HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #3069'` 3069
WHEREAS, the ~ • S • L • S ° Student Senateis sponsoring a parade in the
city of Canton which event constitutes a public purpose;
WHEREAS, this parade will require the temporary closure of Fl. Rte. 9
° &78 , a state highway in the city of Canton from R' Locust at
lst. Ave. to
WHEREAS, Section 4-408 of the Illinois Highway Code authorizes the Department
of Transportation to issue permits to local authorities to temporarily close portions
of state highways for such public purposes;
Canton city council
of the ~~ t.y of Canton that permission to close ~l . Rte.
x,78 , from E . Locust to i st . Ave . as above
designated, be requested of the Department of Transportation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure shall occur during the approximate time
period between 3:30 P.Mand4:30 P.M.on Ccto~er
19 91
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure is for the public purpose of a
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that traffic from that closed portion of highway shall
be detoured over routes with an all weather surface that can accept the anticipated
traffic, which will be maintained to the satisfaction of the Department and which is
conspicuously marked for the benefit of traffic diverted from the state highway.
(The parking of vehicles shall be prohibited on the detour routes to allow an uninter-
rupted flow of two-way traffic.)* The detour route shall be as follows:
*To be used when appropriate.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city assumes full responsibility for the
direction, protection and regulation of the traffic during the time the detour is in
~ ..
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers or aut}iorized Elaggers shall, at
the expense of the ~ ~ V be positioned at each end of the closed section and
at other points (such as intersections) as may be necessary to assist in directing
traffic through the detour.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers, flaggers and officials shall
permit emergency vehicles in emergency situations to pass through the closed area as
swiftly as is safe for all concerned.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all debris shall be removed by the city
prior to reopening the state highways.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such signs, flags, barricades, etc., shall be used
by the city as may be approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
These items shall be provided and installed by the city
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the closure and detour shall be marked according
to the Illinois Manual on Traffic Control Devices.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an occasional break shall be made in the proces-
Sion so that traffic may pass through. In any event, adequate provisions will be
made for traffic on intersecting highways pursuant to conditions noted above.
(NOTE: This paragraph is applicable when the RESOLUTION pertains to a ap tads or
when no detour is required.)
Canton union #66
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thes~r oni ~;G~ereby agrees to assume all liabilities
and pay all claims for any damage which shall be occasioned by the closing described
Canton union #66
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thg schoo 1 dist~all provide a comprehensive general
liability insurance policy or an additional insured endorsement in the amount of
$100,000 per person and $500,000 aggregate which has the Illinois Department of
Transportation and its officials, employees and agents as insureds and which protects
them from all claims arising from the requested road closing.
- 2 -
.' ~ ~,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this RESOLUTION be forwarded to the
Department of Transportation to serve as a formal request for tt~e permission
sought in this resolution and to operate as part of the conditions of said per-
• ADOPTED by the ~ounci 2 of the Cwt= of Canton
this 1st day of October 19 91, A. D.
APPROVED by the Council of the City of Canton
this 2nd day of October 19 91, A. D.
ATTEST : ~ r7j-1.,c~~' `: ~_y s ~Z
- 3 -
PFIONE 309.647-9411
September 16, 1991
Mrs. Nancy Whites
City Clerk
210 East Chestnut Street
Canton, Illinois 61520
Dear Mrs. Whites:
Canton Union School District No. 66 will assume all
responsibility for any claims against the city resulting from the
Homecoming Parade held on Friday, October 4, 1991.
Gwv ~, ,i~
Paul F. Vonderhaar
Superintendent of Schools
?10 East Chestnut, Canton, Illinois 615?0 • Telephone 3~O~V6~7-G020
FAX tio. 309/647-1310
Donald E. Edwards, ,wywr
Nancy S. Whites, c~hc,.,~r
Patricia A. Wriflht, c~h r~..,unr
James H. Malmprsn, c~rr Arrwner
Clifford L Sapaser, c~MEnan..r
Christopher M. Spearo, Olnetao/Aden/nlatnflon
F A S C I M I L B ? R A A S M I?? A L L B?? S R
DATE: ~~~ ~~ ' g f` N0. OF PAGES : h~
(Including This Cover Page)
Attn: ~YI~Q.Q~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Company: l ~ Q T .
