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Ordinance #0923
.~ ~ . - ~! n ~, c e i S ~ F ~ ~, ~ ORDINANCE N0. 923 a~ ,~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 10 OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 10 OF THE CITY CODE AND BY ADOPTING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 10 OF THE CITY CODE AS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH WHEREAS, the Public Works, Water and Sewer Committee has determined that it is necessary, desirable and to the best interest of the City of Canton to modify and amend Title 8, Chapter 10 of the Canton Municipal Code and, to such extent, tc repeal and delete Title 8, Chapter 10 of the Canton Muncipal Code; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois has made a similar determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows: 1. That Title 8, Chapter 10 of the Canton Municipal Code is hereby repealed in its entirety. 2. That Title 8, Chapter 10 of the Canton Municipal Code is hereby adopted to read as follows: "8-10-1: METERS REQUIRED: Any person using water furnished by the City or making any connection with any service water supply pipe of the City shall connect their service pipes with a meter of standard approved pattern so that all water consumed shall be passed through such meter and be accurately measured and the amount definitely ascertained. 8-10-2: MANNER OF SETTING METERS, STOP BOXES: All meters now in use and connected and all meters hereafter to be placed in connec- tion with the City Waterworks System shall be set under the direction of the Building Official in some convenient place in the cellar, or (if there is no cellar) on the first floor of the building served, to be approved by the Building Official. In tapping City water mains, a stop box or cut-off shall in every case be set on the service pipe, the top of which shall be flush with the surface of the ground, and at the outer edge of the street sidewalk in front of the premises being served. Any person removing, des- troying or covering over any such stop box shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five hundred dol- lars ($500.00) for each offense, and the cost of restoration of the same. 8-10-3: SEWER AND WATER TAPS: In every case when any person desires to make any connection with any water or sewer main of the City, such connection shall be made in the following manner: (A) Water Taps: Tap Fees and Installation Procedure for Water Service: The property owner shall first make written application to the City for tappage and installation on forms provided by the City. Thereafter, the property owner desiring such connection shall cause all excavation and preparation for the same to be made at his sole expense and in accordance with applicable codes. The. City will make the actual tap and .install the corporation stop in accordance with the following fee schedule and charge the same to the owner. The owner shall supply all copper tubing for the service connection. The owner, shall, at his sole expense, cause all copper pipe, the curb stop and box, and remaining pipe to the build- ing to be installed at his sole expense and in accordance with applicable City Codes. If tappage involves excavation in a road right-of-way, such excavation shall be backfilled with granular fill and to the City's satisfaction. If a borring is necessary to cross paved streets, such borring shall be done at the owner's expense and to the City's satisfaction. The City will install the water meter as soon as construction permits. No water shall be used until the water meter is installed by the City, except as hereinafter provided. If any water is to be used prior to the instal- lation of the water meter, charges therefor shall be in accordance with Section 16 of this Chapter. Such fee shall be for a ninety (90) day period and, in all cases, shall be paid in advance of each such ninety (90) day period. In cases where the building site is already served by a water tap the tap fee shall be adjusted in accordance with the following fee schedule. In no case shall the work and installation of lines, tappage and other associated excavation be backfilled prior to the City's inspec- tion of and approval of such work and tappage. WATER TAP FEE SCHEDULE Pipe Size: 5/8" 1" 12" 2" 3" 4" 6" Corporation stop •• Curb stop ~• %'~ %', %'~ :: .• .• Curb stop box %'~ -• %'~ %', %', .. :: Water meter ~• -• %'~ %'~ %', .