HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-24-09 Mechanical Committee Meeting AgendaA G E N D A M E C H A N I C A L C O M M I T T E E TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH, 2009 -6:30 P.M. HISTORIC DEPOT, 50 NORTH 4TH AVENUE, CANTON, ILLINOIS Public Safety & Traffic Alderman Joe Berardi, chairman 1. Police Report 2. Fire Report 3. Annual Fire Report 4. “No Parking” sign in the 200 block West Pine Street on the South Side - Police 5. G.R.E.A.T. Merchandise/Incentives Order and purchase supplies $3,660.75 - Police 6. Police Budget Streets & Garbage Alderman Craig West, chairman 1. Lake, Buildings & Grounds Alderman Sonya Lewis, chairman 1. Ordinance – Amending Camping Fees Lake Canton – from 2-3 council meeting Public Works, Water & Sewer Alderman Eric Schenck, chairman 1. Water Bill of Pastor Vicky Rilea Church - Mayor 2. 24” Raw Water Transmission Main Application payment #8 from Reynolds Inc., in the amount of $553,981.38 - Keith 3. Bradley Corner Sewage Pumping Station Improvements Application for Payment #4 & Final from Leander Construction for $10,201.69 - Keith 4. Radial Collector Well Application for Payment No. 3 from Reynolds, Inc. for $3,150.00 - Keith 5. Iron Hustler Excavating Inc. Invoice 5564 for $80,177.45 - Eric 6. Feaster’s Lot – Status & Update - Eric 7. Water & Sewer Fund Budget 8. Intergovernmental Agreement with City of Pekin to assist with Bldg Inspection EXECUTIVE SESSION – TO DISCUSS – PERSONNEL; PENDING LITIGATION; AND, FIRE NEGOTIATIONS.