HomeMy WebLinkAbout#5211 Motor Fuel Tax Funds ke50fL� �/vim ' 5z 1I
Illinois -
ois Department of Transportation
Officerof Highways Project Implementation/Region 3/-District 4
401 Main Street/Peoria,Illinois 61602-1111
October 22, 2019
Ms Diana Pavley_-Rock, City Clerk
ClN f Canton
2N'orth Main Street-
Caton, Illinois 61520
Dear Ms. Pavley-Rock: +
Enclosed is a copy of"Documentation" Review#69 covering the receipt and
disbursement of Motor Fuel Tax funds-by the city for the-period beginning January
1, 2013, and ending.December 31, 201.8. i
This report should be presented to the City Council/President and Board of
Trustees at the first regular meeting after the receipt of this letter and then filed as a
permanent record in your office.
This report is a documentation review conducted by the Illinois Department of
Transportation's (IDOT) Bureau of Local Roads and-Streets. An audit will be
performed at a later date by an auditor from the Bureau of Investigations and
If you have any questions, please contact the IDOT's District 4 Local Road and
Streets Field Engineer, Mr. Mark Often, at(309)671-3688.
. gm*.j Jd•/J�.`�
Kensil A. Garnett, P.E.
Region Three Engineer
s:lgen\winwordlblrs\audits\documentation review letters\canton.docreview#69.2013-2016.docx
cc: File
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Illinois Department of Transportatior
Office of Highways Project Implementation /Region 3 l District 4
401 Main Street/Peoria,Illinois 61602-1111
October 22, 2019
Ms. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk
Clty�ofi_Cantonti -
Documentation Review#69
Dear Ms. Pavley-Rock:
A Documentation Review was performed of the MFT Account for the City of
Canton. In the course of the review, the following was noted:
• A High Growth Allotment received in 2010 in the amount of$7,751.00 was I
not deposited into the MFT Account. Additionally, items that were not
eligible and unidentified items were paid from the MFT Account in the
amount of$10,199.74.
Please reimburse the MFT Account in the amount of$1-7,950.74 and'send proof of
reimbursement in the form of a cancelled check, transfer or bank statement, etc., to
this office within sixty(60)days.
If you have any questions, please contact the IDOT's District 4 Local Road and
Streets field Engineer, Mr. Mark-Often, at(309)671-3688.
Kensil A. Garnett, P.E.
Region Three Engineer
s:\gen\winword\blrs\audits\documentation review letters\canton.docfindings.#69.docx
cc: File
of Transportafion Documentation Review Cover Sheet
Agency: CITY OF Canton
Documentation Review for: Documentation Review Year(s): 2013 -2018
X❑ Motor Fuel Tax
❑ Township Bridge
[] Special Assessment Documentation Review Number: 69
F. -G.O: Bond Issue
MFT Fund Bond Issue
Date: October 21, 2019
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10/2172019 9:37 AM BLR 15100S(DRAFT)
Illinois Department
of Transportation Documentation Reviewer's Certificate -
CITY OF Canton Documentation Review No. 69
We hereby certify that we have reviewed the books and records in so far as they pertain-to the receipt and disbursement
of the Motor Fuel Tax Fund of the City of Canton for the period beginning Jan. 1, 2013 and ending Dec. 31, 2018,
and that entries for receipts in these books and records are true and correct and are in agreement with the records maintained by the
Department of Transportation and that entries for disbursements are supported by cancelled warrants or checks with exceptions noted
in the documentation review findings..
We further certify that we have verified entries in the claim registers with the original claims and cancelled warrants, that
we have examined and checked the records of the City Clerk and City Treasurer and have compared the expenditures listed in the
warrant registers of,those offices and if necessary against the minutes of•the City Council maintained by the City Clerk and have found
them to be in accordance therewith exceptions noted in the documentation review findings.
Date; _/0- 2/_
District L a`s and-Streets Engineer
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10/21/2019 9:37 AM BLR 15101S(DRAFT)
Illinois De
p -tment
of Transportation Reviewer's Comments
CITY OF Canton Documentation Report No. 69
Audit Period: Jan. 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2018
Purpose of Documentation Review: To determine the status of Motor Fuel Tax Funds as of Dec. 31, 2018
The other receipts to the Motor Fuel Tax Fund were $282,074.54 received as follows:
Interest 2013-2018 13,081.94
Reimbursement 69,819.60
III Jobs Now 132,782.00
Capital Bill 66,391.00
Total received: $282,074.54
Maintenance expenditure statements were on file for the 2011 GM, 2012GM, 2013GM, 2014GM, 2015GM, 2016GM, 2017GM and 2018G at tim
of review.
Final reports were on file for the following sections:
07-00093-04-EG 08-00096-00-WR 11-00103-007SW
SIGNED J-26a4v
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10/21/2019 9:37 AM BLR 15102S(DRAFT)
Illinois Department
of Transportation Fund Balance and Bank Reconciliation
CITY OF Canton Documentation Review Report No. 69
Documentation Reivew Period Jan. 1, 2013- Dec. 31, 2018
Date:, October 21, 2019
Fund Balance Unobligated Obligated Total Outstanding Warrants
Balance Previous Documentation Review 595,623.85 31,277.92 626,901.77
Allotments 2,207,788.78 0.00 2,207,788.78
Total MFT Funds 2,803;412.63 . 31,277.92 2,834,690.55
Approved Authorizations (2,735,712.66) 2,735`,712.66 0.00
Other Receipts 282;074.54 282,074.54
Total 67,699.97 3,049,065.1.2 3,116,765.09
Disbursements __ 2,582,249.30 2,582,249.30.
