HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #2066RESOLUTION NO. 2066 WFIIE~ttEAS, the State of Illinois had enacted `°E~? ACT regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workmen employed in any public works by the State, county, city or any public body or any political subdivision or by anyone under contract for public works,°' (hereinafter referred to as the °"Act`°) as set forth in Chapter 48, Section 39s-1 through 39s-12 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, 1985; and, wt~F~t~:A~, said Act requires the City of Canton, Illinois to investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in said Act for laborers, mechanics and other workmen in the locality of the City of Canton, employed in the construction of public works for said Cit~T, exclusive of maintenance wor}:. NOW, T1`iIItEF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OOLfi1CIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS. 1. ~t'he prevailing rate of vaages in this locality for laborers, mechanics and other workmen engaged in the construction of public ~~ror}cs coming under the jurisdiction of the City of Canton is hereby ascertained to be the same as the prevailing rate of wages for construction work in the Fulton County area as determineci by the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois as of June 6, 1989, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part by reference as Exhibit ~aAu 2. T~Tothing herein contained shall be construed to apply said prevailing rate of wages to any d~ork or employment except public ~~~orJcs construction of the City of Canton to the extent required by the Act. 3. The City Cler}; of the City of Canton, Illinois shall publically post and keep available for inspection by any interested party in the main office of this City of Canton this determination of the ;prevailing rate ~~aages. 4. The City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois shall mail a copy of this determination to any employer, and to any association of employees who have filed, or file, their names and addresses, requesting copies of any determination stating the particular rates and the particular class of workmen whose wages will be affected by such rates. 5. The City Clerlc of the City of Canton, Illinois shall pro!~ptly file a certified copy of this Resolution c~ith both the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois and the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois. 6, T:°~e City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois shall cause to be published in the Daily Ledger a notice of this Determination of the prevailing rate of wage is effective and that this is the determination of this ~~ublic body. 7. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois and approval by the TZayor thereof. Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this 6th day of June, 1989 upon a roll call vote as folloe~s: AYES: Aldermen Chapman, May, Meade, Sarff, Steck, Zi11y, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. ~~: Alderman Bohler. APPROVED: Donald L. F,d~~~ards, iayor. Attest: ' ~ ~ l zany rahi s, City Clerk. ILlIN015 UEPARfMkNI UI LAliUlt I'RtVAILING WAGtb Il1ft fUI lON COUNTr EFFECIIVL 06/01/89 Ihva~• Prvvelllu M •{ (hall b• Include n tthe conuvCtt !!nd thtlr advertised -ptcltl utiont to which an IY•vva~l~ny WagelAct9 (111, Re Stat. 1~9~. Ch. 18, per. 79s 1 is a Y Vubllc body as de/lntd In Section ? or the le~lldi~gt or public vorkt vltXln the Stat• of I ll lnois which rvqu~rvf or pinvuylvvf~thenewctoy ens ofnleporKi~rapry,v~ri, jndti