HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #2067:. `~'J the BE IT RESOVLED, by the NANCY WHITES ,~ ~ 6 7 Resolution for Maintenance of 8trsets and Highways By Municipality Under the Ilitnois Hl~hway Code COUNCIL (Councilor Prssldsnt end Board of Trustees) CITY of CANTON ,Illinois, that there is hereby (City, Town or Village) ~iNemel _ _ appropriated the sum of $ $180,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code, from January 1, 19 89 to December 31, 19 89 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that only those streets, highways, and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs, including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tion with this resolution, are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon as practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s) for this period; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation, at I, Mrs. of CANTON County of hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by COUNCIL at a meeting on JUNE 13 , 1 g 89 (Councilor President end Board of Trustees) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of JUNE , A.D. 19 89 . (SEAL) PEORIA of the ,Illinois. Clerk in and for the CITY (City, Town a Village) FULTON CITY Clerk (City, Town or Village) APPROVED 19 - Department of Transportation District Engineer BLR 4123 (Rev. 6/87) II dOd_AQ4A Period from January 1,19 89 , to December 31,19 89 Municipality CITY OF CANTON alfltMillC bb ~ Estimated Cost of Malntsnance Opsratlone Maintenance Operation Material, Equipment or Labor Operation (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and 3pecff~ation Reference Quantity Unit Amount Coat and Unit Coat Di ~- T.ll ..l 1 l r~~! __ ..~ .. _ _ v I 1 I 1 _ _- 1 1' il~ II 11 11 T7 1 1A11..1 A11 n____1 r_.. ~. w .. .. _ __ __- __ Totat Estimated Maintenance Cost Submitted JUNE , 19 89 Approved By _ NANCY tdFiTTF.~ ('.TTY GL.ERK Municipal Official Title Submit Four (4) Copies to District Engineer ,19 District Engineer atlon Munlclpal Estanat~ of Maintsnanc~ Coati Period from January 1, 19.89 , to December 31, 19 89 Municipality CITY OF CANTON Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Maintenance Operation Material, Equipment or Labor (No.•Deacription-Total Quantity) Item and Ouantit Unit Amount Cost ation Specification Reference and Unit Cost - 1 "x24" S ed Zone Ah ad 6 ea 1 .5 - 24" One Wa • 6 ea 1 . - 24" One Wa 6 ea 1 .5 o Lef t ~ ' ' Total Estimated Maintenance Cost $165,792.40 Submitted JUNE ~ 19 89 Approved .19 NANCY WHITES CITY CLERK ~Auniclpal Olficla! Titie District Engineer Submit Four (4) Coples b District En~inesr •TAT'/OILLNgIii MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE OPEIIATIONi weAT~ew, ~ srrwestr nqw Four Wes 0 St. t+o H o St ' °T~ ~~`~~'~'~' ~~~ 3 w~oT~ Ma 1 1 MAl/~fT[NANCS: Or[RATI osscw~rrwM ON auarrrrr ~--- Four West H o x C 2 3 2 8 171 7 y erry 1 1 2 3 0 2 Four infest er Linn _ 2 2 8 Corporation Si t 3 9 x Seven 3 0 1 1 1 