Surplus (Credits) 574;014.11 674,014.11) 0.00
Unexpended Balance 641,714.08 (107,198.29) 534,515.79
Bank Reconciliation
Balance in Fund per Bank Certificate Dec. 31, 2018 534,515.79
Deduct Outstanding Warrants
Add Outstanding investments 0.00
Net Balance in Account Dec. 31, 2018 534;515.79
Certified Correct
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10/21/2019 9:59 AM BLR 15103S(DRAFT)
Q�l [Hinois Degm1 (Tt Summary of Motor Fuel Tax Fund Transactions
Transportation By Sections and Categories
CITY OF Canton Documentation Review Period: January 1,2013-December 31,2018 Documentation Review Report No.69
Balance Prev. Total Amount Other Total Funds Total Surplus to Unexpended Prev,Accumulated Total Accumulated
Section Review Authorized Adjustments Receipts Available Disbursements Balance(Clance(Credits)
eBalance Disbursements Disbursements
MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00
03-00000-00-GM 0.00 0.00 288.705.26 288,705.26
ENG 1.986.17 1,986.17 0.00 0.00 12.203.99 12.203.99
04-00000-00-GM 0.00 0.00 568.150.30 568,150.30
ENG 2.284.30 2.284.30 0.00 0.00 22.842.97 22.842.97
05-00000-00-GM 0.00 0.00 223.551.69 223.551.69
ENG (30.00)l 30.00 0.00 0.00 11.508.50 _ 11,508.50
07-00000-00-GM 0,00 0.00 85,043.86 85.043.86
ENG 888.27 487.90 400.37 0.00 0.00 5,356.51 5,356.51
08-00000-00-GM 5.043.50 5,043.50 1,263.23 3.780.27 212.171.50 212.171.50 nd credit
ENG 0.00 0.00 13.895.55 13.895.55
10-00000-00-GM 0.00 0.00 260.932.19 260,932.19
ENG 409.13 409.13 409.13 27.510.78 27,510.78 nd credit
11-00000-00-GM 0.00 0.00 399.749.47 399.749.47
ENG 2.777.78 2.777.78 2,976.97 199.19 27,204.01 27.204.01 nd auth
12-00000-00-GM 47,196.84 53.000.00 5.803.16 5,803.16 0.00 265.376.25 265,376.25
ENG 3.050.29. _ 3.050.29 2.246.28 804.01 0.00 28.770.30 31.016.58
13-00000-00-GM, 348.454.51 348,454.51 479.674.88 131.220.37 479.674.88 auth 2019
ENG 30.131.56 30,131.56 44.654.63 (14.523.07) 44,654.63 auth 2019
14-00000-00-GM 125.917.00 125.917.00 65,319.86 60,596.15 0.99 65,319.86 nd credit
ENG 11.834.45 11.834.45 7.391.20 4,443.25 0.00 7.391.20
15-00000-00-GM 278.423.22 6.693.50 285.116.72 233.110.53 52,006.19 0.00 233.110.53
ENG 27,006.83 27.006.83 22.722.70 4,284.13 0.00 22.722.70
16-00000-00-GM 298.910.23 298.910.23 242,801.43 56.108.80 0.00 242.801.43
ENG 31;987,00 31,987.00 31.987.00 0.00 31.987.00
17-00000-00-GM 265.418.25 265.418.25 246.678,70 18.739.55 0.00 246.678.70
ENG 28.272.56 28,272.56 25.093.00 3,169.43 10.13 25.093.00 nd credit
18-00000-00-GM 139.304.00 139,304.00 137.613.73 1,690.27 0.00 g137.613J.73ENG 18.549.34 122.21 18.671.55 16.654.75 2.016.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTALS (43.882.66 1.608.997.32 2,777.78 60.216.08 1.628.108.52 1.555,948.69 213.901.94 141.742.11 2.452.973.13'
Pagel of
10ma01910:25AM BLR 15106S(DRAFr)
y�l Minor. iTt Summary of Motor Fuel Tax Fund Transactions
`� Of Tfcl175pO1't3tIOBy Sections and Categories
CITY OF Canton Documentation Review Period: January 1,2013-December 31,2018 Documentation Review Report No.69
Surplus to
'Balance Prev. Total Amount Other Total Funds Total Unexpended Prev:Accumulated Total Accumulated
Section Review Authorized Adjustments Receipts Available Disbursements Unobligated Balance Disbursements Disbursements
12-00046-07-1311 En q 350.00 350.00) 350.00 18.742.10 18,742.10.nd auth
02-00091-00-PV 0.00 0.00 77,61022 77,610.22
ENG (91410 914.00 0,00 0.00 9,506.25 9.506.25
02-00092-00-RS 3,313.15 3.313.15 3,313.15 0.00 56.686.85, 56,686.85
ENG 0.00 0.00 0.00
04-00093-00-RS 190.509.64 190,509.64 0.00 0.00 265.100.88 265.100.88
ENG 20,571.25 20.571.25 0.00 0.00 113.528.21 113,528.21
04-00093-04-RS 7,200.00 425,000.00 432,200.00 369,591.35 1 62,608.65 369.591.35
ENG 21.31 150.044.00 21,232.50 171,297.81 150,995.05 . 20.302.76 75,978.69 226.973.74
ROW 0.75 1.868.00 9.310.89 11.178.14 40,911.89 -(29.733.75) 35,202.75 76,114.64
04-00093-05-WR 0.00 0.00 0.00
ENG 81.686.00 81.686.00 81.987.50 301.50) 81.987.50
07-00093-62-RS 225.000.00 225.000.00 0.00 0.00 720,412.60 720.412.60
ENG (80-00) (80.00) (80.00) 89,242.00 89,242.00 nd auth
07-00095-00-WR 924.31 9201 924.31 266,598.33 266.598.33 nd to credit
ENG 33.00 33.00 33.00 42.591.00 42,591.00 nd to credit
08-00096-00-WR 50.111.66) 103.709.15 26.798.75 26,798.74 26.798.74 (0.00) 127.022.07 153.820.81 '
ENG 0.00 0.00 0.00
10-00101-88-TL 27,285.57) (27.285.57) 5,923.18 (33.208.75) 5.923.18 part authl9,nd supp
0.00 0.00 0.00
11-00103-00-SW 18,118.26 26.798.75, 8,680.49 8.274.69 405.80 0.00, 31,319.51 39.594.20
ENG 2,777.78 2.777.78 0.00 0.00 2,777.78 2.777,78
12-00104-88-TL 1 3,827.78 3.827.78 5.759.65 1,931.87 5.759.65 nd auth
14-00105-00-SW 227.172.75 227.172.75 219,166.84 8.005.91 219,166.84
ENG 127.652.00 127,652,00 104.308.25 23.343.75 104,308,25
14-00106-88-TL 717.73 1,818.16 933.05) 167.38 2,090.88 (1,923.50) 2.090.88 nd auth
ENG 272.72 272.72 272.72 0.00 nd credit
18-00107-00-DR 0.00 0.00 0.00
ENG 0.00 6,583.21 (6,583.21 6,583.21 auth 2019
0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTALS 72;369.74 1,124,874.34 5.673.21 9.310.89 1,067,488.70 1,022,391.23 3.718.95 41.378.52 1,932,319.24 2,954,710.47
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101211201910:25 AM - BLR 15106S(DRAFT)
�) Iftois.Departlnent Summary of Motor Fuel Tax Fund Transactions
\d of Transportation By Sections and Categories
CITY OF Canton Documentation Review Period: January 1,2013-December 31,2018 Documentation Review Report No.69
Surplus to
Balance Prev. Total Amount Other Total Funds Total Unexpended Prev.Accumulated Total Accumulated
Section Review Authorized Adjustments Receipts Available Disbursements Unobligated Balance Disbursements Disbursements
0.00 0.00 0.00
ENG STUDY 0.00 0.00 0:00
00-00088-00-EG 38,099.60 38.099.60 38,099.60 0.00 91.100.40 91.100.40
02-00092-01-EG 1,880.65 1.880.65 (1,880.65) 60.398.22 60.398.22 nd auth
