HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-10-07 Clerical Committee Meeting Minutes
JULY 10, 2007 – 6:30 P.M.
Alderman Sarff, Interim Chairman
Bills. Motion
and second by Aldermen West/Strandberg, to approve the
bills and send to council for consideration. The motion carried by voice
vote, and was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report.
Kathy Luker, City Treasurer/Budget Director
mentioned that the revenue over expense by $62,062.67. Property taxes
have not been received at this time. and second by Aldermen
West/Strandberg, to forward the Treasurer’s Report to council. The motion
carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Budget Report.
Recap of Fund 10-HCH Self-Funded Claims with beginning balance from
4/30/07 -$43,886.21. May 2007 Lag Claims -$58,056.47. May 2007
Reinsurance total received $19,970.35. Budget 2007-2008
Expense/Revenue -$250,000.00 June 2007 Lag Claims -$74,591.58 with
Unexpended Budget -$117, 351.95. Expense Revenue $100,000 – June
2007 Reinsurance total $15,340.10 – Unexpended Budget $64,689.55. Total
cash in Bank-HCH -$141,223.81.
Kathy Luker said she has requested 6 months more in getting all bills paid
with HCH.
Kathy requested a Budget transfer from Health Account-Premiums-Self
Insured to Water Administration Interest Expense of 2005 Alternate Bond in
the amount of $610,000 due to a missed interest payment being budgeted for
and second by Aldermen West/Strandberg, send the Budget on to
council with approval of Budget Transfer. The motion carried by voice
vote, and was unanimous.
Greenwood Cemetery 2007-2008 Proposed Budget Approval. Motion
and second by Aldermen Strandberg/West, send to council for consideration.
Discussion. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned that lot sales are
down due to more people being cremated. Mayor Heinze mentioned that he
Clerical Committee 7-10-07
meets with the secretary every other week. You can’t imagine the
dedication. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous.
Lender Construction for Payment #12 of Kilroy Pumping Station in the
amount of $61,117.94. Motion
and second by Aldermen West/Strandberg,
to approve payment #12 and send to council for consideration. Discussion.
Keith Plavec mentioned what has to be completed is remaining fencing, final
testing, training, and other improvements. Have two very important things
to mention. 1. Retainage City is holding $77,306.44. 2. The completion
date is July 13, 2007. Keith feels they will not have training done by then.
Will work with Joe Carruthers, Clif O’Brien and Chrissie Peterson. Will
bring back with update at next council meeting. The motion carried by
voice vote, and was unanimous.
Layne Christensen Company Phase III Ranney Collector Well Study
for payment of $59,640.00. Motion
and second by Aldermen
West/Strandberg, to approve payment of $59,640.00 and send to council for
consideration. Discussion. Keith Plavec mentioned this is the Banner Test
Drilling project for Phase III. This is a partial payment of $59,640 and they
still have to complete their report and their data. They anticipate they will
be under the amount they have requested of $79,000 to $80,000 range and
the numbers they felt look positive. There is a little concern, the Illinois
River depth was higher than what they anticipated for the clay layer. The
river bottom is just barely below the clay layer. Will be using 80% of water
from the Illinois River, and will be filtered. They want to make sure the city
doesn’t put something in a month later, were not getting what we hope to get
out of it. End of the month hope to have completed. Should be able to come
back next month with a report on how everything looks, and will go from
Alderman Sarff ask, if we go openly with this type of Well and filtration
system, how deep are those wells? Keith answered, when they were
working they hit shale at about 62 feet, so they are going to try and go down
to that level. This will be 13 feet diameter Well and down 62 feet. It’s
going to be above the flood plain. Will have laterals that will extend out 54
directions and water will come in through screens into this Well. About 62
feet what we’ve seen with the test wells. The motion carried by voice vote,
and was unanimous.
Clerical Committee 7-10-07
Automatic External Defibrillator Purchase for fire department in the
amount of $2,930.45.
