HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1048 f ORDINANCE NO. 1048 „L ~ _~ b. ~ AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE EXCHANGE OF REAL PROPERTY BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND KAY B. DUNCAN AND NORMA L. DUNCAN WHEREAS, the City of Canton is desirious of acquiring title to that real property set forth in Exhibit A hereto attrached as part of its South Side Sewer and Pumping Station (Project 2); and, WHEREI~S, the City of Canton and Kay B. Duncan and Norma L. Duncan, the owners of that real property set forth in F~chibit A hereto attached, have reached agreement regarding the exchange of real property for real property; and, HIHEI2EAS, the City of Canton is the owner of that real property set forth in Exhibit B hereto attached. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIlVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAN'T'ON, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows: 1. That the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be fact and are herein fully incorporated by reference. 2. That the exchange of real property for real property as more fully revealed in Exhibits A and B hereto attached is hereby approved by the City of Canton. 3. That .the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and instructed to execute and deliver aquit-claim deed in substantially the form of Exhibit B to the Grantees therein named. - ~ -- -- _ _-_ _....u ,,,...~, u , ,. a CCU w accept on ueCialt of the City of Canton a cariveyance of real r and of the same content as set forth in Exhoib~it A heretos attached. the same form 5. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this 15th day of fan~,ry roll call vote as follows; 1985, upon a AYES: Aldern~en Kovachevich, Hanamnd, Savll, Sarff, Workman, Carl, May, Horr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: an Whit s, City Clerk APPIDVED: ~' a ~~ nald E. Edwar s, Mayor " ...~ ~ ~ S, KAY I3, I~I~~(..hN ~n~~1 ~Oi1;riA I,. IJtJi`;C'h"J, htlr>1>,xrd ;end ~~i.fe, c'~1c,h in his ,'rnd'her own right ,end ,~s ~pousc~ of thc~ ~-,th~c~-r_, . ~~f the City of Canton i:, thr C~~~,,tg~ ~~F Fu 11-on and Statc of Illinois One Dollar and other good and valuable consi_dc~.r_ations Cor:vcy a,irl Quit Cl:~~;rn to the CITY OF CANTON, an I11_inois municipal cor_porat_i_on, having its principal office at 210 E. Ches1_nut St., Canton, Illinois 61520 of the c~nd 3tatc of Tl]_.inois County of Fu 1 ton a!1 iiite~r~st in the foll~. ,;ink; ,.1~...._,i1;, ci FZ~~aI Eytatc• A p._~r:t of the ::>PJ 1/4 of Secti:on 34, ToG,~nship 7 North, R~~~.7ge 4 East of i:he Fourth Pr_nc:i_pa]_ ;~Ic:riclian, s_i:;~ated i_n file C:i.f~y of Carrt.on, County of L't_ilton ~~nd State of Illiilo.is desc:r:i_lx~d as fo]_lows: Co~rtnk~ncing at a ~x~.nt 1"104.1 feet south of 1_he cc~nL--or of .:;aid Section; tizence S. 89°30' ~+1., 9?_.43 feat to the mint of lx~gi.nn.i_ng; thence S. 54°25' 30" W. , 8'1.01 feet; thence 5.89° 30' W, , 33.24 feet; t{lence N. 0°26' 40" W, , 50 feet; t]ZC>n.ce N. 89°30' E., ]_04,10 feet to the point of beginning, cc;ritainiilg 0,079 acres, more or less. ' c:.itu.°,G:r{ in the County of Fuiten, in the State of Illinois, hereby s~eleasing and wa.i: in; all ri;;hts under and by virtue of t!;e f {o.n:_~stead Exc,nption Laws of this ."Mate. Dated this (Kay B. Duncan) day of January for ran+1 in rcnsid•-*e~tion of A. D. i ~) 8 5 . - -- - (.~E.f~ -) (Nor_ma L. Duncan) __ _ ____ - ----_ __-- -----(SEAL) .~,. -Z - - _ >;s. [, the 1111der:ilgrlF'd a ;Votary 1'„l>lic 1't'i1rv1~C Oi' 1'U)~'1'nN ~ in and for said roe~nty, in the State aforesaid do hcr~•by c:~rtify that Kay B. Duncan atld Norrna L. Duncan, husband and wife, each in hi.s and her own right and as :>pouse of the other, personally known to me to be the same persons whose name S are .-uh- scribed to the foregoing irrstrn;nent, appeared before me this c'r~y in t>crson and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and ~e'ivf-,,:d the :,,id instru- ment as their free and voluntary act for the rises an~a pur,~,;>es therein s:.t Forth including the release and waiver of the right of hornr~~;tead. Given t~.nder my hand and Notarial seal, this day of January A. D. 19 85. .1~f~IfS :'>'~,CL" hUC2 ~<}•;V~•;,dC~N .1'~f42PS --- Txempt from taxation pursuant to ~4 (b) , Il.li.noi.s Real Estate '1?r.ansfer 'i~,~x net. Pr..r_parcd by: J~~T1leS H. Mal-~agren 11~tor. ney at Law 369 N. A~Iai.n Street Canton, IL. 61520 PII: (309) 647-0647 Exhibit .