50 and older. Despite its high 3 Council meeting 3-18-08 incidence, colon cancer is one of the most detectable and, if found early, most treatable forms of cancer. When found early colon cancer has a 90 percent survival rate. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - RE-ZONING PROPERTY OF KEVIN AND DEBORAH LATIMER FROM R-2 TO B-2. Second reading, read by title. Alderman West made the motion the ordinance be placed on its passage. It was duly seconded by Alderman Strandberg. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Lewis, Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Schenck. NAYS -Alderman Berardi. 7 AYES, 1 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance # 1924. ORDINANCE - AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1917 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 18, 2007. (IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR GOLF VIEW VILLAS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT.) Second reading, read by title. Alderman Sarff made the motion to place the ordinance on its passage. It was duly seconded by Alderman West. Discussion. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson remarked that on page 2 of the ordinance under the breakdown. The breakdown figures are correct, under the last whereas the dollar amount shows $84,472.00. The co~~ect figure is $70, 572.00. Motion and second agreed to the change. Alderman Schenck made a motion to excuse Alderman Meade from voting. It was duly seconded by Alderman Sarf£ Voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Heinze stated this ordinance will allow the water line to the back of the property. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Strandberg, Lewis. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. The motion carried. Ordinance being #1925. Attorney Nancy Shell remarked that the LLC managers have decided to go with the water line behind the lots. Which would be a long south 10 foot easement. Country Club Real Estate LLC will pay the additional $12,900 an have that in writing to council and for the Public Works Director and the city engineer. Will have a check in 10 days before the project starts. 4 Council meeting 3-18-08 NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION -FOR IMPROVEMENT OF ASH STREET FROM NORTH MAIN STREET TO FIFTH AVENUE USING MFT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $525,000.00. First reading, read by title. Alderman made a motion the resolution be adopted. It was duly seconded by Alderman. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #3851. AGREEMENT -REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZING OF MFT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $525,000. First reading, read by title. Alderman made the motion the resolution be adopted. It was duly seconded by Alderman. Roll call. AYES -Aldermen. NAYS -None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Agreement being #3852. The Council meeting then discussed the Budgets for 2008 - 2009 beginning at 7:05 p.m. Alderman Meade said the amount needed here tonight is $125,000 and we are ready to present the Budget. A consensus was taken on leaving in the Budget the position for city administrator. The vote was 3 1/2 ayes and 4 nays. The consensus vote for one police officer was 6 ayes, and 2 nays. There were no changes made in the Budget. Will be discussed next week at the Mechanical Committee meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION - NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL - TO DISCUSS NEGOTIATIONS WITH PUBLIC WORKS, AND FIRE DEPARTMENT. Alderman Meade made the motion to go into executive session for discussion of negotiations with Fire Department. It was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. Voice vote, motion carried. The regular meeting of the Canton City Council convene for executive session at 8:22 p.m. 5 Council meeting 3-18-08 The regular meeting of the Canton City Council reconvened in open session at 8:44 p.m. to adjourn. ADJOURN There being no further business Alderman Meade made the motion to adjourn. It was duly seconded by Alderman Nidiffer. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Mayor Heinze adjourned the meeting at 8:48 p.m. Nancy Whites, City Clerk APPROVED: Rodney W. Heinze, Mayor 6