HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1049F r r • f r ORDINANCE NO. 1049 AN ORDINANCE AME[VDING ORDINANCE N[J~'IBER 1043; ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING ACQUISITION BY CONDENR~TATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY". WHEREAS, the Canton City Council has previously passed and the Mayor of the City of Canton has previously approved Ordinance.Number 1043; entitled: "An Ordinance Directing Acquisition By Condemnation of Certain Real Property", on or about Dec- ember 27, 1984; and, WHEREAS, said Ordinance directed the acquisition by condemnation of certain real property therein more fully set forth; and, WHEREAS, several necessary acquisitions of real property were inadvertantly omitted from said ordinance; and, WHEREAS, it is now necessary and in the best interest of the City of Canton that Ordinance Number 1043~now be amended to include those parcels of real property omitted from the aforesaid ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows: 1. That the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be fact and are at this place restated and reaffirmed by reference. 2. That the City of Canton by its City Attorney acquire that interest set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto attached to each piece or parcel of property herein set forth by powers of condemnation and eminent domain. That the City of Canton by its City Attorney acquire that interest in fee simple set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto attached to each piece or parcel of property herein set forth by powers of condemnation and _. _.. __ c1 the aforesaid City Attorney is hereby authorized, empowered eminent domain. An.. and instructed to institute proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to acquire said interest in and to the property set forth in Exhibit "A" in accordance with the eminent domain laws of the State of Illinois. 3. That Ordinance Number 1043 passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois and the Mayor thereof on or about December 27, 1984, be, and the same hereby is, amended to include those parcels or real property set forth in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" hereto attached. 4. That this ordinance shall be full force and effect ir~unediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSID by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, this 15th da of T rn , 1985, upon a roll call vote as follows: Y , AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, H~arand, Savi11, Surff, Workman, Caul, May, Horn. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. APPROVED• BY : ~ ~~ .i ~ ~' rponald E. Edwards, Mayor ATTEST : ~ • , BY: ~fA~,L, Whi ,City Clerk . ~ FXHTRTT A q, 'i'i~t~C:'P_ 17 Project #2 Affected Tract: Parr of_ tl~ce Nort h~~~~st nczar_tcrr of. `'~~~~:1.ic,n 't:'h.i.r~ly-Live, Township Seven North, Range Four East of -the rotzri=h Pr_~n~iY~al I~;crr~i~3i~~n in the City of Caili:on, County of Fulton, State of_ I1 1 i rx~is, clc~scr~il~ ~d as follows: Ill that Ln~ri:inn of the 7.-~.nd 1_yir~g ;'~»-~~h of tai<~ 'I'h£~W Ra.i lr_oad s: ~rht of ~ti~ay, i nr,l nd_ing harts of I~~i~s 1 t), 1.1 ~uzd 12 ~i_ii }31cx ~k 1 in J.C. b`ur_l~hy's A~ ~d i i -i on to Cent:on, alid lying wi_ti ~:in a t r:~_ict ~~f land descrilx,d as fc~l l<~~;.v~3, to ~•~it: Cc~~rurti~c~cicig at 1-_hc ~?<~r_t l~~rrist cor- ner of the N<~rt h~~Yest nuarh~r of Sccl~i.on 35, T<~~~;u~~hip 7 North, ]'~~nc:(e 4 }?~~~St of the Fourt:_h . r~~~~~ci_p~31 ~•1c'Y'ld-~in, r i,nni_ug tl.c~tl~'+' Gh,r;t -?0 tcxls, t:hence ,`~C~~Lllh `J6 "I:otJS, ~ l u'i~CC FdSt .~Q 1:cx1S, t-~1l't1~'C Tv(~f (h ~~(~ rr x1:3 lO t 11C? place of }x-~g i r,n:i_ng; nT~SO a p,:~r_ t of LiiF~ r~~<~r. i:ht ~~ ~s,t ;:~~ ' + r: t~~r ref- ;'~ ~< ~ 1 -i ~m 35 Tod;-~?:311i_p 7 NO:~ th, R:luc~e 4 '' -ist o f t.hc>_ ~'c:,~_~ r. I:h L'Y: i ~ cc ~ i pry l P~~; r i rt i.(~IU clc~;;-- cr_:il:~~d ~_rs follo;as: I'~_<t,inning at a l~~i.iit 56 ~ ~~<_l~; ;'c:~tci-h ~iu~1 X10 rrxls tdcst of the Nc~r_thc~~~ ;i: cc~~:~x~r of ;',<3 id r,n ~ t::.'r ~~~~,~_a:.<;n, _~-l:n~n ing i l., once ^1~~r:l:h to the r_'~~~rlit of ~~, iy cif tllc~ `i~~'t:.~1~7 !~_~3i1~~r,s~~; ih~,n~_~~> ~;:~:~i: ,j1~mg said r alit of way 3 i~O~~l:_3, lr~~rc_ or 1 ~- , ~~'~, t- o i hc~ i?~~-:~s t 1 i ne of I~~t 4 ~ n L~ar._l_ow & t~cl~;~,l.er's Ac~d_i_~t-on; 1_hc,•nce ;-'ouch alc~~~g the i?~-cst li_iie of ~:~.aid I~~~t 4 to th~'_ Sc~~rth linc~ of Cr~r~nt Pl_~~r,e; i.L~~~u~c~ T?_;.st 8 r:cxls, ~K7r_e or less, to tl» place of= 1:~: pct i.nni_,i~7, A Yk~.rt of t:he Noi: th~~~~~:~t quarter of :~c~t-ion 35, '~'~:~,•.n:~hip 7 Nori_h, Ranee 4 Fast of the 4th Princi_tk~l ;~k~r~~lian, ~)~~ ,cr-il~d as follows: Bcg~l~u~ng at a st.:ike st~31~d i ng :i n t .he East ] .i ne crf r` r i.cl !~u~ 3 rtE~r. meet:i can, 80 reds South of tlx~ N<~r_ Lhcn:~t c~orner_ ; r: unr~ ng t i ~~~~ncc ~'~ Est 43 rods; thc~u~ ~e North 24 rods; thc:~llc•e East 48 ra)s; i:h~_~?