echin~ci end roevwnryooperaturs~ M~auwuvwagts, overtlN rat• and /ringe benNllt certified Mrvin shall by De id Ih~t rule o1 prtwilln9 wqe to bt paid sMll be posted by the contactor ~'~ a Proofnent and •ISI)y aCttstibltt place at the rite M wr-. Thl: detsralnatlan it the prop4rty or the ~111no1t Departeent o/ labor and tMli not be gl~rvd vlthoul thatr coniint In writlno. C l NAMI Uf~ IRAUE RG TYP S ASIII:STUS AE1T-MEC HI D ASfiL-SIUS Agf-GEM gip Ifl/f RST INSUI., qkp ti011 ERMAKERS gkp URICKLAYERS gkp CARNE N T f: NS gl D CAftl't NTERS L gLD CARPE N I E RS HWY M11lWRIGNTS gkp MIi IWRIGIiTS E gip M111 WRIGIITS NWY t'li FDkiVERS gkp I'IllOftIVERS E gk0 P I l E Ult I VERS NWY CEMENT MASONS 8L0 CEMENT MASONS HWr CEMENT MASONS NW 8Lp CEMENT MASONS NW NWY LtLCTRICIANS glD ILkCTRICIANS S glD GI Al. I l RS N gLD C1 A71 ERS S Bl0 ikpN WORKERS NE 81 I) IRON WORKERS NE IiWY IRUN WORKERS SE All t AtlWtE RS gL p 1 AtlOfttlts NwY l AIIIERS Hl p 1 Al11ERS [ilu MARtiI E WORKERS g1.D q'ER, ENGINEERS BLU 1 lM'LR, ENGINEERS gLD ? OPER, ENGINEERS gk0 1 Of'kR. ENGINEERS NWr 1 OPLR, ENGINEERS HWY ? ONF It, ENGINEERS IiWY 3 Wklt lXtllLkRS Akl 1 WELL GRILLERS Alt. ? PAINTERS gip PAINTERS HWY NAINTERS IND I'LUMtiERS,I I fTERS gip PLASTERERS 111 p Pt ASTERERS NW gl U ItOpFERS elu SPRINKLER f11TERS glU SI It I THE I Al WRKRS HI U S t ONE WORKERS Ill D 11 RRAlLO WRKRS Nl U III i 1 AYERS kit fl I Rl1CK l)R I VERS ALl 1 iRIICK URIVERS Al.l 2 (RUCK DRIVERS All 3 TRUCK DRIVERS ALL 4 HOURLY RAPES BASIC 15.9?0 IS.920 2?.970 19.200 16.610 16.990 17.360 18.280 17.480 17.860 Ie.78o 17.480 17,860 18.780 17.140 17,700 16.140 16.140 18.320 17.6?0 16.240 17,500 16.680 17.610 16.750 IS.9?0 16.600 16.980 17.210 16.430 18.070 17.340 16.110 19.290 18.110 16.430 17,4so 16.?SO 16.950 16.950 16.950 18.140 17.290 16.140 18.750 19,?SO 17,110 16.?10 16.130 16.430 15.925 16.3?5. 16.5?5 16.775 FORMN 16.370 16.310 23.970 2o.7so 16,860 18.480 18.860 19.530 18.980 19.360 zo.o3o 18.980 19.360 ?0.030 17.640 18.200 16.640 16.640 ?0.150 19.380 16.990 17.430 18.360 17,500 16.370 17.OS0 18.480 1e.71o h6.930 17.450 17.450 17.450 19.390 17,790 16.640 19.250 20,500 18.090 16.460 16.930 16.930 OVERTIME RATE M-F SA SU6Hl AETLR AL I. All 8 IIRS HRS NRS fIRLY FRINGE RATES WLFR PENSN VACTN 1,5 t,5 ?.0 ?,200 3.080 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.250 1,000 ,000 1,5 1,S 2.0 2,200 3.080 .000 1,5 I,5 2,0 2,050 1.200 ,000 I,S 1,5 2,0 1.400 2.100 ,000 1,5 I.S ?.0 1.450 1.500 .000 I,S I,S 2.0 1,450 1,750 ,000 I.S 1,5 ?,0 1,450 2.000 ,000 1,S I,S 2.0 1,450 I.S00 ,000 I.S I,S ?.0 1,450 1,750 .000 1.3 1.5 2.0 1.450 ?.000 .000 i.5 I,S 2,0 1.450 I,S00 .000 1,5 I,S 2.0 1,450 1.750 ,000 1,5 I,S 2,0 I,ISO 2.000 .000 I,S 1.S ?.0 1,500 1,750 ,000 1.5 I.S ?.0 1,500 1,750 ,000 2.0 2.0 2.0 1,230 ,750 .000 2.0 2.0 . 2.0 1.230 ,750 .000 1.5 I,S 2.0 1,250 1.550 .000 I,5 1,5 ?.0 1.450 1,630 .000 1.5 I,5 ?.0 1,250 ,750 ,000 I.S 2.0 2.0 .000 1.200 .000 1.5 I.S 2.0 ?.620 1.930 .000 1.S I,S 2.0 2,670 ?.180 ,000 I,S 1.5 2.0 1.600 ?.550 ,000 I.S 1.5 2.0 1.250 1,000 ,000 I.S 1.S 2.0 1.250 I,?SO .000 1,5 1.5 2.0 1.450 I,S00 ,000 t,S 1,S 2.0 1.450 1.750 ,000 I.S I.5 ?.0 1,550 2.200 ,000 1.5 I.S 2.0 1,700 1,700 ,000 I,S I.S ?.0 1.700 1,700 .000 I,S t,5 2.0 1,700 1,700 ,000 1.5 I.S 2,0 1.700 1.700 .000 I.S 1.5 2.0 1,700 1,700 .000 I.S 1.S 2,0 1.700 1,700 ,000 I,S 1,5 ?.0 1.700 1.500 .000 I,S 1,5 2,0 1.700 1,500 .000 i,S I,S 2.0 1,250 1.350 .000 1.S I,S 2.0 1,250 1,350 ,000 1.5 1,S 2.0 1.250 1.350 .000 1,5 1,S 2.0 ?.000 2.050 .000 I,S 1,S 2,0 1.500 1.750 .000 ?.0 2.0 2,0 1.230 .750 .000 1.5 I,S ?.0 1.800 ,850 ,000 