HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #1163 RESOLUTION NO. 1163 A RESOLUTION ASCERTAINING THE PREVAILING KATE OF WAGES FOR LABORERS, MECHANICS AND OTHER WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN ANY PUBLIC WORKS BY THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the State of Illinois had enacted "AN ACT regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workmen employed in any public works by the State, county, city or any public body or any political subdivision or by anyone under contract for public works, " (hereinafter referred to as the "Act" ) as set forth in Chapter 48 , Section 39s-1 through 39s-12 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1985; and, WHEREAS, said Act requires the City of Canton, Illinois to investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in said Act for laborers, mechanics and other workmen in the locality of the City of Canton, employed in the construction of public works for said City, exclusive of maintenance wark. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS. l. The prevailing rate of wages in this locality for laborers, mechanics and other workmen engaged in the construction of public works coming under the jurisdiction of the City of Canton is hereby ascertained to be the same as the prevailing rate of wages for construction work in the Fulton County area as determined by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois as of June 2, 1986, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part by reference as Exhibit "A" . 2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply said prevailing rate of wages to any work or employment except public works construction of the City of Canton to the extent required by the Act. 3 . The City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois shall publicly post and keep available for inspection by any interested party in the main office of this City of Canton this determination of the prevailing rate of wages. 4 . The City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois shall mail a copy of this determination to any employer, and to any association of employers and to the person or association of employees who have filed, or file, their names and addresses, requesting copies of any determination stating the particular rates and the particular class of workmen whose wages will be affected by such rates . 5. The City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois ;1. L. l� d A.y���.. ,'�'��� � . / /Y�v k f� shall promptly file a certified copy of this Resolution with both the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois and the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois. 6 . The City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois shall cause to be published in the Daily Ledger a notice of this determination of the prevailing rate of wage is effective and that this is the determination of this public body. 7 . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage by the City Council� of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof . PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this 17th day of June , 1986 upon a roll call vote as followss AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich , Zilly, Sarff , Steck , Workman , May, Chapmar� . NAYS: None . ABSENT: A1de.rman BohJer . APP ED• f�l �� Donald E. Edwards, Mayor. ATTEST: ���L� Nancy Whit s, City Clerk. p�qlic�'iion Instructions �l Ca not publish �Pubtish in pamphlet form only ' �[P bl�sh in a e�n�eo`��utiaKion newspa�f P�'r � � � � ""'"".