HomeMy WebLinkAbout4-4-06 City Council Meeting Minutes A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on April 4, 2006 in Council th Chambers at 50 North 4 Avenue. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY WHITES. PUBLIC HEARING – 6:30 P.M. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED BUDGET. Mayor Heinze read the Public Notice. All interested citizens may attend the public hearing and shall have the right to provide oral and written comments on the Proposed Budget Ordinance. All interested citizens will be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting. Subsequent to the public hearing and before the final action is taken on the Proposed Budget Ordinance, the corporate authorities of the City of Canton may revise, alter, increase or decrease the items contained in said Budget Ordinance. Mayor Heinze asked if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on the Summary of the Proposed Budget. George Hall stepped up to the podium. George commented that the budget for 2006 has a 17% increase from last year. City Treasurer Kathy Luker was asked for an answer. She said the City is going to pay off the last purchased fire truck in the amount of $167,775. George Hall commented that it appears the department heads did not receive any guidelines. George Hall ask Alderman Berardi what percentage of the Public Works Budget is personnel? Alderman Berardi ask Public Works Director Clif O’Brien to answer the question. Clif said part of the large total of the Budget to be paid by the Water Department is the Bond Issue, Filter Payments, etc. Clif further stated that when putting the budget together we work from past history. Department Heads met with Alderman Carl and City Treasurer Kathy Luker in the preparing of their budgets. Alderman Berardi mentioned that we need to take out of the Budget some $235,000. We have budgeted a Human Resource employee, automobile. George Hall said you need to set goals. Alderman Berardi said he does not have the liberty to talk with the department heads, only the mayor can. The he recommended cutting out of the budget the amount of $235,000. Mayor Heinze than asked for Council imput. Alderman Schenck said his idea is the big picture of goals, let the pubic know what we want to accomplish. Spend a little more time on the Budget before it is submitted to council. This is the first step, and would like to see some improvements. Alderman Meade ask City Treasurer Kathy Luker if the Tax Levy is higher? She said it was down. The year of 2005/2006 was understated. The Telecommunication Tax monies was estimated as too high. No further comments were made when Mayor Heinze ask. The Public Hearing closed at 6:55 p.m. 1 Council meeting 4-4-06 Mayor Heinze asked for roll call at 6:56 p.m. Present – Aldermen Jim Hartford, Joe Berardi, Larry Sarff, Craig West, Les Carl, Kevin Meade, Rick Reed, Eric Schenck. Absent – None. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION – ILLINOIS DONATE LIFE MONTH. Mayor Heinze read the proclamation and introduced Mike Scott who has kidney transplant, and been the recipient of three, and Rick Mounce was in Vietnam War combat veteran who suffers from agent orange and is on dialysis. He will not live much longer if he does not receive a new kidney. Mayor Heinze proclaim the month of April as Illinois Donate Life Month. If you want to register the decision to donate life through the new Illinois First Person Consent Organ/Tissue Donor Registry and on the internet at www.lifegoeson.com. Mike handed out some brochures to leave with the City. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 2006. Motion and second by Aldermen West/Reed, the minutes of March 21, 2006 be accepted and placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. MINUTES OF MECHANICAL MEETING MARCH 28, 2006. Motion and second by Aldermen Reed/Hartford, the minutes of March 28, 2006 be accepted and placed on file. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Public Safety & Traffic. Council Action None. Streets & Garbage. Council Action None. Informational. City Attorney Jim Elson said he reviewed the Resolution for the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement to allow Public Works Director Clif O’Brien to travel to Salem Illinois to assist in reviewing public streets suitable for hot sand seal overlay project. And for two or three days in August, 2006 to assist in the supervision and implementation of the actual project work. Jim Elson said the resolution seems Motion appropriate. and second by Alderman Hartford to approve of the resolution. Mayor Heinze ask for Alderman Hartford to hold off on voting as the resolution was not on the agenda. Motion was withdrawn. 2 Council meeting 4-4-06 Lake, Building & Grounds. Council Action None. Informational. Alderman Reed ask about the lake level. Water Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt said it is minus 47 inches. Greg Pollitt said when the lake is at 2 feet the Wells will be turned off. Public Works, Water & Sewer. Council Action Water Hook up for Todd Putman at 155 North Avenue I.Motion and second by Aldermen Berardi/Sarff, to allow the water hook up with Todd Putman annexing into the City. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Reed, Meade, Carl, West, Sarff, Berardi, Hartford. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Economic Development Service Agreement w/SRP for Economic Development. Motion and second by Aldermen Berardi/Hartford, to accept the Economic Development Service Agreement w/SPR for Economic Development. Discussion. Alderman Carl said he has some concerns with the agreement. Under Section 2 (B.) Agreement now reads The City shall pay to the SRPED in quarterly installments starting May 1, 2006 all Hotel Operators’ Ocuppation Tax (hotel/motel tax) funds that have accumulated or will accumulate throughout the year. Alderman Carl offered the following amendment…the Hotel/Motel Tax fund expenditures be approved by council. They will be administered by the Economic Director, but the approval of expenditures will be made by council. Agreement Section 10. Reporting. Alderman Carl offered the following amendment…Economic Development Director to make a monthly report. Alderman Carl said he has talked with Mark Rothert about doing a budget prior to set up, or after established, and bring forward to council. Motion and second by Aldermen Carl/Schenck, to approve of the amendments to the Economic Development Services Agreement as recommended from Alderman Carl. Discussion. Alderman Schenck commented that these are all good points. On the first amendment council needs to approve of what they spend of that Hotel/Motel Tax. This wording does not have to be part of the amendment - in drafting this amendment…the City shall make available from the Hotel Operators Occupation Tax a sum of $30,000 for SRPED project presented to and approved by City Council to promote tourism. In the redrafting of the amendment that is a presentation of using those funds before we transfer the money. Alderman Carl said the reason he did not recommend the $30,000 as we 3 Council meeting 4-4-06 don’t know what amount we will be receiving. Alderman Meade said will leave the administering of Hotel/Motel Tax with the Economic Development group, it’s just the spending of those funds. They will basically be a clearing house. Alderman Berardi said he was recommending we abide by the memo from City Attorney Jim Elson that was presented in September, 2005 the use of the Hotel/Motel Tax funds. Alderman Meade said the amendments meets these requirements. Roll call. (Amendments by Alderman Carl.) AYES – Aldermen Hartford, Berardi, Carl, West, Carl, Meade, Reed, Schenck. NAYS – None. 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Motion and second by Aldermen Berardi/Reed, wants to see the agreement between the SRPED and Chamber of Commerce. Discussion. Alderman Meade said they don’t have a hidden agreement. He wants this agreement to go forward. Alderman Schenck ask Alderman Berardi is your motion to somehow amend this agreement, or to postpone action on this agreement? Alderman Berardi stated his motion is, before this Economic Development Service Agreement goes into affect we see the agreement from the Chamber of Commerce. Alderman Carl has asked for a budget, and how can you do it if you don’t have any money committed? Alderman Meade said added how can you do it if you don’t have a committee. Alderman Reed we should ask for a letter specifically and have ready for reviewing. Alderman Carl said he is questioning the motion. Are we approving this subject to approving the document you want? Alderman Berardi said I’ll do what ever the council wants. Mayor Heinze said the Chamber of Commerce is ready to go. Alderman Meade ask for clarification. We’re saying will pass the agreement contingent upon receiving commitment letter for their financial contribution. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Reed, Carl, West, Berardi, Hartford. NAYS – Aldermen Meade, Sarff. The motion carried. Motion and second by Alderman Berardi/Hartford, to locate the SRPED and Chamber of Commerce in the Historic Depot. Discussion. Alderman Sarff said what about rent? Mayor Heinze said they can use the building for in-kind services. Alderman Sarff, what about utilities? Mayor Heinze said let them use the building and pay utilities. Alderman Sarff, where will the council and committee meetings be held? Mayor Heinze, right here! We can negotiate a portion of the utility. Alderman Sarff, city court? Mayor Heinze said we could portion off some of the room. Alderman Sarff, can’t as you’re in the Historical Depot. Alderman Sarff, if you take it out of use for city court, where is that they will go? You can’t do both here! Mayor Heinze said don’t you feel should address at a later date? Alderman Sarff said he agreed. Alderman Berardi said the historical value is where you put it. We are sitting at a metal desk in an atmosphere that’s not any different then the other side of the wall. Is Tony Rolando office at City Hall paying rent to the City? Mayor Heinze said we are not charging the State of Illinois for that little office. Alderman Berardi, we could move him down here to the Depot and use that office he is in at City Hall for another function. Mayor Heinze said its possible. Alderman Sarff said he would hate for us to jeopardize the court using the building. Alderman 4 Council meeting 4-4-06 Meade forcing the Chamber of Commerce to move to the Depot, they may not want to? We need to think this through more. The motion and second with drawn. Alderman Schnenck thought it would be great for the Chamber of Commerce and SRPED to come here and utilitze the Depot. It frustrates me a little as Alderman Sarff makes some good points. A lot of the issues related to the project is like pushing a rope. Would like to see the use of some leadership interest in partnering here to bring these folks together with some solid proposals so they can work through these ideas and put together a solid partnership package. Roll call. (The vote is for approving the Economic Development Service Agreement w/SRPED for Economic Development with all amendments that were approved. AYES – Aldermen Hartford, Berardi, Sarff, West, Carl, Meade, Reed, Schenck. