HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #1149a a ~-~ RESOLUTION NO . 1 14 9 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A "PIPE LINE LICENSE" BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Canton City Council has determined that it is necessary and in the best interest of the City of Canton to enter into a "Pipe Line License" with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway for the construction and maintenance of one 8" pipe line as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto attached. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows: 1. That Exhibit "A" hereto attached and herein incorporated by reference is hereby approved by the Canton City Council. 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute originals of Exhibit "A" and to deliver the same on behalf of the City of Canton. 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this upon a roll call vote as follows: 15th day of Apri 1 , 1.986, AYES: Aldermen Chapman, May, Bohler, Workman, Sarff, Steck, Zilly, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: APPROVED: Donald E. Edwards, Mayor ~ .1.- Na •y Whi s, City Clerk crr CRAWFORD, MURPHY 3 TILLY, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2750 WEST WASHINGTON STREET SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 62702 (217) 7s7-ao5o March 3, 1986 Mr. Cliff Sagaser City Hall 210 E. Chestnut Canton, Illinois 61520 Re: 8327-02 Crossing Permits for Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Project 2 South Side Relief Sewer Dear Cliff: We have received two license agreements from the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company which include the three sewer crossings on the South Side Relief Sewer project. The procedure for the City to execute these license agreements is explained on the attached cover letter from the railway company. Please send to us a copy of each agreement after they are completed. These license agreements do not include the proposed vehicle crossing at Ninth and Anderson Streets and the proposed 8" force main from the East Side Sewage Treatment Plant which is to be located within Santa Fe right-of-way and parallel to the tracks. These will be covered by separate agreements which have yet to be submitted by Santa Fe. Sincerely, CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC. Ted LaBelle enc. TL/cs SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS ST LOUIS, MISSOURI AURORA, ILLINOIS The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company 920 S.E. Quincy St. P.O. Box 1738 Topeka, Kansas 66628 February 25, 1986 2-5201 2-5206 Mr. Ted Labelle Crawford, Murphy ~ Tilly, Inc. 2750 W. Washington Street Springfield, Illinois 62702 Dear Mr. Labelle: ~~~~~ ~~ ~' 2 o,~•~ , Referring to your file 8327-01, regarding the south side relief sewer you are designing for the City of Canton which involves various encroachments on Santa Fe's right of way. Enclosed, each in duplicate, are two license agreements covering the proposed installation of crossings at County Highway 6, at Ninth Avenue and Anderson Street and at Eleventh Street as identified by Exhibits Nos. 1-05201 and 3-05206. These agreements should be executed by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and the original counterpart of each (stamped "Santa Fe Original") returned to the undersigned, together with remittance of the $400.00 consideration specified in each agreement. It will also be necessary that we be furnished a copy of the City's resolution or Council action authorizing execution of the documents. The City may retain the delicate counterpart of each agreement for its records. Upon return of the completed agreements, it will be satisfactory for the City or its contractor to make the installations; however, they should contact Santa Fe's Contract Representative in our Division Office at Fort Madison, Iowa, telephone (319) 376-4112, at least 48 hours in advance of their anticipated construction in order that we may provide any flagging protection that may be necessary. It will also be necessary the City's construction crew or contractor have in its possession fully-executed copies of the enclosed agreements or satisfactory evidence from our Division Superintendent or his representative that they have permission to be on our right of way to make the installations. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Delmar Bacon, telephone (913) 357-2240. Yours truly, ~ ~~ R. Bani n General Manager 0126L/2240/4028c/3 ' A Sanra Fe Southern Pacific Company PIPL LIME LICCi~Sk p~.rrt . 4~ITtdE::iSE:TN, That tt~e parties r~r>~rat:~ for ttzc cr~~~si;V;eratiQn hereinaPt~r expressed covenant: anc agree as fr_~~llct~~s: 1. SuUject to thy': terra. and cs~r~ciitions ~-c:rei~°~after seat tortrr, Licensor licenses Licensee to r_onstruet anc~ mai.nt:fi.n cane ( l) pipe li,~cT, r~i~,~~t (~) inc~,~~s r~i c'i~n~r~ter here na 'ter, w~,ether one or riit~r~ pipe 1 nc~s, cry le~J thc~ "PIF't LIPIE'"), across or alanC tf~e right of way cf Licensor at er near ttie statif~n c;f' Canton t=ultr~n Count Illir~ui~°• the exact lcicat.ian of ttx~ PIPE LIP! tae~ng more pyrt cu ar y shown try tit u line upon the pr.•int r;erc:,to att-.?ci~r~c~, Pla. I-0`.'=01 ~. Fr~~~ruar~r 5 1~~ ee - "-----n----- c:utr: ~,_._, , markecJ ExP~iibit A anc~ ~~~ade a part hereof. arrC shall i wi ~atsoever. use carry any ot~rc~r commc+r.?ity c-r fi'or any other purpose (a) Lie;ense? c:ov~-Hants 'that it will nc~t handle cox: transpcart throuc~~ the pipeline an Licenser's propErty "hazardour~ w~~ste" or "hazardous SUl~5t8ni,~g"~ aS "t•1cr:.arll(~~US waste:" ariCi "'t1t31drGQUS 5U~Sti3nC~'s" r;lay nCw Qr in tt"1G' future de rie:finet~ t;y any fectel:al, state, Ur local rove~rnr~ental agency or hc~tay. Ir the event tt~~~ F'ipc: Line is nr~w or i~~ tic futulE uscc: in h,ir~uiinc~, or transpr~rtirk~ of "t~azardaus waste;" or "r~awar~±ous substances", Licensor: acrees fcally t~:~ cc~rr,F~l.y wits; all apP-~-icaui.e Fe~~erdl, state, and local laws, rules, reJulations, oriers, cSccisions grid c-'rcinanccs (~~crr.;~inaftEr referred to as '"Jtalli~~rCiS'"~ CC)nCerCl.irlC~ "naxarcous W~Ste" an[~ "tla.'LarGrJUS sU'tJ5tariCPS'". Licpnsec further ac rees pF~ric~ciically to furnish LicAnsar with t~roof, satisf ~~cto~~y td~ L1cQnsr~r, that Licerzsc~e is in sucr~ complianc~r. i~}QUIG Licensee not comply fully uritPl tyre at:iC}vr-stated rat:,l.i~~atir_rna Cf this Section, nctwit,~~st:~nc~Tnr~ .anything c^•ontainad in any r~tt~er provi,ion hereof, Licer,sar may, at its t~pf;ion, terminate this Lic:~nsr~ ty sarviny fivr~ (5) c~-ays' notice; of ter~r~in:~tiun upftn Licensee; 3:,ut any waiver tay Licensor of any breach c:f Lacensec's okalzc~;:~tions shall nOt constitute a waiver Cif tree right to terminate t+-~i5 Li cease far any suusE>cluent t~reac~~ wllich may occur, or tc f:=nf'c~rce any other provision of this License. Upon tt~rminaticn, ~.icensPe shall remove the pi~.