Fairview P Avenue A Avenu B 3 7 e 5 2 3 1 First Ash Oli ve 426 30 2 426 First Olive Vi 3 18 ne 427 30 2 427 First Wa nut ti9 3 18 a a 415 30 2 415 First bia a RR T 3 17 racks 414 30 2 414 Secon Locust H d 3 17 owar 200 30 2 200 Secon 'rIoward S 3 g zvice 200 30 2 200 Second S nice A h 3 g s 400 30 2 400 Second ash Oli 3 17 ve 400 30 2 400 Second Olive Vine 293 26 3 2 17 254 Second Vine :; rtle 446 30 3 2 11 446 Second I rtle Birch 440 30 3 2 19 446 Second '_2R Tracks Oak 454 30 3 2 19 463 Second Oar, :iickor' 33Ei 30 2 19 33u 3 16 Submit four (4) copies to District Enpoeer 8LR 7303 (Rev. 3-84) ~TAt'si 0/ ~L,Nlpl~ MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE OPEIIATIONs LOCATION WR/AC< MAINT'[N ANCt ~~* /110M TO TM~ ~iNOTM WIOTN M0. OrERAT10N OlfG Third Third Chestnut Libert Libert Locust _ 200 200 30 30 2 3 2 ~IR1pN - ~`-'~~ 209 9 200 Four West Howard- S race 184 10 3 2 8 Fourth West S race Ash - 404 - 10 3 2 ~ 61 3 13 Fourth East ~•dalnut M l 3 3 6 a e 337 20 2 25 Eleventh Olive Vi 3 3 11 ne 412 31 2 426 Eleventh Vine M rtl 3 18 e 412 31 2 426 Thirteenth Olive Vin 3 18 e 400 22 2 293 r een Vine M r e 3 12 Ash Sixt th 3 13 een Twentieth 214 22 2 1624 Avenue A L t 3 68 ocus S nice 400 26 2 347 Avenue A S ni A h 3 14 ce s 400 26 2 347 Avenue A Ash Fairview P 200 26 3 2 14 173 Avenue A Fairview Olive 350 26 3 2 7 303 Avenue A Olive Vine 342 26 3 2 13 296 Avenue B Cedar Ci Limit 826 21 3 2 12 578 Avenue C S nice Cass 500 28 3 2 24 467 Avenue D Locust S xvice 594 30 3 2 19 594 avenue D Elm Pine 594 30 3 2 25 594 avenue D Pine S•7alnut 595 30 3 2 25 595 avenue ;I Pine j•?alnut 391 21 3 2 25 283 3eech Avenue a Avenue 3 336 19 3 2 12 213 Cass avenue 3 Johnson 391 30 3 2 g 391 Cass Jo~inson :venue C 392 30 3 2 16 392 3 16 Submit Four (4) copies to Dirtrict Ell~ineer BLR 7303 (Rev. 3-84) •TA?'~ 0' ILLNI01~ MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE OPERATION= ~ M~l~wu - Rwar --"'"'-" ^sOM 7+0 a °r ~~ - WRIAC[ ~o+orN wiarN Na MAIN7[NANC[ OrERA710N oas~r~~rraN au~Nrrrv erry F rs econ --- erry econ T r es nu Avenue D venue E m E even e - - m e it een E m Avenue A Avenue B m venue venue m Avenue venue i ory Main irs ory i F our o y Four Fi epar Dr .gain urve wis Fi ix wi s ix even 2 1 9 y it our 2 2 10 n en ain wrence 600 25 n en Lawrence Firs 30 2 263 11 inn Main Firs 2 497 21 inn Firs Secon 2 497 3 21 inn Secon T it 3 2 497 i;Zn it Four 41 3 2 21 497 21 inn ~ our Fig -i 504 21 cus ~ia.i n ivln ~ 31 2 362 ~ 15 Focus ::inc;i 1 :O^1~SOn 2 0 31 2 207 9 Submit Four (4) copies to District Erb g~q 7303 (Rev. 3-84) •TATf 0/ KLNgN MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE OPERAT10Ns L.OC~/1TION l~JR/AC= MAINT[NANCi O/ERATION s>ts~e- Locust ~~ Thom son TO °tv~is~ _ Haffner ~oro~tt wlarN NO. OtfCR1IrION OuANtITv 350 31 2 362 Locust Haffner Eleventh 350 31 3 2 15 362 Locust Eleventh Fourteen 318 31 3 2 15 1362 Lon ood Ct Par; Plaza Dr. Cu1DeS c - 378- = 30 3 2 57 378 Lon ood Cu1DeSac Cu1DeSac 0 0 3 2 16 94 Lon ood Dr