~c.e `>c~uth 24 r:cxls to l~he place of k~g.i7rning, contt3~n:i_n<~ 7 ac.r_es, ir,c~re or_ 1~~=s; ~~nd, 1~ part of the Northwest Qu~~.rt.er of Sec. lion 35, To:,msh i_p 7 h~orth, Range 4 East of the 4th P.M. , c?escrilx,d as follows: I3e~~ nn,~g gat ~:n i_r_on pin 80 r~x.ls ;oath of lho T~1or_lYic~ ist c~ori~c~r of_ :~a~~l i~lor:f~h;,;~;st Quar_tc~r of :'~.~r:i-i<m 35; runny ng t-hen~~~e t4~~~~t. 787 fret to th~> >~~ist; line ~~f ;'~o~ zi 11 ~ lh 11vr~rn_le, :n7nn ng t11C~1iCe .>~~,i_~I.h ;long t?,zst J i__:e ul. ,_,~id ,..-~"~.Lle, 3`_~ (•(:~~~: ~~K~)t_o or lass to t:he North lino of Oak Slrec~t; 11,E=r«-,e r„~:st al-or1<~ Lhe N~~rth 1.~ne of Oak Street 787 feat to an iron piY:~~; thr~r~cE~ N~~r~th t:.o i11e point of Yx~gis~n i ng. Pern~~~nc~nt J-~3.~,er~~:~nt: 'i'he So~_lt.h 7 fcc>t of tY~e t,~ast 476.3 fr:et of the ._ ~~I~f~,c,ted Tract, anca also, a strip of 1<;ud 7 ~ 1~_c~:~t on c~i.t3lc~r side of a lis~e deacr.ilx~d as follc~,~:~: Pc_<~inninu on I_he T~~~-~rih 1 ine of Oak Si_:reet 483.8 fc~c~t ~; ~~_~t: of a piYx~ a.t t:he Scut:hc~<:~>t c:ornc~r of the A('fE-cted `=bract; 1 hc_,t ~c,e Nortl~r 0°27' 14" F. , 563.6 ic~et. ~r ~ ~_' ~- ~ ' ~ i:o he 50 T~ ~<<x~rar I ~:~~,~ ~-zit-;~ Lilc tc_~l~x~rar_-y ~o„~;t:r:u~.~-~<~n c~a_~c-nx..lit i.~ _ ~ -- _ -Y_ _ __ -- fc~et ~n ~~ri_dth, "?.5 fcr:~t on c>italc>_r~ :~idc~ c~F the 7..ne d.c~.c7-.il~~d ~:~ixwo in -the Perr~_~nent Easen~nt, excepting ghat a to~lg -the Nor i-h >ide of_ Oak Street, the temporary construction c,aa~~~r~~rl~t ss'nall lx~ described as the So~.li.h 50 feet of the East 509 fc_et of that ~r_~rt of t.1Ze Nor_th~~~est n, ~~i ~- t ~ ~.r <~f_ ;=>ection 35 ttih i c;h l ~ cis rlc~t-th of O~~ik SL-r~ ~c.>t . Page 1, Exhibit , Ordinanc No. ~c~f9 Owners of Record : George }? . 1;01 l _ng 931 1?.ist n~3k Street C~~nl-on, [11 irIt~i_s Ot]u>r Parties In Intei_cai_: Cc~orge P. I3oll:ing as purt;has~er o.f_ the 1983 <~~ a ~cral. taxes .~~t T~tx Sa]_e ?';t~~Cu~er 144 held October 22, 1984; C~~~rgr P. }3c~ll ing ~~Zd 1 r_ed L. D.i.ck as purchas~:rs of the 19f33 ~~<<nc~ral t~hc~ at T~3x S.~1.e N>r,mhe_r. 1.45 held C~tc'x'r_ 22, 1984; Gcc~rge P. 13o].ling ris ~,,_lr- c11-1:3c~r t~f the 1982 gun~~ral t;,.~,,~~ at Tax Sale Ntnnhe~r. l_G2 held (~.Le~~lx~r 17, 1983; 7~ntlrc,~,,i.~ 1'tal-ni tune C't ~..~~a,ny L~l.lr; ar~nt to a r"~ ~~~.~~~r~.~ndrnn o.f: ,7ti~lg- rr~,~rrt: filed T'I~+.y 2.4, ]_982 in ~~olunx~ 905 of rca»:~cl~; at t,,:~~~c~ G9 as ~C, i:~l:.