07-00093-04-EG 27.00 1,841.00 1,868.00 0.00 0.00 8,841.00 8.841.00
09-00099-00-EG 85.25 (85.25 (85.25)- 55.085.25 55.085.25 auth 2019
ILL JOBS NOW 0.00 0.00 0.00
FY 2014 132.782.00 132.782.00 132.782.00 0.00 0.00
CAP BILL FY 15 66.391.00 66.391.00 66,391.00 0.00 0.00
HIGH GROWTH 0.00 0.00 0.00
11-00000-03-AC 7.751.00) 7.751.00) (7.751.00) 0.00 nd reimb
iq 0.00 0.00 0.00
ERRONEOUS 6.582.99) 292.63 6,290.36 3.909.38 (10.199.74) 3.909.38 nd reimb
0.00 0.00 0.00
INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00
2004 6.955.69 6,955.69 6.955.69 0.00 0.00
2005 14.119.55 14.119.55 14.119.55 0.00 0.00
2006 30.858.20 30.858.20 30.858.20 0.00 0.00
2007 41.891.741 41.891.74 41.891.74 0.00 0.00
2008 13.404.74 13.404.74 13.404.74 0.00 0.00
2009 3,233.57 3.233.57 3,233.57 0.00 0.00
2010 4.563.25 4,663.25 4.56125 0.00 0.00
2011 2.763.68 2.763.68 2.763.68 0.00 0.00
2012 1,330.20 1.330.20 1.330,20 0,00 0.00
2013 1,820.54 1,820.54 1,820:54 0.00 nd credit
2014 4,406.46 4,406.46 4.406.46 .0.00 nd credit
2015 4,311.52 4.311.52- 4,311.52 0.00 nd credit
2016 672.11 672.11 672.11 0.00 nd credit
2017 901-84 901.84 901.84 0.00 nd credit
2018 969.47 969.47 969.47 0.00nd credit
TOTALS 147.530.32 1.841.00 8,450.99 212,547.57 1 353,467.90,1 3.909.38 1 356,393.22 1 (6.834.70)1 215,424.87 . 219,334.25
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1012112019102SAM BLR 15106S(DRAFT)
MFT Agency Transaction List
Agency Name:Canton County :Fulton Agency Type: Municipality District:4
Beginning.Unobligated Balance as of $595,623.34 Average Monthly Allotment $30,663.73
Unobligated Balance as of 1213012018 $641,713.57
Total Monthly Allotment $2,207.788.78 Total Authorizations $2,735,712.66 Paid to State Debits $0.00
Total Supplemental Allotments $199,173.00 Total Credits. $374;841.11 Paid to State Credits $0.00
Date Transaction Type Category Section No. Memo Amount Balance Section
12/3112012 MFT Monthly Allotment $30,437.57 $626,060.91
1/31/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $29,540.85 $655,601.76
2/13/2013 Credit Maint. Engineer 12-00000-00-GM $804.01 $656,405.77 C
2/13/2013 Credit Maintenance 12-00000-00-GM $5,803.16 $662,208.93 C,
2/28/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $25,101.80 $687,310.73
3/412013 Authorization Engineering 11-00103-00-SW $2,777.78 $684,532.95 C
3/4/2013 Credit Contract Construct 11-00103-00-SW $405.80 $684,938.75 C
3/4/2013 Credit Maint. Engineer 11-00000-00-GM $2,976.97 $687,915.72 C
3/31/201.3 MFT Monthly Allotment $29,705.94 $717,621.66
4/30/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $25,286.97 $742,908.63
5/31/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $37,390.91 $780,299.54
6/4/2013 Authorization Maint. Engineer 13-00000-00-GM $30,025.12 $750,274.42 C
6/4/2013 Authorization Maintenance 13-00000-00-GM $286,204.00 $464,070.42 C
6130/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $25,664.04 $489,734.46
7/31/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $30,101.89 $519,836.35
8/31/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $35,348.34 $555,184.69
9/30/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $25,004.93 $580,189.62
10/31/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,123.44 $612,313.06
11/6/2013 Supplemental Allotment FY2014 Illinois Jobs Now $66,391.00 $678,704.06
11/22/2013 Authorization Maintenance 13-00000-00-GM $60,000.00 $618,704.06 C
11/30/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $27,709.23 $646,413.29
Transactions with an Aste6sk indicate an unprocessed transaction at the time report was requested.
Filter Criteria:District=4,County=Fulton,Agency=Canton,AgencyType=Municipality,FromDate=12131/2012,ToDate=12/30/2018,TransactionType=ALL,Category=All
3/2012019 8:15:02 AM Pape 1 of 8
Agency Name:Canton County :Fulton Agency Type : Municipality District:4
Beginning Unobligated Balance as of $595,623.34 Average Monthly Allotment $30,663.73
Unobligated Balance as of 12/30/2018 $641,713.57
Total Monthly Allotmerit $2,207,788.78 Total Authorizations $2,735,712.66 Paid to State Debits $0.00
Total Supplemental Allotments $199,173.00 Total Credits $374,841.11 Paid to State Credits $0.00
Date Transaction Type Category Section No. Memo Amount Balance Status
12/3/2013 Authorization Maint. Engineer 05-00000-00-GM Per Audit#68 $30.00 $646,383.29 C
12/3/2013 Authorization Maint.Engineer 07-00000-00-GM Per Audit#68 $487.90 $645,895.39 C
12/3/2013 Authorization Engineering 02-00091-00-PV Per Audit#68 $914.00 $644,981.39 C
12/3/2013 Authorization Maint.Engineer 03-00000-00-GM Per Audit#68 $1,986.17 $642,995.22 C
12/3/2013 Authorization Maint. Engineer 04-00000-00-GM Per Audit#68 $2,284.30 $640,710.92 C
12/3/2013 Credit Interest 2012 Interest Per Audit $1,330.20 $642,041.12
12/3/2013 Credit Interest 2011 Interest Per Audit $2,763.68 $644,804.80
12/3/2013 Credit Interest 2009 Interest Per Audit $3,233.57 $648,038.37
12/3/2013 Credit Contract Construct 02-00092-00-RS Per Audit#68 $3,313.15 $651,351.52 C
12/3/2013Credit Interest 2010 Interest Per Audit $4,563.25 $655,914.77
12/3/2013 Credit Interest 2004 Interest Per Audit $6,955.69 $662,870.46
12/3/2013 Credit Interest 2008 Interest Per Audit $13,404.74 $676,275.20
12/3/2013 Credit Interest 2005 Interest Per Audit $14,119.55 $690,394.75
12/3/2013 Credit Interest 2006 Interest Per Audit $30,858.20 $721,252.95
12/3/2013 Credit Engineering 00-00088-00-EG Per Audit#68 $38,099.60 $759,352.55 C
12/3/2013 Credit Interest 2007 Interest Per Audit $41,891.74 $801,244.29
12/31/2013 MFT Monthly Allotment $36,794.56 $838,038.85
1/3112014 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,423.33 $870,462.18
2/28/2014 . MFT Monthly Allotment $29,861.50 $900,323.68
3/31/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $23,479.89 $923,803.57
Transactions with an Asterisk indicate an unprocessed transaction at the time report was requested.
