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09-18-07 City Council Meeting Minutes
A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held September 18, 2007, th in Council Chambers at the Historic Depot, 50 North 4 Avenue, Canton, Illinois. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING, FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY NANCY WHITES, CITY CLERK. Mayor Heinze asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present – Aldermen Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff, Craig West, David Nidiffer, Kevin Meade, Jason Strandberg. Absent – Sonya Lewis. Others present – Mayor Rodney W. Heinze, City Clerk Nancy Whites, City Treasurer Kathy Luker, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief Jeffrey Fritz, Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien, Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt, Maintenance Supt. Bill Terry, Keith Plavec from Maurer Stutz Inc., SRPED Economic Development Director Mark Rothert, Video Services by Joe Ginger. Audience – News Media of Daily Ledger Linda Woods, Journal Star Jenny Freeman, WBYS Mark Bixler, Democrat Wendy Martin & Denise Bankert; Dick VanRossem, Wilbur Meadows, Robert Orr, Warren Skinner, Julie Dawson, Kevin Williams, Kim Newburg, attorney Nancy Schell from Froheling, Weber & Schell, several members of American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO Council 31/Local No.1372. Mayor Heinze welcome everyone for coming to the meeting. Alderman Berardi mentioned we are in violation of the open meetings act. Not everyone can participate and not everybody can see the Aldermen. It is the same thing that happened at a school board meeting, and it is something we need to address before we start this meeting. Mayor Heinze said, can they come in here? (Mayor was referring to those standing in the back of the room, most being union members?) Alderman Berardi commented that are we going to ask them to stand during this meeting? Alderman Strandberg remarked, there are plenty of seats back here behind me. Alderman Berardi said, if you are going to be a participate you have to be in the room. Alderman Sarff said, what if they don’t want to participate? 1 Mayor Heinze said we have a TV in the back room, and I don’t mind if we are not over the fire load of the number of people in the room. Alderman Berardi again stated that everyone in the room needs to be able to participate. Mayor Heinze said, what if 200 people showed up here? City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned that Alderman Berardi is referring to a case that was done by a board that had met in a very small room where it was intentionally held to exclude some participates from that meeting. So the court said you need a facility big enough to accommodate everybody. This buildings does have microphones for those to participate. And the building is large enough even though split up into 2 rooms, to accommodate everyone under the Open Meetings Acts. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 COUNCIL MEETING. Motion th and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to accept the minutes of September 4, 2007 council meeting and placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. TH MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 CLERICAL COMMITTEE. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Nidiffer, to accept the minutes of th September 11, 2007 Clerical Committee and placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. BILLS. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, all bills properly presented be paid. Discussion. Alderman Berardi questioned a number of the bills, and ask what are we doing here? City Treasurer Kathy Luker explained about the bills Alderman Berardi had asked about. Alderman Berardi said he did not disagree just wanted council to know. Mayor Heinze said you can call city hall during the day and they would have the bills in front of them. Alderman Berardi wanted to know about a Vandewalle & Associates bill in the amount of $11,059.13. Economic Development Director Mark Rothert explained that Vandewalle charges the city an average bill of $5,000, not to exceed $60,000 a year. It is an average. Alderman Berardi said he disagreed with Mark’s analysis. Mark Rothert said to Alderman Berardi that he had given a hand out last month of all the expenses from Vandewalle & Associated. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned that City Treasurer Kathy Luker was kind enough to say we did not receive a bill from them last month. So this represents a bill for 2 months. Alderman Berardi said I wanted to see the invoices. Mark Rothert remarked, they were in your packet last week Alderman Berardi. Mayor 2 Heinze said we are here to approve bills we have incurred. We’re not here to do an evaluation of where we should buy. Alderman Berardi said, I’m having discussion. Alderman Sarff mentioned that’s why we have committee meetings a week before to discuss these line items to line items. Motion by Alderman Sarff/West, to call the question. The motion carried by voice vote, with one nay. Mayor Heinze then called for roll call to approve the bills. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Schenck. NAYS – Aldermen Meade, Berardi. Motion carried. Mayor Heinze then called for roll call to approve the bills. Alderman Berardi said he would appeal. Mayor Henize than read – the mayor shall preserve order and decor, and shall decide all questions of order subject to appeal to council. (End of reading.) Mayor Heinze said were going to call for the question, and, if you show me according to Roberts Rules of Order this is not correct, will be glad to listen to it! Alderman Berardi said he can appeal the idea about the discussion, and I can ask the question and ask council to Motion appeal. and second by Alderman Berardi I make an appeal here. Mayor Heinze asked for a second, and none was given. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Meade, Strandberg. NAYS – Alderman Berardi. 6 AYES, 1 NAY, 1 ASBENT. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, the Treasurer’s Report be accepted and placed on file. Discussion. Kathy Luker said we are four months into the fiscal year. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. BUDGET REPORT. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/West, the Budget Report be accepted and placed on file. Discussion. City Treasurer Kathy Luker explained received 46% of property tax came in the month of August, and will receive 54% coming in October and September and so on. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance. Council Action Repair of Engine II Global Fire for 4 cylinders at $5,000.Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, approve the repair of Engine II from Global Fire for the purchase of four (4) cylinders at $5,000. Roll call. 3 AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Laverdiere Construction on Kilroy Sewershed for payment #3, of $49,235.19. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/West, approve Payment #3 from Laverdiere Construction for the Kilroy Sewershed in the amount of $49,235.19. Discussion. City Treasurer said would be paid from Bonds. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. th R.A. Cullinan & Son for 15 Avenue and Payment #1 in the amount of $239,938.50. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Schenck, approve th Payment #1 from R.A. Cullinan & Son for 15 Avenue in the amount of $239,938.50. Discussion. City Treasurer Kathy Luker explained would be paid from MFT funds. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Leander Construction for Kilroy Pumping Station and Payment #13 in the amount of $59,036.54. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Schenck, approve Payment #13 from Leander Construction for Kilroy Pumping Station in the amount of $59,036.54. Discussion. City Treasurer Kathy Luker mentioned would be paid from Bonding only. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Strandberg NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Bids for 16’ Henderson Markie Design Dump Body. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, approve the low bid from Koenig Body & Equipment Inc. from Peoria in the amount of $17,139.00. Discussion. Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien mentioned his bids meets all specifications. Alderman Schenck ask how much was estimated? Wastewater Treatment Supt. Joe Carruthers said he put in his budget $20,000. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Fire Department requesting going out for bid of Parking Lot improvements. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Nidiffer, to approve the fire department going out for bids for improvements to the back 4 entrance to the fire department parking lot with 10 inch concrete reinforcement, and 65 square yards. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Meade, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Local Match for Illinois River Road Byway organization with Fulton County, and using Hotel/Motel Tax funds. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Nidiffer, to approve $7,200 and Fulton County cost-share of 50% totaling $3,600 to show Canton’s interest and early support. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, O NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Clearwell Bid from Leander Construction in the amount of $2,239,000. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, to approve the request of $2,239,000 from Leander Construction for the Clearwell Project. Alderman Meade reported to be paid from Bond fund and Leander was the low bidder. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Meade, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Legal & Ordinance. Council Action None. Alderman West thanked Alderman Sarff for handling his committee last week. Community & Industrial Development. Council Action Rural Community Development Initiative Matching Grant for $37,000. Motion and second by Aldermen Nidiffer/Sarff, City to direct Mark Rothert to apply for a matching grant application of $37,000 for Rural Community Development Initiative Grant through Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity. Discussion. Alderman Nidiffer said the grant was going to be coordinated with Fulton County and they decided to go on their own. Alderman Sarff ask Mark Rothert to go over the specifics again. 5 Mark Rothert said this is a local assistance planning grant with the Department of Economic Opportunity. They can fund up to $50,000 as a maximum. One of the thing makes the application more competitive, you partner up with a different agency. I have three things to put in the application for our focus areas. They are 1. Downtown Street Escape Plan. 2. Canton Lake Development Plan. 3. Downtown/Retail Compatibility Plan. The downtown street escape plan helps up to enhance ethics of the th downtown and all around Jones Park and the IH site, and all the way to 5 Avenue. Will bring to life a beautification to those areas. Need a plan in place to apply for more funds through IDOT for their transportation enhancement program. 