Fire Chief John Stanko commented that last year, we
replaced one of our two primary automatic external defibrillators (AED),
with plans to replace the second unit during this fiscal year. The current
AED is over ten years old and will no longer be supported by the
manufacturer in a few months.
Medtronic, who supplies our AEDs’, has provided a quote of $3,430.45 to
purchase a new Life Pak 1000, which is the same unit purchased last year.
They will allow a $500 trade-in for our old Life Pak 300, resultingin a final
price of $2,930.45. In addition, if we purchase now, we can take advantage
of a current promotion that will provide a credit toward future purchases of
$750.00 once we have purchased the new AED and sent the trade-in back.
This credit would be good toward the purchase of electrodes, cables, and
other supplies.
and second by Aldermen West/Strandberg, to approve one (1) Life
Pak 1000 automatic external defibrillator from Medtronic at a total cost of
$2,930.45, and refer to council for consideration. The motion carried by
voice vote, and was unanimous.
Energy Resource Center.
City Treasurer Kathy Luker mentioned that
Alderman Carl had been working with Mark Pruitt from Energy Resource
Center. Peoples Energy Services was told by the City of Canton the fixed
price on purchase of Statewide electricity for list price in the amount of
$0.57843 kwh. Alderman Berardi wanted to know if the City can get out of
the contract at anytime? Alderman Sarff ask for Chrissie to explain. City
Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned that she was on maternity leave at that
time. Alderman Berardi ask if this locks in kilowatt hours? City Treasurer
Kathy Luker answered it did. Alderman Berardi wanted to know if this is
the delivered price also? City Treasurer Kathy Luker said this was the same
report that was presented at the beginning. Mayor Heinze said prices are not
This was just for information purposes.
The Finance Committee adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
Legal & Ordinance
Alderman Craig West, Chairman
Clerical Committee 7-10-07
Ray Rumler/Jeff Williamson property.
James Elson Jr. the attorney for
Jim & Michelle Campbell spoke on how to resolve the city’s lien. (At the
council meeting held on June 19, 2007 a motion and second was made to
approve Jim & Michelle Campbell to pay ½ of the $7,814.86 lien the city
has on the property and forgive $414.00 water and sewer bill. This motion
was amended to add on 90 days for a development agreement. The
amendment of adding the 90 days was voted on and passed. The original
motion of paying ½ of lien and forgiving $414 water and sewer bill was
never voted on with the amendment being added. The motion sent to this
meeting was accepting the offer for $1,000 on the city’s lien.) Jim
mentioned that Ray Rumler has agreed to sign off for the Campbell’s so they
can receive a clear title, as long as Jeff Williamson does not come back on
him. Want to work out with the City of releasing the lien to my client of
$1,000 and forgive water and sewer bill of $414.00. There is not a chance
of selling to third party.
Alderman Sarff ask if the Campbell’s have an exclusive agreement?
Jim Elson said, no!
Alderman Sarff said he had someone call him offering $2,000 for the
property. What’s fair to the community?
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson mentioned this is a council decision of
forgiving the lien and of how much. And it is who ever comes first with a
Alderman Meade suggested release with a clear title for lesser amount
Alderman Sarff said he still sticks with his original motion.
Mayor Heinze mentioned that $3,500 is a deal breaker for us.
Alderman Sarff said not for tax payers dollars!
Mayor Heinze said, the Campbell’s are good class of people, and I would
take my chance with them.
Alderman Strandberg thought we should have a development agreement.
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson remarked the City can force foreclosure on
the lien, but the taxes have to be dealt with.
Alderman Meade said that a development agreement is the best to protect
the City, and we should take the best proposal. They are asking that the City
conceptionally agree with them.
Alderman Sarff stated, what if Jeff Williamson is the first one in to take you
up on that offer to release the lien?
Clerical Committee 7-10-07
City Attorney Chrissie Peterson said, he would have to pay the back taxes.
Alderman Meade stated again that all that is really needed – does the city
conceptionally agree to move forward.
and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, to recommend to council
forgive $414 of a water & sewer bill, and release of City’s lien in the amount
of $3,500. The motion carried by 2 AYES, 1 NAY. (Alderman Strandberg
voted nay.)