~ Line dni,~ re:~tore Li.cr>nsor's pro~rrty as heri=in c7lsev~~~ere provided. 2. Licensee snail. use the PIPE LIh~E solely for carry.irZg sewac~r= THIS LICEtdiE, P;acie t;7is 21th r,ay C,f ~=c~;x•u<~r __, l9 E3G , L;E:t4re.en T t-~ ATlt1I5UPv, TOPEKA ~ttvt~ `~NPiTA r E f~:%ISLt~AY t';Ut•1f't`i~~ , r~ uel ~~rare: carporatic~~ (hereir7aftrar called "Licersor"), .arty of the; fixst part, =end c17 Y COIF t'11r~~Tr~rv (b) tacat~;ittastancirtg anyt~ain~ crx-ttaine:cl in thfy liatrility sectic~t~ Hereof, in case of d Etreaci~ of the !ablipnt:i.c:ns c:antained in this :~~;ction, ur any ~~f tt-ten~, regarriless of the negligence rr alleyeci neglicnce i~,f LicE~rtsor, License ariz•ees to assurnc liability far and to save anr"! hnlc ttarm2u~~s Licensor frcx;+ and against all injuries to ar~y person and ciamaCe to property, incluc,inc~ without lirr~itati.on, employes ;end ~~~rt?c~t~rty of LicE:r+sor and Licensee and al:l related c:xpcnses, incluCiny without limit:~tian attorneys' fF:es, investigators' fees anti litigation expenses, resulting in wf tole or in part t'rort Licensee's failure tc; comply e~titt-t any Stanuarc~ issue6:~ ~~y any cnvernn~ntal ~~utnarity cancernir~ "hazardpus substances" anchor ='?1h~arr:~rJtJS waStp". Licensew, at 1tS cast, snail assurrfr~ t~~e dF~fer-tse of all claims, suits ar ~acticns brc~uyr~t far dari;ages, aind fines or penalties herPUnrier, r.egarc~less ref whether they arc assertr~'d ac~air7st Licensor tar Licensee. Li.cer~see also agr°es to rt~.imburst= Licensor far all casts of any kind incurred as a result c.f the Licensee's fE3.ilurej to c;ar~ply with tttls Secticin , ineluci.:~nr3r trot rtot limiteta ta, fines, penalties, clean-up and disposal casts, :end leciQl casts incurred as a result ref Licenae:e's huntrliny, transporting, or dsppsing ctt "hazarrpus waste" nr "~~azk~rciaus substances" on the property of L:ice:nsor . (C) .i•t 1S Untf3StLJUd EsnC.' F31a7'eF`Ci tt`tat <:t L1Cer'tSefa ~~t[tp tiGCS npt nova, pr in t!lE future, QE'nCTate, handle, tranSpcart, treat, StarC Cr dispOSe C'f o~-t Licensr,;x•'s prcapt;rty "hdzaLdcJus wastF" or t1tazarclctus substances" ~il.nin the meartirxi of ttte Section, is not sut~ject to the provisions pf Section ~ (~a) nt-~repf. 3. Licensee s:,all pay Licensor as ccntpensation for this license the sum of Four Hundred anti Nol1t30 t)~~llr~rs ($4GG.OU) ~+. Licensee sha11, at its awn crtst arty su~~ject to tPte supervision aruf control cf Licensee's chief encineer, locate, construct anti maintain tttc PI(-ti LIt~ in such a manner anti of such material tr}at it Eai11 nc t at ar+y i:ime t;e a spurce of danger to or interference with the present or future traca;s, roacbee~ anG property of Licensor, or the safe operation of its railrnart. 