• .. Water meter box %` ~• %', %'~ •• •• :: City Labor $50 $60 $80 $100 $150 $200 $300 Inspection Fee $20 $20 $20 $ 30 $ 35 $ 40 $ 50 %°Actual cost of item plus 20% (B) Sewer Taps: Tap Fees and Installation Procedure for Sewer Service: Tap fees shall be charges each property owne r disiring sew er service in accordance with the following schedule. All fees shall be paid in advance. SEWER TAP FEE SCHEDULE 6" Sewer Tap ----- -- $150.00 8" Sewer Tap ----- -- $200.00 10" Sewer Tap ----- -- $300.00 12" Sewer Tap ----- -- $500.00 The foregoing tap fees are for areas where sewers were installed prior to separate protective covenants applied to subdibisions and developments. -2- ,. . ` The property owner shall first make written application to the City for tappage and installation on forms provided by the City. Thereafter, the property owner desiring such connection shall cause all excavation and preparation for the same to be made at his sole expense and in accordance with applicable codes. The property owner shall cause his plumber to make the actual tap, at the owner's sole expense, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. In making the tap, if a wye cannot be located at the point of the tap, then a saddle must be used. The saddle must first be approved by the City Engineer and then installed to his satisfaction. The owner shall, at his sole expense, cause all excavation and backfill to be done. If the tap is made in road right-of-way, such excavation shall be backfilled with a granular material and to the City's satisfac- tion. If a borring is necessary to cross paved streets, such borring, backfill and patching of pavement shall be done at the owner's sole expense and to the City's satisfaction. In no case shall the work and installation of lines, tappage, and other associated excavation be back- filled prior to the City's inspection and approval of such work and tappage. The City will assist in locating existing City owned sewers provided, how- ever, that the property owner requesting tappage and sewer service shall be solely responsible for the cost of such work and the physical comple- tion of such work. 8-10-4: METER INSTALLATION CHARGE: The cost of all meters installed for the first time shall be paid by the consumer in advance, who shall also pay the cost of installing the same. The cost of replacing all meters, which in the opinion of the proper officers of the City need replacement, shall be paid for by the City from funds of the Water and Sewer Departments, and the City shall pay for the cost of installing the same; provided, however, that if any meter is in need of replacement due to damage done the meter being replaced through the fault or negligence of the consumer, the cost of replacement shall be paid by the consumer. All meters before being set in must be tested and approved by the Building Official. No meter shall be removed for any purpose from any supply pipe by any person whatsoever, without obtaining a written permit from the Build- ing Official. Any when any meter is removed by such consent, it must be replaced within ten (10) days, and before being replaced it must be tested by the Building Official. 8-10-5: WATER AND SEWER 'QATES: (A) Definitions. Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meanings of terms used in this Chapter shall be as follows: -3- ,. ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1. "Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)" shall mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five (5) days at twenty degrees (20°) Centigrade, expressed in milligrams per liter. 2. "Superintendent" shall mean the Superintendent of wastewater facilities and/or wastewater treatment works of the City, or his authorized deputy, agent, or representative. 3. "Suspended Solids" shall mean total suspended matter that either floats on the surface of, or in in suspension in water, wastewater or other liquids and that is removable by laboratory filtering as prescribed in "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" and referred to as nonfilterable residue. (B) Water Rates. There shall be and there are hereby established rates or charges for the use of and for service supplied by the Waterworks System of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, based on the amount of water used, as shown by the water meters, as follows: (C) Water Rate Schedule. The minimum monthly charge for water services shall be Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50). In addition to such minimum charge, the following rates shall be charged for water actual- ly used: o,,,,,,,,,+ rT~o,~ For each 100 cubic feet of portion thereof Price per 100 cu. ft. $0.820 All water users outside the City limits shall pay two hundred percent (200%) of the foregoing rates, except as otherwise provided by the City Council. (D) Sewer Rates: There shall be and there are hereby established rates or charges for use of the sewer system of the City and for treatment of sewage by the City, based upon the amount of water used, as shown by the water meters as follows: (E) Service Charge: Each sewer user shall pay a service charge in the amount of Two Dollars ($2.00) per month. (F) Volume Charge: In addition to the service charge, each sewer user shall pay a volume charge of sixty-seven and five tenths cents ($0.675) per one hundred cubic feet, or portion thereof, based on volume of water used as shown by water meter. In the event of sewer users who do not purchase water from the City, the sewer volume charge shall be based on metered water use, metered sewer use or an estimate of water used as determined by the Superintendent. -4- ., ,~' (G) Extra Stength Surcharge. Service charges and volume charges as specified in subsections (E) and (F) above shall be considered to be payment for collection and