~:u- nx~tlt °'uir~xx 82~-1"1279; Sut.Lon & I•~i~x~re, Tnc. htlr:_a~,.3rtt L.o ~~ ricnK~r.~~1c~t~(t of_ Juti~~;rw~xZt fi_lt~d July ?.3, 1.984 ..in Voltnix~ 957 of rc,ct~r:ds .:it p~.Ige 245 ~3s :Iii:~t_7~~ri~~nt ?~'~_~~r?~x~r_ 84-771;4; ~[I~~r~~.:y 'I'. C~~Y ~tzId Ctrine Cox as ~~~~ni ~,.~~;L _ ~ , . -. r?ttr <_`i~ :_:~~~CS of : t~'~tC' t~iC al7_ t->1: 111' ~tJx~~.n'_ t~l_'ti<:J-a}x~d I\) ~~:'c,l ~ rd Lr_,.~t.t. Pt'~ojet:t #2 t,,i:~c~,~~.~nt ~ 24 I~Eft_t~tr_-cl Tract: P~tr_~1~ of- I_i.~e ~ ~;~ Ih~;c,,~~. '.~u<_ertcr_ of_ Srct-_iun `r'lrt_ri_y-~i!.~.~e, - --. _ - `I'oCtinSll]p iC'VC:n N~)Y_~"}1, f~~ltl~~t3 L'~_>Llr ?a;;t Of ~_hL 1''uUt.l~l 1't"]'llC]_pal i~ieY'1~1~ai' ;n the City of Carlton, ('t~a_nlty of I'u_1toIZ r_IIId Si.r:~te cif 7al~~noi_s, cli.st,ri-~ h~~d as follows: 711 1 h.~at; I»,rLion of the land Lying Sout11 of i_he '1'I_'<<~t9 i~~~i_lrt~ad right of_ ~-r~~y, :i>>~:1~<<~i.t~~4 ~~,~r_~ts <~f_ Its 10, 1.1 and ]_2. ~_n 131~x~k 1 in J.C. Murl~hy's h~;t1i_t-it~n its C~;ili,on, ~~nd, l.y~ilg wi.ih_in a tr_~3ct t~f al~d clc~scr ik.~rd pis Lol l_r~,-~:;, ia~ ~,~iL: Co~t~ ~icncil~g at i ~he Nt,rtl~east c,~t~r-- ner of tl~e Nor_il..~~~t>t I~u~7_Lr~r t~f Sect.ion 35, `1'c~,.~n:;hi_p 7 Nt~r_th, R<tnge 4 )?,:~t of the 1'ouL th Pr i_r~~ ~ i teal i~St.~r_ idi_an, r_unn_ng i ht~nce Guest 40 rcw~~s, i hence South 56 ~ t~3s, ~ ht' ~,~~ '?. ~_r~t 40 ~_~a4s, thence North 56 r<x3s to Lhe pl<<ce of 1~:.~~~~ inn i ng; ?~~ `;O ~~ ~,--~r_'t of the '"vt~r't1t~;~~~st Quarter cif ,;c~c- t.i~~n 35, Tcw;tt:>hi.p 7 N~>r_il,, R-~Iige 4 },ast e~f the F~~urth Principal P~ier~- 1(~l~in Ca(,~;~:t~_tl:'<l ~U3 f~~l1r,,,~:i: i'~~, ~~,nn:~ng at a t~~~ir1t `~G T0;15 ;~lnzt.h ~~nd 40 rtes PJt~st of Lhe ~~7t~r: il;, ~ ~~~t. ~.~ ~~~n~>r <~f r~~~it~ c jn~tt_'L ~-r r;t ~t,{,i can, 7:~ut1u i ~Z~~ thence Nor: t}I tt~ the r-i~~llt t,f ~~day of t:.he '1.7'z:VJ Rai l t~t~~~d; t.he~I~~e G'~t~st ~t]_ol~g said ri«}~tt ~~f ~:a_iy 8 ~~rx? ;, ~~~~.~~re or_ 1c r;s, to the bast lieu' of hot 4 1_n i~ar1.OW & G4'l'l~:.itt'.Y. ~ :i T~~~ ~ i i i i ~tl j I hiliCE'_ .~oU{::h ale>,lg the l'ct:;t 1 1 n1? (1t ::~t id I,t~t 4 to the Svut.h 1 ~~,~ t~L C`t_ant 1'1.~c~~~~ ihr itco t?a:~t 8 t_tx1s, Iir.~>~e ear lt~r~.5 to the pl,~e_e of l,:_~~i ~~~~t i ng. 11 part of the Nord~~~r~st ~>>~~, ~_~'r. of: ;'t~cl-.ion 35, '_Po~;%n:;lli_p 7 Nor_ih, ~?~.ur~t 4 Exist cif the 4th Pi:_i_nci~,~31 ~'.~r~~3i~~u, t?t_:,cr.ibt~d as follows: ncxjiituiu< at a sl<~ke :~tr:,ndng in i:lle I'.~;>i: l~l;e of_ :,aid Quarter Seci~ion, 80 r_~a3s South of the Nar_ l._ht_~.