HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #0884. ~, ;' ORDINANCE N0. ~~~`~ ANNEXING AND REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY OF ROBERT FULLER and ELAINE FULLER TO THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS.. WHEREAS it appears to the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois that the territory hereinafter described is. not located within the corporate limits of any munici.pali.ty but is located in the County of Fulton and State of Lllinois, and WHEREAS it further appearing to said City Council that a Petition for Annexation and Rezoning of the premises. was. pre- viously filed herein and that due and proper notice of said rezoning was given by publication in the Canton Daily Ledger, a secular newspaper of regular circulation in the. City of Canton, Illinois, and WHEREAS it further appearing to said City Council that a public hearing was held before the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Canton, Illinois on the day of , 1981, concerning said petition for annexation and rezoning and that the said Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that the premises hereinafter described be annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois in B-2 Zoning configuration, and WHEREAS it further appearing to said City Council that the only electors which reside upon said premises are the. Petitioners, Robert Fuller and Elaine Fuller, and WHEREAS it further appearing to said City Council that due and proper notice was served upon the. Fire Protection District in which said premises is currently located, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCLL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS. Section 1. That the territory hereinafter described be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois, said premises being more particularly described as follows.. (See attached legal description) Section 2, That said premises shall be annexed to the City of Canton in a B-2 Zonirgg configuration according to the Canton City Code. Section 3, That the City Engineer is instructed to pre- pare the appropriate Plats and file same with the Recorder of Deeds for the County of Fulton, State of Illinois properly indicating the annexation of the property hereinabove-described. Section 4, This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after a majority vote of the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof, contingent upon receiving a class A liquor license, PASSED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS ANDAPPROVED BY THE MAYOR THEREOF THIS ~,~'+H DAY OF /~'~ q ~ 1981 , A,D. APPROVED: H an Crouch, Mayor of the City of Canton, Illinois ATTEST: N nc .Whites City Clerk of the City of Canto Illinois - ~ ~ i v , (i aT'CE'.l ) ;-~ [~=""-t O th =' SoL1tCiE'af? t QllartC'" U r :i2Ct1.!>C! ~~ ~ , ~1C):'In:i~' Li) / T;Or,`_il, T~?C~~e LF l~~ 5t Cii tll~' }'~Cll,li L.h i'~LC1C?-Dcl1 ~i '-l dl.an, ~)':LTI~~ ~'_~ 1 t h2t: ~S~?rt O%; Cl I)a1"Cel. UFO land Cit~e'dF~l t0 ._....,<~ i = r. ~. ;~ (= i_1. ,: t: 0 . _n c _~ a.r on , anu-tr ,- by U ocie Pollitt a_~d r_E:corded in ~r o~lul:~e 432 of De e~~}s , on P~?.rre 15 3 , 1vZI1~; SOt1t~'i O is t. L1 F_' ~icZr_ Cl }~O~ld ~'"n0;•,'Ci ~ls ~ t i_ItF? 1',011 ~C'. i~0. 9, aS n0?J located , CUntaltlln~. 1 aCrE' Of 1Citld, TG;rc Or less, situated in the Ccu~~ty of Fulton, i_n tt-le State o Ill.i_noi_s . Parcel ;"2) Part of_ the SoLlthe~zst Quarter. , Section 28, 1' 7 N, R [~ E, L+th P.it. Fulton Count;, I11i.nois , being more particularly described as follo~~rs: Co~rrlencing at the i`;orthr,rest corner of said Southeast Quarter r!a.rked by a drill hole; thence bearing S 0° 55' 00" tiJ. , a distance of 670.14 ft along the [Jest line of said South- east Quarter to a poir<t; thence bearing N. 89° 49' 02" E., a distance of 207.81 f t to the ACTUAL POIr?T OI' BECINNIiiG market? by an iron pin; thence bearing N. 0° 55' 00" E., a distance of 158.62 ft to the South right-of-~~~ay line- of Illinois State P.oute 9 marked by an iron pin; thence bear- ing S. 57° 22' 24" E., a distance of 221.98 f_t along said right-of-~~~ay Line to a point r.:ar?:ed by an iron pin; thence bearing S 87° 13' 24" E., a distance of 92.40 ft along said right-of.-~,iay line to a point marked by an iron pin; thence bearing S. 0° 50' 36" tJ., a distance of 33.55 ft ' ~~n irron along said r. ir,ht--o ~--~~~ay line to a point r.,lr:ced by pin; thence bearing S. 89° 49' 02" fJ., a distance of 281.29 ft to the. point of beginning containing 0.503 acres. (Parcel a'-3) Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, T. ? N. , U. 4 F'. , Fourth Principal tieri_dian, Ft.Llton County , Illinois, being more narticular.ly described as follows: Beginning at a point 1009.83 feet South of.. the center of said Section 28 , said point mar'r-ed by an iron min; thence East 514.00 ft. ; thence ?orth 75.39 ft. ; thence t~'est 514.00 ft.; ther_ce South 75.39 ft. to the point of beginning; con- taining 0.890 acres. - f I'a.rcel ;;-4) A Hart of the Southe~~st C?uarter. of Section 2.~i, To:~nship 7 North, R.anL;e 4 East of the Fourth Principal `~~:~~~-idi_an described as foll.oc~~s : Co~~?m.E~nci.ng <Zt a poi..nt 1981 "-c.~t 'north <tnd 25 feet l:_lst of the South~,Te:~: corner of said Southeast Ou<.lrtur of Section 28, running thence EasC 941 fee C , thence South 160 feet , thence 6~Tes t 4/:g . 7 feet , thence South 104 Feet , thence i']es t 492.3 feet , thence ]`dorth along r_he Public hig,l~~;ay to the place of bef i.nni.n~;, situated in 1''?11t_oI1 COLInt~y, I111n01S. .~N/vc X A T /ON `~Lf3 i _ ORO/NAivC E /~~o. vv~U~~ C / Ty (.~~= CA/v Toiv F~~ TON Cov/vTY, I~ ~. /No%, /J~IA y /98~ ~. _ . 1 ._ ._ fi _ _ ~_ ~ i _ _ _~ - ~ '- ~ ._- i ~ ~ ,~S i3 / ~~ ~- e ye r~ c.~: A~'E~9 To 8E ~9NyE;rEL~ _~ - _ ~.PErrivs~s~ y~ /, CL/f/%o,PD /, S~IGASE~ DO ~`~'EREB % CE,Pr~t=Y Tf/fIT TH/5 PL fl T ,4CC v~Pfl T ~L Y / N O /C',~9 T~ -'~ THE r°~'Ol'E~F' TY OE~SG F,~/B ED Div Tf1C O~'/.~///i'3/Y"C'E STf'TG d i9Bar/E /moo TftE 8~ S T D F 1vlY `/VOt~/t. EDGE ANV DEL /EF. ~'E ~~ O .-. ENGF'Cj%1/D. X32 12 ,. ~~ 1 ~~ SGf1G E ,: / ~'r ,Q $O ~