treatment of all sewage of strengths up to concentrations of two hundred (200) milligrams per liter BOD and two hundred forty (240) milligrams per-liter suspended solids. An additional extra strength surcharge shall be charged in the event that a user discharges wastes of strengths in excess of two hundred (200) milligrams per liter BOD and two hundred forty (240) milligrams per liter suspended solids. The City will determine annually, costs per pound for treatment of excess concentrations of BOD and suspended solids for the purposes of assessing extra strength surcharges to those users who may be dis- charging such wastes. The unit costs, for this purpose, will be com- puted on the following basis: 1. The total annual cost of collection,:and treatment shall be deter- mined from information contained in the official audit prepared for the last preceding fiscal year. In determining the amount of audited expenses allocable to the operation of the Sewer Department, the fol- lowing items will be considered: (a) One-half (2) the total expense of the conbined Waterworks and Sewerage System for accounting and collection costs. (b) One-half (2) the total expense of the combined Waterworks and Sewerage System for general and administrative costs. (c) Total audited value for sewer expense, including all opera- tion and maintenance expense for the Sewerage System and for sewage treatment. (d) Sixty two percent (62%) of the past year's principal and interest cost on 1963 Waterworks and Sewerage Revenue Bonds so long as said bonds are outstanding. (e) Principal and interest cost on 1973 General Obligation Sewer Bonds for the past year so long as said bonds are outstanding, plus principal and interest costs of any additional General Obligation Bonds sold by the City to provide the local share of 1974-75 sewer and sewage treatment facilities. -5- In addition to the items listed above obtained from the official audit, an item of depreciation shall be included. This item shall be determined at twenty percent (20%) of a total annual depreciation amount (as approved by Region V, United States Environmental Protec- tion Agency) for the various items included in 1974-75 improvements to the sewage treatment facilities. 2. The annual average daily dry weather flow, BOD and suspended solids for untreated wastes received at the treatment plants, com- puted from treatment records by omitting values for days in which rainfall contributed to flow. Values for BOD and for suspended solids shall be computed on the basis of the total number of pounds received at the treatment plants. 3. From data obtained in subsections 1 and 2 above, the total annual cost per pound of BOD treated and per pound of suspended solids treat- ed shall be computed. In making these calculations, the total annual cost obtained as out- lined in subsection 1 shall be apportioned as follows: Forty percent (400) of total assigned to volume. Thirty percent (300) of total assigned to BOD. Thirty percent (300) of total assigned to suspended solids. 4. In calculating extra strength surcharges applicable to any parti- cular user, data shall be obtained pertaining to the volume of wastes discharged and to the BOD and suspended solids applicable to such wastes. Credit shall be given for BOD up to two hundred (200) milli- grams per liter and for suspended solids up to two hundred forty (240) milligrams per liter being included under the service charge and volume charge. For strengths in excess of two hundred (200) milligrams per liter BOD and two hundred forty (240) milligrams per liter suspend- ed solids, charges per pound shall be made in accordance with the results of calculations as outlined in subsection 3 for the billing period. Extra strength surchages determined for the preceding year shall be applied until a new determination is made of the unit costs for BOD and suspended solids and of volume and strength of wastes discharged by a user. -6- ~,/ In the event that a change in sewage volume or strength~is considered to have taken place, the City will have the right to obtain updated information on volume and strengths of a user's discharge and to make adjustments in the number of pounds applicable for surcharge. Should a user desire to have extra strength surcharges adjusted, arrangements may be worked out with the Superintendent for additional sampling analyses and surcharge computations, with the user paying for the cost of such additional measurement, analysis and calculations as determined by the Superintendent. For any particular user, the Superintendent may determine that extra strength surcharges will not be assessed if he determines that the cost of measurement, analyses and calculation will be in excess of the amounts that would be received by the City as income from extra strength surcharges. (H) Outside City Limits. Charges for sewer service outside City limits shall be two hundred percent (2000) of the rates inside City limits. (I) Annual Review. Following each annual audit of the fiscal years ending April 30, the City will review (on the basis of the past year's audit and volumes and strengths of wastes treated) the sewer rates including service charges, volume charges and extra strength surcharge. Revisions will be made, if appropriate, to take effect as soon as practicable. 