~ _ -_ _ _ :~; i A't'e t~}• 11..LIti015 ~} t:(e't.itit"t' UF= 1=1J1.'1U[~I1 ~s. `~i0. •I~his iru trunrnt filed for record on the.. -----_ _ _ ... -.-- o'cl.;ck __._-_. M. and recorded in Volume _ _-___ _ _ of l.:md Records at f age.______-- .. <'ou,Aty Clerk rind Recorder. I? y _ - _ _ _ __ - D, ,~~ty. : (r ~'.i't)}~~~~~':[~lO~i t~CII'I' CLr~I11 1~J;1~;D F:~rrn S03 ~ Pcrfrrti<"~ r,. tr _... ._. -__ _. ~ ~.l 1~ rn~,~a & Fr'~~li --_ .._~ r.g ro., R _.._ _.___ . ock`..rd, It, 61103 _ .__....__ ._ ~I'1TE;; IND1/v7'L'ti,l~: ~4'hC~'1~;;~"1~;T~I, That the Gr~intor , THE CITY OF CANTON, r , a corporation duly oiga_nir~d and c.~isting izudc:r ar~~.d by virtue of the laws of file ~ltate of llli_rlois ,a_rd duly aut}io7 ized to tr~,ns~~ct business in l;he `}fate ;where the following des~;rib4:~d real estate is located, for and in consider- ~~tion of Que L`oll<tr a?ld other ;ood and aa.luuble consider- ~` ---- _ -- -- _ __. __ ___ _.__ _ _ ri1F. A730V7? 53:~(,E lY~}t ?tI~GOi llER S USN, ~iN'LY r~.tions, the r~~ca~ipt of ~irhich is hereby «c;J{ilo~~tilz:~ded, and pursz.iant to <~.utt~oiity &iven by th.e Boaxd of Directors of said corpor~al.iot~, C()~IV1+;`TS ANll (;~UI'1' CI,A[~~,15 to :KAY B. DUNCAN and NOI~~~,A L. nU;v`CAN, husb~zlld ~:~nd wife, as jo.i_nt t=enants w.i_t-.h the right of sur_vi_vor.~hip and not ~ls ten~l~l}~s in connnon, vrho.e adelress is 1350 F. Chestnut Street Canton, Illinois 6157.0 the folloSwit,~g described real estate to-wit: A part of the SL4 ]./4 of Section 34, Torr,~r~3hi.p 7 North, Range 4 Fast of the Fourth Principal Meridian s;i_tu<~1_t.ed in the City of Canton, County of Fulton and State of Illinois descri}x~d as follows: Beginning at a point 1704.1 feet south of the center of said Section; t1x ~nce S. 89°30' W., 92,43 feet; thence N. 54°7.5'30" E., 66.13 f_c~ei-; thence N. 89°30' E. , 38.58 feet; t=}rence S. 0°26' 40" W. , 38 feet t.o the point of_ l:>egi_rniing~ c.:ont ~ in:i ng Q .057 acres, ruore or 1e. s. Continue legal description on reverse side) •tlutt.ed in i'le ('ou.nty of. ______--Fulton-_----__- _- -- in the t,~te of_-_-L11 _nois CN ~~'1`I'~~'li5S ~FIIIERI.OF, said Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and has caused its name to be signed to these presents by its_- P4ayor.__.____ _ ~".~~l~fi~~B~ and attested by its City Clerk _ ~~~~.~,~;<r,:~, this _ -day of -January--- __ lg8 5. (Affix corporate seal here) Attest: --------------------- City CI_erk. - -~ tsy.t.ex.e.~ts CITY OI' CI~NTON, an Illinois municipal corporation, By Its Mayor. ~'~~~£${ 5TA"1'E OF ILLINOIS I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County, in the SS State aforesaid, DO HFREI3Y C]?R'I'I)i,Y THAT ___--_-_- FUL`1'ON __. ______COLINI'y Donald E. Edwards r.iscnnlly kno~;u to me to':~ the.---Dlayor_ _-- --'<,<!?r,s"tX • Nanc ~~h1.tC_'S of swirl Corpo~at:ui~ ~,~,~ho ~,; the grantor, and .._. _. __ _-_ Y__ _ _ -- _ _ __ __ ------- I,craunally known to nic to be tl~,e_ ('.lty C'1 erk ~_~" Xof said corporation, and p.~oi~ally 4uo~°:n to me to he the sa~..~e persons whose usni;es are subscribed to the forcgciing instruii~ent, a~hl~~_~:-red before~me this day in person -~d SE ,u•i~lly aoknowlcdgcd that as such h1dy0Y' -- -~" ;a~i~and_C1 c'rk__-- ._. ;_of s~~ui coi~t~ointion, a.ud ~„n~:ed the corporate seal of said corporation to he affiXed t' i~reto, pursuant to aut!ioiity given bq the City CUUnc 11 Of said ~~~~rporation, as their free and voluntary act, and as ti--,~ free and voluntary act of ~~,~id corporation, for the purposes ihrrcin ~~,+'t forth.. ~'ivi~n under airy hand and Notarial Seal this--------- __.----.clay of_-_~c`3.1111a Cy _..__-..---_ -_ 19_-~_Jr. - -- - ---- ---------- -- --- Notary Public !''utu~ e `Gaze-s to (=rantE.c's Address Return this document to: Kay B . Duncan Norma L. Duncan 1350 E. Chestnut St. Canton, IL. 61520 'I9iis Instrunirnt :vas pr~Ir.~red by `~~}iUSi` a(ldrls IS: Exhibit B James H . I~9a l rn~~ ~. Ern 3F9 N. i•~1ain `'I~~~~~~r~t ~~.~ ~' ~ i c , ~Z , I ~, . ' ~ ~ 7