! 1•
WHEREAS, the C . S . T-I . S . Student Senatels sponsoring a parade in the
city of Canton which event constitutes a public purpose;
WHEREAS, this parade will require the temporary closure of I1. Rte. 9
X78 , a state highway in the city of Canton from E. Locust at
1st. Ave. to
WHEREAS, Section 4-408 of the Illinois Highway Code authorizes the Department
of Transportation to issue permits to local authorities to temporarily close portions
of state highways for such public purposes;
Canton city council
of the ~.; t~ of Canton that permission to close ~1 . Rte. 9
x.78 , from E. Locust to 1st. Ave. as above
designated, be requested of the Department of Transportation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure shall occur during the approximate time
period between 3 : 30 P . Mand 4:30 ? . r5 .on Octo per
19 9i .
. 4th
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this closure is for the public purpose of a
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that traffic from that closed portion of highway shall
be detoured over routes with an all weather surface that can accept the anticipated
traffic, which will be maintained to the satisfaction of the Department and which is
conspicuously marked for the benefit of traffic diverted from the state highway.
(The parking of vehicles shall be prohibited on the detour routes to allow an uninter-
rupted flow of two-way traffic.)*
*To be used when appropriate.
The detour route shall be as follows:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city assumes full responsibility for the
direction, protection and regulation of the traffic during the time the detour is in
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers or authorized flaggers shall, at
the expense of the cites be positioned at each end of the closed section and
at other points (such as intersections) as may be necessary to assist in directing
traffic through the detour.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that police officers, flaggers and officials shall
permit emergency vehicles in emergency situations to pass through the closed area as
swiftly as is safe for all concerned.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all debris shall be removed by the city
prior to reopening the state highways.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such signs, flags, barricades, etc., shall be used
by the city as may be approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
These items shall be provided and installed by the city
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the closure and detour shall be marked according
to the Illinois Manual on Traffic Control Devices.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an occasional break shall be made in the proces-
sion so that traffic may pass through. In any event, adequate provisions will be
made for traffic on intersecting highways pursuant to conditions noted above.
(NOTE: This paragraph is applicable when the RESOLUTION pertains to a ap tads or
when no detour is required.)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Canton union #66
~~h ~~i ~;S~ereby agrees to assume all liabilities
and pay all claims for any damage which shall be occasioned by the closing described
Canton union #66
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thgschool disball provide a comprehensive general
liability insurance policy or an additional insured endorsement in the amount of
$100,000 per person and $500,000 aggregate which has the Illinois Department of
Transportation and its officials, employees and agents as insureds and which protects
them from all claims arising from the requested road closing.
- 2 -
• BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this RESOLUTION be forwarded to the
Department of Transportation to serve as a formal request for the permission
sought in this resolution and to operate as part of the conditions of said per-
' ADOPTED by the. Counc; ~ of the Cit.i - °f Canton
this lst day of __ October 19 91, A.D.
- ~'~~ ~~'
APPROVED by the Council of the City of Canton
this 2nd day of October 19 91, A.D.
~~ y~~
- 3 -
Illinois Department of Transportation
Division of Highways/District 4
6035 North Knoxville Avenue/Peoria, Illinois/61614
October 3, 1931
City of Canton
210 East Chestnut
Canton, IL 61520
Attn: Nancy S. Whites, City Clerk
In accordance with your request and in reliance upon
conditions noted in your RESOLUTION dated October 2,
1991, the Department of Transportation grants the City
of Canton permission, subject to the aforesaid
conditions, to temporarily close a portion of a
state-maintained highway as specified in this
RESOLUTION on Friday October 4 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. for a public event.
If requested, signs for the closure are available from
the Department on a loan basis. In
such case, our Bureau of Traffic should be contacted
at 693-6580, at least two days in advance of the date
needed. Office hours are weekdays from 8:00 a.m.
until 4:30 p.m. It will be the responsibility of the
borrowing agency to see that these materials are
returned to the location where they are obtained.