8-10-6: PAYMENT OF BILLS: Said rates or charges for the service shall be billable bi-monthly and payable by the tenth day of the month following the month of billing. Subject to Section 14 of this Chapter, the owner of the premises, the occupant thereof or the user of the service shall be liable to pay for the service to such premises and the service furnished to the premises by the City upon the condition that the owner of the premises, occupant of the premises or user of the service is liable therefor to the City. All bills for service may be paid at any Canton bank. All bills for service shall be mailed bi-monthly no later than the last day of the billing month and shall be payable not later than the close of business on the tenth day thereafter following. If payment of the full amount of the bill is made after said tenth day, a penalty of ten percent (100) of the amount of the bill shall be added to the outstanding balance. 8-10-7: DEPOSIT REQUIRED: No water shall be turned on for use on or in any premises until an application therefor in writing has been made for that purpose and filed with the cashier of the City Water Department, stating the purpose for which the water is to be used. If -7- the applicant is not the owner in fee simple of the recorded title to the property where the applicant desires the water to be turned on, he shall deposit with his application the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) before any water is turned on. Such deposit shall be held by the City as security for the payment of water used by the applicant and may be so applied when any default is made in payment of a water bill. Any persons who shall occupy business property as a tenant and shall consume water furnished by the City, shall, before entering said property, make a deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) with the cashier of the City Water Department. This deposit shall be kept in a separate fund and shall be returned to said person when said premises are vacated by said person, provided there is no money due the City for water, in which case the amount owing the City shall first be deducted and the balance remain- ing returned to the person making said deposit. 8-10-8: DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE: If the rates or charges for such services are not paid by the twenty-fifth day of the month following the month of mailing of the bill for such services, such service shall be immediately discontinued without further notice and shall not be reinstated until all past due bills, including the penalties thereon, are paid in full. If the rates or charges for such services are not paid by the twenty-fifth day of the month after the mailing of the bill, there shall be an additional charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) for disconnecting said service, regard- less of whether or not the City is physically able to disconnect such service. 8-10-9: CASHIER TO FILE LIEN: If any bill, including penalties and interest thereon, is not paid in full within fourteen (14) days following the twenty-fifth day after the month of mailing of the bill, the Cashier shall cause a Notice of Lien to be filed with the Recorder of Deeds of Fulton County, Illinois and against the premises which received such service, all as provided by Illinois law. The Notice of Lien shall be filed no later than the end of the month following the twenty-fifth day after the last day of the billing month. Such lien shall not be removed until all past due bills, penalties and interest thereon, and all actual costs of filing and removing such lien claim are first paid in advance. 8-10-10: CASHIER TO RENDER BILLS: It is hereby made the duty of the cashier of the City, or qualified personnel appointed by the Mayor and Council, to render bills for service and for all rates and charges in connection therewith and to collect all moneys due thereon. -8- 8-10-11: FUNDS KEPT SEPARATE: All revenues and moneys derived from the operation of the combined Waterworks and Sewerage System shall be held by the Clerk or qualified personnel appointed by the Mayor and Council, to render bills for service and for all rates and charges in connection therewith and to collect all moneys due thereon, seperate and apart from his private funds and separate and apart from all other funds of the City and all of said sum, without any deducting whatever, shall be delivered to the City Treasurer not more than ten (10) days after receipt of the same, or at such more frequent intervals as may from time to time be directed by the Mayor and Council. 