I,S 2.0 ?,0 2.200 1.600 .000 1,5 1,5 ?.0 1.100 1.440 .000 I,S 1.5 2.0 1.400 1.900 ,000 I,S I.S ?.0 1.550 2.200 ,000 1,5 1,5 '?.0 1.550 ?.200 ,000 1,5 I.5 ?.0 2.000 1,525 .000 1,5 I,S 2.0 2.000 1.525 ,000 1,5 I,S 2.0 2.000 1.525 .000 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.000 1.525 .000 a~tJNRI Ni N ~n11 Yd•r ~f lea ~~yllr F.r r(n O/ ar. 1+1`` ^rM1 Ilrre runnrnq lnr Vyrr na lay.7ua VAr• III IR:(IAN; M tarot rllpt Of Un tun, ter. :ass, filrFF, rt ta, ppefflSl Young, NIUW and rWlr iti. rFW'txllRl l Ihat ppaawl Of the county la:l Of Nts. 9!• 71, and IOY ((ncludes MIIIMt~(aIIS and 1'I l1lxtlvlH;l. -I N(NI Mq$UNS NM Thal part o/ the County WPSt OI a Morin-South 1 of West of F Uwingt pre and Cant Un end Nnrlh vl an IJSI wrsl liar Nur lh ul luGa. Ir.: -ollowinq list ri considered as those days for rM ch holiday rat K of cages for w rM perfarwed apply; Nev Years Day, Mertortal/Decoration Oay. Fourth of July, labor Day, Veterans Oay TMnksglvlnq Da Chrlstwas Day. Genperally, any of thK a holidayyss vnlcyyh fall an • Sunday is celebrated on tM foilowtng Hondas. This then wakes work perforwed on that Monday payable` et the V~eteransaDay~velfrin doubtropleasedcheckywltho Oa ,practice In • glum local way alter certain days of celebration such as the day alter Thanksgivlnq fur EXPLANATION Of CLASSES TRiX K DRIVEk -BUIIDING, HEAVY ANO HIGHdAY CpISINJCTIUN-fUIiQN COUNTT Class 1. Drivers on 2 axle trucks hauling iK s than 9 ton. A r cowpressor and welding each mK and bruows, including those pulled by separate unite, truck driver helpers, wrehoutewm , etchanic helpers, greasers and t~reem , pickup trvckt when hauling eaterlals, tools, or wen to and froe and on -lht~Job site, and fork lifts up to 6.000 lb. capacity. is ass I. Ira or three axle trucks haulln9 trove than V ton but Dealing lf~cts than )6 ton, A-frawe winch truck hydrolifl trucksy or siwllar equlpwvnt when used for transport at ton Iwrposes. Fork lifts over 6, W lb. capacity, winch trucks, four ale canbinatlan un~ts, and ticket writer . Class !. Two, three or lour axle trucks hauling 16 ton or wore. Drivers on water pulls, wechanics and wrk hrg forewen, and dispatchers. flue a^le or pore CowOination units. Class ~. low Boy and 011 Ufstrlbutors. OYEkAIING ENGIMEENS - UUIl01MG•FULiON COUNTY Class 1. CranK • Overhead Cranes; Gradall; All Cherry Pick rs; Ne hanl4t' Central Concrete Mixing Plant Operator; Had Pavers (27E Uual Uruw Irl Batchers): Blacktop Plant Operator) and Plantt Engln~ers• ] ~rulI~t Ho~tt; Utzricks; Hydro Cra t• Shov~lt; SkiwaKr Scoops; Koehrtnq Scoaper; Uraq lines, Backlroe: Derrick ats• Plle Drivers and Ski R1yys• C1aNtMllt• locawotly rane~ Dr qe (all typei~ liotor afro Pwer Blades Duwort -Elevating and siw(lar types; Ewer Cranes (Crawler~labll ~ and Statlonary• franc- • ~ kfiller• ~8tt Yuebo d stellar types considered • Cranes; Cais on Rigs; Ooter• Tournado:er• Mork Boats; Ross Carrter• Helicopter; tourn~pu yypps - af1 and sietlar types ~Sn~gops (all titer) Push att• ndloaders (al types Asphalt Surfacing Machines SIiQQ~form Paver! Rock Crusher; Heavy Eq iptwens Crea ers CNI OtI"Be)t Placer. Auto GraBt~ i J ~ra~~C ind sirillar ty~s; Si~i Boas : Nuttrp:e Unit Earth Novers• .25a per hr., for Nth troop over one rl); Cr~ter Cran Ei•ench Machin Yunp-crate-Belt Crete-Squeeze Crates-Screw-type Puwps and Gypsue• Sulker i Puwp -Operator v111 clean; ForelKt flnlthlnq9 Ma44h n ; 1!hart gSpreader or tlei~er types, Screed Man on laydowyr Machine; Wheel Tractors (Industrial or Fare-type v/Oozer-Hoe-Endloader or other attacharnts); F. W.a, i Stell~r TypK ; Verwetr Concrete