___ _.�:.� _._._.__. Date Caty Att I LL I NOI S DE PAR TME NT OF LABOR P AGE 1 CONCILIATION ANO MEDIATION SERVICE FULTON PREVAILING WAGES FOR CONSTRUGTION TRADES b/02/86 HESE PREVAILING WAGES SHALI BE INCLUDED IN THE ADVERTISED SPECIFICATIONS FOR VERY GONTRAGT TO WNICH ANY PUBIIG 80DY, AS DEFINED IN CHAPTER 48� SEGTION 395-2 , ��. REV. STAT. , IS A PARTY. FOR CONSTRUCTION, RECONS�RUCTION AND/OR REPAIR, NCLUOING PAINTING, REDECORATING AND LANDSCAPING OF PUBIIC BUILOINGS OR PUBLIC ORKS WITHiN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS WHICH REQUIRES OR INVOLVES THE EMPLOYMENT OF �ECHANICS ANO/OR LABORERS . MINIMUM WAGES , OVERTIME RATE ANO FRINGE BENEFITS ERTIFIED HEREIN SHALL SE PAIO AND THE SCALE OF WAGES TO 8E PAID SHALI BE 'OSTEO BY THE CONTRACTOR IN A PROMINENT AND EASILY ACCESSIBIE PI.ACE AT TNE .ITE OF �ANO •SMAIL NOTEBEIALTER.EDINITHDUTRTHE [RYCONSENT INLNRITiNGEPARTMENT �F LABOR RATES FOR THE COUNTY OF FUL70N , EFFEGT IVE AS C+F 6/02/86 NAME OF �RADE RG TYP CI HOURLY RATES I NRSY � iVERT IME RATEI I HRLY FRINGE RATES l � � SI BASIC FORMN � IwKDY/SA/SU-NlI NELFR PENSN VACTN ----------- --- � _._-----�-- i-�..�__��;----- --- ►SBESTOS WRKRS B�D 1 21 .450 22.200 ] 40.0 I 1. 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 .600 2. 240 . 000 iOILERMAKERS BLD I 19.200 20. 750 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 2. 050 1 .200 .000 3RICKlAYERS BLO I 15.910 1b. 160 1 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 .5 2 . 0 I 1 . 300 1. 900 � .000 ;ARPENTEFS 8LD 1 15.430 16.830 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2. 0 I 1.450 1 . 750 . 000 5 1 5 2 0 1 1 450 1 500 000 ;ARPENTERS HWY � 16.480 17.480 � 40.0 I 1 . . • • • • �IILWRIGHTS BlD 1 1b. 180 17.580 � 40.0 I 1 . 5 1. 5 2.0 1 1 .450 1 . 500 .000 �ILIWRIGHTS Hh'Y 1 t6.980 17.980 � 40 .0 I 1 .5 1 .5 2 .0 1 1 .450 1. 500 .000 � IIEDRIVERS Bl0 I 16. 180 17. 580 1 40.0 ( 1. 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 .450 i • 500 • 000 ' IlEORiVERS HWY I 16 .980 17.980 I 40.0 I 1 .5 1 . 5 2.0 I 1.450 1. • :EMEN� MASONS BLD I 15.430 15. 930 I 40.0 I 1 .5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 .500 1 .650 .000 500 1.650 000 ;EMENT MASONS HWY I 15.900 16.400 I 4Q. 0 � 1 .5 1.5 2.0 � 1 . • :EMENT MASONS NN BLO I 16. 140 16. b40 I 40.0 I 2•0 2 . 0 2.0 I 1.230 . 750 .000 :EMENT MASCNS NW HWY I 16. 140 16. 640 J 40.0 I 2 .0 2 . 0 2 .0 I 1 .230 . 750 .000 =LECTRICIANS B�fl � *1pENSN-NEBF33� IOFOGROSS1LABORSPAYROL�1�050 1 . 000 . 000 ;I.AZ I ERS N BL D I 16.240 16.990 I 40.0 I 1. 5 1. 5 2. 0 I 1.2 50 . 750 .004 ;LAZIERS S BLD I 17. 000 I 40 .0 1 1 . 5 2 . 0 2 .0 I .000 . 500 .000 IRQN WQRKERS tVE BLO ( 15.665 16 .415 I 40.0 I 1. 5 1 . 5 2. 0 I 2•210 1 . 425 .000 [RON NORKERS NE HWY I 16. 52� 17.275 I 40.0 I 1. 5 1. 5 2. 0 ( 2 •210 1 .425 .000 IRON WQRKERS SE HWY I 16. 600 17.350 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 .600 1 .050 .000 tRON WC�RKERS SE BLD � 16.T50 17. 500 I 40.0 I 1. 5 1. 5 2. 0 1 1 .600 1 . 050 •00� I � ANNUITY FUND-� .50 PER HDUR _ , __. _ABORERS BLD ( 14. 670 15. 120 1 40. 0 � 1. 5 1. 5 2 . �J J 1 .250 1 . 000 .000 _ABORERS HWY � 15 .900 16 . 350 I 40.Q I 1 .5 1. 5 2.0 ( 1 .250 1.000 .000 _ ATHERS Bl0 ( 15.680 17.080 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2. 