7n cases wherr* the Liccnsc~e is permitted unttc:r paragrapra ;~ hereof to use tl~t:~ F'IP~: Llivt t'or oily ;has, petroleum products, or ether flarnmatale or rti~t~l~ yr,~at•ile su~?stanct=-s under res=~ure, t~E~ Pii-'E Lltat stroll be constructed, installed anti therea 'ter rtta n a n in conformity with the plans anti specifications sl-tcwn c;n print hereto attecheci irr such cases, marked i=xr~iuit d :-~nc; r:~adt~ apart hereof. If at any time Licensee shall, in the judgment pf Licensor, fail tc, pe7rform propex•ly its o~tligations under this p,ax-ugrapt3, Licensor may, at i.ts r?iariran, itself perfprna such work as it deems ner..essary fc~r trte safe: operation of its railroar~, and in such event Licensee agrEes tc~ pay, witk~ir+ fifteen (I ~) nays after r~iil shall have open rFndereci therefor, the cast sp incurred by Licensor, bt.t failure un ttte ;art of Licensor to perf'orrrt tt7e oblic~atipns ctf Licensee si-tall nc;t re.~lease Licensee from liat~ility here:r_,ryrier far loss or dam~.agt occasionr:~ri tt ~ereLy. 1~. Licensee st~rail reimi_7u~se LicEnsc:r fr~r any expense incorrect ~~y Licensor for false work to suppcrt Licensee's tracts anti for Hartman to protect its traffic during instali.~:tion of rht; P1F~ LIPiE and for any anti all other expense incurred try; Licensor or~t account of the PIPE LItdE. ' 6. Licens~~rr shall ut all das~~s inc;e~~traify ar-el save harmless Licensor against dna pay in full ~a11 lass, cur:<~c~p, or expense that Lir~ensc~r may sustain, incur or k~ecor+ze liable for, resultinc~.~ in ~~ny r,~anner fram thy; construction, rnaintertiance, use, state of repair, ar presence of tt-e PIPE LINE, inducting any such lass, uamage car expense ~~rising cut ar' (a) lass of car damage to property, (t:,} injury to ar death of persons, (c) mechanics' tar other liens of any et-raraeter, or (ca) t~+xes or assessments of any ~cinc'. 7. If at any time Licensee shall fail ar refuse to comply with nr carry out a~,y of the covenants nr~rein c:r;rat~~ineu Licensor may «t its election forthwith revoke this license. d. Thais license is riven t;y Licensor anci acccpter# "ay Licensed upan tyre express eanditian tr-rat the same racy hd tdrminated at any time by dither party ~;an ten (lUl days' notice in writing to ~:e .server upan the ~ti~aer party, stati.nr~ therein the date that such tdrminatic?r+ shall take place, ;rnci that upan the tt?rminatior~ of this ? ic~.nse in ttais ar any otter r>anner herein Caravicier, Licensee, upan demand of Licensor, shall ab:~ncfon the use of the PIPE LIh1E: and remove the samrv anc! restate the right of ;gay araci tracts of LieE:nsar to the sarr-F: condition iri which they wr::re prior to the pl~~cing of the PIPE LIt~ ttierk~uncler. In case Licensee sha11 fail to restore Licer~asar's premi Cos ~js aforesaic within ten (lU) days after the dff~uctive date +:af termination, Li.cen:~r;r mug proceed with such woxk at the expense ref Licensee. Na termination hereof shall release Lir.Frasde Prom any liability or eblir~atiai htrrEUnc~er, wh~thc:r of incieu}r;ity ar c~thc~~~w.ise, resulting fram any acts, omissions ar events happening prior to the date the PIPE LI~dE is ren-avQr and the riceat of way ;-lrrct firacN: of Lict,~nsor restored as wave pravidec~. 