Very truly yours,
D. E. Risinger
Distric Enginee
~~ ~' ,
By: Michael E. Rippel
District Traffic Engineer
cc: District 14 Illinois State Police
District Maintenance
District Traffic
NOTE: Blank RESOLUTION form attached far use in
preparing any future request.
TO 6915472 P.02
10~02i1991, 12:42 FROM CITY OF CRNTON .. .. _.
WHEREAS, the c . s . ~i . 5 . student Senateis sponsoring a ~a rade in the
city of Canton which event constitutes a public purpose;
i~EREAS, this parade wi11 sequire the tearpor:ry closure of I1. Rte . 9
~~g - city Canton From E• Locust at
a state highway in khe of . .
lat. Ave- to
iiHEREAB, Sectfon 4-408 of the 2111oois RighKay Cads authorises the.Departaeat
of Transportation to issue permits to local authorities to temporarily close portions
of state highways for such public purposes;
Canton city council
I'i0ii, Ti3$REFORE, SE IT RESOLVED by the
of the ~.; ~.y of ra~,~,ntnn ~ ~, that persission to close ~1. Rte. 9
~7 g , from F Locust ,,,~ to i 8t . Ave . as above
designated, be requested of the Department of Transportation.
BE IT FIISTIIER RESOLVED that this closure sha11 occur during the approsrwate time
period between 3 : 30 ? . Mand 4 : 3,~, G P • M .on Gctober , 4t;'t
19 9i
BE IT f`URTHER 1ESOLVED that this closure is for the public purpose of a
SE IT F'tJRTHER RESOLVED that tza:fit from that Closed portion of highway shall
be detoured over routes with art all weather surface that can accept the anticipated
traffic, which ai11'be maintained to the satisfaction of the Department sad which is
conspicuously marked for the benefit of traffic diverted from the state highway.
{The parking of vehicles shall be prohibited on the detour routes to allow an uninter-~
rupted flow of two-vay traffic.)e The detour rouke sha11 be as follows:
*Tv be used when appropriate.
8E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ,city assumes full respoASibility for the
direction, protection and regulation of the traffic during the time the detour is is
10i02i1991 12:43 FROM CITY, OF CANTON
TO 6915472 P.03
A . ~.
~ ~
BE IT FURTHER RE5QLVED that police officers or authorised flaggers shall, at
the expense of the oit~ , be positioned at each end of the closed section and
at other points (such as intersections) as may be necessary to assist in directing
traffic through the detour.
..... ...
BE IT Fi3RT1iER RESOLVED that polies officers, flag~ers and officials snail
permit emergency vehicles is emergency situations to pass through the closed area as
swiftly as is safe for ail eonc_rned.
SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all debris shall be removed by the cf ty
prior to reopening the state highways.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such signs, flags, barricades, att., shall be used
by the citjy_ as may be approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
These items shall be provided and installed by the city
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the closure and detour shall be marked accordiag
to the Illinois IKaaual on Traffic Control Devices.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an occasional break shatll be made fa the proces-
sion so that traffic spay pass through. In any event, adequate provisions will be
made for traffic oa intersecting highways pursuant to Conditions noted above.
NOTE: This paragraph is applicable when the RLSOLIITION pertains to a ap tads or
when no de~ tour is required.)
Canton union #66
SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thes,,~,„~L A; G~ereby agrees to assu~-e all liabilities
and pay all claims for any damage which shall be occasioned by the closing described
Canton anion #66
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thg school disball provide a comprehensive general
liability insurance policy or an additional insured endorsement in the amount of
5100,000 pax person and S5Q0,000 aggregate which has the Illinois Department of
Transportation and its officials, employees and agents as insureds and which protects
them from alI claims arising from the requested road closing.
- 2 -
10i02~1991 12:44
TO 6915472
' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this RESOLUTION be for+osrded to the
Depastment of Transportation to serve as a fot~mal request For the peratissioe
sought in this resolution and to operate ass part of the roaditions of said per-
1-DOPTED by the _Ceur+~; ~ ..... of the Cit~•-~ of Canton
this mgt day of Qetaber t9 9I. A.D.
ffitJ~iI PAL CI.ER]f-
APPROVED by the Counc i 1 of the C i ty of Can ton
this 2nd day o f aci:obet , Z 9 9 I , A. D.
3 ,