Filter Criteria:District=4,County=Fulton,Agency=Canton,AgencyType=Municipality,FromDate=12/31/2012,ToDate=12/3012018,TransactionType=ALL,Category=All
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Agency Name:Canton County:Fulton Agency Type:Municipality District:4
Beglrining Unobligated Balance as of $595,623.34 Average Monthly Allotment $30,663.73
Unobligated Balance as of 1213012018 $641,713.57
Total Monthly Allotment $2,207,788.78 Total Authorizations $2,735,712.66 Paid to State Debits $0.00
Total Supplemental Allotments $199,173.00 Total Credits $374,841.11 Paid to State Credits $0.00
Date Transaction Type Category Section No. Memo Amount Balance Section
4/10/2014 Authorization Maint. Engineer 13-00000-00-GM $106.44 $923,697.13 C
4/10/2014 Authorization Maintenance .13-00000-00-GM $2,250.51 $921,446.62 C
4130/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $27,107.43 $948,554.05
4/30/2014 Supplemental Allotment FY2014 Illinois Jobs Now $66,391.00 $1,014,945.05
5/31/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $38,060.63 $1,053,005.68
6/30/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $28,621.64 $1,081,627.32
7/11/2014 Authorization Contract Construct 12-00104-88-TL $3,827.78 $1,077,799.54 O
7/21/2014 Authorization Maint.Engineer 14-00000-00-GM $11,834.45 $1,065,965.09 C
7/21/2014 Authorization Maintenance 14-00000-00-GM $125,917.00 $940,048.09 C
7/31/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $32;083.96 $972,132.05
8/8/2014 Authorization Engineering 14-00105-00-SW $41,692.00 $930,440.05 O
8/18/2014 Credit Maint. Engineer 08-00000-00-GM $1,263.23 $931,703.28 C
8/27/2014 Supplemental Allotment FY2015 Capital Bill $66,391.00 $998,094.28
8/31/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $21,786.21 $1,019,880.49
9/29/2014 Authorization Engineering 14-00106-88-TL $260.00 $1,019,620.49 C
9/29/2014 Authorization Contract Construct 14-00106-88-TL $1,734.00 $1;017,886.49 C
9/30/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $29,618.37 $1,047,504.86
10/31/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $31,877.57 $1,079,382.43
11/1012014 Authorization Engineering 04-00093-05-WR $81,686.00 $997,696.43 C
11/30/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,311.05 $1,030,007.48
12/10/2014 Authorization Maint. Engineer 15-00000-00-GM $27,006.83 $1,003,000.65 C
121100014 Authorization Maintenance 15-00000-00-GM $278,423.22 $724,577.43 C
Transactions with an Asterisk indicate an unprocessed transaction at the time report was requested.
Filter Criteria:District=4,County=Fulton,Agency=Canton,AgencyType=Municipality,From Date=12/31/2012,ToDate=12130/2018,TransactionType=ALL,Category=All
3/20/2019 8:15:02 AM Page 3 of 8
Agency Name:Canton County:Fulton Agency Type: Municipality District:.4
Beginning Unobligated Balance as of $595;623.34 Average Monthly Allotment $30,663.73
Unobligated Balance as of 1213012018 $.641,713.57
Total Monthly Allotment $2,207,788.78 Total Authorizations $2,735,712.66 Paid to State Debits $0.00
Total Supplemental Allotments $199,173.00 Total Credits $374,841.11 Paid to State Credits $0.00
Date Tro
ansactin Type Category Section No. Memo Amount Balance Section
12/31/2014 MFT Monthly Allotment $37,028.08 $761,605.51
1/31/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $34,799.39 $796,404.90
2/16/2015 Authorization Engineering 07-00093-04-EG $1,841.00 $794,563.90 C
2/19/2015 Authorization Engineering 14-00105-00-SW $85,960.00 $708,603.90 O
2/19/2015 Authorization Contract Construct 14-00105-00-SW $227,172.75 $481,431.15 O
2119/2015 Credit Maint. Engineer 14-00000-00-GM $4,443.25 $485,874.40 C
2/19/2015 Credit Maintenance 14-00000-00-GM $60,596.15 $546,470.55 C
2/28/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $26,415.87 $572,886.42
3/2/2015 Authorization Contract Construct 08-00096-00-WR $103,709.15 $469,177.27 C
3/6/2015 Authorization Engineering 04-00093-04-RS $150,044.00 $319,133.27 O
3/6/2015 Authorization Contract Construct 04-00093-04-RS $425,000.00 ($105,866.73) O
3/31/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $13,551.44 ($92,315.29)
4/30/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $34;198.49 ($58,116.80)
5/31/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,110.03 ($26,006.77)
6/30/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $20,841.24 ($5,165.53)
7/31/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $37,091.29 $31,925.76
8/31/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $35,737.17 $67,662.93
9/30/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $24,064.49 $91,727.42
10/31/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $31,267.05 $122,994.47
11/30/2015 MFT Monthly Allotment $36,212.70 $159,207.17
12/31/2015 MFT'Monthly Allotment $33,185.35 $192,392.52
1/31/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,052.79 $224,445.31
2/29/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,303.64 $256,748:95
Transactions with an Asterisk indicate an unprocessed transaction at the time report was requested.