5. In the case of the eviction cif Licensee ;~y anyone awning nr o~;taining title to ttae prr:~rnises nn which; ti-ae PIPI_ LIME is lacatr~G, or tPa~: sale or ataando+~ment by Licensor of saki prpn~ises, Licensor s call not t-ie liable to Licensee far any Gamagd of any nature 4~rhatsaever or to ref'urrc any payment naoe rJy Licf~nsee to Licensor hereon+:er, except the px~c,partianate part r1f any recurring rental Ct`aaryir which r>•~y Ya~svE~ taeen p~~id hdreunder in advance. lU. Any notice hey°eunder to be c~iver~a ray Licensor to Licensee shall Ue deerrred to Ue prcp~.lrly servdct it it ~}e ca~pr~sitcv in tt`rP United states t~;ai1, postage prepaid, addres:~eci to Licensee at 210 E. Chestnut Canton Illinois 6I52U Any notice to to g von hereunLer qy Licensee to Licensor strx t;e reemeel tc7 t;e propr~~ly served if the same sae deposited in the United :.:tams hail, postage prepaiG, acfc+ressed to Licensor's General ~hanagdr at P. t~. Uux I73fs, Sa:~CI s. ~:. t~uir~cy strera, Tapeku, Kansas r~r~625. 11. In ttic event that two ar rraore parties executd this instrumr'xnt as Licensed, a.ll t~'~N eavesnants arac agreements ref' Licensee in this license seaall i~ try joint and several covenants and a~;rrsements of Such parties. .~ '~ J I~. All the covenants Mini ~arovisiar~s of this instrument shall tr~.~ t,indinr~ upon arxj inure to the benefit of t~ze succ~:sse>.rs, ler~al representativFs and assigns of tt~le partlC:s to the ram,^ ext=nt :~nc effect as the sar,le arf. binciiny upon anc9 inure to the? her~efit of tt,e p:~rties i-If~retr.~, tzut no assic~r~r;,r~nt t~rererzf try ~.i.censee, its s~rceessors, legal represent:~tivr~s or assigns, or any subsequent assignee, mall tie hin~~iny upon L~censnr withcjut the written consent c:~f Licr~nsor ir; e~aeh instance. la. tJ~twiths.;tar~c~iny any ottzer p~.rJVisiuns of this license, Licc~r,see st~,all cczrnply with all statutes, c.~rr~?ncrncr;_~s, rut-~s, regulatic,ns, err_ktars anc CiE':%;iS:LOnS (t-iCr€?irli~~'t8'T rGfErx•r'(;~ L'C: ~S f'Stc~nCarC;~;'' ), issueca e_ly any terjeral, st~atw or kcal governm~antai F;ociy or aG4;ency esta:~IishF}d there~y (hereinafter referred to as "Autnarity"), re.latir7cJ to LicF~nsee's use oaf LicensRr's prcp~~rty hereunuer. .~n its use r3f the premises, L:~cen:e}. shall at all tirze~s hEy in fu11 cort~,.iiancrr~ wittz all Stanrards, present c,r future, set iJy any Ar~t~ ~ority, inclur:inr~, but not limited tu, Stan~'arc~s cc+~ccrni.ny air quality, r~+atEr quality, noise, hazardous subst:~nces anU i~az;~rdc~us waste. Ir. tie: event Licensed fails to be in full compliance with Stanc,~re1s set by any Authority, Licensor rnay, of ter gi viny reasonable net? cr-. c;f t., ~e i'ailure to l.icerzsee, an i Licensee, `~+ithin tt",irty (U} r1ay5 raf such notice, fails :=a.ttinr to correct such non-compliance c:r to r~ivc writtEn notice try tor: Licenser cf ity intent to contest tt>e allcc~arirm of non-compliance t~efc~rra the :+utherity Pstahlist~,inc~ ti",:? Stanctarc.i or i,~, nr-y uthez~ proper forua?, tetra wizatever action is necr-.•ssary to protect the premises and Cleanser's r-,ilrc~ad rr7ci rthcr adjacent property. Li~oer~,scae :;hall reiartaurse tt~e Licensor f~~r X11 cc,sts inc:t.u~sing kzut not lir?,ited ta, cansulong, F`ngineerinc~, clean-u{~ 4rnrJ disposal costs, anra legal costs) i.ncUrx•{~u ~y rho Lic,~rzsor in carc~lyinr~ with such Stancarcis, and also ~~uct, costs incurred by the Licensor in abt~tng a viol,at.ion of sucr'~ Stano~~rc+s, {~ratectin:; against ~3 ttzreatenec vica:iaoon cf such Stanua-rc~s, GE'ft~rlClint any claim rzf violation of such 5tanciaxds in any prccr=~riinq hefczre any