0 I 1 .450 1 . 500 .000 MAREiIE wORKERS � BLO J 15.560 15.810 I 40.0 ( i . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 .30� 1 . 900 . 000 �PER. ENGINEERS BI.D 11 17. 290 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 1 1 .700 1 .200 .000 7PER. ENGINEERS BLD 21 1b.5b0 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 1 1 . 700 1. 200 .00C IPER. ENGINEERS BLD 31 15. 330 1 40. 0 I 1 .5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 .700 1. 200 .00C 7PER. ENGINEERS HWY 11 17.490 I �+a•4 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 .700 1 .200 .00C 7PER. ENGINEERS NWY 21 1b .340 I 40.0 I 1 .5 1 . 5 2.0 I 1 . T00 1 .200 . 00C �PER. ENGINEERS Nt�Y 3I 14. 630 I 40.0 � 1 . 5 1 . 5 2.0 I 1 .700 1 .200 .00C AELL DRILIEkS ALL 11 16.900 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2. 0 I 1.600 1. 450 .00C �IEII DRILLERS ALL 21 15.700 I 40. 0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 , 2 .0 I 1 .600 1 . 450 .00C PAINTERS 3t-D I 15.600 16. 100 I 40 .0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 . 0 I 1 . 250 1 .350 .00( P4INTERS Nh'Y � 16.450 16 .950 I 40. 0 I 1 . 5 1 .5 2 .0 I 1 .250 1 . 350 .00( PAINTERStSP�BR ) BLO I 16. 4�0 16. 950 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 . 0 I 1 .250 1 . 350 . 00f PIUMBRS, FITTERS SLO I 1b.890 1$. 140 � 40. 0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 . 500 1 . 850 .00( PLA57ERER5 FL� I 15 .590 16. 090 I 40• 0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 . 0 I 1 . 5t�0 1 .650 .00t PLASTERERS NW 8L0 I 16 . 140 1b. 640 I k0.� I 2 .Q 2 • 0 2 .0 I 1 .230 . T50 . 00� SPRINKIR FITTRS BLD I 18.030 19. Z80 I 40 .0 I 1 .5 2 . 0 2 . 0 ( 1 .700 1 . 600 .00i SHEETMTI, 1dRKRS BL.D I 16. 750 17. 730 I k�• � I L . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 . 100 1. 320 .00� STONE WORKERS BLD I 15.91C 1b. 160 I 40 .0 I 1 .5 1 . 5 2 .0 ( 1. 300 1 • 900 . 00 TERRAZO NRKRS BLD I 15.560 15. 810 I 40 .0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 1 .300 1 .900 .00 T [LE LAYER.S BLD I 15 .560 15.810 I 40 .0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 . 0 I 1. 300 1.900 .00 TRUCK OR. IVERS ALL lI 14. 525 I 40.0 I 1 . 5 1 . 5 2 . 0 I 2 .000 1 .475 .00 TRUCK ORIVERS A�L 21 14.�25 I 40 .0 I 1 . � 1 . 5 2.0 I 2.000 1 . 475 . 00 TRUCK ORIVERS ALL 31 15. 125 I 40.0 ( 1 • 5 1 . 5 2 .0 I 2 .000 1 .475 .00 TRUCK DR [VERS ALl 4) 15. 375 I 40.0 ( 1 . 5 1 .5 2.0 I 2.Q00 1 .475 .00 �RUCK ORiVERS AlL 5j #1pR000RS �N OIL [NG•AND CHIPPING20Nl.Y �1'900 1. 375 .00 . � . tITUM�iI011 Of CilfSLS - SOILDIMC CON37�OCIIOM • • Juriuiccion lo cM follorin� Couatlu of Illlnois: � dur�au, �ulton, Hanoxk, BHW�non, [noz, lyratull, ll�ioo, MoDoqousp� Mctwan. P�orla, rutna�, Staric, i�s�wll, Yarr�n, Yoodfora; �no parts ot ' B�ary (Eait). Claaa i. Cran�s; O�r�rA��a Cranes; Cr�dall; lll CA�rry P1ek�ra; M�eMnics; Gotr�l Concr�t• Kizlna Planc Op�ntor; �o�d P���rs (27E - Dual Drw - T�i DatcA��a); Slacktop 41ant Op�ratora ana Plaat Bogin�ers; 3 Drv� Ho1st; D��rloks; Bycro Cran�s; SAo��la; Skirer S000ps; [oehring S000p�r; Dras L1aea; Backhoe; D�rrlek Boats; P11• Drlr�ra ana Skld Rlgs; Claas�ells; Locowtive Cranea; DrrA�• (all t�p�s) Motor Pat�ol; Por�r BLCea - Duaore - El��atlr� anC •lall�r trpes; Tor�r Cranea (Cra�l�r-MoDil�) �nd Statlonary; Craa�-Cyp� Banttllltr; Drott lwbo ana siailar qpea coneider�C as Cran��; Caiuon