Filter Criteria:District=4,County=Fulton,Agency=Canton,AgencyType=Municipality,FromDate=12/31/2012,ToDale=1213012018,TransactionType=ALL,Category=All
312012019 8:15:02 AM Page 4 of 8
Agency Name:Canton County:Fulton Agency Type: Municipality District:4
Beginning Unobligated Balance as of $595,623.34 Average Monthly Allotment $30,663.73
Unobligated Balance as of 1213012018 $641,713.57
Total Monthly Allotment $2,207,788.78 Total Authorizations $2,735,712.66 Paid to State Debits $0.00
Total Supplemental Allotments $199,173.00 Total Credits $374,841.11 Paid to State Credits $0.00
Date Transaction Type Category Section No. Memo Amount Balance. Section
3/25/2016 Credit Maint.Engineer 15-00000-00-GM $4,284.13 $261,033.08 C
3/25/2016 Credit Maintenance 15-00000-00-GM $52,006.19 $313,039.27 C
3/31/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $27,782.57 $340,821.84
4/30/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,463.55 $374,285.39
5/31/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,234.28 $407,519.67
6/21/2016 Authorization Maint.Engineer 16-00000-00-GM $31,160.20 $376,359.47 C
6/21/2016 Authorization Maintenance 16-00000-00-GM $298,910.23 $77,449.24 C
613012016 MFT Monthly Allotment $20,958.69 $98;407.93
7/31/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,640.75 $132,048.68
8/31/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $31,947.64 $163,996.32
9/30/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $28,200.40 $192,196.72
10/31/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,645.38 $224,842.10
11/30/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,261.58 $258,103.68
12/31/2016 MFT Monthly Allotment $34,881.90 $292,985.58
1/31/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,159.02 $326,144.60
2/2812017 MFT Monthly Allotment $31,615.15 $357,759.75
3/31/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $26,956.06 $384,715.81
4/30/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,193.97 $416,909.78
5/31/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,641.53 $449,551.31
6/30/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $25,921.47 $475,472.78
7/31/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,988.30 $509,461.08
8/17/2017 Authorization Maintenance 17-00000-00-GM Per Est, of Cost $19,989.00 $.489,472.08 C
8/17/2017 Authorization Maint.Engineer 17-00000-00-GM Per Est.of Cost $27,959.50 $461,512.58 C
Transactions with an Asterisk indicate an unprocessed transaction at the time report was requested.
Filter Criteria:District=4,County=Fulton,Agency=Canton,AgencyType=Municipality,FromDate=12/31/2012,ToDate=12130/2018,TransactionType=ALL,Category=All
3/20/2019 8:15:02 AM Paqe 5 of 8
Agency Name:Canton County:Fulton Agency Type:Municipality District:4
Beginning Unobligated Balance as of $595,623.34 • Average Monthly Allotment $30,663.73
1213112012 -
Unobligated Balance as of 1213012018 $641,713.57
Total Monthly Allotment $2,207,788.78 Total Authorizations $2,735,712.66 Paid to State Debits $0.00
Total Supplemental Allotments $199,173.00 Total Credits $374,841.11 Paid to State Credits $0.00
Date Transaction Type Category Section No. Memo Amount Balance Section
yp g rY Status
8/1812017 Authorization Maint. Engineer 16-00000-00-GAA per MES $826.80 $460,685.78 C
8/18/2017 Credit Maintenance 16-00000-00-GM per MES $56,108.80 $516,794.58 C
8/31'12017 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,103.59 $548,898.17
9/21/2017 Authorization Maintenance 17-00000-00-GM Seal Coat $50,506.50 $498,391.67 C
9/30/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $28,377.29 .$526,768.96
10/412017 Authorization Maintenance 17-00000-00-GM Per Contract Asphalt $194,922.75 $331,846.21 C
10/1112017 Authorization Engineering 14-00106-88-TL IL 78 Signal Work $12.72 $331,833.49 C
10/11/2017 Authorization Contract Construct 14-00106-88-TL IL"78 Signal Work $84.16 $331,749.33 C
10/31/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,489.83 $364,239.16
11/8/2017 Authorization Maint. Engineer 17-00000-00-GM per revised est $313.06 $363,926.10 C
11/30/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,111.98 $397,038.08
12/31/2017 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,490.66 $429,528.74
1/31/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,264.37 $462,793.11
2128/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $28,818.84 $491,611.95
3/7/2018 Credit Maint. Engineer 17-00000-00-GM per MES $3,169.43 $494,781.38 C
3/7/2018 Credit Maintenance 17-00000-00-GM per MES $18,739.55 $513,520.93 C
3/14/2018 Authorization Maint. Engineer 18-00000-00-GM per est of cost $18,549.34 $494,971.59 C
3/31/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $28,568.19 $523,539.78
4/30/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,661.38 $557,201.16
5/1/2018 Authorization Maintenance, 18-00000-00-GM per acceptance $30,420.00 $526,781.16 C
5/7/2018 Authorization Maintenance 18-00000-00-GM per contract $108,884:00 $417,897.16 C
5/3112018 MFT Monthly Allotment $30,989.30 $448,886.46
6/30/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $28,400.24 $477,286.70
Transactions with an Asterisk indicate an unprocessed transaction at the time report was requested.
Filter Criteria:District=4,County=Fulton,Agency=Canton,AgencyType=Municipality,FromDate=12/31/2012,ToDate=12130/2018,TransactionType=ALL,Category=All
3/20/2019 8:15:02 AM Paqe 6 of 8
Agency Name:Canton County: Fulton Agency Type: Municipality District:4
Beginning Unobligated Balance as of $595,623.34 Average Monthly Allotment $30,663.73
Unobligated Balance as of 1213012018 $641,713.57
Total Monthly Allotment $2,207,788.78 Total Authorizations $2,735,712.x6 Paid to State Debits $0.00
Total Supplemental Allotments $199,173.00 Total Credits $374,841.11 Paid to State Credits $0.00
Date Transaction Type Category Section No. Memo ' Amount Balance Section
yp � 9 rY � Status
7/31/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,332.99 $510,619.69
8131/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $32,142.51 $542,762.20
9/3012018 MFT Monthly Allotment $26,850.01 $569,612.21
10/31/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $35,227.57 $604,839.78
11/30/2018 MFT Monthly Allotment $33,166.72 $638,006:50
12/3/2018 Credit Maintenance 18-00000-00-GM per MES $1,690.27 $639,696.77 C
12/3/2018 Credit Maint.Engineer 18-00000-00-GM per MES $2,016:80 $641,713.57 C
Transactions with an Asterisk indicate an unprocessed transaction at the time report was requested.