8-10-12: WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE FUND: The City Treasurer shall receive all such revenues from the combined Waterworks and Sewerage System and all other funds and moneys incident to the operation of such system as the same may be delivered to him and deposit the same in a separate fund designated as the "Waterworks and Sewerage Fund of the City" and said Treasurer shall administer such Fund in every respect in the manner provided by the provisions of the Illinois Municipal Code, effective July 1, 1961, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, and as provided in the ordinance adopted on October 15, 1963, and authorizing the issuance of one million eight hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($1,825,000.00) Waterworks and Sewerage Revenue Bonds, Serier of 1963 of the City. 8-10-13: DUTY OF CITY TREASURER: The City Treasurer shall establish a proper system of accounts and shall keep proper books, records and accounts in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relative to the combined Waterworks and Sewerage System, and at regular annual intervals he shall cause to be made an audit by an independent auditing concern of the books to show the receipts and disburse- ments of the combined Waterworks and Sewerage System. 8-10-14: COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS: A copy of this Chapter, properly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Fulton County, Illinois, and shall be deemed notice to all owners of real estate of their liability for service supplied to any user of the service of the combined Waterworks and Sewerage System of the City on their properties. -9- 8-10-15: BUILDING PERMITS REQUIRED: No sewer or water service from the City shall be extended to, for or on behalf of any person or facility within the corporate limits of the City unless and until a building permit has first been procured therefor as required by the appli- cable provisions of this Code therefor providing. No sewer or water service from the City shall be extended to, for or on behalf of any person or facility outside the corporate limits of the City unless and until a building permit has first been procured therefore as required by the applicable provisions of this Code therefore providing in like instances within the corporate limits of the City. 8-10-16: BUILDERS USING WATER: Whenever builders, brick masons, plasterers or contractors use the water of the City in and about their work, the same shall be metered and be charged for at the regular rate. During the winter, whenever builders, brick masons, plasterers or contrac- tors use the water of the City, they shall pay twenty five dollars ($25.00) for residential construction and one hundred dollars ($100.00) for commercial construction. 8-10-17: ACCESS TO PREMISES FOR INSPECTION. All officers and employees connected with the City Waterworks, the Building Official or any person by him authorized, and the Public Works, Water and Sewer Commit- tee, or any member thereof, shall have free access at all reasonable hours to the premises where water is used, to make necessary examinations and inspections. 8-10-18: APPLICATIONS, HOW MADE: Applications for water or sewer con- nections must be made in writing to the Water and Sewer Depart- ment upon forms provided by the City. All applications shall contain the legal description and common address of the property to which service is requested to be made and shall be signed by the owner of such property, or, by the owner's authorized agent, with satisfactory proof of such agency required. In such application, the owner of the real property, or, his authorized agent, must agree to be governed by the provisions of this Code in force at the time of the application, and as the same may there- after be amended. The making of such written application shall be prima facie proof of the owner's agreement to be so governed and shall be con- clusive proof of such agreement in a court of law. -10- .~ 8-10-19: SUPPLY PIPES: Hydrants, plugs, stop boxes, service pipes, stop cocks and all attachments and fixtures connected there- with shall be kept in good repair and condition by the owner or occupant of the premises upon which they are situated, at their own expense. And it is expressly provided that no claim shall be made or allowed against the City or any of its officers or employees on account of breaking of said water apparatus, or on account of the stoppage of the supply of water by reason of accident to the plumbing machinery or mains, or for the necessary alteration of the same. The Building Official shall have free access at all times upon the premises of the consumer for the purposes of reading the meter; or he or they may remove a meter at any time for repair or for testing its accuracy, and when any meter shall be found to be incorrect in measurement and unfit for further use, such meter shall be replaced at once by one that is approved by the Building Official at the expense of the owner thereof. Whenever a leak develops in the water system on the property of any person, the Building Official shall immediately give notice in writing of the leak to the person owning the property or the person occupying the same. Then unless the said owner or occupant repairs said leak within twenty four (24) hours after receiving said notice, the City shall have the right to turn off said water if such can be done. In the event the water cannot be turned off and said leak is not repaired within twenty four (24) hours after receiving said notice, the City shall have the right to go upon the property and make said repairs and to charge the cost of the same to the owner of said property, which said cost shall be added to the water bill of said owner and shall be collectable in the same manner as the bill for water consumption. 