Rlas; Dozer; Tournadozar; York Boata; Roas G r�1er; fl�llcopter; Touroapulla - •11 and al�ilar types; 3000ps (all alzea); Puapcats; EndlwCera (all typea); �aphalt Surfacing iSacnlne; Slip For■ Paver; Aock Crunher; 8eavy EQuip�ent Croaaer; CIII, CMI Belt Placer, Auto Grade i 3 Track and ei�ilar typea; Slae Boo��; llultiple Uoit furtn Movers: .25t per er., for sach scoop over one (1); Creter Crane; Treoch Machlne; Pu�p-crete-Belt Crete-5queeze Cret�s-Scre�-type Pu�pa •nd �7D���� Bulker i Aup - Operator �ill el�aa; For�laas F1nis41ng MacAine; Flaherty 3preaaer or elailu typea; Screed Man on Laytlown Machiae; �heel Tractora (lnduatrial or Facti-Cype �/Doz�r-Boe-EnCloader or other attacheents); F.Y.D. i Si�ilar Types; Y�r�eer Concrete Say. Clas� 2. Dinkey�; Pover LauncAea; PB One-paaa Soil Cc�ant Nachine (anG ai�ilar typen); Pugmill with Pu■p; Backfillera; Buclia Lwaer; Forklitts; Jeeps w/Ditching lfachine or other �twchaents; Tunelustr; luto�atic Ce�ent ana Gravel Batching Planta; Mobile Drills (Soil Testing) anG ai�ilar typea; Gurriea and Sioilar Types; (1) �nd (2) Dru■ Holats (Huck Boiat anG Sloilar Typea); Chicago Boo.; Boring Machine � Plpe Jacklr� MacRine; Hytlro Boo�; Dewatering Sy�tee; Stra� Hlower; Hydro Seeder; Lsais uat Heavy Equipeent Greaser oa Spreaa; Tractors (Srack tyye) riteout Po�er Onit pulling Aollera; Rollers on ►sphalt - Brick llacadeo; Concrete Breakers; Concrete Spreadera; Mule Pu111ng Roller�; Centar Stripper; Cesent Finishing !lachlnes k CMI Tezture t� Reel Curing MacAinea; Ce�eat Pinishing Machine; Barber G�een or �iailar loadera; V1bro iuper (�11 si�ilar typea) Self-propell�d; Yloch or Soos Truck; tkchanical Bull Ploata; Mlzera over 3 Hag to 27E; Tractor pulling Po�er Blade or Elerating Grader; Porter 8ez Ra11; Clary Screed; Truck Type Hoptoe Oilers; Fireman; Spray ltacnine on Paving; Curb Machinea; Trvck Craae Oilers; Oil Dl�tributor; 3-p Seall Equipment; Oiler and one (1) aeall equlpoent. Class 3. Air Compres�or (7) or (2); Po�er Subgrader; Straight ?ractor; Trac lir without attaehments; Heroan Nelsoo Heater, Dravo, Varner, Silent Glo, antl aisilar typea, One Engineer will operate 1-5 ana after 5, two Operator� rill be requlrea; Self-propelled Concrete Sa��; Roller: Fi�e (5) Ton ana unaer on Earth or Gravel; Form Craaer; Cra�ler Crane 6 Skia Rig 011ers; Frelght Elevators; Pump (1) or (2); Light Plant (1) or (2); Generator (3.5 [Y and Over) (1) or (2); Coaveyor (t) or (2) - Operator �ill clean; Yelding Machine (i) or (2) - Equal 300 Omp. or Over (Not to incluae electric welCers); Miser (3) Bag ana Under (Standartl Capacity �ith a�ip); Bulk Cement Plant; Oiler on Central Conerete lflzing Plant. OPEIt�TING BMGIMELRS LIPLIUlIOM OF CLLASES - ![E�YY � fiICBN�T YOAK Jurlaalction in the follo�lr� Countl�� ot Illiooii: Bur�au, Pulton, ti�ncock, K�nd�r000, [no:, K�ra�all, Masoo, McDonoug�, MeL�an, Putna�, Stark, Tazewll, Yarren, Yooafora; ano parta of H�nry (Eaat). Cla�s 1. Cranea; Hyaro Crane; Snoval�; Crane Type Backfiller, Ta.er Cranaa - MoDll• i Cnrl�r i Sta[lonary; D�rrlcic� i Hoieta (3 Dru�); Dragllass; Drott TuiOo i alallar typea conalaereo aa Cranea; Back Hoe; Derrlcic Boata; Pile Driver inC Skia Riss; Cl�i 3Ce11; Locowtive - Crsnes; Roaa Pavera - Single Drus - Dwl Drua - Tri Batcher; Motor Patrols d Po�er Hladea - Duwre - Ele�atiog 3 Sl�llar Typea; Mecnanic�; Central Concrete Mlxing Plant Operator; Blacktop Plant Operatora and Plant