Filter Criteria:District=4,County=Fulton,Agency=Canton,AgencyType=Municipality,FromDate=12/31/2012,ToDate=12/30/2018,TransactionType=ALL,Category=All
3/20/2019 8:15:02 AM Paqe 7 of 8
116nois Department Final Report of Expenditures
Local Public A-gency oun Section Number
City of Canton I Fulton 12-00104-88-TL
Contractor Award Date Award Amount
Financial Statement
Total Funds Received Expenditures Surplus/Deficit
Source Amount Construction Engineering Right of Way
MFT $5,759.65 $5,759.65 $0.00
Total Funds $5,759.65
Total Expenditures: $5,759.65
Add Project Total $5,759.65
City share of construction contract for State project
The improvement was constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Department on
Final inspection of the designated work was made by the Department on and it was
found to be completed substantially in accordance with the requirements of the plans,specifications and contract.The
financial statement is in accordance with department records.
This improvement shall henceforth be maintained by:
Public Agency
Prepared By Date
George B. Merkle 11/05/19
Title of Preparer
Sr Proj Engr/Maurer-Stutz, Inc.
Submitted: Approved:
Local Public Agency SignElture Date Re Tonal En ineer, DOT Date
a 19
Title 01
Printed 11/14/19 Page 1 of 1 BLR 13510(Rev.02/08/19)
9 Illinois Department
of Transportation TRANSMITTAL LETTER
Office of Highways Project Implementation/Region 3/District 4■401 Main Street■ Peoria, Illinois 61602-1111 ■Telephone 309/671-3333
Date: December 9, 2019
To: E— 1ty_of-Canton_______J Route:
2 North Main Street Section: 10-00102-00-LS
Canton, Illinois 61520
County: Fulton
Job No.: C-94-041-10
Contract No.: 89602
Attention: Ms. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk Agency: City of Canton
Subject: Approved Final Report of Expenditures (BLR 13510)
Transmittal Sent As Marked Below:
❑ For Processing/Approval ❑ Other(see Remarks) ❑ Returned for Corrective Action
❑ For Your Information/Response ❑ Per Our Conversation ❑ Review and Comments
® Note and File ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Take Appropriate Action
Description and/or Remarks:
Attachd is the approved Final Report of Expenditures (BLR 13510)for the above-mentioned section.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mark Otten at(309) 671-3688.
Kensil A. Garnett, P.E.
Region Three Engineer
cc: Maurer-Stutz, Inc.
Central Bureau of Local Roads &Streets (J. Rhodes)
Program Development(T. Worsfold, J. Schertz, R. Hopper)
Documentation Review
s:\gen\winword\blrs\staff\otten\transmittal forms\fulton\municipalities\canton\10-00102-00-Is.finalreport.docx
Printed 12/9/2019 D4 AD0101 (Rev.07/06/16)
Illinois Department K °
of Transportation Final Report of Expenditures o''�
Local Public Agency County Section Number
City of Canton Fulton 10-00102-00-LS
Contractor Award Date Award Amount
Oberlander Electric Company, Inc. $655,803.89
Financial Statement
Total Funds Received Expenditures Surplus/Deficit
Source Amount Construction Engineering Right of Way
ITEP $455,250.00 $417,772.84 $37,477.16 $0.00 -
Local(TIF) $191,774.26 $182,404.98 $9,369.28 $0.00 -
Total Funds $647,024.26
Total Expenditures: $600,177.82 $46,846.44
AddProject Total $647,024.26
The improvement was constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Department on
Final inspection of the designated work was made by the Department on and it was
found to be completed substantially in accordance with the requirements of the plans,specifications and contract.The
financial statement is in accordance with department records.
This improvement shall henceforth be maintained by:Ithe City Of Canton
Public Agency
Prepared By Date
George B. Merkle 11/07/19
Title of Preparer
Sr Proj Engr/Maurer-Stutz, Inc.
Submitted: Approved:
Local Public Agency Signature Date} Re ional Enc ineer, DOT Date
I M,aq
Printed 11/14/19 Page 1 of 1 BLR 13510(Rev.02/08/19)
0 Illinois Department
of Transportation TRANSMITTAL LETTER
Office of Highways Project Implementation/Region 3/District 4■401 Main Street■ Peoria, Illinois 61602-1111 ■Telephone 309/671-3333
Date: December 9, 2019
To: Eity-of Canton---�3 Route:
2 North Ma`in`Street Section: 02-00092-01-EG
Canton, Illinois 61520
County: Fulton
Job No.:
Contract No.:
Attention: Ms. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk Agency: City of Canton
Subject: Approved Final Report of Expenditures (BLR 13510)
Transmittal Sent As Marked Below:
❑ For Processing/Approval ❑ Other(See Remarks) ❑ Returned for Corrective Action
❑ For Your Information/Response ❑ .Per Our Conversation ❑ Review and Comments
Z Note and File ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Take Appropriate Action
Description and/or Remarks:
Attachd is the approved Final Report of Expenditures (BLR 13510)for the above-mentioned section.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mark Otten at(309) 671-3688.
Kensil A. Garnett, P.E.
Region Three Engineer
cc: 'Central Bureau of Local Roads &Streets (J. Rhodes)
Documentation Review
s:\gen\winword\blrs\staff\otten\transmittal forms\fulton\municipalities\canton\02-00096-01-eg.final report.docx
Printed 12/9/2019 D4 AD0101 (Rev.07/06/16)
Illinois Department Final Report of Expenditures v :
of Transportation
Local Public Agency County Section Number
City of Canton Fulton 02-00092-01-EG
Contractor Award Date Award Amount
Financial Statement
Total Funds Received Expenditures Surplus/Deficit
Source Amount Construction Engineering Right of Way
MFT $60,398.22 $60,398.22 $0.00 i--
Total Funds $60,398.22
Total Expenditures: $60,398.22
Add Project Total $60,398.22
Engineering for 02-00092-00-RS - Chestnut Street Resurfacing
The improvement was constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Department on
Final inspection of the designated work was made by the Department onand it was
found to be completed substantially in accordance with the requirements of the plans,specifications and contract.The
financial statement is in accordance with department records.
This improvement shall'henceforth-be maintained by:I
_ --- --- --- - --- -- -
Public Agency
Prepared By Date
George B. Merkle 11/05/19
Title of Preparer
Sr Proj Engr/Maurer-Stutz, Inc.