feu. (lass I. Oinkeys; Power l wnchet• PH One-pass Soil CeMnt MKhine and iletlar types Pugqwtfll with P~wpp~~ 8ackfille Euclid loader Forklifts; .leaps w/Ditching Machine or other attachwents• iunelugers Autoeatlt C elan an Gravel Batch rq Plants' Noblle Dr111s Soll Testing)) and iwi tar typpets, Gurrles and Sieilar Types: (I) and (2) Urue Hoists Buck Heist and Stellar ~ypK )• Chicago Booe• Borlnq Machine L Pipe Jacking Na~hirre' H dro ~on• Oevaler(ng S stew; Straw Glover; Hydro Seeder; Assistant Heavy Equlprtent Gr•aser on Spr•ad' Tractors ((rack type) without Power Unit pu111nyy Aollers• Rgljers on Asphalt -Brick Nacadea; Concrete Brtaker•s• Concrete Spreaders, Nultt PulTtnq Roll t•~ C4~nter Stripper, Cewmt finishing MachlnK i CNI Tlxture i at 1 Curing Machines; Cewmi finish in Machine; Berber Breen Or tleilar 10~ n • Vibro la a[ ~A1) tailor types) ~flf-prop sled; Winch or Boow truck, Nechenical Bull Floats: Mixers over Bag tog21E; Tractor pulling Power !lade or E~vaElnq fyr dap Porter ~x Rall; Cl~ry screed; truck Eype Hoptoe Otlert; ~trtean; Spray Machine on Paving: Curt Hach mK ; Truck Crane tiers: Oil Oster tutor, 33-/ Sei11 ~qutpeent; Otter and one iJ soil equtpemt. [lass J. Air Coprsssor (i) or (2); Power Subgrader; S weight !rector; lrac Alr without attacMmts• Renton Nelson Heatg4r Oravo Warner, Sflmt Glo, and sieilar tYYpas, 0 Englnetr will opera a 1-S and oftt r two p~srators w111 be regvir Self- puled Cpntrt t Saws' Roi er: Five (5 Ion and under on Earth or Gravel, fore ader; Crawler ran i Skld N~ jl•rf; Fr•Ight vetprt; Putl~e~(1) or (g~ l qht Plant ~1) or 12)• ~eretor (3.5 KN app Over) (i ur i11• [onwyor ()) or (1~ -Operator w1~1 c1 fi~nfr; Wld}Rq Mtchtne (I) or ~~S -Equal ]00 Aap, or Over ~Ilot to in<lud• elect~tc welder ): Mixer (3) Beg end ~nder S andard oaci r v1 h skto Bulk Geent ~tant: Oster on Central Concrete Mixlno Plant. (IPENAIING ENGINEERS -BUIIDING. HEAVY AND HIOHkMY ODMSTRUCTION-FUTON COUNTY Class 1. CranK • Hydro Crane, Shovels; Cranq Type Backfliler; Tower Cr#ne Noblle Crawler i stationary; Derricks L Hoists (3 Drools UragllnK ; Orott YuaDo i siwilar [ ptscornider•ed as CranK ; Back Hoe; Derrick BoatFF• Pile ~Iver and kid Rigs; C aA Sh1,eeI1• locoewtive - Cranes, Road ?Pavers -Sin le Draw - Uual Druw - Tri BitcAtr• Not or Patrolsf i Pryatr Blades - Ouepre - Elevating i Sisilar yypp K • Mechan(Ct; Cm~ral onttrest Nixing Diane Operator; Blacktop Plant Operators and Plant Eny(near{{~~ 6rada1l• Caiff~~ggn Rtgt (require Oiler) Skleawr Scoop - Koerinq Scooper; DredgK all typet)• Hoptoe -Crane Type (requires Oiler), All Cherry Picker ; ChKry Plc~i n (35 ton and otrsr rqutra 0(ler); Work Boat - rput ns Oiler (over l00 hp)• Rot ~arrisr• Heisc ter; Oorer; Tournallozer• Touroapulls -all and stellar ttttttypK : Multiple Untt Ear h Movert• 25( per hr. for each scoop over one tl)• coops (a(1 sires: Yushcats• Endloaders (all typos); I-~phalt Surf acing Machine; $)ip for P ver ~rsaulre !Biter) Rock rather; Heavy Equtpnmt Grsaser (top greaser on spread); Cal, Auto Erode, CMI Belt Placer L 3 Track and tl•' Ur typK (reqguuire Ot~er)• Side Boows; Stir N nnqq ~nglneer on Pipeline; Asphalt Heafer i Ylaner Cowbinatfon (used to plane streets); laical tractors (with dozer. hoe or ehdToader attacliemts)• F.W.O. and Siwllar typpees: Bi w Knox Sppreadder ma Siwliar types: Trench Machines; Pup Crete -Bell Crete -Squeeze Crest ssssraw t~De puepl and q sow (operator rill clean); Foreless f~nlshing NachinK ; ilaherty Spreader ur sinllar types (require Osier); Screed Nan on LaydowYi NacAlnt; Vtrweer Concrete Saw. Class 1. Sulker