Park Plaza Dr. Lon Ct. 557 29 3 2 4 538 taia le Avenue B Pros ct 781 30 3 2 22 797 Ma le Pros ct Park Ct. 2II1 27 3 2 33 272 Ma a Par Ct. t•Ja in Ct 2 3 2 11 5 P4a le Wallin Fulton Pl. 682 26 3 2 2 626 Ma le Fulton Avenue D 86 27 3 2 26 86 AI rtle Sixth Seventh 338 28 3 2 4 315 P-i rtle S th 3 13 even Ei hth 337 28 2 315 Oak Sec d hi 3 13 on T rd 431 30 2 431 Olive Ele th l 3 18 ven Twe fth 382 21 2 285 Olive Twelfth Thirteen 359 21 3 2 12 260 Olive Avenue A Avenue B 384 29 3 2 11 371 Olive Avenue B Johnson 356 29 3 2 15 344 Park Plaza t. Parr: P1 za Dr. Cul eSac 283 29 3 2 14 274 Par;; Plaza t. Cu1DeSac 0 0 3 2 11 95 Pine First Van 3uren 154 30 2 4 172 Pine ~-lartin Avenue B 250 30 3 2 7 250 Pine Avenue 3 Avenue C 750 30 3 2 10 750 'in~'- ~-~,ve:~ue C Oi~1nSOI1 C 25U 30 3 ~ 31 250 3 10 Submit Four (4) copies to District En~inerr BLR 73031Rev. 3-8x1 L •TAT~ OR ~LNpI~ MUNiCIP~L MAINTENANCE OPERATION! LOCATION !uR/~ MAINT[NANCt OKRATION ~~* ~~ TO OT1I~ LagTli INIOTM N0. ~KJtl/TION aMANTITY 162 7 34 1 12 10 } 12 0 2 212 3 g 0 2 212 480 20 6 00 13 76 62 Submit Four (4) copies to Ditttict Ettpoee~ BLR 73031Rev. 3-84) . - t~OCATION n'11RT ~_IIIOM h _East Linn 'th East ~th East th East th East wis n lo. fTAT! 0~ Ktr1pN MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS tt41RrACi ~'° a r~~ ~aaTM w~arN N0. Lewis tieth Cit Li rack Fifth _ Park En Terrace Cu ut RR N F Submit Four (4) copies to Dirtrict End t 5 457 24 4 5 802- 30 4 5 345 26 4 5 MAINT[NANCt OrERATiON °~~'*~+ oxiANTmr 1 1 3 2 BLR 73031Rev. 3-841 Illinois Department of Tran ortatio Division of Highways/Distract 4 ~ n 6035 North Knoxville Avenue/Peoria, Illinois/61614 July 17, 1989 CITY MFT Canton Sections 89-00000-00-GM/89-00000-O1-GM 1989 Maintenance Resolution Mrs . Nancy Whites City Clerk City Hall Canton, I1. 61520 Dear Mrs. Whites: The resolution adopted by the City Council on June 20, 1989 appropriating 180,000.00 of motor fuel tax funds for the maintenance of various municipal streets and highways for the above year is approved. The municipal estimate of maintenance costs in the amount of $165,792.40 is also approved and your file copy is enclosed. An expenditure of $104,172.40 for general maintenance operation is being authorized on this date and will be shown on your next monthly allotment letter. The specifications, plans and proposal for the maintenance overlay (89-00000-O1-GM) are approved. Work under contract maintenance consists of applying a 1 1/2" overlay of bituminous mixture complete over 5,242 lira. ft. (0.99 miles) of various city streets. An expenditure of funds for the contract work (contract and engineering) will be authorized under the general maintenance section (89-00000-00-GM) upon receipt and approval by this office of the contract. Please be aware that other maintenance material operations $roposed for 1989 are subject to the State limitation of 5,000.00 for the same type of material or 5,000.00 from any one vendor for the purchase of all materials.