HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #1160~ #1160 R~ a ~~ R/~OLIRION FOR IriA1N't'~NANC~ O~ sTRtL~ AND NNiNWAY! /Y IriUNiC1~ALITY VND~R TNt ILLINOIS HIONWAY COOL ~A'gT~OL~E'D~~l1~. Mayor and City Council ~ ~ /o^~~ ~ a.ee.e ..e awe ~ sw~r """ city ~ canton ~ ~~ toad ~~ ~ heaby AK sr...arr or.4 silpe~Opeltbd tbs swm at ! $ 2 75 , 000 ~et Y~obOe Pba1'hs itmda l~oe tLs po~poas a[ t stewb and L1~hwa>. aad~r ~ a~lleabis pe+o~Isior a[ tbs DWiois Hi~hwa~_ Cody, i~ Jsm4ty 1. lf~. ~ D~o~mbae iy.1A 8~ BS 1T S'[JRT~B RB80LVTdD, that od7 tl~osa st:reh, hl~hesys„ sad oQeeations v hated and described m tLe appso~ed Yanidpal Vats a[ Yaiateaa~oe Cash. iaciodin~ wPt~l ae wised ~stbaates app ps+o~ 1a aooneclioa with tI~ resobttioq, ara die tar•malatenanos with Yabotlbsl ns lhad~ dnrla~ the Dam si aborn BB IT FURTHBR RBSOLVED, that the Clerk :hall, as noon as practicable after the close of tha period as liven shore, submit to the Depertmant of Tra~portation, on forma furnished by aid Department, a oardfled statement showiud axpenditura from and balauoet nmainirt~ in the accountE:) far thb pasiod: ad 8~B IT FURTHBR RESOLVBD, that the Qerlc shsil immediately ti'an:mit two oertiHed copies of this raaiutlon to the district oiSoe of the Depsrtmant of Transportation, at Peoria 1>linoi,. • apelwMf ~ ~~paOeflM ~~~ - ~~~~ - , ]~~ ~lancy~3i tes - ~ C~ tv .~._ ~p• ~, !~ a ~iM Qaeit ti ee~i fee +~ Ci.ty ~..~-~- eaa, sw. • ~ ~ Canton i+ulton ~'~! ~4 tie feer~ui^S to le a teoer feeleet ems! eo^~pie~e e10s~~ a rwi~efks ea0/M~ 4 ~__ Counci 1 e~e.+ ~ stiraee M yM • lewd ert a a~ ,~ .June 3 ~ ~ 1#~ 86 Di TiaTIYOLi? ~Ot, I t+e~er Hassle ee! saf ~i a~i eetl ~. 3rd ~ .L_June y ~~~ s~ ~ ~sM1 BLR 4123 (Rev.3-84)