L Puwp; Power launcht Borlnq Ma hive i Plpe Jacking Machine; Ornkeyys: P H Una Mats Sotl Cewmt Nachln~ess and siwilar trpes; Wheat Tr xtors /IIndustry or farw tyyppee - oth~r•)• Baal~k Fill~r•s: Euclid loader; fork liftt{{; Jeep v/Oitthlny Machin r other attachnmts; Tunelu9er; Auluwatic Ceemt i Gravel Botching Plants, Mo011e Drills = Sotl Testting and Cellar typpe~} Puge111 with ppouop; All (1) and ~2; Oruw Holstt: D~atertnq Syft Straw Blower: Nrdro- Seeder• Boring 11ac hire; HyF~rro-Iooe• Gr1nd rt ~seil• spelled); Attlttanl 14avy Equlpn t Creater• Apteo Ipreader; Tractor ~~ack-type) ritiwut Power Units bulling Rollers; Rollers on ~tph it • SriSk or Mac Wae• Corereta Breakers; Concrete ~sn~readers• tinter Stripper Cutmt ~(n hln9 NachinK i CMI Te.ture i Reel Curing NachinK • Vtbro-T tsars ~a11 scatter t K self-Dtt''opelled)• Nechanlcal Bull fleet M)xert-over three j ba4s to 21~• Wench and Boow Trucks, Tractor Pulling Powr blade or ~lewtinq radar; Pory~p~r Rex 11; Clary 3creed• Nule Pulling Rol )ers; Pugwill withou~•~p Barber frame or slwilar loaders; Track type tractor r/Pwer Unit attached ~einjeueZ• Fireean; Spray Na`hiM on bowing; Curb Nachlnet: Paved Oltth Machine; bower Brooe; Self-Propelled Conveyors; Ywer Sirbgrader; Oil Oittributor; era phi Tractor; Truck crane Ollsr: truck type Oitert; 3-~ Swail Equipwent; Oiler and l Swa11 Equipwmt. Class ~. Trac Air Machine (without attachwntt); Wrwan Nelson Heat r, OravQ Wrner, Silent Glo Uttar tyyppe • If-prq 11ed Concrst awe; Crawler Crane and Skld Rtq Oilers' Roller - itve ton and under on earth and graveT• fore Grader{ )Puwp((~) or ~1~; Llghtq Plmi ~) or (~; Generator ~l}S or (2)• A1r Cuwpressor (1) or (f); Conveyor (i) or (2) -Operator will clear; Ws lalnq Machine () or 22 ,Mixer - 3 66a s and under; Bu1tt(e Cewmt Plan ;Oilers on Workboat (over 100 hp). Usher Classifications of Mork: For definitions of clastfficattons not otherwise set ou{ the Departeent gmtrally has on ft le such definitiont which are avsilable. If Cher Is no such definition on file, the Bureau of Ubor St atistict SIC 1(st rill b• used. if a task to be perfpproved is not tubfeet to one of the Classlflut~ons of ppay set out, the Departwm t rill upon befog contacted state tAiich fietghbur nq tounlY has such a clattlficat an and provide tech rate, such rate Dairyy desned to exist Dy refrrmce in this docrwmt. Further, f rio tutA nefghbortnyy counttyy rate applies to the lack, the Oepartemt shall undertake a tpeciall de[erwlnatlon, such special deterwination being then dtxeed to have existed under that deterwination. Prevailing ratK o/ cages have been deternined for the following ciasttfi at ions which way not be listed: barber, halrbre}ser and coswetoloylst: baker; Dart ender; cook (Cook, Sangaagn); elevator operator; food servic`e wrksr ~Coak, Sangaeon, 11 of I-C) furniture cover (Cook); Janitor (Cook, Bacon) Maintenance wrker-power pliant, ellivriyht; cowing picture eKhl M operator, operating enptnesr-staflonary, sewge ditppoosal and water plant, floating platforw; patrol officer (Cooks; piledriver; railrwd consttruction and ea.irr~manct worker, security guard; staflonary llrswan• sound technfclan; lelecowtunleation service technsctan• th atrfcal ttagt etployee• t Wuq boat operator; underwater diver, If a proJtet rsquirK These, or any clettiflcatlon not Listed, please contact IDOL at 211/1~?/1;10 for cage ratK or ciarlflcations. ~~: ~ .