8-10-20: FAILURE OF METER: If a meter at any time fails to register the quantity of water consumed, the quantity shall be deter- mined and charge made, as the Building Official shall determine, or the Public Works, Water and Sewer Committee may direct. No deductions shall be made from the bills on account of leakage. 8-10-21: BUILDING OFFICIAL TO REPAIR: All meters now in use and connect- ed, and all those hereafter to be placed in connection with the City Waterworks System, are hereby declared to be fixtures, and shall be set and kept in good repair at the expense of the consumer and any meter found in need of repair shall be removed by the meter reader and repaired by him at the cost of the consumer for actual cost of repairs and labor. -11- Whenever it becomes necessary to repair the service pipe between the City main and any meter on account of leakage, or for other cause, such repair shall be done under the supervision of the Building Official who shall be notified of the same, and such pipe shall be replaced with lead, brass or copper pipes only, in accordance with the provisions of this Code which cost shall be borne by the consumer. 8-10-22: PUTTING DOWN, REPAIRING PIPES: In putting down and repairing pipes, the streets or alleys shall be open in the manner which will occasion the least inconvenience to the public and admit of the unin- terrupted passage of water along the gutter of the street. No excavation in the street or other public place shall be left open over night, except by permission of the Superintendent of Streets, and every precaution shall be taken to insure public safety. The street and pavement shall be restored to as good condition as it was in previous to making the excavation, and all dirt and rubbish shall be immediately removed after completion of the work, under the direction and approval of the Superintendent of Streets. 8-10-23: WATER USE PERMIT: Any person who shall use water from any hydrant, stop cock or other fixture, without first having ob- tained a permit from the Building Official; or any person or persons having discontinued or been shut off from the use of water from the City Waterworks System who shall again commence the use of such water without again having obtained a permit for so doing, or any person who shall turn on the supply of City without permission of the Building Official, or any person who shall use water from the City Waterworks System without consent of the proper authorities, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each and every offense. 8-10-24: TAP WATER MAINS: (A) City Shall Tap Water Mains Before Streets are Paved: In all paving districts, special service areas, or special assessment districts re- quired to be paved where water mains are laid, the City shall, as soon as practicable, tap said water mains in front of each building or lot with afive-eighths. inch (5/8") tap, and from such tap lay a connection with a three-quarter inch (3/4") copper tubing, or red brass pipe towards such building or lot within the curb line at which place there will be placed a stop box; the said pipe shall be laid as near as pract- icable of the same depth as the water main which it connects, and all the dirt taken from the ditches made to make such taps, and lay such pipes shall be tamped back to fit condition for paving, and shall be done as expeditiously as possible and so as to proceed in advance of the paving contractors. -12- ~, ,. • , (B) Owners May Have Extra Taps Put In: The owners of buildings or lots fronting upon any street required to be paved, where water mains are laid, may have extra taps put in and extra large pipe used by first paying the extra expense caused by such extra taps and pipe, which cost shall be computed by the Building Official or meter reader. (C) Cost of Tapping, Permit: The owners of buildings or lots fronting upon any street where taps are required to be made before paving such street as provided above, shall pay the actual cost of the same, with ten percent (10%) annual interest added until such connection is made, which said sum shall be paid to the cashier of the Water Department before a permit shall be issued to connect and use water from said taps, and when said sum is paid the cashier of the Water Department shall issue a permit upon such person complying with the provisions of this Code. (D) Building Official Shall Keep Record of Taps: It shall be the duty of the Building Official to keep a correct record of all taps made pur- suant to the provisions of subsections (A) and (B) of this Section in a book to be provided for that purpose, showing the location of the tap, descriF>tion of the property for building and the date of making said tap, and it shall be his duty, before issuing permits to