Human Resource Position.
Mayor Heinze mentioned that he is still
working on the final stage. Will be in conversation with Alderman Larry
Sarff the Personnel Chairman, and we are making progress. We have never
had a Human Resource person before and that is why we are not rushing.
We are exploring many options. Was agreed to send to the Legal &
Ordinance Committee next month.
The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Community & Industrial Development
Alderman Jason Strandberg, Chairman
Update SRPED Economic Development Director.
Mark Rothert,
Executive Director, SRPED gave his report that follows.
Project Management Team continues to work to get the first
Development Block Scope of work prepared.
Working on Illinois Main Street application due by September 4.
Meetings continue to be held with a local developer interested in
developing a piece of the former IH Site. Mark mentioned it is a area
developer from Peoria.
IH Site marketing: Part of the process to create a marketing strategy
will be to define the overall vision of the site and use the collective resources
we have with the SRPED and Vandewalle & associates to construct a plan
with options and costs the City can pursue. A broad framework concerning
the next steps in the marketing and development of the former IH Site is
outlined in the attached memo.
Clerical Committee 7-10-07
Calls/emails made to the following retailers: Wal Mart/Save-A-
Lot/Fed-Ex/Kinkos/Big Lots/CVS Pharmacy/GameStop/Target/Dollar
General/Dollar Tree/Kroger.
Currently facilitating expansion loan request to two existing local
business owners.
Attended City of Canton Revolving Loan Committee on June 26,
2007 to discuss recent loan application request.
Industrial Park Improvement plan awaiting cost estimates from
Maurer-Stutz Inc. The goal is to have these costs to the City Council by July
20, 2007 for the next mechanical committee.
Currently assisting two development projects at the Industrial Park
contingent upon infrastructure improvements at the site.
Researched Keokuk Junction Railway/Ameren Issue before the
Surface Transportation Board. Someone wants to lease the rail line, this
becomes issue with AmerenCiPS. Have to decide by December 6, 2007.
The next step is Phase 4 as outlined in the scope of services. Teska &
Associates will draft recommendations to address future land use,
community facilities and public infrastructure, housing, transportation, open
space and environment, and economic development. These
recommendations will be based on our work up to date (Phases 1 through 3)
and additional research as needed. A formal presentation to the City Council
will be scheduled at the end of Phase 4 for review and comment. Teska will
also schedule a public open house to informally present the Phase 4
recommendations. The Comprehensive Plan document will them enter the
final draft preparation phase (Phase 5) in late September/early October,
taking us through the end of the year.
The SRPED received a $99,000 grant from the USDA Rural
Development Office for the creation of a revolving loan program.
Applied for the IDOT Safe Routes to School Grant on June 29.
Clerical Committee 7-10-07
Had a meeting to discuss the websit with Mitch Ogden. After talking
with Mr. Ogden he felt the current set up (through GovOffice.com) was
sufficient and he didn’t want to come in and redo the website all over again.
We did discuss some improvements that could be made that include adding
sections such as a:
Visitor Section
Dedicated page for the former International Harvester Site
Canton History
More pictures of Canton
If you have comments or suggestions about the site, please forward to Mark
Currently the website costs $840/year to keep up and running. The SRPED
however pays this amount out of the contribution that the City provides the
SRPED and therefore no additional funds are used from the General Fund to
pay for our website.
Mayor Heinze mentioned that Fire Chief John Stanko has attended his last
committee meeting and will be retiring on July 13, 2007. Will miss him and
look forward to Bonnie Cremer coming in as the new chief.
The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 8:00
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel
Alderman Larry Sarff, Chairman
Nothing was listed under this committee and discussion was not held.
The regular scheduled Clerical Committee convened for executive session at
8:01 p.m.
Clerical Committee 7-10-07
The executive session for Personnel/Probable Litigation adjourned in open
session at 8:54 p.m.
Recording Secretary,
Nancy Whites, City Clerk