2. Canton Lake Development Plan, this was already submitted and approved by council. This is an attempt to negotiate some cost through the state grant. 3. Downtown/Retail Compatibility Plan, there are firms that are set up to look at spending habits, and will come to community to set up analysis. Alderman Schenck ask where do you anticipate the funding would come from? Mark said some of the funds would come from the Partnership. Alderman Schenck said we should not approve until we no the amount of funding. Mark Rothert said it’s $37,000. Alderman Schenck said we had a understanding the city was not going to be asked for the $37,000? Alderman Nidiffer said the committee felt we would support this. Alderman Schenck ask Alderman Nidiffer, where did he anticipate the funds would come from? Alderman Nidiffer thought was coming from the General Fund. Alderman Schenck, under what budget? Alderman Schenck said, contingency? Alderman Nidiffer, yes! Alderman Sarff said his understanding and Kathy Luker had mentioned this at another meeting, part of the money she thought we’re going to try through Hotel/Motel Tax fund. Mark Rothert talked about the master plan portion being paid out of Hotel Motel Tax. The city attorney would have to check on to see if legal or not. Mayor Heinze ask Mark if any urgency? Mark said is due relative soon. Alderman Schenck said the Downtown Street Escape would be TIF eligible and could be reimbursed. Matching ourselves with retailers is a portion that might be related to downtown th corridor of IH and 5 , and we need to think where $37,000 comes out of the budget. Alderman Nidiffer most of that was coming out of the General Fund. Kathy Luker said originally was in the budget and the cut was made. Kathy Luker said $75,386.00, which is only 1% General Fund. Mark was asked what percentage portion is the downtown, Alderman Meade asked? Mark answered 90%. Use portion of that from TIF is a wise idea. We want to steer towards the downtown and IH site. 6 Motion and second by Aldermen Berardi, to send back to committee. Motion and second by Alderman Schenck/Meade, to amend the original motion that $35,000 would come form TIF funds to the General Fund loan, and $2,000 to the Contingency Fund, and also, if the total grant were approved in any lesser amount, that would require less matching funds, and the reduction would come from the $37,000. Discussion. Alderman Berardi asked how many applications for grants with the City of Canton? Know one responded with the answer. Its important we know Alderman Sarff said we had many grants last year from Police and Fire without any matching funds. Alderman Berardi said who keeps track of these? Alderman Sarff said lets table for next committee meeting and each department head come back with what grants had last year and the status, to the Finance Committee. Mayor Heinze thanked Alderman Berardi for bringing attention to this. Alderman Schenck wanted his amendment to be voted on. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. (Voting on original motion with amendment.) Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 1 NAY, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. (Department heads are still to bring the number of grants received in the last year to the Finance Committee next month.) Funding Special Events Coordinator, via Hotel/Motel Funds and workplan.Motion and second by Aldermen Nidiffer/Berardi, to approve the concept of a Special Events Coordinator that will try and deal with event issues, and send to Public Works, Water & Sewer committee. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Waive Building Permit for Habit for Humanity with no recommendation from committee.Motion and second by Aldermen Nidiffer/Sarff, waiving the building permit of $282.50.00 on a $50,000 home to Habitat for Humanity at 352 West Spruce Street. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Meade Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Dennis Crawford plan for vacant lot on E. Elm Street and First Avenue. Motion and second by Aldermen Nidiffer/Strandberg, to accept the detailed plan proposal as presented by Dennis Crawford. Discussion. Alderman Nidiffer said he was impressed with the plan for the corner lot. Alderman Berardi asked if any discussion was held about the time table? Alderman Nidiffer said talking with Dennis, his plans are ready to move rather quickly. 7 Alderman Berardi said a comment was made by Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien that the city would be responsible for sidewalks? Cliff said we broke down the sidewalk when we tore down the building and did some water work there. Alderman Berardi ask, this agreement, did we agree to for Mr. Crawford and Mr. Williams? Mayor Heinze ask which Mr. Williams? Alderman Bearardi said, Kevin Williams. Mayor Heinze said, did we tear out some of those sidewalks? Alderman Berardi said, we can’t do for one and not the other. Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien said the sidewalks are in poor disrepair. Some of it was our fault when the Aljeur Dorm fell on it. Then we cut a big section out. No sense going back to repair it. Someone will address those sidewalks that are in poor repair. Alderman Sarff said there are instances where we can inflate damage we did to it. All we are talking about tonight is Dennis Crawford’s lot at First and Elm. Alderman Berardi ask, are we talking about local labor? City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said unfortunately gentlemen, I need to raise this as a legal point, because on the council floor you have just discussed the fact we know there are sidewalks that need repair, you have waived your Tort Immunity. And, if someone falls down there tomorrow we will be fixing them as soon as possible. Alderman Berardi said, well, I would think rightly so, we have to take care of them. Alderman Nidiffer said the committee was looking for the best use of land for that small piece of property. Alderman Sarff said that subject never came up before tonight that I am aware of, and is not part of negotiation with Mr. Crawford, nor had it been brought up prior tonight with Mr. Williams for the IH property. Alderman Schenck ask, the purchase proposal, is that what were dealing with here? And does the purchase proposal make some reference to some type of development plan? City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said you are th correct, on November 7 2006 council voted to sell to Dennis Crawford for $100.00 contingency upon a development agreement being executed within 60 days. A development agreement was written by myself in draft form th and forward to all council members on November 15, and also to Mr. Crawford. Dennis was unable to secure, or locate, or finalize all the information necessary to complete that development agreement. He had ask for several requests to extend. Right now the City of Canton owns that property, you are liable for that sidewalk and you are liable for that property. Roll call. AYES - Aldermen Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. 8 Heart of Illinois Homeless Continuum of Care. Motion by Aldermen Nidiffer/Strandberg, direct the mayor to write a letter expressing the City’s support on city letter head. Discussion. Alderman Nidiffer said asking for this letter of support is for the appreciation of the work that has been done. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel. Council Action None. COMMUNCATIONS FROM MAYOR HEINZE – Good News about Canton. Mayor Heinze said he lived in Dixon Illinois for two years and they had planted petunias up and down the cities streets. th John Grigsby presented this for Canton along 5 Avenue. Mayor Heinze said he did not commit the Public Works Department. John had a lot of help in doing this planning and it paid off. Helpers was - Marion Buskirk, Autumn Carter, Amy Rogers, Canton Gearjammers, Rick Lillie, Margo Rumler, Kelly Anderson. Donations came from Central Illinois Loans, Fairview Nursery, Mel’s Sporting Goods, SRA Rentals, Coldwell Realty, Elsie Sanders. Golf View Villas –Section One Subdivision Plat for Canton Country Club. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Berardi, to approve the concept. Discussion. Attorney Nancy Schell mentioned Kim Lyons from Maurer Stutz Inc. prepared the plat in stages. The plat does not have IDOT approval yet. Twelve of the lots are sold. Alderman Berardi said lot size in the ordinance has to be 7,000 square feet for each lot. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned council waived that requirement by the PUD Ordinance. Alderman Meade ask to be excused from voting as he owns Motion shares at the Country Club. and second by Aldermen Sarff/Jason, to excuse Alderman Meade from voting. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. (Voting on the motion to approve the concept.) Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 6 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. 1 EXCUSED. Motion carried. 9 Outskirts Bar & Grille Inc. Class B Supper Club Liquor License. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Berardi, to accept the Liquor Commissioners recommendation for granting a Class B Supper Club License to Outskirts Bar & Grille Inc. at 725 West Locust Street. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Water Treatment Plant Improvement Bid results. Water Treatment Supt. Greg Pollitt mentioned this was already taken care of. Appointment to Lake Committee.Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, the appointment of John Green to the Lake Committee be confirmed. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Memorandum of Understanding Agreement between City and Kevin Williams. Kevin said he will be paying well above minimum wage. Will hire 18 full-time and 18 part-time employees. Kevin said lets go forward and I’m driving. Memorandum is as follows-Selling of the lot by the City of Canton to Kevin Williams at $1.00. Memorandum of Understanding says the proposed project will be undertaken by Kevin Williams d/b/a Big Racks Steakhouse. The developer will undertake development of a specialty restaurant, retail store, and banquet meeting facility to be known as Big Racks Steakhouse, constructed on a portion of the former International Harvester Site. The project will be comprised of an approximately 13,000 square foot building and will be located on approximately 2.73 acres on the northeast quarter of the former International Harvester site. The City, as trustee of the former International Harvester site, controls all land sales at the site. The City agrees to sell the Project Area to the Developer for $100.00, subject to the Developer fully complies with all of the terms and conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding and following Development Agreement. Developer will be responsible for all costs