Submitted: Approved:
Local Public Agency Signature Date Regional Engineer, DOT Date
k 5(�", 1 [ 1 q C'e
Printed 11/14/19 Page 1 of 1 BCR 13510(Rev.02/08/19)
Illinois Department
of Transportation TRANSMITTAL LETTER
Office of Highways Project Implementation/Region 3/District 4■401 Main Street■ Peoria, Illinois 61602-1111 ■Telephone 309/671-3333
Date: December 9, 2019
'To: ity of an on Route:
`2 N rth Main Streety ' Section: 12-00104-88-TL
Canton, Illinois 61520
County: Fulton
Job No.: C-94-098-10
Contract No:: 68978
Attention: Ms. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk Agency: City of Canton
Subject: Approved Final Report of Expenditures (BLR 13510)
Transmittal Sent As Marked Below:
❑ For Processing/Approval ❑ Other(see Remarks) ❑ Returned for Corrective Action
❑ For Your Information/Response ❑ Per Our Conversation ❑ Review and Comments
® Note and File ❑ Per Your Request ❑ Take Appropriate Action
Description and/or Remarks:
Attachd is the approved Final Report of Expenditures (BLR 13510)for the above-mentioned section.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mark Otten at(309) 671-3688.
Kensil A. Garnett, P.E.
Region Three Engineer
cc: Maurer-Stutz, Inc.
Central Bureau of Local Roads &Streets (J. Rhodes)
Program Development(T. Worsfold, J. Schertz, R. Hopper)
Documentation Review
s:\gen\winword\blrs\staff\otten\transmittal forms\fulton\municipalities\canton\12-00104-88-tl.finalreport.docx
Printed 12/9/2019 D4 AD0101 (Rev.07/06/16)
Illinois Department
of Transportation TRANSMITTAL LETTER
Office of Highways Project Impleinenfation/Region 3/District 4■401 Main Street■ Peoria, Illinois 61602-1111 ■Telephone 309/671-3333
Date: January 30, 2020
To: ify of Canton Route:
2 North Main Street Section:_ 14-00105-00-SW
Canton, Illinois 61520
County: Fulton
Job No.:
Contract No.:
Attention: Ms. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk Agency: City of Canton
Approved Final Report of Expenditures (BLR 13510) and-Engineer's Final Payment Estimate(BLR
Subject: 13231)
Transmittal Sent As Marked Below:
❑ For Processing/Approval ❑ Other(See Remarks), ❑ Returned for Corrective Action
❑ For Your Information/Response ❑ Per Our Conversation ❑ Review and.Comments
® Note and File ❑ Per'Your Request ❑ Take Appropriate Action
Description and/or Remarks:
Attached is the approved Final Report of Expenditures (BLR 13510) and the Engineer's Final Payment Estimate (BLR
13231)for the above-mentioned section.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mark Otten at(309) 671-3688.
Kensil A. Garnett, P.E.
Region Three Engineer
cc: Central Bureau of Local Roads and Streets (J. Rhodes)
Mr. George Merkle, Maurer-Stutz, Inc. '
s:\gen\winword\blrs\staff\otten\transmittal forms\fulton\municipalities\canton\canton.14-00105-00-sw.fr-.efpe.docx
Printed 1/29/2020 D4 ADO 101 (Rev.07/06/16)
' o0
Illinois Department Final Report of Expenditures ❑�,
of Transportation
Local Public Agency County Section Number
City of Canton Fulton 14-00105-00-SW
Contractor Award Date Award Amount
Laverdiere Construction 01/20/15 $227,172.75
Financial Statement
Total Funds Received Expenditures Surplus/Deficit
Source Amount Construction Engineering Right of Way
MFT $227,172.75 $219,166.84 $8,005.91
MFT $127,652.00 $104,308.25 $23,343.75
Total Funds
Received $354,824.75
Total Expenditures: $219,166.84 $104,308.25
i Add Project Total $323,475.09
The improvement was constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Department on 11/26/14
Final inspection of the designated work was made by the Department on and it was
found to be completed substantially in accordance with the requirements of the plans,specifications and contract.The
financial statement is in accordance with department records.
This improvement shall henceforth be maintained by:ICity of Canton
Public Agency
Prepared By Date
George B. Merkle 10/16/19
Title of Preparer
Sr Proj Engr/Maurer-Stutz, Inc.
Submitted: Approved:
Local Public Agency Si nature Date Re ional Engineer, DOT Date
A ll-velzo
Title �'
Printed 11/14/19 Page 1 of 1 BLR 13510(Rev.02108/19)
Illinois Department Final Report of Expenditures ?-la
of Transportation
Local Public Agency County Section Number
City of Canton Fulton 14-00105-00-SW
Contractor Award Date Award Amount
Laverdiere Construction 01/20/15 $227,172.75
Financial Statement
Total Funds Received Expenditures Surplus/Deficit
Source Amount Construction Engineering Right of Way
MFT $227,172.75 $219,166.84 $8,005.91 -
MFT $127,652.00 $104,308.25 $23,343.75 -
Total Funds $354,824.75
Total Expenditures: $219,166.84 $104,308.25
Add Project Total $323,475.09
The improvement was constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Department on 11/26/14
Final inspection of the designated work was made by the Department on and it was
found to be completed substantially in accordance with the requirements of the plans, specifications and contract.The
financial statement is in accordance with department records.
This improvement shall henceforth be maintained by: City of Canton
Public Agency
Prepared By Date
George B. Merkle 10/16/19
Title of Preparer
Sr Proj Engr/Maurer-Stutz, Inc.