Auttzczrity czr court, ~anr1 ,_:aylny ar,y finer ter penalties im~,est'G for suer, violations. Licensee shall asstune liability fox• anc sha11 save anc~ tuYld harmless the Licensor from any clairrf ref d violation of such Standarc,~z rEM,~arc~less of th£, nature trlereof ox' the t~uthezrity or person asserting sr.rch slain, 4hich results fi'rom LicFnsee's use ref Licen;~rzr's premises, whFthEr sucrz clair~ arises in riri;r.;le r;r in µart from the neylir;~ence or alleged neclic~rr:nce of t~iE? Licenser cr c+ther~~ise. LicrnsFP, at its ci3st, shall ~rssume the defense of all such +:lai.e~zs reyi,re~less of wt'eetr-+cr ti~tey are ,asserted against Licensee nr L:icensr~r. 14. Upr~n written nr/tice trar,~ t_icenaor, Licensee: agrees to as~;urle t~,E c?ei~'ense of any la~ws~!it, ac~~.ireistrative ~~ct on r~r ott•zer proeeedinr~ t~roug~ It a~,r~inst Licenser by :any puulic ;iocy, ine;ivicae;al, Nartr°e;.rshi~r, cc~rporatie;n, or ether legal entity, relating to any rrtattE~r r_overeci by ttzis L.iccnsc fc3r ~vizietr Lier~r,see nos an cm,~ir~ation to assurr~ 1iai;ility fear ~,ni~/car t,o save' anti tzrir-t harr;,lPSS the Licr~nsor. Licensee steal.l ~7ay ~z.ll the r.osts incio~ent to sr.~rh csefense, ir,clutting, tarot not limited t©, attczrneys' fees, investi~}ators' fees, litic;atic~r expanses, settlE~ment payments, ~nr~ arncunts paid in satisfaction of juu;irr~=nts. Any ancz ail lawsuits rr a;~ministrative racoons itUUg,t ar threatened on any theory ref relief availanle at law, in egrrity err uncir~r the r~.rles rzf any a~±rninistrativF ae~e~ncy s~a1.1 trf covt?rc~cd tzy ;-.his section, incluc~inr~, but nc~t li.n,ite~d tn, the trzecz ies of intentional misconcuct, r,er~liti~nce, lzreach of statute or or~.~inarrcer, or upon any theory r:re:ater t3y statute or ordinance, state ar ferierral. Iii! WII~NCSS i~rr~E~cO~, ttie parf-.es i-ravc cxecutf~c~ this ~~re~mer~t in r±uplicate the cay ancx year first ataove wr..itten. ATitS~l': City erg: u~Pf~UVED ~ rCJ NU~iP•i General Attorney = ~FCar-sas -4_g>-1 t~5~s~ 21 C~ ! 4(731h / 224U/ E1 Tk~ ATCHIS()i~, TOF'~KA AEtrl7 S!~E+I tq ~'~: FiA1Li~'~tY CQME'Ai dY its A .._. CITY G~F ` t~ITtJ~J ~ c-~ -T--- Tts Mayor i` • 3EOY'S NO. EXHIBIT "A" THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTABFE RAILWAY COMPA AND NY C/TY OF CANTON CHICAGO. ILLINOIS SCALE: 1 IN. TO /OD FT. /LL /ND/S DIV. PE0.4/A DIST. DATE ~ FEB/S'UA R Y S, /986 ~--- To Lo~.ax '• -- 7280 ,. __ iP/W Lin~E ~i i .., , ~I 3~ ~. J V DESCRIPTION OF PIPELINE PIPELINE SHOWN BOLD C~/y1,q ~i1r T- ., ~- - - - - _. TO LO~v.4/1/S~ORT -~ CARRIER CAS~IG CARRIER CASMVG PEE PIPE PIPE PIPE SIZE' CONTENTS: B ~~ -~- SEW.4ct- LENGTH ON R/W: ~o P S / so - PIPE MATERIAL: ~-- S'TEE~ WORKING PRESSURE: BURY: BASE/RAIL TO TOP . . . OF CASING - T SPEC~ICATION /GRADE: AWWi4 0900 ASTM-A53-B BURY: NATURAL GROUND " ,~ 3,_ D „ WALL TFK~Q~SS: X362 jL,2B2 BURY: ROADWAY DITCI~S 3=p.. COATNKK;~ ND/~tE /VonrE CATHODIC PROTECTION N/~4 VENTS: NUIYBER N/.a SRE FEK~H'T' OF VENT /NEAR CANTON, FUL TON COUNTY /LL /NO/S A80VE GROUND NOTE: CASNG TO BE JACKED OR DRY BORED ONLY. C.E. DRAWING NO. 1 - OS20/ !S/• C. WEBS _ _ _ _ _ _ CHIEF ENGINEER DESCRIPTION APPROVED -N- E. S. 72 76f 92.2 M. P /37f 4zai6 /4/W Liiv,F _. _. • b 1q h W d 3 DIV. DWG. NO.__ DIV. FILE NO. G.M. FILE NO. _ C.E. FILE N0.6d-040-D//82 c~•n