~r;t t,<~~ ~,~ ~t~; runni ug t h~.nuc~ G~~est 48 :rods; ~1.1~t~nce Ni~rth 24 rtx15; thenr~e 1,',~~;t ?8 ~_t.~~?f;; i__hc~~I~t.e South 24 rods to the pLzt,e of lx~g.irtr~ng, cant<_Ii~~~it~g 7 ~:,t~ir~_<3, r~.K,rt~ ur less; and, A part of i11e Northwest Quztr_ter of `1E~~c(~~_t,n 35, T<~~~;i~shi_p 7 North, Range 4 East, of six 4t:h P.i~4., dcscr.ibed as Col1~:-.~,:~~: Pt_g~inning at an iron pill 80 1_t~ls `'~~ut of the i~7or_ L-hea:~t Borne r of ~ ~. ~ i,1 N~ ~~ thwcst QuaL~t-er of Sec: L i <~n 3>; ~e~ to- ning i.]leA~,ce G~:est 787 fc~et_ i_o i_lIe 1,~_ist line of_ South 9th 11vt~rnlt~, _r~un- I11IIg f~l;C°I1Ct' ;;~~llth along ]?.3:,1~ ~ Itit3 O~ SJ1C~ Z~Vt`i~L1E', 3~ ~E'et IIdJI't~ t~l' ]_(" .. Page 2, Exhibit ; Ordinance No . lo•f9 ~. t.o the North ]_i_ne of Oak St,rec~t; iht>nce Nest ~~11ong t]Ze North ] i_n(~ of Oak Sfrcet 787 feet t_o an .l:~on pi_hc~; thence No1:th to the }x~i_nt of heginn_inq. Pere~~mc~nt i?a:~~~ment: A strip of_ )_<~nd 10 feet on culler :ride oi_ a line descY~bE~d as follows: 13egii7ning on t)7e Nest line of the N<>rt1~~~-:rst (~.rarter of Section 35; thence South 0°43' 38" Ul. , 7.46.2 feet from a stone at the Nor.-thc<_ist corner. of_ sai_d T~tort]~~~:~:~:>L- C?uart-~r; t}~r,nce S. 5?_°7_4'25" W., 1'70.82 feet; i1u~~1~C:r~ Sr>uth 38°~}Z'17' 3~:., 399.8 ~~~_t; thence S. 50°47' W., 154.27 feed; thence N. 60°lt3' W., 30 fc:~~~t, more or less, to the sou1lr(>~~l.y x:i~~}rt of ~•:ay line of the `1'P&W Ra.ilr(k~d. Tengxxe~~:rry ]~~rsc~uc~It: 't'he t ~>,i~~_~~r,_zr_y (~(~nstla~ct.ic~n e.,<.~:~r~~~it i_: I ~~ ].~e }x-~un~7r.~~} by t11e r ~_ i_]_r (~~d r. i~~ht of ~,,:.~y nor~thw~-~att ~~.]_y of :>-~ i.d ~~~~<<~~~r, ,1nd by a ] :i nc para).] el ~,-~il~h ~_~rlr] 45 i ~ ~~:~i~ ao~li hF:~;.:;i_cr~l.y t.~i~e,n r~a,~~~_~t r(~ at r is~l.rt ~3ng]_es frc~~r ~)le ~ ~cr1L(~t t ii7c oi_ the ~~'wV(~ ~l, ~s~ ~l-;hed Pc~i~ntian~nt I?a..ruu~nt. O.~.~i~ers of Re(;,or-d: (':~~~r.~~~~ P. 1?ol_1_i ng Ut1-her P~~rtic~s In :Int~c>~:est: C~~orge P. }3olling as prn:ch~~s~'r_ of the 1983 ycir(>ral t<~~es at `.Pax Sale Num}x~r_ 144 held Oc~~i.ober 2?_, 1.934; George P. F3olt:irig and Fred L. Dick as pur-r,l~rr:>~.rs of the 1983 gen(>ral t:~xes at `rax Sale I~Iun~'~er 145 he1_d Octc~~er?.?,, 1984; George P. Eollis~g as pur- ch,z.