Engineera; GraCall; Calsson Rig� (rsQuira 011er); Skivser Scoop - [oering Scooper; Dreagea (all typea); Hoptw - Crane Type (roquln s OSler); lll Cherry Plekera; Cherry Pick�ra (35 ton snd over rquin 011er); York Boat - requlre� Oilar (ov�r 100 hp); Rosa Carrisr; Halieopter; Dozer; Tournadozer; iournapulla - sll and slmilar typea; Multiple Unit Earth Movers: 25t per hr., for eacD �coop over one (1); Scoop� (nll aius); Pu�hcats; Endloaaers (all typea); A�phalt Surfacing Machine; Slip Fora Paver (reQuire Oiler); Rock Curoher; }iesvy Equlpment Groaaer (top greaaer on apreaC); CltI, Auto Craae, CMI Beit Placer k 3 Track aoG alsilar typea (require 011er); Side Booss; Starting 6nglneer on Pipeline; Asphalt Heater i Planer Combination (useC Co plane atreet�); Yheel Tractors (�ith tlozer, hoe or endloader attachment�); F.V.D. ana Siallar typea; Blav [nox SpreaCer ana Sieilar typea; Trench Machinen; Pump Crete - Belt Crete - Squeeze Crete - scre� type yuopa ana gypsus (operator wlll clean); Foroless Plnishing Maehinea; Flaherty Spreader or �Lilar typea (requlre 011er); Screetl Han on Layaown Machine; Verxcr Concrete Saw. � Clasa 2. Bulker i Puap; Po�er IauncAea; Boring MacAine i Pipe Jacring llachloe; Didceya; P-H One Paas Soil Ceseot Macnlaea ana si�ilar typea; Mheel iractors (Inau�try or far� type - other); Back Fillera; Euc11C LoaCer; Pork Llfta; Jeep �/Ditch�ng Maehine or other attach�ents; Tuneluger; Automatic Cexnt i Gravel Batching Plant�; Mob11e Drills - Soil Teating ana aisilar types; Pugmill vith pump; �11 (1) ana (2) Drue Hoi�ta; DeMatering Syste�; Stra� Blo�er; Hydro-SeeOer; Boring Nachine; flyaro-Boom; Bump GrinCers (self-propelleC); A�aistant Heavy Equipcent Grea�er; �psco Spreaaer; Tractors (track-type) witdout Po�er Unit� Pulling Aoller�; Aollera on Asphalt - Brick or t4acaGas; Concrete Sreakern; Concrete Spreaaers; Center Strlpper�; Ceaeat Finishing Macnines S CMI Texture i Reel Curing tlachine�; Vlbro-Tamper� (all si�ilar types self-propellea); Mechanical Bull Float�; Mixers-over three (3) bags to 2TE; vinch and Boom Trucka; ?ractor Pulling Po�er Blaae or Elevating Graaer; Porter Rex Rail; Clary Screea; Mule Pulling Roller�; Pugiill without Pu�p; Barber Greene or ai�ilar LoaCers; Track Type ?ractor w/Pover Un1t attachea (�inl�um); Pire�an; Spray Machine on Paving; Curb Machines; Pavea Dltch Machine; Porer Broos; Self-Propellea Conveyora; Pover Subgraaer; 011 Diatrlbutor; Stralght Tractor; Truck Crane Oiler; Trvek lype 01Jers; 3-4 Small Fquipment; Oiler ana 1 Small equip�ent. �lass 3. Trac Air Machine (�i�hout attacAmenta); Aer�an Nelson iieater, Dravo Yarner, Silent Glo 6 similar types; Self-propellea Concrete Sa�s; Crawler Crane ana Skia Rig 011er�; Rollers - flve ton anC unaer on earth ana gravel; Form Graaera; Pump (1) or (2); Light Plant (1) or (2); Cenerator (1) or (2); Air Compreaaor (t) or (2); Conveyor (t) or (2) - Operator �ill clean; Yelding Macnine ('; or (2); Mixer - � �ags ana �noer; 3ulk �ement Plant; O�lers on �orkboat (o�er �00 Opi. , �IM,�,DGAR - fiC11RAlIV ORlTAT� _�i OiiICE Oi THf SECAETARY OR STATE S'111NGFiELD.iL�IN01� �76� � July 3 , 1986 City of Canton 210 East Chestnut Canton , Illinois 61520 Gentlemen: Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the cer�ified copy of the� Resolution setting forth the gensral prevailing rate Of w8g@8 SS adopted by the rTTY �f1TTNf'TT. nF THF. ('TTY nF � ('ANT(1N� FTTT.T(1N ('(1TTNTY and same has been placed on file as of ���1v 3 . 