associated with closing the real estate transaction. The City will provide the Developer a first option on three acres that are located immediately South and adjacent to the Project Area for the sum of $____. The City will design, prepare plans and specifications for public bidding for public right-of-way improvements including all public utilities (water, sewer and storm sewer) to the edge of the Project Area, and the construction of extending Third Avenue on block (approximately 300 feet) south into the International Harvester site. Although extending Third Avenue cannot be 10 performed at the present time the City agrees to complete this task as quickly as the settlement agreement between the City and International Truck and Engine Corporation allows. This extension will become a dedicated public street. (End of Memorandum.) Kevin said if someone wants that extra lot, I’m all for it if made into a good place. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Berardi, to accept the Memorandum of Understanding and the option for the extra lot at $100.00 and development agreement. Discussion. Kevin Williams said there are a lot of issues yet, and we need to discuss how on getting it done. Will break ground next year. Motion and second agreed added to the motion of Development Agreement by March 30, 2008 and 24 months on lot option. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said this is a verbal commitment with no option signed and recorded. Alderman Meade said this is a tremendous statement moving forward. Mayor Heinze thanked Mark Rothert. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Meade, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Alderman Berardi we need to have those wanting to speak at the committee meetings and the council meeting, as employees are here in force. They should have opportunity to speak to council. They had a document handed out tonight before we entered the building. I want the top line stricken out of that document and then have the document read. Mayor said he believes in open government, tonight is not the night to deal with it, we are in the middle of negotiations with the union. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE – AMENDING SECTION 6-4-8© (LIMIT ON THE NUMBER OF DOGS) AND AMENDING SECTION 6-4-8(D) (LIMIT ON THE NUMBER OF CATS) AND AMENDING SECTION 6-4-8(E) (LIMIT ON THE NUMBER OF RABBITS). Second reading, read by Motion title. and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, send back to Legal & Ordinance committee for compromise on some language. Discussion. Alderman Strandberg said the City received international exposure. His 11 website had numbers of people posted on. Where does council get the information on bunnies? More in-humane taking bunny rabbits not wean for 8 weeks. I don’t want to be critical, I tried to legislate. I wanted a more open and honest debate. No one wanted to compromise two weeks ago. We have no time to make decisions for the community. People are worried about getting home. Appreciate Alderman Meade willing to work on this. Alderman Schenck said to Alderman Strandberg he wants some specific language and proof. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE – AMENDING SECTION 3-11-6 (AGE REQUIREMENT) AND SECTION 3-11-7(B) (HEALTH & SANITARY REQUIREMENT). First reading, read by title. ORDINANCE – REZONING REAL ESTATE FROM AG-1 TO B-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT BY CRAIG HOLTHAUS. First reading, read by title. Keith Plavec said he has to apply for a variance with the Zoning Board of Appeals after the ordinance is passed as the land is less than one acre. He is asking for B-2 zoning and some of the requirements in B-2 are also in B-3. Alderman Berardi asked why Mr. Jarnigan can’t sell storage units off that property? Not right he can’t do this. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said he can not as the permitted use is not compatible. You brought up the Open Meetings Act at the beginning of this meeting. Chrissie quoted 10-10-2 of the Canton Municipal Code where B-3 Zoning Classification outlines specific uses of your central business district. RESOLUTION – APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR FIREFIGHTING ASSISTANCE BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND CENTRAL ILLINOIS ENERGY. (ETHANOL PLANT). First Motion reading, read by title. and second by Aldermen West/Nidiffer, the resolution be adopted. Roll call. Aldermen Schenck, Berardi, Sarff, West, Nidiffer, Strandberg. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being # 3826. RESOLUTION – APPROVING A WORK ORDER FOR GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATIONS INCORPORATED (EOI) AND THE CITY OF CANTON.Motion First reading, read by title. and second by Aldermen Meade/Jason, the resolution be adopted. Fire Chief 12 Bonnie Cremer mentioned Buckheart Fire is in their District and the City Fire Department will allow 5 responses, then $2,000 per responses for one year. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Strandberg, Meade, Nidiffer, West, Sarff, Berardi, Schenck. NAYS – None. 7 AYES, 0 NAYS, 1 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #3827. Motion Adjournment: and second by Aldermen Meade/Strandberg, to adjourn. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. The regular scheduled meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. _____________________________, Nancy Whites, City Clerk APPROVED: _____________________________, Rodney W. Heinze, Mayor 13