-~c~r_ of L-1ze 1982 general i_•,-(~s r11, T~~x Sal( Nt~,nuer 162 held C~t~~h(~r 17, 1`383; Ilndrews F'u~rn_turf~ C~>.r~%:~~iy ~i_,r~~l.r~~.nt to a Mea~ix~randl.lin of Judg- n~ent filed 1.1ay 24, 1982 in V~~lunie 905 of r(~ords at page G9 as Irlstr_u- rnent Nl;h~lxr 82--17279; Suf~ton & ni(~~re, Inc. pr.lr5~_iant to a P~7emoranc3um of Jud~,nx~nt f_i.led Ju]_y 23, :1934 i_n Voluil>L 957 or records at page 245 as Iristrunx'nt Nu_~}per 84--~77~34; I?(~nry 'P. Cox ~~nd ~'or_~i.no Cox as coTltract ptlrchcl:~C_'rS Of :~oltii? Ur all oi= t}le ,:l~<JV~? c~('3C:r-1})(JY:] ~~j:jt'/;(:ed `I'I"i~(t. Page 3, Exhibit A, Ordinance No . IO~~y F. XT~TRTT R Acquisition of fee simple title by condemnation and eminent domain or otherwise to the following described parcel of real property: Commencing at the NE corner of the intersection of South Ninth Avenue and East Oak Street; thence Northerly along the East R.O.W. line of said Ninth Avenue, a distance of 433.37 feet to a point; thence N. 89°12'00" E., a distance of 219.15 feet to the point; thence Northerly a distance of 90.00 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence N. 89°12'00" E., a distance to 60.00 feet to a point; thence N. 00°48'00" W. to the actual South R.O.W. line of the Railroad; thence Southwesterly along the South R.O.W. tine of said Railroad a distance of 72 feet more or less to a point which is on a line parallel and 60.0 feet West of the East line of the property herein described; thence S. 00°12'00" E. along a line to the point of beginning, said tract of land con- taining 0.116 acres, mere or less and all lying in the City of Canton in Fulton County in Illinois in Section 35, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the 4th Principal Meridian. Owner of Record: George P. Bolling 931 East Oak Street Canton, Illinois Other Parties in Interest: Unknown. Page 1, Exhibit B, Ordinance No. (p~-9 (; I: Z 'C C L' 1. (; :\ C I': ~~ >S. ~.tn i:~d i.'~' ~~,'.~ J~ I,I 'L~ ~V. .. ~,~~ ~;~_;,I ~~ ~~~: LI ~ ~., ,~~.;, ~~~ 1,~~~,-~~y ~~ ~~ I ~ I~~ I_~ ~{L : ,_~~ I_,,, ~~~ I_y r,~~ ~~~ ~~~~ I_~ ;, ~~~ I.y ~~;: ~y ~>I": ^~_i O:r~li_I~<~r~c~ ^, ~ _n<_iii~sr ni di,,,_.~~c~ T~;t~,~~~E>r_ 1_O~~-3, ~?~~~_t~i i 1,-c~: "~'~~Z nl~ii_t~,•?nce c3ii_~~~rt~int; n~~~~ui ;it~~~n by (.~)i_iC~~',~~?r_1t,7_(711 of ~~ ~'-~,,r~~l `y ,1~;~ ~;i l_y ~'~ ,~~i 1. ~,i~ ~~~ ~'i t_;~ ~i ,;~„~,,.~,~~~~ ley t]_~~ ,~;1- I1. ~,;,~,i. ~,:.1 I',~e 7.5th ~'~~-'l ~~J: 77 .T~-nur~rY _ _ _ . > 1 `3 35 ~~'~~.I ~~~ ii:f ~. ~.(~ ~. i~l I_~_lf' ~d.~l 'i i~l~ ~.'.. ~~~. (~I 1-~. ~~1~ ~.~ Ly 111 ~'. i1 ~;11~ ~ 11_~I ~.. ,`i a t i ri s 171: h ~': _~ ~~ f_ ~r<_irn ~.•i ry 19 85 ~~ ,-., " ~' ~ I_, _;