1986 Sincerely, � . � JOHN HOFFERKAMP Director INDEX DEPARTMENT JH: di � r< Illinois Department of Labor E.Allen Bernardi Directcrr Ju1y 14, 1986 Ms. Nancy Whites, City C1erk City of Canton 210 East Chestnut Canton, IL 6152U Dear Ms. Whites: This will acknowledge receipt of a resolution establisning Prevailing Rate of Wages for tne City of Canton, County of Fultori, aated June 17, 1g86. The Prevailing Wage Act, Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 48, Paragraph 39s-9 requires each public body to make a determination during the month of June of eacn calendar year. The Prevailing Rate of Wages for construction work are on file in this office ana are available upon request. Pursuant to Illinois Reviseci Statutes Chapter 48, Section 39s-2, I�laintenance work is no longer excludea f'rocn the purview of tne Illinois Prevailing Wa�e Act. This section of' the Act was amencied by Public Act 83-��+3 and became effective January 1 , 198�. Please note the change in your current resolution/orainance. Thank you f'or your attention to this mdtter. Sincerely, . avid I-I. Hayes Superintenderit DHH:jw One West Old State Capitol Plaaa o Room 300 o Springfield, Illinois 62701 �� • [Il1alUT20M Q CLL33p _ �OILDIIC, S11! lND ltIGN111T YOR[ Jurladictlo� in cM follovin� Couati�s ot Illiecla: �aa�a, �l�sana�r, booa. irove, �au, CalAoun, Carroll (Souta), Gaa, Ctuspai�t►, CGristiae, Clarlc, C1��, C1lntoa, Colu. Cnrtora, Cus0�rlanC, DtYitt, Doujlas� �ar, tAvara�, Ettltu�u, r.r.cc., �ranklln, �ulton, Gali�tia, Grti�n�, suilto�, Hanoocic, Bardia, H�na�rsoo� d�arr, JacYuoo, Jasp�r, J�ff�noo, J�n�y, Joho�oo, [oos, LaSail�, I.avr�oc�, Lqao, M�eoo, M�coupin, Kaalaoo. Narion, ltar�hall, Ka�on, Masaac, MoD000usp, M�pard� M�rc�r, lboro�, MontgoNry, Mor�an, Moultri�, t�o�l�, P�rry, Piact, P1Y�, Pop�, Pulaaki, rutou, RanaolpD, 11ep1anC, �ocic Is1aaC, Salin�, 5angupn, Scnuyler, Scott, Sh�10�, St. CLir, Starl�, T�s�r�ll, Ooaoc, 9�r�i1lon, YaDaah, Yarrya, Yaapla�toa, Ya�A�, Yhlt�, Yh1t�a1C�, Y1111s�son; a�a y�rts of Foro (�zcept Norch), JoD�viea� (Y�at), Lee (�=capt 5ast), llcGan (�:c�pt IbrtL), Ogle (Sout�), ana iboafora (czcapt Ea�t). Clasa 1. Driv�rs on 2 a=le trvclw haulie� les� Lhaa 9 toa. Lir co�ynaaor and veldln6 �schin�a anA brooa�, incluCing thoae pu11�C �y aaparate unit�, Cruck ariver Gelpera, rarehouseien, rechanlc Aelpe�a, groaae�a anC tlre�en, picicup trvcic� rh�� Gauling aater]ala, toola, or aen to antl fro� ana on-t�e-joo site, and fork lift� up to 6,000 lb. capacity. Claa� 2, Two or tqree azle truck� hauling �ore tAan 9 ton but hauliag leaa Chan 16 ton. �-fraae rinch ttveks, hyarolitt truck�, or si�ilar equlpment vben usea for tran�portation purpo�ea. Foric"lltt� over 6,000 1D. capaeity, rinch truc��, ana four aYle cosDioation units. In the event tAe Erployer aesine w uae tleket vritar� that clasaificatloa a�all co�e undar Claaa 2. Claas 3. Tro, thr�e or lour azl• Crvcics hauliag 76 ton or ■ore. Drl�ers on rater yulla, �schanlc� anG voricing foreaeq. Fi�e ule or �ore coebination uaita. In the erent t�e E�plo�er Cesina to use dlspaichern thet classification ehall co�e uatler Claaa 3, Claas Y. Lov Boy and 011 Distributon. Clasa 5. Drivere on oiling ana cnlpping only. ' ' ���I.�. E.A11en Bernardi Directar City Clerk 210Y of Canton Canto � �h�stnUt n, I11. 61520 One West Old State Capitol Plaza o R�m 300 o Springfield, Illinois 62701