~ n ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Gwen R. Martin Director June 1, 1989 Mr. Robert D. Ems, Director Canton Park District 250 South Avenue D Canton, IL 61520 Dear Mr. Ems: This will acknowledge receipt of your past request for prevailing wage rates for the County(ies) of Fulton for the period of June 1, 1989 to June, 1990. In compliance with your request, I am enclosing copies for your information and use. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ) CONCILIATION AND MEDIATION DIVISION ) CERTIFICATE I, David H. Hayes, Manager, Division of Conciliation and Mediation, Illinois Department of Labor, do hereby certify that I am the keeper of the records, files, and Seal of said office and that the attached is true and complete copy of the prevailing rate of wages determined by this Department for the aforesaid county or counties. D id H, ye Division Manager SEAL One West Old State Capitol Plaza • Room 300 • Springfield, Illinois 62701 ~" T0: Public Bodies in the State of Illinois FROM: David Hayes, Division Manager, Illinois Department of Labor RE: Illinois Pc~v~iling Wage Act (I11. Rev. Stat. 1987, ch. 48, par. 39s-1 through 39s-12) and Illinois Preference Act (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1987, ch. 48, par . 2201 -, 207 ) The Illinois Prevailing Wage Act requires each Public Body in the State of Illinois to: 1. During the month of June of each calendar year, investigate and ascertain the prevailing rates of wages as defined in the Act (par. 39s-9). 2. Upon request, the Department of Labor will ascertain the prevailing rates of wages and certify them to the Public Body (par. 39s-4). 3. Each Public Body, during the month of June of each calendar year, will post or keep available for inspection in its main office, the prevailing rates of wages file a certified copy with the Secretary of State in Springfield (Index Division, 111 E. Monroe, Springfield, I11. 62706) (par. 39s-9) and send a copy to the Illinois Department of Labor (~1 West Old State Capitol Plaza, Rm. 300, Springfield, I11. 62701-1217). 4. Within 30 days after this filing, the Public Body shall have published in a newspaper of general circulation within the. area, a notice that its determination is effective {par. 39s-9). 5. A Public Body shall specify in its resolution or ordinance and in any call for bids for any contract regarding public works, that the general prevailing rates of wages for the locality shall be paid for each craft or type of worker or mechanic needed to execute the contract or perform such work (par. 39s-~)• 6. All contracts and contractor's bonds shall include such provisions as will guarantee that not less than the prevailing rate of wages shall be paid to laborers, workers and mechanics performing work as required to complete the contract (par. 39s-3 and. 4). 7. The Department of Labor will review compliance by each Public Body with the time requirements of the Prevailing Wage Act beginning July 1 of each year (par. 39s- 6). 8. The Preference Act requires that only Illinois-resident laborers be used on any public works pro3ect or improvement done by or under contract to a Public Body. Every contract let shall contain such a provision. Other laborers may be used when Illinois laborers as defined are not available, or are incapable of performing the particular type of work involved, if' so certified by the contractor and approved by the contracting officer (par. 2203). Your help in compliance is appreciated. Please send us a corrected address if we have yours in error. If you should have any questions regarding this material, please contact the Illinois Department of Labor, ~1 West Old State Capitol Plaza, Room 300, Springfield, Illinois 62701-1217 or telephone 217/782-1710.