Submitted: Approved:
Local Public Agency Signature Date 1 Reclional Enc ineer, DOT Date
Printed 11/14/19 Page 1 of 1 BI-14 13510(Rev.02/08/19)
Illinois Department County FULTON
of Transportation Local Agency CITY OF CANTON
Section 14- 00105- 00- SW
Engineer's Final Payment Estimate
Estimate No. 4 and Final Date of Completion
Address 4055 W JACKSON ST MACOMB, IL 61455
Items Awarded' Added Deducted Completed
Quantity Values Quantity QuantityQuantity Unit Price Values
Totals from previous page
TRENCH BACKFILL 25.00 2,100.00 2.00 27.00 84.00 2,268.00
PC CONC SIDEWALK 4 2,357.00 30,051.75 965.10 1,391.90 12.75 17,746.73
DETECTABLE WARNINGS 442.00 21,282.30 12.60 429.40 48.15 20,675.61
COMB CURB GUTTER REM 956.00 12,093.40 3.10 959.10 12.65 12,132.62
SIDEWALK REM 5,592.00 10,904.40 5,592.00 1.95 10,904.40
PAVT PATCH T1 8 13.00 1,696.50 - 13.00 - 130.50 1,696.50
PAVT PATCH T2 8 87.00 8,961.00 19.40 106.40 103.00 10,959.20
REINFORCEMENT BARS 27.00 206.55 27.00 7.65 206.55
CONCRETE COLLAR 0.40 480.00 0.60 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
STORM SEW CL 1 15 19.00 1,726.15 19.00 90.85
STORM SEW CL B 1 10 28.00 2,039.80 12.10 40.10 72.85 2,921.29
STORM SEW CL B 2 10 10.00 1,020.00 12.00 22.00 102.00 2,244.00
STORM SEWER REM 8 32.00 1,024.00 9.50 41.50 32.00 1,328.00
STORM SEWER REM 15 9.00 288.00 9.00 32.00 288.00
WATER VALVES ADJUST 2.00 356.00 7.00 9.00 178.00 1,602.00
INLETS TA T3F&G 10.00 15,850.00 1.00 11.00 1,585.00 17,435.00
INLETS ADJUST NEW T3F&G 2.00 1,650.00 1.00 1.00 825.00 825.00
FR&GRATES ADJUST 1.00 350.00 1.00 350.00 350.00
REMOV EX HANDHOLE 1.00 245.00 1.00 245.00 245.00
PC CONC SIDEWALK 4 SP 4,171.00 57,142.70 1,230.50 5,401.50 13.70 74,000.55
INLETS REMOVED SPL 10.00 1,550.00 1.00 11.00 155.00 1,705.00
COMB CC&G TB MOD 1,055.00 37,136.00 11.00 1,066.00 35.20 37,523.20
TIMBER WALL REMOVAL 36.00 226.80 36.00 6.30 226.80
RETAINING WALL REMOV 18.00 113.40 18.00 6.30 113.40
GAS VALVE ADJUSTED 2.00 380.00 1.00 3.00 190.00 570.00
SEGMENT CONC BLK WALL 631.00 18,299.00 631.00 29.00
Total Awarded Values I I Total Completed Values $219,166.84
Page 1 of 2 BLR 13231 (Rev.1/06)
Printed on 12/10/2019 2:11:24 PM
Section Number: 14-00105-00-SW Total Brought Forward $219,166.84
Miscellaneous Extras and Credits Values
Total Miscellaneous Extras and Credits
Total Value of Completed Work 219,166.84
Miscellaneous Debits Values
Total Miscellaneous Debits
Net Cost of Section $219,166.84
Previous Payments $208,208.49
Net Amount Due $10,958.35
Signed: ' ent ,li�`Z�j BUtlP�' �'1/¢�. r�tc /D rte/
ResAgin e^ onsultant Date
Local Age ate
Approved: � z321>Z:D
Regional Engineer Date
Page 2 of 2 BLR 13231 (Rev. 1/06)
Printed on 12/10/2019 2:11:24 PM
Illinois Department County FULTON
of Transportation Local Agency CITY OF CANTON
Section 14-00105-00-SW
Engineer's Final Payment Estimate
Estimate No. 4 and Final Date of Completion
Address 4055 W JACKSON ST MACOMB, IL 61455
Items Awarded' Added Deducted Completed
Quantity Values Quantity QuantityQuantity Unit Price Values
Totals from previous page
TRENCH BACKFILL 25.00 2,100.00 2.00 27.00 84.00 2,268.00
PC CONC SIDEWALK 4 2,357.00 30,051.75 965.10 1,391.90 12.75 17,746.73
DETECTABLE WARNINGS 442.00 21,282.30 12.60 429.40 48.15 20,675.61
COMB CURB GUTTER REM 956.00 12,093.40 3.10 959.10 12.65 12,132.62
SIDEWALK REM 5,592.00 10,904.40 5,592.00 1.95 10,904.40
PAVT PATCH T1 8 13.00 1,696.50 13.00 130.501,696.50
PAVT PATCH T2 8 87.00 8,961.00 19.40 106.40 103.00 10,959.20
REINFORCEMENT BARS 27.00 206.55 27.00 7.65 206.55
CONCRETE COLLAR 0.40 480.00 0.60 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
STORM SEW CL A 1 15 19.00 1,726.15 19.00 90.85
STORM SEW CL B 1 10 28.00 2,039.80 12.10 40.10 72.85 2,921.29
STORM SEW CL B 2 10 10.00 1,020.00 12.00 22.00 102.00 2,244.00
STORM SEWER REM 8 32.00 1,024.00 9.50 41.50 32.00 1,328.00
STORM SEWER REM 15 9.00 288.00 9.00 32.00 288.00
WATER VALVES ADJUST 2.00 356.00 7.00 9.00 178.00 1,602.00
INLETS TA T3F&G 10.00 15,850.00 1.00 11.00 1,585.00 17,435.00
INLETS ADJUST NEW T3F&G 2.00 1,650.00 1.00 1.00 825.00 825.00
FR&GRATES ADJUST 1.00 350.00 1.00 350.00 350.00
REMOV EX HANDHOLE 1.00 245.00 1.00 245.00 245.00
PC CONC SIDEWALK 4 SP 4,171.00 57,142.70 1,230.50 5,401.50 13.70 74,000.55
INLETS REMOVED SPL 10.00 1,550.00 1.00 11.00 155.00 1,705'.00
COMB CC&G TB MOD 1,055.00 37,136.00 11.00 1,066.00 35.20 37,523.20
TIMBER WALL REMOVAL 36.00 226.80 36.00 6.30 226.80
RETAINING WALL REMOV 18.00 113.40 18.00 6.30 113.40
GAS VALVE ADJUSTED 2.00 380.00 1.00 3.00 190.00 570.00
SEGMENT CONC BLK WALL 631.00 18,299.00 631.00 29.00
Total Awarded Values $227,172.75 Total Com feted Values $219,166.84
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Printed on 12/10/2019 2:11:24 PM
Section Number: 14-00105-00-SW Total Brought Forward $219,166.84
Miscellaneous Extras and Credits Values
Total Miscellaneous Extras and Credits
Total Value of Com leted Work 219,166.84
Miscellaneous Debits Values
Total Miscellaneous Debits
Net Cost of Section $219,166.84
Previous Payments $208,208.49
Net Amount Due $10,958.35
Signed: I&L dAf l► 6l(/YP�s'� � i�G �� 20/9
R sident En 'needC sultant Date
Signed: �,�.I ?)19
Loc I ency Date
Approved: p��3zpZl�
Regional Engineer Date
Page 2 of 2 BLR 13231 (Rev.1/06)
Printed on 12/10/2019 2:11:24 PM