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Sidwalk Café corner of North Main and W. Chestnut. Motion and second by Aldermen Berardi/Reed, to allow a temporary awning, railing, tables & chairs for street Café. (Added to the motion – Begin April 1, and end second week of Spoon River Drive.) Discussion. Alderman Meade said has it been determined if he has liability insurance? Should be on approval of appropriate liability insurance. Alderman Sarff said he was not opposed but we are opening up to others. We’re giving up public property to business person. We need to set a season of here’s where it starts and here’s when it will end. Alderman Sarff wants to have it begin on April 1 until the second week of the Spoon River Drive on annual basis. Motion and second agreed to add in the time permitted to the motion. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Hartford, Berardi, Sarff, West, Carl, Meade, Reed, Schenck. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Industrial Land Usage. Greg Arnett spoke about the mining regulations have changed over the years as federal regulations came in to place and the goal of this mining company has looked at this. Alderman Berardi ask about retention ponds at the water shed not having much water in them? Greg Arnett mentioned the way we have designed to do what you’re talking about, we can reduce those ponds by 38 million gallons. Alderman Berardi ask about quality of water coming out of those retention ponds? Greg Arnett answered our operation will not have an adverse affect on Canton Lake. We have to procure major permits from the EPA of statistics analysis, they are very tight on regulations and specific guidelines. Greg Arnett mentioned that the city would have their new water lines completed before his project is ready. Alderman Berardi ask of what guarantee the mining will be completed? Greg Arnett answered, we have to post bond, the company has a performance bond with the State of Illinois in the amount of $7 to $8 million with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Capitol Resources is associated with General Dynamics a company with $21 ½ billion. 5 Council meeting 4-4-06 City Attorney Jim Elson said this council has said this is a supplement to the Canton Lake going to the river. Alderman Berardi said that is not true, this is not a supplement not here tonight. Alderman Meade ask of what exactly looking for from Council tonight? Greg Arnett said he is looking for Council support and community support. Mayor Heinze said they will pay $1 million to $8 million in wages. If the EPA says they are okay, can’t find enough down size as I do up size. We have a chance to bring on a big company to Canton. Motion and second by Aldermen Berardi/Schenck, council to send a letter of support to Capital Resources. Discussion. Alderman Sarff said no one that contacted him was in favor of the project. Alderman West said he received several calls not in favor of the project. He said he would feel better when we have alternative supply of water coming in. Public Works Director Clif O’Brien said it would be from a year to 2 ½ before that would happen. Alderman Meade said conceptually, none of us can envision this. My question to the city attorney is, are there other steps having control and oversight of the process? City Attorney Jim Elson mentioned the second question is more political and measurable offset no one can say. The first question, there has been some change of strip mining, and the city has an ordinance on this. The State of Illinois pre-empts the City as it states formal opinions to (DNR) Department of Natural Resources. Alderman Schenck mentioned the general letter of support is environmental sensitivity for the route of hauling coal, future issue of land, and all of this should be addressed in the letter. Alderman Meade would like to see the letter first, as Alderman Schenck brought up some good points. Also the letter is to be written by the City Attorney Jim Elson. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Reed, Meade, Carl, West, Berardi, Hartford. NAYS – Alderman Sarff. 7 AYES, 1 NAY, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR HEINZE. Alderman West mentioned that th on April 8 the Fragile X Syndrome walk will take place at the Donaldson Center with sign in at 9:00 a.m. and walk at 10:00 a.m. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE – RE-ZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY OF THAYNE N. OUELETTE, NOT INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE UNDER AGREEMENT DATED MAY 21, 2000, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE DONALD J. LOWE TRUST NUMBER 001, TO A AG-1 ZONING CONFIGURATION. Second Motion reading, read by title. and second by Aldermen Hartford/West, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Reed, Meade, Carl, West, Sarff, Berardi, Hartford. NAYS – None. Ordinance being #1860. ORDINANCE – ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY OF AMBER SMUDGE CORPORATION, RE-ZONING THE ENTIRE PARCEL TO B-2, AND GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL 6 Council meeting 4-4-06 DWELLING. Motion Second reading, read by title. and second by Aldermen Reed/Hartford, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Hartford, Berardi, Sarff, West, Carl, Meade, Reed, Schenck. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1861. ORDINANCE – RE-ZONING PROPERTY OF CHARLES TAYLOR AND JANET RUTH TAYLOR TO A B-2 ZONING CONFIGURATION. Second reading, read by Motion title. and second by Aldermen Sarff/Carl, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Reed, Meade, Carl, West, Sarff, Berardi, Hartford. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Ordinance being #1862. NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE – ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR ALL CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY IN LIEU OF AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 2006 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 2007. First reading, read by title. RESOLUTION – APPROVING A PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND ROBERT K. STUFFLEBEAM JR., LOCATED AT LAKELAND PARK.Motion First reading, read by title. and second by Aldermen Carl/Reed, the resolution be adopted. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Hartford, Berardi, Sarff, West, Carl, Meade, Reed, Schenck. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Resolution being #3753. EXECUTIVE SESSION – NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL – CONSIDERATION OF LEGAL COUNSEL; SALE OF PROPERTY; AND DISCUSSION OF BUDGET. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/West, to go into executive session to consider legal counsel, sale of property, and discussion of budget. Roll call. AYES – Schenck, Reed, Meade, Carl, West, Sarff, Berardi, Hartford. NAYS – None. Motion carried. The regular scheduled council meeting convened for an executive session at 7:27 p.m. The minutes of the executive session are on file in the office of the city clerk for review. The executive session adjourned into open session at 9:30 p.m. The regular scheduled council meeting reconvened into open session at 9:31 p.m. 7 Council meeting 4-4-06 Mayor Heinze mentioned that the Fire Pension Board membership has changed how some of the members are appointed by law. Mayor Heinze said he appoints two Motion members of that Board.and second by Aldermen West/Sarff, the appointment of Chad Mayall for 2 year un-expire term, and David Bruketta 3 year term, be confirmed. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Mayor Heinze said that Public Works Director Clif O’Brien has needed two employees for Public Works Department. Clif interviewed 12 candidates and reviewed resumes of two more. Shawn Miller and Dash Wilson of the Garbage Department was selected to transfer to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The job openings were posted for 10 days. Clif selected Michael Courtney and Marshall Black. Michael has been with the City as Motion part time for 2 years. and second by Aldermen Sarff/Meade, the appointments of Michael Courtney and Marshall Black be confirmed. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/West, the appointment of Chrissie Peterson as city attorney at a salary of $72,000 and beginning May 1, 2006 for a year’s appointment be confirmed. Roll call. AYES – Aldermen Schenck, Reed, Meade, Carl, West, Sarff, Berardi, Hartford. NAYS – None. 8 AYES, 0 NAYS, O ABSENT. Motion carried. Mayor Heinze stated he would appoint Aldermen Meade and Hartford to the SPREC. Mayor Heinze said he has had a good relationship with Fulton County and would like to appoint Fulton County Engineer Bill Kuhn and Mid America National Bank President Rick Klinedinst. Alderman Berardi commented that the banker is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. We want a cross section to the community not business people. Motion and second by Aldermen Sarff/Carl, the appointment of Aldermen Kevin Meade, Jim Hartford and Fulton County Engineer Bill Kuhn be confirmed. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. Motion and second by Aldermen Meade/Sarff, the appointment of Rick Klinedinst to the SRPED Board be confirmed. Discussion. Alderman Berardi said he wanted the appointment of Dan Silverthorn. Alderman Meade and Mark Rothert both said that Dan Silverthorn had accepted membership on the Chamber of Commerce Board. Alderman Berardi disagreed and stated that he had not accepted the appointment. Roll call. Aldermen Hartford, Sarff, West, Carl, Meade, Reed. NAYS – Aldermen Berardi, Schenck. 6 AYES, 2 NAYS, 0 ABSENT. Motion carried. Adjournment. Motion and second by Aldermen Hartford/Reed, to adjourn. The motion carried by voice vote, and was unanimous. The regular scheduled council meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. 8 Council meeting 4-4-06 ____________________________________ Nancy Whites, City Clerk APPROVED: __________________________________ Rodney W. Heinze, Mayor 9