HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-2019 Council Mintues City of Canton Council Meeting The Donald Edwards Way (Historic Depot) Canton 11 61520 November 5, 2019 6:30PM A regular meeting of the Council meeting was held on November 5, 2019 (6:30) in the Council Chambers,The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE. Mayor Kent McDowell, Attorney Chris Jump, City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock, Treasurer Crystal Wilkinson, Public Safety Director Richard Fairburn,,Street Superintendent Ron Robinson MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Daily Ledger, Fulton Democrat VIDEO SERVICES BY JOE GINGER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING INVOCATION- Pastor Phil Fleming PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Alderman Ryan Mayhew said he would like to table item #1 under finance and table #1 under legal and ordinance. Alderman Ryan Mayhew said he would like to move item #5 and 6 under legal and ordinance to the beginning of the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD OCTOBER 15, 2019 BILL LIST Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Hale to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. COMMITTEE REPORTS: FINANCE ALDERMAN RYAN MAYHEW, CHAIRMAN LEGAL AND ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APROVING AN INSURANCE RENEWAL WITH ILLINOIS COUNTIES RISK FUND FOR THE CITY OF CANTON'S LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE YEAR OF DECEMBER 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 1, 2020 RESOLUTION#5207 Dan Kiesewetter explained that everyone received a copy of the renewal to review. The expiring premiums were$489,303.00. The renewal amount is$420,731.00. When the Kiesewetter group took over as agent for the City in 2017 the City was paying the MICA program $513,513.00. Dan has worked with the City in controlling costs. The largest savings is in workers compensation. The savings is partially due to a lower payroll, but the claims experience the past year in workers compensation was very good which helped reduce the claims. Dan has worked with the department heads and City Clerk Pavley Rock to improve on loss prevention, safety and training. The work put into the loss prevention, safety and training has proved successful in helping to reduce the rates. The package premium is up slightly. Excess liability is the 15 million- dollar umbrella liability- which goes over all of the other liability coverages. Pricing is up on this nation-wide. The weather events have made an impact nationwide on insurance prices. A cyber liability policy was added for the City. The premiums for the cyber liability are unchanged from the previous year. The Kiesewetter groups conducts quarterly meetings with City Clerk Pavley Rock to review the claims. Grants are awarded separate from the premiums. Some of the grants are merit based, some are relationship based. Diana makes an application for the grant which is then submitted to the insurance group for review and consideration. Diana explained that last year the City was approved for a $5,000.00 grant from IPRF. The grant was used to upgrade the laserfische program city wide. The City has two grants from ICRMT. One of the grants is for education and the other grant is for safety. The City submitted a grant for reimbursement on the safety grant for the police department tasers. The grants are designed specifically for safety and loss prevention. Motion and second were made by Alderman Ryan Mayhew/Hale to adopt the resolution approving the insurance renewal with Illinois County Risk Management Trust for the City of Canton's liability insurance for the policy year of December 1, 2019 to December 1, 2020. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INSURANCE RENEWAL WITH THE ILLINOIS PUBLIC RISK FUND FOR THE CITY OF CANTON'S WORKERS COMPENSATION FOR THE POLICY YEAR OF DECEMBER 1, 2019 TO DECEMBER 1, 2020 RESOLUTION#5208 Motion and second were made by Alderman Nelson/Fritz to approve the resolution. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $12,910,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS (ALTERNATE REVENUE SOURCE) IN ONE OR MORE SERIES, OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS AND FOR THE LEVY OF A DIRECT ANNUAL TAX SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS (1sr READING) ORDINANCE#4173 Motion and second were made by Alderman Nelson/Lingenfelter to waive the first reading of the ordinance. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Lingenfelter to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF MEDICAL AND RECREATIONAL CANNABIS IN THE CITY OF CANTON BY SALVEO HEALTH AND WELLNESS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2020 RESOLUTION #5209 Attorney Jump explained that everyone received a copy of the application that was submitted by Evergreen Dispensary LLC DBA Salveo. The permit would be issued in the name of Evergreen. One of the conditions with their permit is that they have an active license with the department of financial and professional regulation. This license requires that they have a state license,then they can get the City license. They did include with their application their registered adult use dispensing organization license. This is what will allow them to sell recreation marijuana January 1, 2020. The fee will need to be paid before the permit is issued. The zoning director will then need to issue a few forms for the department of financial and professional regulation to show that the zoning authorities of the City approved it. Motion and second were made by Alderman Nelson/Hale to approve the resolution and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A TIF DISTRICT REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND MIDAMERICA NATIONAL BANK-CANTON TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 3 (2ND READING) ORDINANCE#4174 Motion and second were made by Alderman Ryan Mayhew/Nelson to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CANTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT#66,THE CITY OF CANTON AND THE FULTON COUNTY STATE'S ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR THE RECIPROCAL REPORTING OF CERTAIN OFFENSES RESOLUTION#5210 Motion and second were made by Alderman Ryan Mayhew/Lingenfelter to approve the resolution and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO USE OF THE STREET SWEEPER St. David and Cuba called the City and explained that they have so few curbed streets that they don't see if cost effective to purchase a street sweeper.They would like to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the City to use our street sweeper three times per year. Street Superintendent Ron Robinson went to St David to measure and put together some costs. Mayor McDowell explained that the City of Canton would not use our people on The City of Canton's time. It would need to be done on the weekend. They have a place to fill up with water and to dump. Language is included in the agreement that if something should happen, they would also be responsible for repairs. Attorney Jump said the City of Canton would want to make sure we are being compensated for the wear and tear of the machine. The funds received would go back to the street department budget. Attorney Jump will draft an agreement and bring back to the next council meeting for further discussion. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON, CHAIRMAN COMMUNITY& INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERMAN JOHN LOVELL, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A SPECIAL EVENT AND ROAD CLOSURE REQUEST SUBMITTED BY CANTON MAIN STREET FOR THE OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS WALK TO BE HELD DECEMBER 6, 2019 FROM 5:00-7:OOPM Motion and second were made by Alderman Ryan Mayhew/Hale to approve the special event and road closure for the Old Fashioned Christmas Walk to be held December 6, 2019. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderwoman X Lingenfelter Alderman Fritz X Alderwoman Hale X Alderman West X Alderman Lovell X Alderman Quin X Mayhew Alderman Ryan X Mayhew The motion carried. UPDATE FROM MISSY TOWERY GENERAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POINTS • Attended Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference in Chicago. • Economic Development Administration grant potential—Initial call with Kathie Brown(U of I Extension)to discuss how we, Havana and Peoria could partner on potential EDA grant. We also discussed the Just Transition Fund resource we have been engaging with. She scheduled a small group meeting to have the EDA discussion for a more regional approach. All concerning the closure of each community's coal fired power plant. • Phone call with Just Transition Fund representatives to discuss next steps and sent those suggestions to the initial committee reps. • Facebook post for the Fulton County Outdoor Recreation page on Snowman's Reindeer Farm,Native Trails, Scenic Drive, Banner Marsh and event reminders. • Worked on website updates to the Economic Development side of cantonillinois.org after receiving Amanda's review suggestions. • Working with Norm Griffin at Career Link on the job fair on December 171n • Acted as a Coach at Canton High School for the INCubator program. Taught three classes regarding Market Sizing. • Worked with Main Street property owner to get the access agreement signed for the Brownfields Grant. • Received a personal thank you visit from commercial property owner stating this was the second property we have helped him fill in his commercial space. • Referral to Ed Ketcham on the former Great Clips space from a phone call I received from someone interested in looking at the property. • Mayor McDowell and I drove the Canton Fulton County Amendment application to Springfield and met with Ben Denney from the Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. i • Prepared for and attended the Residential Housing Committee meeting. • Attended the Complete Count Committee meeting for the US Census. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT,ATTRACTION AND SUPPORT • Met with a couple looking to open a Cafe—Discussed several property potentials. • Communication with Scott Miller with Salveo Health& Wellness after the Benzinga conference. • Coordinated and attended meeting with Majestic Theatre owners to discuss fagade progress, how they are doing with this theatre and areas where they have seen growth and why. • Billy's Tap—Worked with Ashley to provide information on next steps regarding their TIF RDA. • Working with a couple who are purchasing a building in the downtown area to attract potential tenants. • Met with a representative from Pioneer Rail Corp at his request. Provided IH Site marketing sheet to Nathan Johns from the company. • Met with Jason Elwell owner of Eats on the Streets and Space Walk of Central Illinois to discuss vending opportunities and Canton Main Street Micro Grant. • Working with Dan Taylor at Elam Private Detective(EPD)to ascertain Vistra's future security company plans with the hopes that EPD will get the contract eventually. OTHER Prepared for and attended SRPED Board meeting and Executive Committee meeting. Prepared for and attended Canton Main Street Board Meeting. Submitted monthly Chamber Courier and CMS Newsletter Articles Worked at Scenic Drive Worked at Munchkin Masquerade Helped paint the Gazebo Manned the SRC Learning Institute Vendor booth for Canton Main Street encouraging volunteering at events Prepared for and attended Glacial Golf committee meeting DATES TO REMEMBER: Small Business Saturday—Saturday, November 30th Canton Junior Women's Club Santa Parade—Monday, December 2nd Canton Main Street's Old-Fashioned Christmas Walk—Friday, December 6th from 5:00 p.m. — 7:30 p.m. PUBLIC WORKS, WATER AND SEWER ALDERWOMAN ANGIE LINGENFELTER, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC SAFETY AND TRAFFIC ALDERWOMAN ANGELA HALE, CHAIRMAN STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERMAN JEFF FRITZ,CHAIRMAN LAKE, BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ALDERMAN QUIN MAYHEW, CHAIRMAN MAYOR COMMUNICATION 1. PROCLAMATION-School board member's day- November 05, 2019 2. APPOINTMENTS UNTIL MAY 12020- • Caleb Hale Superintendent WTP • Michael Courtney-Superintendent WWTP OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson /Lingenfelter to adjourn into executive session to discuss: 51LCS120/2 C(1) C(2), C(14) The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. The meeting returned to open session following the executive session. No further discussion took place. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Nelson/Mayhew to adjourn. Mayor Kent McDowell City Clerk Diana Pavley Rock