persons to connect with such taps to ascertain the amount due and collect the same as herein required. (E) Work Shall be Done Under the Supervision of the Building Official: All taps and connections shall be put in under the direction and supervision of the Building Official, who shall see that the work is properly done and that all material is of suitable quality for which the same is used. (F) Separate Tap for Each Comsumer: Every persons shall have and maintain a separate and independent tap or connection with the City water main for each building or premises for which water is furnished, and no person shall hereafter be permitted to connect .his service pipe with the service pipe of any other consumer, and no such taps or connections heretofore made shall be repaired or extended, but whenever the same shall become in need of repairs, or any extension shall be made, such service pipe shall be connected directly with the City main, in accord- ance with the provisions of this subsection. -13- ~ • ~ ~ '~ 8-10-25: FLUORIDE IN WATER SUPPLY: Upon receiving the approval of the State Department of Public Health, and until further direction of the Council, the Water Department of the City is hereby authorized and directed to provide the means and to proceed with the addi- tion of approximately one and not more than one and two-tenths (1.2) parts of fluoride to every million parts of water distributed in the Water Supply System of the City. 8-10-26: PENALTY: Any person who shall violate any of the provisions or requirements of this Chapter, or shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply therewith, shall have the water turned off from his pre- mises, and shall, where no penalty is expressly provided, be subject to a fine of not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense." 3. Within ten (10) days after its passage by the City Council and approval of the Mayor, this Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form and become effective as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois this 17th day of March , 1982, and upon a roll call vote as follows: AYES: Alderman Carl, Grant, Sarff, Savil and Hammond NAYS: Alderman Horr ABSENT: Alderman Kovachevich and Clarke APPROVED: ~~, .~ ~~~ -~~ Donal E. Edwards, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy it es, City Clerk -14- -~ ', . ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF CANTON ORDI~ia~~CE ~?0. 923 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAi~?TON THIS 17th DAY OF March 1982. Published in pamphlet form by authority of the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, this 18th day of March , 19 82 . STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) SS. COUI~?TY OF FULTON. ) I, the undersigned, certify that I am the duly elected and acting City Clerk of the City o= Caton, Fulton County, Illinois. I further certify t'na~ ~ March 17 19' g2~ the Corporate Authorities of the aforesaid L:~nicipalty passed and approved the afore- said Ordinance No. 923 entitled "An Ordinance Amending Title 8, Chapter 10 of. the Canton Munici al Code by Repealing Title 8, Chapter 10 of the City Code and by Adopting Title 8, Chapter 10 of the City Code as Hereinafter Set Forth", w'r:ich provided by its te_-s t>~?t it should be published in par.:p:zl~~ fo_m. The pamphlet form of th` afo=esaid Ordinance No. 923 including the Ordinance and a cover s~:eet thereof was prepared, and a cony of such Ordinance was posted in the City Building, 210 E. Chestnut Street, Carton, Illinois, commencing on March 18 19 82 and continuing for at least ten (10) days t~zr~~fter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inso_ection upon request in the Office of the City Clerk. DATED at Canton, Illinois this 29th day of March lg 82 ~• , ~J Cit Clerk. (S F.AL) .+~" ' C E R T~I F I C A T E STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON. ) I, Nancy ~Jhites, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances and other boo::<s, ' records and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: Ordinance Number 923, entitledz "An Ordinance Amending Title 8, Chapter 10 of the Canton Municipal Code by Repealing Title 8, Ch'~tpter 10 of the City Code and by Adopting Title 8, Chapter 10 of the City Code as Hereinafter Set Forth", adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 17th day of March 2g 8 4fITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Canton, Illinois this 29th day of March Ig 82 - - __ _ _ - - - _. - ~ - - - - r _ Na cy t•!hi t ,City Clerk . ~~~~~_w~ .4 7rtlf,,+ /. v ~~^ tS ~' A~~~t `Q'~ ~ '~ ©x'21 J~J r cJ'~'+~'~ 3•~ ~. .• `.r\``. r ,r .`,`, v~.~~~~~93~ rt MARJORIE EASLEY ~ FULTON COUNTY CLERK RECORDER - P. O. BOX 226 LEWISTOWN, ILLINOIS 61542 PHO E: 309/547-3041 Received of: Name: $ f. ~~~ Addres ~~ Date ~~31J~ 19 C~ o~J Check ~` Cash ~ M.O.~ ~ Marriage Certificate ~ Warranty Deed ~ Birth Certificate ~ Mortgage ~ Death Certificate ~ Mortgage Release ~ Marriage License D Financing Statement D Liquor License Fee D Rev. Stamps q($ ) ~ Assumed Name Fee D ~~ •# 103 [~ Tax Redemption ~ ~ Copies ~ N o. 6 8 91 .Recd byL ~ l ~ ~ • ,